story intro / concept

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Just a small intro (not really small) of what happened in the family before

Years ago ashish and Ayesha fell in love and both got married with dayawanti and Fatima approval. Dayawanti always treated Ayesha like her daughter... she got on well with her family soon she gave everyone a good news that she is expecting and gave birth to a beautiful daughter and named her avni. When avni was around 6 years old Ayesha was 2 month pregnant and everyone was happy. As time was going by ashish was slowly getting busy with his work that he didn't have time to spend with his family.. this was bothering avni a lot as ashish always promised her that he would come be it her sports day at school, parents meeting at school, dance completion...he would promise but never turn up... it was avni exam day and she really didn't want to go as ashish didn't wish her good luck but ketan and Ayesha took her. During that day avni was telling Ayesha how she is not happy that ashish doesn't spend time and he gives fake promise... this was also botherisng Ayesha but she didn't tell anyone thinking ashish may be buys now but he will come back soon to them... seen avni getting angry Ayesha tried to calm her down.

Ayesha was seven month pregnant and avni was sitting in her room playing with Riya... Riya who was 5 years old asked avni y ashish doesn't spend time her and this got to avni she went to her mum who was sitting in the garden. And questioned her y ashish doesn't spend time like other father do he doesn't have time for any of them . Ayesha got up and was trying to calm avni but avni moved away... Ayesha again tried to turn avni... but avni moved her hand away forcefully and was going back in... Ayesha who was walking behind avni slipped as she missed a step and shouted out avni name loudly... avni stopped in her track and turned around to see her mother about to fall before she could reach to her Ayesha fell flat on her stomach crying out in pain. Avni stood there shocked... ashish saw this and ran to Ayesha when avni was about to get there ashish told avni to stay away as he had seen what happened...

avni couldn't utter a world ashish took Ayesha to the hospital followed by the others... avni tried to talk to ashish at the hospital but he moved away from her angrily... ketan held her...

soon the doctor came out and informed they saved the child but Ayesha doesn't have much time... everyone went in ashish was sitting holding Ayesha hand while Ayesha smiled to him slowly she looked at dayawanti and said she wants to name her son aman dayawanti nodded... Fatima looked at her daughter and started crying. Avni asked Ayesha not to leave her and Ayesha told her that she will always be in her heart... ashish didn't look at avni at all... soon ayesha breathed her last... ashish took his son while avni held Fatima and dayawanti hand...They buried Ayesha body. Soon reaching to the metha house avni tried talking to ashish but he ignored her... one day dayawanti was talking to Fatima and hetal and both agreed that ashish needs to get married for the sake of aman and avni... due to a lot of forcing ashish agreed for aman sake... few days later avni went to see aman who was sleeping... she was staring at him when ashish finally spoke to her and told her to stay away from aman as because of her ayesha is not with them... avni pleaded but no use... soon neela came into the family as she and ashish got married in court...neela had known the metha family since a long time and she had developed a friendly bond with ayesha and avni too... avni stopped liking neela thinking she will take her mother place and would always tell neela to stay away from her. Avni had stopped speaking to ashish she didn't plead him to talk to her.. but soon she started developing a bond again with neela .. when aman was 7 month old avni was talking to neela and addressed her as maa.. neela was shocked and said avni to say it again and when avni called her maaa again she was happy... she didn't get the love from ashish which She wanted but she was happy that avni and aman were a part of her life... soon ashish left and went abroad for his work. He stayed in contact with everyone in the family even neela as they became friends but ashish never spoke to avni however neela would always update ashish about avni... be he would ignore it. Neela had moved away from the metha family after her and ashish divorce and avni and aman stayed with her but they would always visit the metha house Soon time flied and all the kids were all grown up

so that was the cs and what happened in the past in avni family... i hope u all like it as i have seen amazing writers on the forum... although i have written many ff it still feels like im writing my first one... i will post chap 1 soon

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