chapter 72

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I will urge people to read my p note as it's about writers days please dont ignore and do read it

Neil:what debt thing

Neela:to make avni agreed to marry u...daya maa told her that she is in debt and she doesnt want to ask anyone in the family for help while she told bebe who agreed to help in the return of your marriage with avni

Dayawanti: with that I also made avni promise not to tell anyone about this

Avni was shocked as slowly things started to sink in as she covered her face while Neil looked at the family

Avni:so u r saying all this was done just to make us say yes to get married

Neela and shweta nodded

Neil: y were u all hell bent on getting us married...I mean we hardly knew other and got to be friends after a while

Shweta:because we were able to see u both had feelings for each other... there was something there when u both would argue and look at each other

Avni:how? ..we hardly felt anything for each other

Neela: bacha that's what u think but the love that u both had for each other was there .only u both didnt was only when shweta had taken your picture when we had come over here for dinner that's when we realised u both have something for each other and only u both can give each other happiness

Avni:what picture she said looking at neela.

Shweta:  this one she said quickly searching on her phone while avneil eyes widend seen shweta taking a pic of them where neil had held her from falling while staring at each other 

Prakash:at that time I told them not to play with u both like this as their plan may not work but it did as the result is in front of us.

Ashish:not only u..  when i got to know about the plan that all of them made i was angry too and wasnt in support but neela explained it to me very well..she actually opened my eyes ..

Avni gave a side hug to ashish who was sitting on the other side of her

Nanno:we know this decision of ours could have backfired but we had trust on god and knew nothing can go wrong....somewhere our Hope's were raising as u both would always bring out the real person from each other...and as everyone is saying the result is in front of us as both my kids r happy with each other

Neil:maybe if we had  got to known about this before we would have reacted in a different way and would have been mad..but I thank all of u..yes I had thought I would never fall in love but avni made me realise what love is again even though she was aware herself what it felt like to be in love ... maybe she would have still been there as a friend if u all hadnt gotten us married but yes I'm blessed that somehow u convinced us

Akash:I'm actually happy for u guys... maybe u both were  meant to come together this way

Ali:exactly otherwise these two and their arguments would never end. .

Avni looked down..she was happy but all this was shocking for her and she couldnt accept this debt thing was all a drama

Avni: u all did this as u felt me and Neil had something  between us which wasnt visible to us and I agree its thanks to u all that we realised our feelings but lieing like this...was that even right... I am happy as I have the best life partner but what if things were opposite?... what if me and Neil never felt anything for each other?.. dadi debt... do u know how I had felt that time when u told me..on top of that marriage pressure she said kneeling in front of daya

Dayawanti:I'm sorry did hurt me when I was playing with your emotions but..daya wasnt able to continue as avni interrupted

Avni: emotions? I dont know what I was feeling but all I knew that I felt suffocated.. I just... during those days I kept praying that something happens where your debt issue gets solved but it was a plan... I couldnt even talk to anyone about this except u and bebe as only u both knew about this...I would have been mad if I got to know this some other day dadi but I cant even complain because I got Neil, I got another dadi in the form of bebe, I got a mother in the form of mother in law and a loving father in a father in Thank u she said holding dayawanti hand who cupped her cheeks and kissed her forhead while the rest felt emotional

Dayawanti: neil come here beta

Neil came and kneeled next to avni

Dayawanti placed avni hand on top of his

Dayawanti:your Jodi was planned by god and nobody can break it.. I wish u both a happy married life she said

Neela:so now let's forget this and talk about what we actually should discuss

Aman:which is ?

Diksha:neil said he wants to marry avni again so phir se let's get things arranged for the wedding

Nanno:arien haan but if that's the case then avni needs to come with us as Neil wants to enjoy all the functions with avni

Shweta:correct so means avni will be back here after the wedding

All this while Neil face went blank

Bebe:neil chalo help avni pack few clothes

Neil:wait wait.. what's the need for avni to go I mean we can celebrate the function by living in the same house he said

Diksha:nope not at all now we r going to take avni and she will only come back here after the wedding

Neil looked at avni who shrugged her shoulders

Neil went near bebe and told her to allow avni to say back until the wedding date isnt fixed

Bebe: acha let's do one thing.. we will ask the Pandit ji when the engagement and wedding date is and once that is decided avni will go back few days before the engagement

Neil was happy that for sometime avni will be at the Khanna mansion

Dayawanti:toh tommorow we will invite the Pandit ji and get the dates sorted

The metha family decided to leave after some time

Avni was sitting in the balcony when Neil came out after changing his clothes and saw no sign of avni.. he frowned when he noticed the door of the balcony open 

As he walked out He saw avni sitting down with her back against the wall while she looked up at the stars smiling

Avni looked at Neil when she felt him sitting next to her

Neil:what u looking at ?

Avni moved a little more closer to Neil placing her head on Neil shoulder and wrapped her hands around his arm making Neil smile

Avni:ayesha maa she whispered

The smile from Neil face vanished


Avni:do u know once I had a dream a dream of ayesha ma where she was hiding from me and I was looking for her she was leaving after saying I have everyone but when I was going to stop her I was about to fall.. do u know who stopped me from falling?



