chapter 66

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Once avni was ready

Ali came to take her

Avni:wait y am I going early isnt the rest coming?

Ali:they will.. they r still getting ready..till then at least us both can reach there too as Kia and akash r back and they r there too

Avni for some reason wasnt convinced but agreed to go with aii

They soon left to go to the venue

An hour later they finally reached there ..

Ali:avni u go in I'll park the car


Avni got out of the car and headed inside to see it was completely dark 

Avni:Kia?....akash? Where r u both she called out

But there was no reply

Avni: gosh where r  these two..let me call Ali she said turning around and was about to dial Ali number when suddenly the spotlight fell on her

Avni stopped and turned around

Avni:Kia?..akash is that u

Few mins later

Voice: I met a our first meeting ourntshan had started....when we met our meeting was never normal as we would find ways to say things to each other ...yet I loved seen that irritating look on her face...we never had a normal convo if we did then one of us would end up giving a sarcastic reply... my motive had become to make her say sorry and thank u whenever we would meet...but then there came a time where she actually said thank u and that was for saving her

Avni frowned  listening to all this..she was getting flashes of her and Neil... and the voice... she knew who it belonged to

Voice: we actually became friends..slowly started to enjoy each others company..then we got to know our family have fixed our marriage and we had no choice but to agree..we even had started to share our deepest pain with each other...slowly slowly she started to become important for me .. I didnt know how but I couldnt imagine a day without her and I realised that when we had gone to Goa...but then i was shown the reality which was our plan to separate ...for her I had agreed  thinking she wants this too and we pretended to argue in front of our families...but as time went by my feelings for her was increasing and that's when I realised it was love  ...but life was cruel and when I had planned to confess my feelings she met with an accident...

Avni heart was beating fast hearing this... she saw Neil walk down and stand right in front of her..she knew it was him when he started to speak

Neil: happy birthday to the most purest soul  I fell in love with     happy birthday to the beautiful  girl who I planned to spend the rest of my life with..happy birthday to the girl who I wanted to confess to but couldn't...happy bday MRS AVNI NEIL KHANNA he said cupping her face  while rose petal started to fall on avni from above

While avni went blank

Neil:wifey he said smiling

Avni wasnt able to believe this she took a step backwards

Avni:gosh y have u occupied my mind so much that I'm imagining u Neil... this isn't a reality but my imagination she said and turned to leave

Neil:avni he called out

But she didnt stop and continued walking thinking she is imagining Neil and his voice..


Avni stopped walking

Avni: exactly there is no rose petal on my hair as u r my imagin...she stopped speaking as soon as  placed  her hand on her hair and felt something soft

She frowned slowly and bought her hand down and looked at the two rose petals which she had grabbed from her hair.

Neil smiled ...even though she wasnt looking his way he knew  what emotions were running in her mind and took few steps closer

Avni was not able to beleive it... she looked at the rose petal by opening and closing her eyes only to see that they were still in her palm.. her eyes widend while her lips parted.

She recalled the way Neil wished her lastly

Neil: happy birthday to the most purest soul  I fell in love with     happy birthday to the beautiful  girl who I planned to spend the rest of my life with..happy birthday to the girl who I wanted to confess to but couldn't...happy bday MRS AVNI NEIL KHANNA he said cupping her face  while rose petal started to fall on avni from above

Avni:it was real she whispered?

She slowly turned around and saw Neil still there standing... her eyes automatically welled up.

Neil: I know u must be wondering y all of this so sudden?. He said walking closer to her while none of them looked away.

Few secs later

Avni:I have many questions Neil..y this confession all of a sudden ?... y did u want a divorce with me if u say u love me ?....y didnt u reply to me since yesterday?...y do all of this so suddenly Neil? fact what is happening she said not able to understand anything 

Neil placed his hands on her arms

Neil:I promise I'll answer all your questions wifey but for now forget this for a while.

Avni:when Neil? When will u answer my questions ? And stop calling me your wifey because we r no longer married ... and how can u easily say forget this for now.. I know how I spent my time after getting your so called divorced decision she said finally letting her frustration out.

Neil:avnii do u trust me? He asked cupping her face

Avni wanted to say no but she knew that will be a lie... she nodded her head and saw his smile widen 

Neil:then trust me.. I'll tell u everything later ok...but u r my wifey... u still r...he said and saw avni frown


Neil smiled

Neil:we never got divorced he said smiling naughtily (kudos to those who thought of this idea and mentioned it in their comment)

Avni: what !... Neil i want to kno...but she couldnt complete as Neil placed his finger on her lips more questions I told u na I will tell u everything later. He said quietening her.

