Chapter 43

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Avni closed her eyes while hugging Neela and again she recalled Neil's words.

Ashish was about  to get up and go when he heard Avni speak

Avni: I need some time as whatever happened in the past  will take a while to be back to Normal

All were happy after Avni said that.

Riya was about to get ready to meet Ali when hetal came to her room

Hetal: Riya beta where r u going..she said seen  Riya getting her handbag

Riya: mom I'm going to Meet Ali

Hetal: no no no wait u can't meet Ali

Riya: what ? Why?

Hetal: beta tomorrow is your haldi so none of u can meet each other until u get married it's a tradition 

Riya: but maa this is not fair

Ketan: it is princess after all this is done for the betterment for u and Ali. He said walking into the room

Riya: ughhh u guys should have told this earlier at least I would have spent more time with him

Hetal: Riya the wedding is not that far's only a day after tomorrow 

Ketan: dw beta I understand your pain but what can we do we have to follow this tradition he said looking at hetal who rolled her eyes at him

Avni had fallen asleep on Neela lap she carefully placed Avni head on the pillow and left the room

Ashish was standing in the garden lost in thoughts when he saw a cup of coffee appear

He turned to see Neela smiling at him
And took the cup

Neela: what r u thinking about

Ashish: about how I was so blind in my anger that I blamed her...ignored and left her when she needed me the most

Neela: Avni is your daughter Ashish and also Ayesha ji...she was angry and somewhere is but u should be happy that she asked for some time

Ashish: I know but right now I don't know what to do to get her forgiveness

Neela: for that u will need to understand Avni...get to know her again. That old Avni is lost somewhere but she is still there...I still believe one day we will get that old Avni back who will live life to the fullest and wil believe in love and fairy tales again

Ashish: I'm sorry Neela your life got
Spoilt in all of this

Neela: no don't ever say life revolves around Avni and aman and our family...Ashish looked at Neela when she said our family

Ashish: thanks for been u Neela

Neela: I'm just doing what I want Ashish and nobody can take my children and family from me she said smiling. Both took a sip of their coffee and looked ahead enjoying the silence

Neil was in his cabin but he was worried about Avni as after yesterday he didn't call her and even she didn't...he wanted to know how she was

Dd: Neil sir what happened

Neil: nothing Dd he said still thinking about her and thought of going to meet her

Dd: by the way sir Mata ji called as she told me to remind u that u or Avni bhabi cant meet each other before wedding

Neil: what?. But y?

Dd: it's a tradition sir... the would be bride and groom can't meet each other as maybe it's considered as bad luck

Neil: that's not true Dd nothing like that happens I don't believe in all this.

Dd: so u r planning to go and meet bhabhi he said getting surprised while Neil glared at him

Neil: Dd for god sake stop calling Avni bhabhi as U very well know what we have planned to do after this marriage has happened

Dd: sorry sir but I will have to call her bhabhi otherwise mata ji will beat me up if I keep saying Avni ji

Neil: do u work for me or mom

Dd: for both of u he said giving a cheeky smile and left from there while Neil shook his head

He was about to look at a case file when ali barged into his cabin and sat down on the chair

Neil looked at him to see how annoyed he looked

Neil: what happened to u now?
Ali looked at Neil

Ali: yaar Neil Riya just called and said we can't meet until we don't get married.

Neil started to laugh while ali just glared at him

Ali: what so funny

Neil: nothing yaar it's just that all of us r been told this today

Ali: even u got to know about this?

Neil: yup ...I was planning to go and see Avni when Dd gave me moms order

Ali: by the way mr khanna y were u going to see Avni

Neil: yaar after yesterday I wanted to know how she was but thought of giving her some time

Ali: haan yaar even i didn't get to speak to her

Both got silent when ali got an idea

Ali: Neil I have a solid idea

Neil: for what? He asked raising his eyebrows

Ali: see u want to meet Avni and I want to meet Riya so what if we go and meet them without anyone knowing

Neil: and how is that possible

Ali: I will tell Riya to go over at avni place and tell her family that she will be staying with Avni for the night. And we can meet both of them there

Neil: have u lost it what if we get caught? I can just ask Avni how she is on the phone

Ali: omg never new ACP Neil khanna is scared of getting caught

Neil: ali that won't work he said smirking knowing ali was trying to instigate him

Ali: yaar please Neil for our friendship sake this much for your friend. Ali kept on ranting like this by going Neil near who finally agreed

Neil: ok fine

Ali: love u yarra.. chal see u at 10:30pm  outside the parikh mansion

Neil: ok

Ali: but wait what will u tell Shweta aunty if she ask

Neil: don't forget I'm a police officer. .she will think that I'm probably going to solve a case

Ali: wah what an idea chal I will see U later he said leaving and went to make a call to Riya

Riya packed her bag adding some clothes and was walking down

Dayawanti: Riya beta where r u going

Riya: actually dadi thought of staying at the parikh mansion tonight

Dayawanti nodded and didn't doubt anything as Riya often goes to the parikh mansion ...

