chapter 76

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Neela: Avni u remember what's today ?

Avni:haan it's my engagement maa

Neela:no its something else too

Avni:really? What is it

Neela:try to think bacha...avni tried to think but gave up

Avni:ma I dont remember acha I'm seriously busy need to get ready there is so much to do  abhi I have to go and see bua and meet riya there too chalo I'll leave now ok 

Neela looked on as avni left.

Neela: did avni just forget that it's my birthday today? Her neela ma bday....maybe she has planned a surprise... no no today is her engagement how on earth will she or anyone have the time to plan a surpise . I guess due to engagement arrangements she forgot it's ok not a big deal right 

Neela was in her room trying to relax but all she kept thinking of was that avni forgot her bday and this was something she wasnt able to digest.. she had got wished by everyone except her daughter 

It was 11am when neela received a call from daya who told her to come over for last min engagement preparation..neela left and in 20 mins she reached to the metha mansion.

As soon as she reached there she got out of the car and headed inside seen the main door slightly open....she took a step inside not paying attention to the surroundings  but few secs she stopped in her tracks hearing a voice....

Voice: usually when a mother gives birth to her children she is the most happiest one as after going through all that pain she gets to hold the life she carried for 9 month... ayesha ma was my everything she was a friend, a well wisher, and my mother who gave birth to me ... neela ma is a step mother in front of the whole world but for me and aman she is our world.... after ayesha ma passed away it was hard despite having everyone...but then u filled our heart with your love and we got our mother again in the form of neela ma .. u didn't give birth to us but u gave us a new life neela ma and we r blessed to have u .... thank u for been the worlds best mother... u never took ayesha ma place but created your own place....
Neela had tears in her eyes when she saw avni appearing while in the background there was a slideshow playing of her aman and neela ma while saying all this

Aman: happy birthday to the worlds best mother to our neela maa he said coming behind neela and hugged her who cupped his cheeks

Avni walked up to neela while the rest came in the background watching the trio

Avni:happy birthday ma... thank u for always been there...for loving us more than anyone...for standing besides us and for supporting us... we r blessed to have u and without u we r nothing... she said wiping neela tears

Neela:my heart was telling me that my bacha can never forget my bday thank u so much... thank u for been the worlds best daughter and son, thank u for calling me ma and for loving me and accepting me..u both r my everything and will always be..I love u

Aman:we love u to neela

Neela smacked him on the arm and hugged both

Avni: avni can never forget her neela ma ... the person who gave her another life how can she forget her bday.

Neela :now it feels my birthday is complete

Avni: no so easily..

Neela: matlab?

Avni: neil she  called him who came with a small bag

Neil:happy birthday neela ma...

Neela:thank u neil

Avni:maa this is for u she said as she and neil handed the gift together to her.

Neela:u didn't have to do this but when did u manage to get a gift ?

Neil:this is something really small neela ma besides the best time to get your gift was during our ring selection.

Neela:u both r crazy

Avni:call him that not me

Neil:she said both means both

Shweta:please dont start here u two..and someone atleast get the cake.

Avni: okies....

Avni walked toward ashish and smiled at him and forwarded her hand ashish was about to lift  his hand when avni held ketan hand who was standing beside her.

Ashish turned to see both walking to the kitchen with how avni had her hand around his arm...ashish turned around and tried not to think about it but somewhere ketan and avni bond was somewhere effecting him.

Few mins later avni and ketan came with the cake while all made way for them...they placed the cake in front of neela and told her to blow the candles..she looked at avni and aman and blew the candles while all were singing happy birthday....after cutting the cake she fed a piece to avni and aman first and then the others while avni took a piece and fed neela and then ketan and  neil  and lastly him while ashish watched on...

Neela: thank u to all of u for making this bday special 

Riya:most welcome neela aunty.

Neela:but how did u manage to get all these arrangements done

Avni: thanks to chachu who helped us in this plan of ours

Dayawanti: ketan becomes a kid with all of them she said jokingly

Ashish: u r right maa he said seriously while all took it as a joke.

Later on ashish was in his room while sitting on the couch... all this while he was remembering how avni and ketan gelled well with each other... call it jealousy or insecurity but his daughter bond with his brother had started to effect him

Ketan who was going past his room casually looked towards ashish room when he saw ashish lost in thoughts...he stopped in his track and entered inside

Ketan: bhai he called out walking to him

Ashish looked towards the door

Ashish:chote... u needed anything?

