chapter 82

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Avni headed to her room in a trance... she was getting flashback of her been with ayesha, her moments with ashish..and meeting neela now and then at the metha mansion .how ayesha  passed away and the way ashish behaved...neela entering as her step mother who then became her mother..ashish leaving .ketan love and support....ashish re entry all this played in her mind along with the recent events...she slowly fell on her knees near the bed as she reached to her bedroom and clutched the bed sheets tightly as ashish words were making her feel nothing but pain...fresh tears started to make way down her cheeks as she started to break down

Neil saw her and as he entered and seen her sob  so hard ...he ran to her getting on his knees as he took her in his arms while she continued to sob...neil felt her shivering as she continued to cry really badly...he rubbed her arms while he felt his eyes fill up and felt a lump in his throat

Avni: couldddd....he say all that could he... he..he still feels I'm res....responsible for ayesha maa's death...  those words again came on his lips...I gave him a chance... not only....not only  that he went on say all those things to maaa too and he doe...does...doesnt even regret it...cha..
Chachu al...also suffered she said in between her sobs.

Neil didnt know what he can say to her as he knows none of his words can heal the damage made...he placed a kiss on her head as he pulled her more  closer in his arms

Neil:I'm sorry avni...but im shocked myself that I dont know what to say he said rubbing her arms.

Avni:I felt things were better... finally ...there....there is happiness..but...but I was wrong..... when happ...happiness is my life...then..then its not...not for...for...too long she said

Neil:- happiness is meant in your life....but ashish papa mistook everything ...but once he realises his mistake he will know where he was wrong he said

Avni didnt say anything as she cried in Neil's arms while he stayed like that consoling her

It had been 10 mins...avni's sobs had stopped but tears were rolling down her eyes silently...neil was caressing her hair while his hands were wrapped around her as she had her head on his chest.

Neil made avni look at him and wiped her tears and kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes making more tears flow down her cheeks

Neil got onto his knees and picked avni up in his arms and made her sit on the bed...he wiped her tears again but they were still flowing down her eyes piercings his heart

Neil slowly started to take of her bangles and placed a kiss on her palms and looked at avni who was looking at him with her eyes filled  nonstop

He then moved to remove both her earrings and her mang tika placing a deep peck on her forehead.

Avni opened her eyes as she watched neil remove her necklace and allowed her hair to be loose...he then made avni lay down 

Neil: take some rest avni... dont think about anything at the moment he said caressing her hair and got up when avni held his hand

Avni: stay...was the only thing she said

Neil smiled

Neil: I'm not going anywhere I'm here...he said removing avni hand from his and went to close the door...avni had sat up when she saw neil walk near the door but as she saw him close it she laid back down.

Neil came on to the other side to see avni staring into space...feeling his presence near her she looked at him and held his hand which he had placed on her cheeks.

Neil: sleep he said stretching his legs as he rested his back on the headboard while avni had had held his one hand he moved his other hand caressing her hair

Avni slowly felt her eyes closing...even though she tried to stay awake she wasnt able to as her eyes gave up on her making her to fall asleep.

Neil saw avni eyes closed and hoped that she atleast has a peaceful sleep...He  got of his phone when he heard it ring and saw shweta name Pop up ... as he answered it he heard shweta asking him questions at once

Shweta: tillu how is avni? Is she ok? Is she still crying? Did u try to make her feel better ? Is she still ...before she could continue bebe took the phone of shweta

Before shweta could say anything bebe signaled her to be silent

Bebe: neil...neela told us what is avni now

Neil:- bebe she is sleeping...she was crying till now I just hope she calms down in the morning

Bebe: have faith in god puttar everything will be ok soon

Neil: jee bebe..

Bebe:u also rest ok goodnight

Neil:goodnight bebe

Neil looked at avni and  slowly closed his eyes not leaving her hands and continued to caress her hair as he started to fall asleep after 30 mins

In the morning neil woke up slowly opening his eyes...his gaze moved around the room to realise his surroundings and recalled last nights incident and the state avni was in making him instantly look to his left side to find the other side of the bed to find it empty 

Neil got of the bed and went towards the washroom to look for avni only to find the door open

Neil: maybe she must be outside with  everyone he said to himself

Neil went outside to find only neela and hemant there..
He looked around to see avni wasnt in the hall

Hemant: morning neil beta

Neil: morning nanu, morning neela ma

Neela : morning beta..

neil:  where is avni neela ma

Neela looked at hemant and then at neil

Neela: beta she was with u right...since last night

Neil:she was but when I woke up she wasnt in the room he said

Neela frowned

Neela:if she isnt in the room the where is she

Hemant: we thought she must be sleeping that is y we didnt come to wake u both up

Neil: I'll try and call her he said while neela nodded

Neil went to the bedroom  and grabbed his phone while neela and hemant followed him

Neela watched as neil dialled avni phone but she wasnt answering

Neela: what happened neil ? She said asking seen him make a call again

Neil: her phone is ringing neela ma but she is not answering

Neela : where is this girl...I hope avni is ok

Neil waited for avni to answer but again it reached to voicemail

Hemant: could she have gone to the metha mansion?