Riya breathed a sigh of relief and left

An hour later Avni woke up she looked Around her room and recalled everything that happened a while ago...she rubbed her eyes and got of the bed going outside...when she heard a familiar voice

Avni: Riya? To confirm if it was Riya she walked to where the voice was coming from to see Riya singing in the kitchen sitting on the platform while madhavi was making lunch

Avni: Riya what r u doing over here? Riya stopped singing when she saw Avni standing near the kitchen entrance

Riya got down and walked to Avni hugging her tightly

Riya: sorry for whatever happened but I can do anything to see u happy..and let's not talk about this.

Avni smiled and nodded

Madhavi: u all go and sit outside I will bring lunch

Avni: but where is everyone?

Madhavi: Neela madam has gone with nanno to get some things, hemant ji has gone out for his usual walk...and Ashish ji...but she stopped when she realised what she was going to say

Riya: Ashish chachu was here? She asked surprisingly as she didn't know about Ashish realising his mistake...she turned to look at avni who was looking uncomfortable and decided to avoid asking her right now.

At the dining table while having their lunch Riya told about Ali coming over since they can't meet until they get married...Avni first didn't agree but after a lot of pleading from Riya she said yes however Riya completely
Forgot to tell Avni that Neil will also be coming.

All were happy to have Riya over...and they spent some time with each other and soon it was dinner time (sorry I know im moving the story quickly) nobody mentioned about Ashish as Avni said she needed time and they didn't want to keep asking her to make her feel uncomfortable

After having dinner all sat for a while till around 7:30pm watching moving together.. Neela smiled and took candid pictures of Avni and Riya without them knowing

The movie finally finished around 9:30pm and all decided to go and sleep except Riya and Avni ...Aman saw Riya and Avni exchange looks

In Avni rooms Riya went to get changed and after she was in her pjs she was brushing her hair while avni was busy on her laptop checking certain emails.

Riya: Avni where shall I tell Ali to meet us

Avni: terrace would be better

Riya: ok I'll tell Him so both of them can meet us there...the ladder is still outside right so that it can be easy for them to climb up

Avni: wait? What do u mean by both only ali was coming right

Riya: no even Neil is coming

Avni: y is Neil coming? U only said Ali was coming

Riya gave a cheeky smile and was about to answer when Aman opened the door and smirked at both while avni and Riya looked at each other and then at aman

It had been 5 mins ... Riya and Avni were silent

Aman: how about we have a deal

Avni: what type of deal

Aman: I won't tell anyone that ali and Neil came here if u guys....

Riya: come straight to the point Aman

Aman: I'll keep this as a secret but u own me for this and whatever I ask for u will have to agree to it

Avni: fine done

Riya: but u will have to help us ....somehow get the boys on the terrace as they will reach here around 10:30pm

Aman: dw I will handle that he said winking at them and left

Once Aman left Avni turned to Riya

Avni: so y is Neil coming too ?

Riya was about to tell when she smiled naughtily

Riya: I don't know when he comes ask yourself she said brushing her hair again
While avni got thoughtful

Finally an hour passed ....ali was waiting outside near the gate waiting for Neil And after few mins he saw Neil's car

Ali: man what took u so long?
Neil chuckled seen how impatient Neil was getting

Neil: so how r we going to get in

Ali: well I don't know all I know is that we have to get to the terrace somehow...when suddenly ali felt a tap on his shoulder and both he and Neil turned to see Aman standing there smiling at them

Ali: arien Aman what a pleasant surprise we were just passing by right Neil...neil just rolled his eyes

Aman: cut it ali bhai I know y u r here Riya di told me everything as I heard them speaking

Ali: that's like my girl

Aman: now come I'll take u up....then continue praising your girl

Ali and Neil looked at aman and followed him.