Neil was surprised

Neil: phir

Avni: I had whiapered your name and gazed at ayesha ma who was smiling and then I looked at u when u said I'm not alone (check chap 14 if u forgot the dream) that time I thought it was a dream as we didnt get along that time.. but now I know It was a sign.. it was destined.. that u will he with me.. and yes I wasnt alone.. now I have u too.

Neil smiled and kissed the top of her head

Avni:I'm happy to have u..but I dont want this je5w feelings to change anything between us.. yes there will be love but I still want out stupid arguments to continue

Neil chuckled

Neil: nothing will change avni...we r the same.. so nothing between us will be different.... our arguments will continue .. but u r wrong about one thing it's your arguments that r stupid not mine

Avni eyes widened she lifted her head from his shoulder

Avni:excuse me..its u who looks for baseless topics to argue on not me

Neil:acha? Who is trying to start an argument on a small topic

Avni:tumhara sar is

Neil: my sar is smart.. it thinks of amazing things

Avni:acha? I dont feel so

Neil:then what about the way I proposed  and all

Avni:woh... thats fine..but sometimes it's always filled with stupid things

Neil:I guess we shouldnt give my head that much important it doesnt like to be appreciated much . must be very special na she said sarcastically

Neil:yep special... that y yours always creates argument

Avni: ohhh so now my head is the one who tries to create argument...wait y r we even talking about our head

Neil:I dont know u r the one who started it..that's y I call u miss ajooba.. as u r just an ajooba.. I'm sure koi mil gaya ka  jadoo is even smarter than u

Avni:Neil ke bache she said turning towards him completely and started to hit him

Neil:hey...hey stop u should be arrested for hitting a officer he said using his hands as a shield

Avni:officer my foot...she said continuing to hit him while Neil got up and ran inside with avni trying to follow him

She grabbed few cushions and started to throw them at him...they were running all over the bedroom when Neil ran near the bed and avni caught up to him and pushed him on the bed but she fell too as he grabbed her wrist ..her face was in the crook of his neck while his hands were on her back...she lifted her head up and looked up at Neil who looked at her.

They continued looking at each other when avni moved away and was about to get up but Neil pulled her hack making her lay on the bed and hovered over her

Avni:ne..neil woh.. I woh... she felt him trace her lips while her eyes closed slowly with the feeling..she opened her eyes and saw Neil looking at her and then at her lips ...slowly he moved his face closer to her with their lips touching

Neil :I love u he whispered...he felt her lips part slowly and taking that as a signal he captured her lips in a slow kiss..avni hands moved up to Neil's back and she slowly slide her hands up moving it to the back of his neck as she slowly started to respond  trying to match up with his rhythm ...few mins later Neil laid sideways next to her...she slowly opened her eyes to see Neil looking at her lovingly...her cheeks turned into darker red... neil took her hand and kissed the back of her palm not looking away from her while avni was watching the way he kissed her hand so lovingly and looked back at him...she turned sideways facing Neil and snuggled  closer to him while he wrapped his hands around words were needed at that moment as their silence was comfortable itself

The next morning avni and neil came down after getting ready as they were walking down together everyone was in awwe of them

Avneil:good morning they said to all ...while the rest replied back one by one

Shweta:today we will be going to see the Pandit ji and hopefully the engagement date and wedding date will be soon.

Avneil looked at each other

Ali:waisen neil think about it u can cancel this marriage u know I mean u probably would want avni in front of u 24/7 he said teasingly

Avni:aliiiiii she said glaring at him

Prakash:wasien even I agree with ali ...avni looked at prakash surprisingly

Neil:I know I dont have to..but I want to... I want to enjoy all the functions this time willingly and so will avni

Avni:neil is right... that time we were only getting married for families sake but this time it will be for our sake

Bebe cupped avneil cheeks and hugged them both

Shweta:chalo chalo chalo let's have breakfast as Pandit ji Will arrive at the metha mansion so we need to reach there soon

Bebe: arien sun madam madonna dont forget to bring avni mangalsutra we will give it to Pandit ji and also we will get their pooja done so that my kids have a happy married life

Shweta:oh yes bebe thats in my room I'll get it after.. as I left it on the dressing table so that I dont forget

Maddy who was listening to this from the stairs went to shweta room
As she entered she looked around to see where the mangalsutra was and saw it on the dressing table in a see through container...walking towards it she picked up the container and opened it

maddy looked at the mangalsutrs of avni

Maddy:when my marriage was in trouble all those years ago at that time nobody thought of organising a pooja not even my own mother but here that avni is getting more importance since day 1... knowing that I have had a bad married life nobody thought about maddy because its always about shwwta bhabi and now avni... bebe wants to give this mangulatra to the Pandit ji so that it stays pure but has she ever looked at the scattered beads of my mangalsutra...first it was shweta bhabhi who took my place and now when I am trying to give kareena her rights in the family which I never got thanks to shweta bhabhi now that avni is here...but no I wont allow avni to take that place which my daughter deserves.

She looked at the mangalsutra angrily and held it with hoth hands clutching it tightly

Maddy:maybe by seen avni scattered mangalsutra this family will be able to notice their daughter scattered mangusltra and will realise that even she and her daughter deserve some attention.

She pulled it so hard to break it  and

Cut...excellent.. chalo ab jao comment karo vote karo aur miltien hai 1 week baad

Acha chalo precrap de dethi hoon

Precrap:avneil wedding preparation begins

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chapter

Will be waiting for all the votes and comments for this chap too

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