chapter 5

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Avni reached home  she was annoyed and was about to walk up the stairs when neela stopped her...avni closed her eyes and tried to calm down before facing neela

Neela: bacha u came back early

Avni:haan ma woh party was about to finsh so I thought I'll come back she said lying

Neela:where is riya

Avni:she will come soon...with that she was about to walk away

Neela: bacha suno


Neela: bacha i will come straight to the point actually I wanted to say that there is a ristha that came for u and maybe u should see and think about it

Avni who was still annoyed got Neil's image flash in front of her eyes  along with his words from the past and also what he said at ali party

Avni: maa I trust u all and if u feel this person is suitable then I'm ready to marry wherever u want as I know u guys wont make the wrong decision she said seriously and ran to her room

Neela: avni agreed...finally she did and I thought she would say no...neela said to herself and was happy and surprised that avni agreed

Neela walked to the garden area where daya and hetal were

Neela:, maa, hetal listen

Hetal: what happened ?

Neela:, avni agreed to get married

Dayawanti: what ? How did this miracle happen she said jokingly

Neela:even I dont know maa but I'm happy ...I'll just call them up and inform them

After few rings the phone was answered

Neela: hello...SHWETA Ji avni has agreed and we should get started with the engagement and all other prepration


As neela and hetal were packing ali birthday cake neela recieved a call and went to answer it


Voice : hello is this neela metha?

Neela: yes I am but whose speaking ?

Voice: hello neela ji I'm shweta...shweta Khanna

Neela: I'm sorry but have we met before ? She said not able to recall

Shweta: no we havent  but I would actually like to talk about our kids

Neela: our kids?

Shweta: actually my son neil he said him and  your daughter  studied in the same college and he has had a liking for her since then...

Neela: your son has a liking for my daughter ?

Shweta:yes when we had asked about anyone been in his life he told us he does but he will tell us later...and this later happened this I asked for your daughter name and surname  and found your number and called u up ...her name is avni right

Neela:I'm sorry I...I'm just shocked at the moment not knowing how to react to such news...and yes her name is avni.

Shweta: see neela ji I'll come to the point at some point our kids r going to get married... so y not we ask for your daughter hand for our son...a liking would always lead to love and after so many years if they have feelings then there must be something but  whatever your daughter decides we will accept her decision

Neela : actually when it comes to marriage and  my daughter becomes fussy but since our kids have been in the same college and your son likes her I dont mind If they decide to get married as u r right one day they have to get married and if they dont have an issue y shall we but

Shweta: I know what u r thinking been a daughter mother u would want to know about how we r how our son is...we belong from a well mannered family like u and here we consider daughter in law as daughter... we believe in hardwork than short cut...neela stopped shweta

Neela: nahi shweta ji I dont need to know... your honesty in your voice proved me what sort of person u r when u called and also how u said u will respect avni decision...I was just thinking if avni knows about neil liking her.

Shweta: Neil said avni does

Neela:that is great then maybe that is y she wasnt sure if she should marry....I guess them getting into a relation will make their like turn into love

Shweta:u r right... we know avni wont be home as she must have gone to ali party where all the kids must be but we will wait for your call

Neela: I'll surely let u know

End of flashback

Shweta:that is such good news neela ji I'm happy that avni agreed we can go ahead to fix the engagement and wedding date

Neela:yes how about we meet tommrow and discuss?

Shweta: perfect how about u come at the khanna mansion?

Neela:yes we will arrive in the morning

Shweta: chalo will finally get to meet u face to face...I'll message u the address

Neela and shweta exchanged few more words and then ended the call.

Neela then told dayawanti and hetal about going to the khanna mansion

Neela then went up to avni room to see her laying on the bed 


Avni lifted her head up and saw neela

Neela:u ok ? u seemed tensed

Avni:I'm fine maa just tired she said sitting up as neela came and sat next to her

Neela: bacha tommrow we r going to finalise the engagement and wedding date...

Avni nodded

Neela: dont u want to know who the person is..its ne...avni interrupted her

Avni: maa please I dont want to know anything I trust u... just go ahead and fix the dates she said

Neela:but at least see who it is before getting engaged

Avni: y? Do u doubt your decision? Because I dont..and I know u wont allow me to get engaged to any random guy... u all must have thought and decided so please dont worry and about meeting the guy and his family then I can meet them some other day or during the engagement.

Neela found it odd but she nooded and left the room...

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion neil came back home

Shweta: neil guess what ?