Avni was sitting on the swing with her headphone in listening To music while Riya was looking Around to see where the boys were coming from

Ali: booo

Riya shrieked when Ali scared her from the back she turned around and slapped his arm playfully and then hugged him

Neil looked at them and then he looked to his left to see Avni sitting on the swing lost in her world

He slowly walked towards her and tapped her shoulder

Avni unaware that the boys came was listening to music lost in her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder she turned around to see Neil who smiled at her while she smiled back at him slowly

Neil: may I he said pointing at the space next to her while she nodded and he moved to sit down next to her... both moving the swing slowly with their feet movement
Avni took of her headphones

Aman saw four of them and left them alone to have their own time

Neil: so ?

Avni: so? She said copying him

Neil: avniiii

Avni: neilll

Both laughed a little and they looked at Riya and Ali

Avni: shall we leave them alone

Neil: and go where

Avni: my room

Neil: arien wah excited to show me your room

Avni: not at all but I have no choice as we want to give them their privacy.

Both silently left from there without disturbing ali and Riya

Avni and Neil walked down silently making sure not to make any sound. After a minute Avni opened her room door and allowed Neil in and slowly closed the door while Neil walked in looking around the room

Neil: nice room ...u like to keep your room simple too he said looking around and then looked at avni

Avni: sit she said gesturing at the couch and sat next to him

Neil: thank u...he moved and sat next to her.

Avni:. Neil?

Neil: hmm

Avni: ali came here because he wanted to spend time with Riya but what about u

Neil: I came to meet u

Avni: for what?

Neil: y do I need a reason to come and meet my friend

Avni: no but I know u wouldn't come randomly...did ali force u to come along 

Neil: well yes he did but that's because I had told him that I wanted to meet u as whatever happened yesterday I didn't get to speak to u so wanted to know how u were

Avni looked down on the mention of yesterday while Neil looked at her

Avni: u told me to think with a cool mind that's what I did

Neil: what did U do?

Avni: he came today... was saying how he is sorry and  that he realises his mistake and regrets leaving me alone...but Neil I can never forget what I have been through it's not that easy but maybe it was your words that kept me calm despite I did get angry but I did make a decision calmly and said I need some time.

Neil: sometimes we r not able to control our emotions but if we r then it's best that we don't rush while making a decision

Avni: coffee?

Neil: sure

She got up to leave while Neil was looking at the pictures on the wall and then he saw the balcony area...he opened the door and moved to that area and sat down on a comfy chair that was outside enjoying the cool breeze

Avni came back into her room closing the door  with her legs and didn't find Neil on the couch when her eyes moved towards the balcony area and saw the door Open

She walked towards the balcony and saw Neil sitting on the chair with his eyes closed

Avni looked at him and smiled slowly seen how relaxed he looked
Neil opened his eyes when he smelled coffee and saw a cup of coffee right in front of his face

Neil: thanks

Avni: welcome she said sitting down opposite to Neil on the floor

Neil: y u sitting there

Avni: I find it comfortable sitting here Neil smiled while both took a sip of his coffee

Avni: u r right sometimes it's best to control our emotions so that we can make the right decision. As out decision not only effect us but the people who are a part of our life

Neil: we can't change what happened Avni but we surely can make the present and future better

Avni: it's not that easy Neil... I know what I have been through...the pain that I have gone through. Even if I do forgive him things won't be back to normal...All those bitter world still haunt me...I...I can't forget that....things will be different...I'm scared to think what if all those Things r been said to me again

Neil saw Avni shaking slightly he placed his coffee mug down and moved to her and sat down taking the mug from her hand and placed  it down

Neil: hey relax it's ok don't think about it too much he said holding her hands

Avni: Neil its not like I don't want to forget anything...I do but something like this is not forgettable right?...even though I did say I need some time I just don't know y I said that because I don't know what I actually want from him.

Neil: Avni look at me... this is your life...we did all this so that u and your dad come close...I know it won't be easy but don't think About the negative things if a negative thought comes into your mind then think about the good times u spent with your won't be easy but it won't be hard too.

Avni looked at Neil who was wiping her tears away.

Neil: come on now smile after all u will be getting married to the great neil khanna soon. He said to make Avni feel better and in return he got a small smile from her

Avni moved up and hugged Neil with her hands around his shoulder...Neil was surprised first but he smiled and hugged her back

Neil: as a friend I will always be with u

Avni: I know she said smiling

Precrap: haldi

So mere lovely peeps how was this chap

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chap means a lot

Will be waiting for all the votes and comments for this chap too so keep it coming

Mere lovely writers will comment soon for all your stories
Lots of love sonali

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