chapter 57

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Aliya who saw them went towards them and soon all 4 left to go to the airport.

Luckily they had business class seats so avni was able to  sit properly.. she got her book out and started reading while Neil was busy watching action movie.. 10 mins later avni rested her head on Neil's shoulder while engrossed in her book... Neil looked at her and smiled and relaxed back against his chair smiling...having her a little close to him

Few hours later they landed safely to Mumbai and all got out

Ashish prakash and ketan had gone to recieve them... they saw avneil and aliya come out and waved...

Neil and Ali were pushing the trolley of their luggage while avni hand was around riya arm walking behind the boys

Ketan prakash and ashish saw avni limping and frowned looking at each other.

Ketan:princess y r u limping?

Avni:woh chachu I actually sprained my ankle but don't worry it will be ok

Ashish: Avni beta u should have been careful

Avni: I'm fine she said giving him a glance and then looked away.

Ashish:u always say u r fine when u r not.. do u know prakash ji when she always had activities in school  she would always Injure some part of her body and while coming back home she would hide it from us.. it's only at night when would find out as she would start to shout in pain

Avni: no i never did that ok.. I always told dadi and mama... but i told her not to tell u as u would always overreact and take me to the doctor even if it was a minor injury.. she said remembering old times completely  forgetting about how her equation with ashish is.. while the rest were surprised..

Ashish: when have I overreacted?.. it's important to show the injury to the doctor no matter how small it is.. besides what if it is something serious then

Avni: only sometimes it needs to be shown ...not all times.. plus u wouldn't even let me do anything... if I had an injury on the hand then u wouldn't let me touch a single thing.. if I had an injury on the leg then u don't even let me put my feet down sometimes u just get too worried.. u should ask mama

Ashish: haan toh let's ask your mumma

Avni: haan toh let's go th... she suddenly stopped realising and looked at everyone to see all staring at her and then looked back at ashish..  both had gone back in the past for a min and looked at each other..

Avni: shouldn't we be leaving

Neil:um let's go we can continue talking in the car too. Neil gestured ashish.. first ashish frowned but then he understood.

Ashish held on to avni

Avni:I'll manage it's ok she said but ashish didn't let go of her.. Riya moved avni hand from her arm

Riya: when u have bade papa u don't need my support.. avni was about to call out but she moved towards Ali.

Ashish: carefully.. don't rush.. avni looked at him.. she took a deep breath and nodded.. while cursing riya for moving away.. as they reached to the car ashish, ketan Ali and riya went in one car while prakash neil and avni went in another

They all reached to the khanna mansion after sometime where the parikh and metha family were waiting for them

As Neil got out of the car he helped avni get out too and at that time ashish car entered the gates.

Neil: Avni wait here ok I'll take  the suitcase out.

Avni nodded.. while ashish and all got out of the other car Neil took his time taking the suitcases out..

Ashish and the rest walked to where avneil and prakash were

All then headed inside.. Avni put her hands around ketan arm telling him she has got him something while ashish who was walking behind looked at them

As they entered inside aman noticed all of them

Aman:look here they come he said.. all smiled but then frowned seen Avni limping

Neela: Avni bacha what happened?

Dayawanti: how did this happen.

Nanno:shall we go to the hospital or call the doctor over

Bebe:is it paining

Hetal: shall I get medicine

Shweta: when did this happened and y didn't u tell us

Avni looked at all of them as she wasn't getting a chance to speak

Avni: bas bas bas.. I'll answer each question of yours but allow me to speak

Heamant: haan speak I'll make sure nobody interrupts u

Neela: but before that sit

1 min later all took their seat waiting for avni to speak as if she was going to tell some interesting story 

Avni:ok so this happened yesterday.. me and riya were shopping and then playing around and while running I sprained my ankle.. But luckily we had finshed shopping

Dayawanti:look at this girl she is more satisfied of finishing shopping rather than worrying about her sprained ankle

Avni:u all r here na y shall I worry besides it will get better in few days

Nanno:bachien that's only possible if u rest properly which u r very bad at doing.. avni pouted a little while looking at nanno.

Neela:u r absolutely right ma.. she is too careless to look after herself

Avni: maaa.

Shweta: don't worry neela we will make sure she takes rest... all of us will keep an eye on her

Avni: that is not fair I'll get bored

Bebe: no u won't there r many things u can do while sitting.. But u won't be walking around or standing.. and haan u will have to eat properly and take medicine

Avni: Neil see this is what I was taking about.. please help me na change the topic somehow. She whispered

Neil: arien come on enjoy it Avni.. all r giving u attentions and care for u enjoy it he whispered back teasingly... avni glared at him and quickly pinched him on the arm. Making Neil sit up rubbing that area

Ashish:shall we call the doctors and get it checked.

Avni:no no no ma.. no doctor the doctor in goa already checked and said it will get better in few days.. u can ask these 3 who r just not saying a word she said glaring at aliya then Neil

Riya: haan Avni is right the doctor said she has to take care of her ankle properly and it will get better

Ali:haan but like all r saying this is Avni na

Neil:what if I tell a lady constable to keep an eye on her in that way all can do their work while she would be watched.. avni glared at Neil while he was trying to control his laugh

Neela: best idea she said joining Neil.. and then all burst out laughing while avni face palmed herself

All chatted for few more hours and then After that all had dinner and soon left..

Neil had taken avni to their room and placed her on the bed saying he will be back

15 mins later Neil came back with glass of haldi wala milk.. as he walked in he closed the door and turned around.. and found her to be sleeping

He looked at the milk that Shweta gave and the balm which bebe had given  him

Neil: I'll just apply the balm on her ankle.