Neil:- what

Shweta: avni's mum called she said avni has agreed to marry u

Neil was surprised

Neil: avni agreed to marry me ?

Shweta :haan

Neil:doesn't she know  it's me?

Shweta: what do u mean ?

Neil: as in avni agreeing I didnt except

Shweta: neil tu bhi na she said chuckling and left while neil was confused.

Neil: there can only be one possibility that avni doesnt know but her mum would have mentioned about me right... how do I find out

Neil got an idea and called riya

Neil: riya I need a fav

Riya:haan tell na she said entering the metha mansion

Neil:my mom had called  to ask for avni hand but avni agreed I need u to find out have I been bought up in the marriage discussion or not..even though I have a feeling I havent been bought up I want to make sure

Riya: ok Give me few mins and I'll find out

Neil agreed and waited for riya to call back

Riya went to the kitchen and luckily found neela and asked her if avni marriage has been fixed and neela told her the conversation between avni and her

Riya excused herself and went  to her room dialling Neil's number

Neil: haan riya

Riya:neil avni doesnt know that the proposal came from your place she agreed without knowing and neela aunty tried telling her again to at least know the guy but she kept saying it's not needed...neil avni may not know but if she finds out before the engagement then it can be she refuses to marry u

Neil: no wonder y she agreed means my doubt was right ...riya do one thing

Riya: kya?

Neil: tell your family not to mention my name in front of avni

Riya: what if they ask y

Neil: just make something up...actually  I know just tell them avni has alway had a liking for me too but she never told me as she thought my liking may have been attraction  hence when she sees me at the engagement it will be a surprise for her to see that the person she is getting engaged to is me

Riya: ok I'll do that and let u know

As riya headed down she saw all except avni and knew its better to do it now

She quickly ran down the stairs so that ketan and ashish dont go up to freshen up

Riya: attention attention everybody what I plan to tell u all should remain between us only and avni shouldn't know about it

Hetal: what r u talking about riya

Riya told the family what Neil told her to say.

Neela : ab what new thing is this

Riya: chachi neil requested this hoping u all will agree as he wanted to give avni a surprise that she Is getting engaged to none other than him

Dayawanti: u youngsters r very strange

Ashish:- maa this is called romance he said laughing

Riya: god y cant u all just agree please agree please please

Dayawanti: acha we agree we wont reveal to avni who the guy is that she will be getting engaged to

Riya looked at the rest who nodded one by one

Riya thanked all of them and messaged neil a thumbs up who sighed in peace

Meanwhile in avni room

Avni was still laying on the bed... she had  forgotten about the marriage proposal as her mind kept playing Neil's words that he said at the party along with whatever he said in the past

Avni: stop avni stop....just stop giving neil importance by thinking about him. How can u forget the pain u felt when he ditched u and didnt care... u cant be a fool to believe all this neil khanna noo if u think your sweet talks can change things then u r wrong she said to herself

She got up and walked to the window when riya entered

Riya: avniii is it true that u said yes to a marriage proposal

Avni looked at riya and nooded

Riya:u really agree to this she asked....though she was happy she couldnt show her excitement as avni could doubt

Avni: haan y ? I had to get married at some point so y not now

Riya: and neil? Dont u feel anything for him

Avni: nooo she said after taking a pause

Riya:avni I hope what u have thought is good for all she said

Avni: it will be it has to be. She said smiling or let's say forcing a smile

Riya placed her hand on avni arm

Riya: whatever u decide we will support u she said

Avni hugged riya

Avni: thank u rii that is all I need

Riya ( in her head) : we promise u will get your love neil will get his love

Riya broke the hug

Riya:dinner is about to be served come lets go

Avni: didnt u eat at the party?

Riya:I did but I'll eat a little bit with the rest

Avni:u go I'm coming

Riya nodded and as she was leaving the room she smiled as she was literally happy

At the dining table all were eating dinner while asking about ali party and other topic clearly avoiding the engagement topic and who the guy is that avni will get engaged to 

The next day avni had left for work while the metha family were going to khanna mansion to discuss about the arrangements

Around 9:30am the metha family reached outside the khanna mansion

Ashish: this is The mansion he said

They walked to the main door and pressed the door bell

A staff opened The door

Staff:sorry who r u all

Dayawanti:hello we r the metha family

Staff : oh yes yes please come she said inviting them in

Shweta prakash and bebe who were in the lawn saw a staff member come to them after few mins and told them about the metha family

Bebe:let's go she said getting up and all 3 walked into the hall to see the metha family sitting.

