Chapter 41

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Avni: by the way how did u know I was here?

Neil smirked

Neil: I'm a police officer so it won't take me long to find u

Avni: great!

Neil: I know I'm Neil khanna after all...Avni rolled her eyes

At night avni came to the dining table to see Neela and aman were not there

Avni: where is maa and aman..she said looking at nanno and hemant

Hemant: beta they will be back soon as they went out but got stuck in traffic...Avni frowned but just nodded

Meanwhile Neela had rented a hall where they will perform the act in front of ahsish and since they had to execute their plan the next day they  had to be prepared with what to do...Neil Ali and Riya had reached there along with Kia and Akash. And all started their plan.

Neela: Neil make sure Avni sees the act when u show it to her on the phone and don't let her go until she doesn't see it.

Neil: Neela maa y don't we just bring Avni there

Neela: I thought of that but since Avni and Ashish r not in good terms...and  when they see each other face to face it will be hard to convince both of them to watch the act so if both watch the act sepreatelty then it will be better

Ali: Neil I have Arranged a projector in my cabin at the cafe so it will be easier for u to show Avni the act on that once the act is about to  start akash will give u two miss calls the first time he calls its will be for u to prepare The projector while the second one will be when the act keep your phone connected to the project
Neil nodded while he knew he had to keep Avni in the cabin somehow and make her watch the video

Avni was waiting for Aman and Neela to come and was sitting in the living
Room but slowly fell asleep

Neela and aman who arrived about 11pm saw Avni sleeping on the couch and they decided not to disturb her...Neela went to get a blanket and came back to cover Avni with it

The next day Avni had left to go to work and ali had called her saying they he will be coming  late and when asked she y... he gave an excuse saying he had some work.

She was checking some invoice when she hear a voice and looked up to see Neil walking up to her

Avni: Neil? U here at this time

Neil: y? Is it a crime to come here he said joking

Avni: no it's not a crime but I thought u might be working so.....

Neil: arien even a police officers needs a I didn't have work today and was passing by so thought of meeting u the way where is Ali ?
He asked pretending as if he didn't know ali is not here

Avni: don't know he called and said he has some work so will be late

Neil: so is the cafe busy?

Avni: not really

Neil: come let's sit in Ali's cabin I want to show u something

Avni: u can even show me that over here.

Neil: no come with he said getting hold of her hands and took her to the cabin..both didn't realise they were holding each other's hands .

When they reached to the cabin Neil made Avni sit when he felt his phone ring he took it out to see akash miss call

Avni: what happened

Neil: Avni promise me whatever I show to u in a bit u will watch it

Avni frowned

Avni: Neil?

Neil: please don't ask me anything now and just watch it

Avni thought for a sec and watched it he had connected his phone to the projector and after few mins akash called again Giving a miss call while avni was surprised to see akash giving a call to Neil. After that akash did a video call when the act was about to take place

Around 11:30 am all has reached to the hall and was getting ready to start their plan when Ashish came along with ketan and dayawanti .

They sat down

Aman: thank u for coming and I hope u all love the act he said looking at Ashish and then at dayawanti and ketan who gave a thumbs up since they knew what act was going to happen

Aman went on the stage

Aman: The act that I will present is somewhere connected to me I hope u like it...Ashish was a little confused at to when Aman said that...while avni was surprised to see Aman say that.

The lights went dim soon Neela came out of a corner with a small baby bump talking on the phone when a small girl came running to her

Small girl : mama can we please go out to the park today

Neela (acting as Ayesha): sure bacha but first u have to  finish your homework and after that we will go.

Little girl( playing Avni) mama I already did that can we please go now

Neela (acting as Ayesha) not now we will go in the afternoon till then I will go and give this file to Ashish

Little girl( playing Avni): dw i will go and give it to papa she said running of

Avni was angry seen what was playing on the screen tears were filled in her eyes seen what was played in front of her whiteout saying anything she got up to leave when Neil saw her and stopped her

Neil: Avni where r u going

Avnii:. U really think I will be watching all this. What r u all trying to prove by doing this she said angrily

Neil: av...but Avni stopped him from speaking

Avni: don't say anything because I'm in no mood to listen she said about to open the door and get away..Neil grabbed her by the arm and started walking trying to take her back to sit while avni was struggling to get freed

Avni: Neil leave me i said. Neil made her sit down on the chair and she tried to get up but Neil made her sit down again...he sat in front of her

Neil: Avni yaar please just watch this act without any anger inside u. For Neela maa sake watch this whole act

Avni looked at Neil with tears rolling down her eyes...she was really angry with m everyone. But for her Neela maa sake she decided to watch this act.