He sat down on the bed near her feet and slowly removed the ankle support bandage slowly  and started to apply the balm.. he looked at avni sleeping peacefully..  finding her looking like a beauty while sleeping... Neil slowly applied the balm making sure not to put too much pressure ... he then looked at avni again to notice that small satisfying smile on her face and continued to stare at her while his hand did the work on her ankle

Avni slowly frowned in her sleep and then slowly woke up and opened her eyes when she felt a hand on her ankle or more like someone fingers slowly moving around her sprained ankle.  As Neil was about to look at him he quickly looked down at her ankle as if he didn't notice her been awake

Avni: Neil ? She said looking at him and tried to sit up while Neil allowed her to  and then continued his work


Avni:what r u doing 

Neil: has your brain been sprained too he asked teasingly while avni frowned.

Avni: nooo y?... Neil shook his eyes and laughed a little making Avni frown more

Neil: bebe told me to apply some balm that's all I'm doing .

Avni: ohh u should have woken me up I would have done it.

Neil: Avni Don't forget you have a sprained ankle so it will be difficult for u to do it besides if someone handsome like me is applying it then just accept it ..

Avni: acha u and handsome in what way

Neil: in all ways

Avni: i see she said trying to stop herself from laughing

Neil: chalo now drink this milk he said getting up and gave her the glass ..

Avni: milk for what ? I did have dinner and all na?

Neil:mom gave it she specially made haldi wala milk for u.

Avni:but I don't like it and who even drinks haldi wala milk

Neil: well u have no choice now drink it

Avni: Neil please ..

Neil:drink it he ordered

Avni took few sips

Avni:I'm done now no more.

Neil shook his head and sat near her facing her and took the glass and placed it near her lips ..

Neil: open your mouth ....

Avni : Neil please.. u r the best come on na

Neil: no buttering will work now come on im going to make u finish this whole glass

Avni made a crying face but Neil made sure not to melt and somehow made avni drink it

After 2 mins

Neil: good girl see it wasn't that bad

Avni:only I know how bad it was.. when u have to drink it then u will know

Neil got the napkin and started to wipe around her lips properly while avni was surprised and looked at him While he was busy cleaning around her mouth... slowly a smile formed around her lips.. Neil who was cleaning the milk stain around her lips looked up when he saw it slowly forming a smile.. 

Neil raised his eyebrows but avni was too busy in her world that she didn't notice him looking at her.. Neil clicked his fingers in front of her face making her come back from her new found dream land

Avni: what?

Neil u tell me.. y were u smiling

Avni:uh woh.. I... she was not able to think of what to say

Neil:Avni bolo?

Avni:haan I was smiling because I felt like it any problem

Neil: no no problem at all.. now come on sleep he said getting up to throw the napkin away and put the glass away and then watch his hand which was of balm ..

When Neil went to the washroom Avni hit herself on her forehead

Avni: smiling like a fool and staring at him... r u mad avni.. what has got into u... y is this feeling increasing every single time.. here I'm asking myself but getting confused more.. the more I think about this the more complicated it will get

Neil was washing his hand.. he suddenly smiled remembering how cute avni looked while he was making her have the milk..  he really wanted to pull her cheeks At that time.. then when he was wiping her lips he got this unknown feeling of touching her lips and only he knows how he controlled himself.. thanks to Avni smiling made him look up but then was thinking as to what made her smile

Neil: u r effecting me way to much Avni..if u hadn't smiled then god knows what i would have ended up doing.. the more I'm trying to understand this feeling it's making me feel more... ..

He closed his eyes and Avni face appeared making him smile.

Neil: even when I close my eyes I can see u... what is it about u that's making me forget things when I just look into your eyes?... y do i feel like just been near u and not do anything.... am I in love with u avni?... no no no.. but then these feelings for u... the way Ali was talking about love and riya last time.. I was thinking about u... and right now again these same feelings... whatever i feel even if it's love but  do u even feel the same way for me.. even something small ?... I had promised to break the wall around your heart and find someone better for u but somewhere I just fell for u... would u ever feel for me the way I do? He said slowly looking into the mirror

Meanwhile in the bedroom avni was wondering what was taking Neil so long to wash his hands.

Avni: Neil?..  don't tell me u have slept in the washroom she said a bit loudly... Neil heard avni speak and pushed his hair backwards

Neil:I'm coming Avni he said so that she can hear.. he shook his head smiling and then made sure to wash his hand properly.

Avni:r u ok.. u took long in there she said with a little bit of concern

Neil:I'm fine avni don't worry he said... Avni nodded while Neil went and slept on the couch

Avni: good night

Neil:good night.

Precrap: Kia:so what have u both decided about when to start  your plan ?

Akash:u r going to start your plan soon or have u both decided to cancel it

Avni and Neil looked at each other on the mention of the  plan.

Ali :we r serious akash... me and riya have seen the way avni and Neil spent time with each other we even captured few moments.

Riya:they may not be able to see it but we can... it's more than friendship for them and they need to realise it...

Ali:here look at these pictures he said where Ali and riya had captured few of avneil moments one was the pool one.

Akash and kia looked at the pictures


Ashish:neela I have got an idea which may make avni forgive me

Neela:what is that ashish...

Ashish told neela his idea.. while she smiled listening to it

Hey guys here is chap 57

Thank u so much for all the wishes feeling much better now.. but I have another breaking news which some of u don't know yet will let u all know soon

Thanks to all those that voted and commented for the previous chap

Will be waiting for all the lovely comments so keep it coming Lots of love


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