Ketan:no I was just going down when I saw u sitting here.... what happened is everything ok

Ashish: yes I guess ...but all must be ok for u na

Ketan: y u saying that

Ashish:u have everything... a peaceful life, a daughter who loves u and also avni who shares an amazing bond with u 

Ketan:, yes that is true he said smiling...but I'm happy that things r good between u and avni and all back to normal like before

Ashish:I dont feel so ketan maybe things cant get back to normal

Ketan:of couse it can bhai. Y wouldn't it..avni has forgiven u and...but he couldnt complete as ashish spoke

ashish: I agree avni forgived me but I feel I lost that place in her life

Ketan:bhai what r u saying it's nothing like that

Ashish: I'm saying the truth ketan...before avni would always ask me first be it anything but now its always u first ...chachu this chachu that chachu chachu.. I have noticed it...for her u r that father figure

Ketan:bhai as much as avni loves me she loves u the same amount asking me first doesnt mean she doesnt love u

Ashish: I'm not saying she doesnt love me she does but that father love has been given to u and I want that father love to be back and only u can give it to me chote he said folding his hand in front of ketan .

Ketan:bhai please dont fold your hands he said holding ashish hand. Tell me what I can do

Ashish:spend less time with avni... make excuses when she comes to u so that she can ask me. Just do anything that keeps u away from her for sometime he said

Ketan looked at ashish

Ketan: do u really feel me doing all this will work

Ashish:I dont know...all I know is that I want my daughter back where I would be her first priority and u been less around her and less supporting can make her come to me.

Ketan:I dont feel this will work

Ashish:of course it will

Ketan: bhai...look I feel u r worrying for no reason...avni asking me or u first doesnt matter as she considers u her father and  nobody can change it

Ashish:IT DOES MATTER YAAR.. y dont u understand your bond with avni has changed her equation with me.

Ketan: that is not true

Ashish:ketan just go.. u wont understand just goo please and let me be alone for sometime he said sitting on the bed while ketan looked at him and then left the room 

Later on... the engagement function was going to start soon which was held in the metha mansion lawn

Avni had gotten ready as diksha had helped her and did her hair and eyebrow while riya stayed back too so that diksha gets her ready too.

As avni was all ready diksha and riya looked at her seen how beautiful she looked

Riya: neil is surely going to get cleaned bowled by seen u today

Diksha:he is already cleaned bowled that is y he is getting married to her again

Avni smiled looking down with her cheeks slightly red

Meanwhile ketan was in his room getting ready while standing in front of the dressing table lost in thoughts of what occurred in ashish room

Hetal who came out of the washroom saw ketan in front of the dressing table but saw him stand with the hair brush in his hand

Hetal: ketan she said placing an hand on his arm making him look at her

Ketan: haan ?

Hetal:what happened?

Ketan:nothing y

Hetal :u have been standing here since the last 15 mins is something bothering u?

Ketan: nope its just some business deal nothing serious he said faking a smile

Hetal: u sure ?

Ketan:haan... u get ready I'll go and see the arrangements he said and left the room while hetal watched him leave

All the metha family elders were down to check the arrangements as guest would be coming any time.

After a while neela saw guest starting to come..ashish who came down saw neela going back and forth with few arrangements

Ashish:birthday lady relax u r one year old if u work like this then u will get tired easily

Neela:u must be old I'm still fit and health and young by heart

Suddenly she saw guest coming

Neela:guests r coming now she said moving forward while ashish was about to follow her

Dayawanti:ketan seee the guest she said... ketan nodded and went to attend the guest not noticing ashish

Neela:since ketan is handling the guest I'll finish these arrangements by then she said while ashish heard her and watched ketan attend the guest.

Dayawanti:ashish y r u standing here.. u should go help ketan attend the guest

Ashish:, jee maa

Dayawanti: do one thing actually see if the carers have put all the items that were on the menu...ashish nodded and left

Precrap: avneil get engaged

I know there wasnt any avneil scene but I believe even other character should be given importance right otherwise what is the point to have certain character

Hope u all love this chap 

Will be waiting for all the votes and comments
Thank u

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