chapter 56

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Neil:what's wrong with u?... like your ankle is sprained .. do u want to damage it more he said seriously.

Avni:arien I wanted water...I was thirsty...u was also having a shower so i thought I would take it myself

Neil:what if I didn't come and u fell ....avni thought for a sec and then answered

Avni: maybe I would have been completely fine...u just called me at the wrong time and I didn't expect u to come out early which made me lose my balance she said shrugging her shoulder.

Neil placed his hand on his hips and raised one of his eyebrows giving a *r u for serious*look

Avni: what?

Neil:u always try and make sure your point is right

Avni: nope I just know I'm right she said smiling

Neil:yah right he said shaking his head

Avni:can I have some water please and also pain killer.

Neil:wait he said. He poured out water in a glass and gave her two tablets.

Avni: thank u.

Neil: chalo get some sleep now. We have to leave tomorrow...Neil helped her lay down and covered her with a blanket.


Neil: hmm he said turning around

Avni: thank u for always been there for me.

Neil: I will never leave your side he said leaning a bit forward and cupped her cheeks.

Avni felt she saw something in his eyes but wasn't able to figure out what it was

Neil: chalo good night.

Avni:good night she said slowly

The next day avni woke up early in the morning
... she slowly sat up and saw Neil sleeping on his stomach... she decided to freshen up and slowly tried to get up without putting pressure on her ankle.. as she stood up from her bed she was about to take a step forward but thanks to her sprained ankle she was about to lose balance and was about to fall forward on Neil's bed or more likely on Neil .. however luckily she managed to keep some distance between them by keeping her hand on both sides of the pillow...

slowly she tried to make sure not to fall on Neil and kept her balance by sitting straight on his bed.. she looked at her sprain ankle when she felt Neil causally turn his face in her direction.. she looked up and a smile formed on her lips seen the way he was sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

Avni: while sleeping he looks so innocent and cute but when he is awake then totally different she thought while chuckling to herself

Avni: never thought u would become one of my closest friend Neil.. I'm blessed to have u she  whispered  to herself and smiled seen how Neil smiled in his sleep.

Avni suddenly ruffled his hair making sure not to disturb him ... she was about to start her process of going to the washroom without falling  when suddenly Neil grabbed her hand which still was on his hair and held it pulling her back making her land on him but tillu was still sleeping now resting on his back with his hand on his stomach which was holding her hand... Avni's face was so close to Neil.. her eyes looked at his eyes which was closed.. her eyes then travelled to his nose.. then down to his lips which had a small smile.. an unknown smile came on avni's face

She recalled yesterday's incident and how he was so caring towards her... the way she trusted him and told her about her past... how she agreed to him when he told her to give a chance to ashish...him saving her and the girl from the goons and then drunk boys when all went out ... their cute arguments.. both becoming friends... their encounter for the first time... how they decided to get married to each other... a small smile came on her face recalling her journey with Neil in this short spam of time... her free hand slowly moved to his stubble having the urge to feel it and this was the first time she was actually examining him like this... her hand was slowly caressing his stubble.. her hands slowly moved up about to touch his lips when she felt Neil move in his sleep and bringing her back to reality she sat up and moved her hand out of Neil grip which such force that Neil's sleep got disturbed..

Neil slowly opened his eyes and the thing that surprised him was that Avni was sitting on his bed

Neil: Avni u ok he said sitting up straight 

Avni:yeah I'm fine I actually was going to freshen up but couldn't walk it and landed on your bed..she said avoiding to look at him

Neil:u should have woken me up.. do u want me to call riya to help u

Avni:no that's fine.. if it's ok can u please drop me to the washroom

Neil:of course come...

Avni was about to stand thinking Neil will help her to walk by giving support ..but she suddenly felt been lifted up and found herself in his arms... she looked at him while he smiled back at her... avni gave a small confused smile back..

Neil placed Avni in the washroom

Neil:dont lock the door. If anything give me a shout I won't enter before knocking ok..

Avni: hmm she said looking at him and smiled... Neil smiled back and walked out closing the door.. Avni sat on the stool which Neil had placed near the sink basin last night..

Avni: what was I doing?.. that shouldn't have happened..what was that feeling that made me drawn towards Neil... I never did that before then y now...if he hadn't moved then god knows where this would have headed.. Neil is a good friend then how can I think of him or anyone like that.. I buried all these type of feelings years back.. I can't be feeling stuff like this... I shouldn't be... but then it felt good as if I didn't want that moment to end.. Neil is changing me.. he is slowly making that childhood avni come back who would dream about this.. who believed in stuff like this .. who wondered what it would feel like to be close to someone like this and adore them... y can't i stop u Neil.. y can't i ever say no to u... what is this feeling?.. if I had told Neil or anyone this they would consider me mad plus things would get so awkward if I tell him what happened.... no no no i won't do or say anything to him.. I mean I don't want the friendship between us to get ruined... only if I could figure out this feeling.... is it right for me to feel this way.. am I allowed to feel this way without any worry...god help me... because of my own father  I stopped believing in all these type of feelings but Neil is slowly lifting that Barrier created around my heart.. before coming to any conclusion I need to know why I felt this and most importantly does Neil feel anything?... may be he might not due to his past.. but maybe he could right she thought to herself

Neil:Avni u ok in there

Avni: yes Neil thank u.. she said loudly.