Neil got up slowly and sat down on the chair next to Avni while they looked at the projector where now a scene was shown of the small girl playing as Avni and Ali m was playing Ashish...Avni eyes widened when she saw Ali also there making her . The camera for few seconds turned towards Ashish dayawanti and ketan

Avni looked at Neil when she saw Ashish but he gestured her to look ahead.

Small girl (playing Avni) : papaaaa

Ashish: slowly superstar how many times have i told u not to run like that

A tear rolled down Avni eyes when she remembered a smiliar moment like that with ashish

Ashish didn't want to watch whatever was happening on the stage and was about to get up when dayawanti placed a hand on his and stopped him by giving a serious look

More Avni and Ashish scenes were shown then came a scene where Ashish had got busy with work with him not getting time to spend with Avni...there was scenes shown where Avni was missing Ashish and how he was not present on some of the days when she wanted him to be with her be it  sports day, parents meeting or other special/important day.
Ashish looked away recalling those moment with Ayesha and Avni

Then came the scene where Ayesha (Neela) was shown sitting on the swing and Avni came to her complaining about Ashish not having time for them. Where Ayesha tried to explain it was nothing like that and how Avni still didn't agree and was walking away angrily while Ayesha (Neela) tried to go after Avni but slipped and Avni turned around shocked to see Ayesha about to fall and before she could get to her... Ayesha (Neela) fell flat on her stomach
At that time this scene made Avni  go back into flashback and when she saw Neela fall flat on her stomach she shouts loudly

Avni: mama.

Neil held on to Avni hand while she turned to look at him

Avni: Neil my mama...Ayesha mama has fallen...she was coming to calm me down...its all because of me...I need to go to her she is calling me look

Neil: Avni that's Neela maa...look

Avni: no its Ayesha mama look she is calling me ...Neil tried to make Avni comeback to reality as she was imaging Ayesha

Neil: AVNI...he said shaking her shoulder

Avni:maaa was all she said Neil pulled her to him and hugged her tightly rubbing her back while she hid her face in his chest crying

Meanwhile in the hall Ashish also went back in the past and recalled seen how Ayesha was trying to calm Avni down and went after her to see Ayesha falling flat on her stomach a tear rolled down his eyes but he felt dayawanti squeeze his hands.

Little girl (Avni): I lost my mother that day but I needed my papa but l he too left me saying my Ayesha mama died because of me and I don't deserve love...I wanted my papa at that time...I wanted him to talk to me to hug me but he didn't. I missed him...dadi got him married to Neela maa who was very sweet and took care of me and aman but slowly I started to drift away from my father losing hope he will speak to me . I never wanted to hurt Ayesha maa I was angry that papa doesn't get time for us but I always loved both of them I miss been my papa superstar

Neela came forward.
Neela: Ashish at that time Avni needed u the most. Avni was not the cause of Ayesha ji death it was all an accident. She tried So many times to talk to u but u ignored her and didnt even let her come close to Aman sometimes saying she doesn't deserve love...we did this act so that u realise Avni was never the cause for Ayesha ji death and this is what had happened during that time...I have seen Avni pain but only she can describe how she has felt

Avni had looked at The small girl in the projector and then she also saw what Neela said still staying in Neil's arm hugging him while sobbing silently

Ashish sat their listening to Neela words and left from there...

Akash ended the video call so the projector went blank and Neil's home screen appeared

Neil lifted Avni face up and wiped her tears and made her sit down leaving her alone for sometime

Avni was lost in thoughts when suddenly she saw a cup of coffee appear in front of her face
She looked up to see Neil who blinked at her and without saying anything she took the cup.

Neil: Avni I won't say anything but we did this so the gap between u and Ashish uncle lessens... with m a cool mind just think for once.

Avni: Neil I need some time alone please
Neil nodded and left from there.

So guys here is chap 41 and wattpad is acting odd again where some. Get notification on time some get it late or some don't get it all I hope the problem is sorted

Thanks to all those who voted for the previous chapter and also commented

Will be waiting for all the comments and votes

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake

Lots of love

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