Avni: this isnt fair... it seriously isn't she said

She turned  away when she felt Neil turn her around pulling her close to him... as he did that their nose collided making avni close her eyes for a sec ..his band slowly moved to her waist while she was able to see the naughty smile on his face

Neil: u r seriously an ajooba avni he said rubbing her cheeks slightly.

Avni: and u r annoying by giving shock after shock she said while making Neil chuckle

Neil: i did all this for u... all of this ...and I promise u will get your answer later on but for now enjoy this party with others he said

Avni looked around seen the lights turn on...she was surprised how she didnt even realise that before only the spot light was on.

As she looked around she was surprised... there was pictures in every place of the venue... she looked around seen the pics and realised all of them had her with every single family member  with balloons near the frames ...

She turned to look at Neil.

Ali: soo how was it he said walking in all smiling with Kia,  akash and riya

Avni: how was what?

Neil:tubelight he mumbled while avni looked at him

Avni: Did u say anything ?

Neil:nope nothing...I didnt tell her everything except that we never were divorced  He said looking at avni and then at the others

Avni looked at aliya,Kia and akash

Avni:does that mean they knew about this she said looking at all and then at the Neil

Neil:not only them everyone did..

Avni:r u for serious? So I was unaware about what was going on except for the rest

Akash:well yh it was done to make your bday special and also something else. As they say it's called a surprise

Avni: what else now?

Kia:that my friend u will get to know soon.. for now enioy this party which has been specially organised for u birthday girl

Riya:look here comes our family

All turned to see the Khanna, metha and parikh family walk in

Bebe:happy bday puttar she said moving to avni and kissed her on the forehead

Avni:thank u bebe. She said smiling

Shweta:happy bday mere tillu ki tilli she said happily while Neil smiled looking down and avni went red.

Daywanti:so how was the surprise avni ?

Avni:what surprise dadi

Kia akash , aliya facepalmed themselves

Neela:meri innocent bacha this party and all was arranged by Neil only as he wanted to make it very special for u.

Avni:I see she said trying to keep her reaction casual

Ketan:what i see... at least answer how was the surprise

Avni:shocked!...still have unanswered questions but I have been promised that I will get answers later on she said looking at Neil who blinked his eyes .

Maddy frowned not knowing what unanswered question avni was talking about as only she wasnt told about anything.

Ashish:the guest have started to come he said seen few ppl walk in

Aliya went to see the music arrangements while Kia and akash went To see the catering department

Neil: by the way u look beautiful especially when I said I love u he said moving behind her while whispering in her ears startling avni

Avni turned her face sideways to see Neil face closer to her..he could see the annoyance in her eyes while she was able to see the happiness in his eyes..their eye contact broke when diksha came to them

Diksha:avni come guest r coming

Avni: ok she said looking at diksha and walked with her few sec later she turned around to look at him as he was smiling but her eyes widend when he winked at her... she quickly turned around while he smiled... avni cheeks went a little red while she couldnt stop herself from smiling.

Shweta and neela helped avni welcome the guest who were congrulating her while she would give the gifts and flower bouquet to shweta and neela...

As she smiled at the guest her eyes wondered around looking for that special someone who shocked her by saying he loves her..again that bit played in her mind

Neil: happy birthday to the most purest soul  I fell in love with     happy birthday to the beautiful  girl who I planned to spend the rest of my life with..happy birthday to the girl who I wanted to confess to but couldn't...happy bday MRS AVNI NEIL KHANNA he said cupping her face  while rose petal started to fall on avni from above

Avni (in her mind) :neil loves me too... y didnt I know ?..was it because I was trying to figure out my feelings for him first?.. or maybe it was there but I was just to blind to notice it and thought he cares only as a friend

Neela:bacha ? She called out to avni brining avni hack to the present

Avni:haan ma

Neela:bacha guest she said gesturing her ahead.

Avni:sorry...and thank u she said to them while they smiled and went inside

Shweta:*ahem ahem* avni what were u thinking about ? Waits not what..who were u thinking about she said raising her eyebrows...looking at neela who laughed slightly 

Avni:uh nahi maa its nothing like that

Neela:acha phir kaisa hai ?