Avni rembered once Neela had told her that if u enjoy something and aren't sure about it then go with the flow at the end u will know if that was meant for u or not

Avni: may be I should do this.. going with the flow might give me my answers

Avni somehow took a shower and got changed into a maxi dress

Avni:Neil I'm done

Neil knocked on the door and avni told him to come in as soon as he entered he saw her in that maxi dress getting lost in her . While she let her hair loose which was in a bun.

Avni looked towards the door to see Neil standing there...she didn't feel like looking away from him due to the way he was staring at her.

Neil:u look beautiful he said slowly.. avni looked down while her cheeks had gone red

Avni:thank u... ummm y don't u  take a shower  now. She said slowly looking at him

Neil:hmmm.. suddenly his phone rang making his come back to present.. he quickly took out his phone cursing himself for looking like a fool and thought what Avni would think about him

Neil:um Avni ... Ali and riya will meet us in a hour downstairs till then I'll freshen up.

Avni: ok

Neil: wait let me help u.. he picked her up in his arms again while avni felt tingliling sensation as through the maxi dress she was able to feel his fingers on her skin.. as if he was actually touching her bare skin.

Once making avni sit at the dressing table he went to get ready. While avni brushed her hair still able to feel Neil's touch on her skin

Once Neil came out he walked towards the dressing table where Avni was sitting and started combing his hair.. Avni looked up and smiled while looking down.

Neil:Avni u r not forgetting anything right ?

Avni:no riya packed everything

Neil:ok then let's go down then.

Avni looked at the suitcase and then at Neil

Neil:let me do one thing I'll place the sutcases downstairs and then come back up to get u

Avni:no Neil that would be too much effort... I'll walk slowly

Neil: u can't even stand straight how will u walk properly

Avni: I'll try plus I have the suitcase to hold on to

Neil:u think I'll allow u to hold the suitcase

Avni: u can't take two suitcase and look after me at the same time.. so I'll take one. Chill

Neil: fine he said rolling his eyes.. Avni held the handle of her suitcase ...she was about to take a deep breath when suddenly a hand came forward

Avni looked up to see Neil looking at her with one hand held out for her to hold it

Neil: u take your suitcase and I'll take mine.. but hold on to my hand so u have better support he said

Avni looked at him and then his hand she slowly placed her hand on top of his and got up while Neil grip tightened

Neil:if u feel I'm walking fast let me know ok

Avni nodded and both left the room .

Neil made sure to walk slowly while not letting his grip loosen around her hand.. While avni looked at him as she was a little bit behind.. her eyes then moved to their intertwined hand which fit perfectly in his and then back at him .. as if sensing her gaze on him he turned to look at her slowly but found her looking in the other direction.. Avni slowly turned in Neil's direction and took sigh of releif otherwise he would have caught  her staring at him

They soon reached near the lift.. Neil first placed both the suitcases inside and then held avni's hand again while his other hand went behind her back

Neil: carefully he said watching her lift her feet up to take a step forward.. he felt her hand tighten around his hand which made him look at her... she was engrossed in looking down at her swollen ankle  while taking another step .. Neil smiled shaking his head slightly

Once both got into the lift Neil pressed the ground floor button while avni took support of the suitcases

Avni: Neil


Avni:i feel I'm going to get good scolding once we reach home

Neil: well u derseve that

Avni:how mean she said making a face at him.. which made Neil chuckle and in return avni glared at him.. once they reached to the ground floor both got out.. Of course slowly...

Aliya who saw them went towards them and soon all 4 left to go to the airport.

Luckily they had business class seats so avni was able to  sit properly.. she got her book out and started reading while Neil was busy watching action movie.. 10 mins later avni rested her head on Neil's shoulder while engrossed in her book... Neil looked at her and smiled and relaxed back against his chair smiling...having her a little close to him

Few hours later they landed safely to Mumbai and all got out

Ashish prakash and ketan had gone to recieve them... they saw avneil and aliya come out and waved...

Neil and Ali were pushing the trolley of their luggqes while avni hand was around riya arm walking behind the boys

Ketan prakash and ashish saw avni limping and frowned looking at each other.

Ok so here is another chap I know its not that long but still thought of posting it

Hope u guys love it will be waiting for all the comments and votes

Thanks for commenting and voting for the previous chapter 

Lots of love sonali

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