Shweta told the staff to bring some tea for everyone

Ketan, prakash and ashish had never met but they had always heard about each other from other business dealers.

The metha family stood up seen the Khanna family. The men shaked hands while the ladies folded hands and said namaste

Bebe: please sit down she said to them

Ashish : prakash ji we have actually heard a lot about u

Prakash : well I hope it's good thing he said smiling making the rest chuckle

Ashish: of course it is he said smiling

Prakash:well I can say the same to u and it feels great to meet u both face to face he said smiling looking at ketan and ashish

Shweta: lo men and their business talk...make  business  men stand in one room and they will get along in secs she said

Neela: that I agree on...

Shweta: exactly by the way which one of u is neela ji she said looking at neela and then at hetal

Hetal: I'm hetal this is neela bhabhi... ashish bhai,  ketan my husband and this is our mother in law dayawanti metha

Bebe: acha...I'm harleen known as bebe... and my daughter in law shweta who called yesterday and this is prakash my son

Shweta: ji..I'm sorry for calling like that yesterday I wasnt even sure if u would believe what I say as we never spoke but u listening to me and believing me really gave me a big relief

Neela : shweta ji at first I found it odd  as a call out of the blue was not something I expected but as your words sinked in I didnt find anything wrong

Dayawanti :our kids were meant to get married some day and if it's with each other then it's a good thing as they know each other .

Ashish: our daughter agreed without even asking who the guy is...

Prakash : means she doesnt know he said surprised

Ketan:noo we was going to tell her but my daughter riya told me that your son neil called saying not to let avni know as he wants to surprise her on the engagement day that the person she is getting engaged to is none other than the person she liked

The khanna family and metha family were both surprised now

Bebe: our kids seem to be very secretive

Dayawanti: wahi toh...if neil hadnt told u all then even we wouldnt have known that avni likes him

Shweta : but I'm happy to know that avni also likes neil.

Neela:haan that was a relief for all of us along with Neil's surpise for avni which is sweet

Bebe:so shall we call the pandit ji and get dates fixed

Dayawanti:- absolutely she said

The khanna family and metha family got up to hug each other and then called the Pandit ji while The tea came too

Meanwhile at the office avni was working on a presentation in her cabin when neil called her to his cabin with a file

Avni: yes sir I'll bring it right away she said talking professionally to neil and placed the phone down taking a deep long breath

She got up taking The file and headed to neil room

Neil looked up from his laptop and then back down

Avni: your file sir... neil looked at avni and forwarded his hand to take the file

Neil: sit he said looking at the file  while getting up from his seat

Avni sat down ready to take her notes while neil sat on the chair next to her.

Neil: we need to get the blue prints and find the actual quotes of this place..about the presentations make sure to add charts and how we can get profit ..we also....he continued telling her things while looking at the file as avni was writing everything he was saying.

He looked up when he was done while avni was noting down the last bit... a smile came onto Neil's face seen how beautiful avni looked as she was noting things down while her hair was blowing slightly due to the wind...suddenly his vision was getting blocked as her hair started to cover the side of her face

Avni went still when she felt Neil's fingers brushing against her skin as he moved her hair behind her ears...her heartbeat increased as her lips parted...without looking at him she got up and turned to leave when neil held her wrist which frustrated avni

Avni: dont touch me becuase u dont have that rights... she said turning to face him as she freed her hand

Neil:and what makes u say that he said raising his eyebrows as he stood up

Avni: because my engagment has been fixed so be professional dont try to get personal

Neil : oh really ? To who ?

Avni was about to answer when she realises she doesnt know who the guy is as she had no interest to know

Neil: what happend ? Dont have an answer...or r u lying?  he said

Avni:its none of your business ...and dont worry u will soon know when u attend me engagement and see me with someone else...then believe me  she said turning again to leave

Neil got hold of avni wrist and pulled her closer making her bump against  his chest.

Neil:try as much as u want but even I'll see how u get engaged to someone else

Avni: like this and u wont be able to do anything  she said snapping her fingers pushing him away and walked out of Neil's cabin while neil smirked

Neil:even I cant wait for u to be engaged avni....engaged to me..and then your reaction to see that the person u r getting engaged too is none other than me  he said smiling from ear to ear

Precrap: engagement

Hey guys hows everyone
I know I took time with this story but here is the next chap

Will be waiting for vote and comment so keep them coming

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