Avni:maa it's not the way u r think

Neela:acha? What was is it then

Avni:woh nothing i was just thinking u all did an amazing arrangement.

Neela:well shall we tell u something

Avni:what ?

Shweta:we already told u that Neil arranged all this..I wonder how did forget so soon ...avni cursed herself

Avni:no I mean u all must have helped na

Shweta: uff.. when we say Neil did this only then it means only he did the arrangements

Avni looked at shweta all surprised

Avni:ok I..i understand

Neela:bacha.. I know u have many questions running in your head as to how..why, when...but for now forget all that and enjoy this party because soon all your questions will be answered by Neil only...

Shweta:neela is right avni.. I know u was hurt yet u kept a smile on your face but along with that Neil was in pain too.. I'm not taking his side because he is my son but I have seen it avni... not only me.. we all have seen it avni...the reason y Neil did this was only for u  and I know once u get to know everything u will have no doubts in your heart hmm

Avni looked at shweta and neela ...she slowly nodded making them smile.

Neela:chalo till then let's introduce u personally to few of our guest ok

Avni:ok she said smiling

Neela and shweta got avni busy while introducing her to few of the guest when suddenly all turned when Neil spoke on the Mike

Neil:sorry I know everyone was busy having their small talks..but I'm sure that can wait for few mins right

Ali:right he shouted while the rest smiled

Neil:great...avni I hope u r enjoying this party because it has specially been arranged for u...your pictures have special moments captured with each member of the family..u must be wondering y all these pictures...well that's because I wanted u to relive those memories and also create new ones too... avni I hope this bday has been made special for u and I'm sorry I'm really not good at speeches.. u have been an amazing granddaughter, sister, niece, daughter, friend, daughter in law and a lovely wife.. I'm blessed that u r in my life .. I promise that I will always try to keep u happy but if I do any mistakes then please forgive me after all I'm a police officer and police officer can make  mistakes too right .. so happy bday once again wifey

While everyone was happy hearing Neil say that maddy was shocked and wondered y Neil was calling avni wifey

Maddy:bebe y is Neil calling avni his wife still she said in a voice so that only bebe can hear

Bebe:maddy for now dont ask any questions I'll tell u everything later ok she said keeping a smile on her face while her voice was all serious

Avni looked at Neil... there was a smile on her face while her eyes were all welled up... again he made her feel even more special today...while neil blinked his eyes as he smiled

Kia and akash bought the cake while Neil went to avni.. both looked at each other for a sec.. as a tear was about to roll down her cheeks he wiped it and shook his head... he then held her hands while avni looked at their interiwned hand and then back at him

Neil:time to cut the cake wifey he said taking her where Kia and akash stood.

As avni neared she was again surprised and touched... the cake had  pictures of her with each family member  but the picture that was in enlarged in the middle was of ayesha and little avni...she looked At Neil who gestured her to cut the cake

Everyone started to sing happy birthday while she made a wish and blew the candle while cutting the cake she took the first piece she turned to Neil and fed him while he made her take a bite..avni then fed the others while they made sure she had few bites too 

Ali:now how  can it be there is a party and the birthday girl doesnt dance

Avni eyes widened

Avni:no no r u mad

Bebe:avni come on

Avni: nahi bebe please

Ashish: come on avni

Dayawanti:haan avni just a small dance.

All were requesting avni dance when Neil stood in front of her

Neil:may I have the pleasure to dance with the birthday girl he said forwarding his hand

Avni looked at him while the family had a big smile playing on their face

Heamant:avni beta now u cant say no

Avni looked at heamant and then at Neil who had a charming smile playing on his face ...she slowly placed her hand in his while he smiled even more and took her in the middle where the rest of the lights turned off and the spot light turned on  focusing on them

Neil: I love u avni he said so that only she can hear

Avni looked at Neil as her cheeks heated up

Neil: come on... now say it that u love me to...avni looked at him she wondered how did he find out when she didn't even mention it to anyone

Avni:and what made u think that

Neil:because I know u do he said pulling her a little closer as the music slowly started.

Precrap: Neil pulled avni close and stared at her lips while avni heart started to beat fast

Avni:Neil...I'll...ill go and change she whispered moving away from Neil and started to walk when Neil stopped her by holding her wrist

See is baar precrap dediya

Thanks to the amazing response i got for the previous chap...literally had a smile on my face while replying to each comments and thanks to those who voted too

But will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep them coming

Lots of love

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