Neela : dont know papa

Hemant: I'll call and ask.

Hemant dialled the telephone number of metha mansion and after few rings hetal answered it

Hetal: hello ?

Hemant: hetal beta it's me hemant

Hetal: hemant uncle how r u ?

Hemant: I'm good...beta I called to ask is avni there right now?

Hetal: nahi...avni hasnt come here...what is the matter?

Hemant: actually avni is not at home and we r trying to call her but she isnt answering...and we r worried especially after what happened at the sangeet yesterday.

Hetal: haan ketan told me but where could avni go ? Did she go to the cafe ?

Hemant: we dont know beta we r still finding  out...if she comes there then let us know

Hetal: will do

Both ended the call and hetal went to  tell the metha family members

Dayawanti: where could avni go ...ketan let's go there she said

Ketan nooded and as they were about to leave ashish spoke

Ashish :I'll come too

Ketan hetal and dayawanti looked at each other and then at ashish..they turned to walk to the car while ashish joined them and they headed to the parikh mansion

Back at the parikh mansion

Neil: ok I'll do one thing I'll call ali and the rest up and ask them if avni is with them while neela ma u continue to try and call avni

Neela nodded while neil got to work calling the rest up.

Hemant went to check outside to see if avni was anywhere nearby

Neil had told ali, riya, kia and akash about avni going without telling and told them all not to come and he will call them if avni isnt found anytime soon ..he knew even though he told the rest that they will either come or find their ways to look for avni

It had been 15 mins and neil was trying his luck to call his family in case if avni had gone there but before he could proceed he and neela saw the metha family walk in followed by hemant

Dayawanti: what is this neela? Avni is missing?

Neela: maa we thought she was at home only to realise she isnt

Hetal: did u try calling her again ?

Neela: haan we did but no use

Ashish: where were u all when she went without telling ?

Neela: we were here only ashish but she must have left when we all must have been in our room sleeping

Dayawanti:neela she said squeezing her shoulder sensing her anger in her tone for ashish

Hemant: I even looked nearby by she is nowhere

Neil rubbed his forehead and decided he cant wait for avni to come home

Neil: I'm going to look for avni

Dayawanti: where will u go neil ?

Neil:I dont know but I'll go and search for her I will also ask at the police station to circulate her picture so that they can start looking for her too .

Dayawanti nodded

Neela : neil ...just Make sure she is ok

Neil nodded and was about to leave

Ketan:neil I'll come with u to find avni he said

Neil:ok chachu...

Ketan walked up to neil but both turned to look at ashish when he spoke

Ashish: neil I'll also come

Neil: no it's ok we will manage...I don't want avni to go through the same pain like last night we will find her u dont worry he said

Ashish:neil...but he couldnt speak as dayawanti interrupted him

Dayawanti: neil is right...he is a police officer so he knows what to do and who to take... u dont worry ashish ok she said as she still wasn't happy with his behaviour.

Neil and ketan left while neela, hetal and daya prayed that neil finds avni

Meanwhile in the police jeep

Neil: hey mom he said calling shweta...keeping the phone on loud speaker

Shweta: neil how is avni

Neil looked at ketan when shweta asked that question

Neil: mom avni went somewhere in the morning without telling...we have been trying her call but she isnt answering so me and ketan chachu r going to look for her

Shweta : What ! Where is avni tillu? How did she go missing ...the khanna family looked at shweta and walked to her as she said that

Neil: that is what I dont know mom as soon as I find her I'll call u as I thought she might have come there

Shweta : ok tillu keep us informed she said

Prakash: shweta ji what happened he asked once she ended the call

Shweta told everyone.

Kareena: where could bhabhi go ?

Bebe: baba ji wherever avni is I hope she is safe and comes back soon she said praying

Maddy rolled her eyes

Maddy:avni shouldn't be irresponsible like this ..she should at least tell instead of leaving like that without telling...but seems like she doesnt care how everyone feels

Bebe: maddy she said annoyingly

Shweta:maddy Jiji the thing is that avni was hurt yesterday with whatever happened...and its not easy for a person to behave normal...and and about avni been irresponsible then I guess we all know who is responsible and irresponsible she said to maddy

Maddy : what r u trying to say that I'm irresponsible?

Shweta: ab I didnt say that but if u feel u r then we cant do anything about it right she said with a fake smile

Maddy: shweta bhabhi I clearly know what u r trying to say

Bebe: CHUP...we need to think about avni here and not argue like this.

Prakash : I hope neil finds avni or she comes back all Safe 

Precrap: constable: sir we got a call from the hospital that a lady is badly injured

Neil: shinde...u go with deshmuk and check he said waiting for avni phone location to be traced

Constable: sir woh...woh we feel...we feel that lady  must be  avni ma'am as a purse...purse was found with her identity.

Ketan looked at the constable shockingly while neil went numb for a sec

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