chapter 7

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Avni slowly pinched herself without anyone noticing to realise she wasnt dreaming

Avni: neil was all she whispered

Neela: haan Neil..we got to know u both like each other as Neil told us and he wanted to suprise u that the person u r getting engaged and married to is none other than him she said

Shweta: chalo chalo now that avni knows lets proceed with the engagment she said

All agreed while the ring was bought

Avni looked at neil to see him looking at her with that big smile

Neela: bacha here she said but avni was hardly listening

Avni recalled Neil's words when she told him about her engagement and then riya and juhi speaking about neil arriving...she was still not able to think straight...everything was going blank...darkness started to surround her

Neil noticed a change in avni and not only neil but even the metha family with the way her eyes shut and how she was about to drop...

Dayawanti: avniiii she shouted

Neil was on his knees as avni was unconscious in his arms

Ali : is this a new trick to stop the engagement he said looking at the gang who looked at him and then at avni who was unconscious in Neil's arm

Riya: I dont know but seems like avni has fainted in real she said with worried look

Ashish: bacha what happened he said tapping on her Cheeks lightly

Neil:avni...avni...please open your eyes he said as he eyes brimmed with tears

Ketan:bhai I have called the doctor and he is on the way he said

Neela: let's take her to the room she said trying not to panic

Neil instantly lifted her in his arms and followed neela and the rest

Bebe: we are sorry but I guess we will postpone the engagment not knowing how long it will take avni to regain conscious  she said with folded hands

Dayawanti : we thank you all for coming here once we finalise another date we will let you all know she said folding her hands too

The guests  came towards bebe and dayawanti and started to leave after giving some soothing words to dayawanti

Lastly it was shruti and few other colleagues

Shruti: dadi if you need anything then dont hesitate to let us know...we make work together as employee but avni is also our friend she said

Dayawanti nodded and shruti left with the rest

Meanwhile neil had placed avni on the bed and sat next to her on one side holding her hand while on the other side neela sat down and was rubbing avni other hand...all looking tensly at a unconscious avni

After some time the doctor arrived and told the rest to leave the room while one person will stay and neela decided to stay with avni while neil reluctantly moved his hand away from avni and got up leaving the room.

After few mins

Neela: doctor there is nothing to worry about right?

Dr: no neela ji...I haven given her an injection she will regain conscious but .has avni been eating properly ?

Neela: sometimes she eats less and since the past few days her quantity has reduced too.

Dr: any stress? Because sometimes due to not eating properly and stress can cause a person to faint she said.

Neela: I'm not sure about stress but haan she does seem to be tensed  sometimes and when I ask her she always says she is thinking about work

Dr:see I would like you to talk to avni because she is actually eating less due to what you have told me and also if she is also taking stress then   you need to make sure she doesnt...I would also  want you to make sure she eats proper meal..if anything then you can bring her to my clinic straight away if her heath is not good 

Neela: thank you dr...

Dr: for now just allow her to relax

Neela nodded and took the doctor out and when all asked the doctor said the same thing...while neil felt a little guilty but soon enough felt a squeeze on his shoulder to see vidyut giving him an assuring look

Neela: I'll stay with avni you all should take some rest too she said

Dayawanti: harleen ji if you want to leave we have no objection she said

Bebe: no no dayawanti ji how can we leave like that? Once avni gets conscious we will leave then.

Hetal: y dont we all sit downstairs...when avni regains conscious neela bhabhi will call us

Neela: hetal is right you all sit downstairs I'll call you

All nodded and stared to leave but neil and the gang didnt leave

Neil: aunty..can I stay with avni ?

Neela: beta I'm here with go down I'll inform you all once she is fine ok

Neil nodded and left with the gang.

Neela walked back into the room and caressed avni hair.

After a while madhavi who came to give neela some tea after serving the rest saw avni move and then slowly open her eyes

Madhavi: I'll go and call the rest she said and walked out of the room

Neela : bacha how are you she said

Avni realised she was in her bedroom and recalled seen neil infront of her during the engagment...she instantly sat up with her eyes wide

Neela: avni what happened?

Avni: maa please tell me that my engagment is not fixed with neil please tell me it's not true she said holding neela's hand

Neela went still for a moment

Neela: it's TRUE beta...your engagement was fixed with Neil only...avni looked at Neela for a sec

Avni: no ...y him  she said shaking her head and got up making neela frown more

Neela: avni???...she said getting up.

Avni: I cant get engaged not to neil especially she said in a frustrated way

Neela: avni? What has gotten into you why are you saying this? was ready to get engaged and as soon as you see its neil you are reacting in such way

avni: because I dont want to get engaged to neil I just dont want to mumma she said

Neela: avni what has happened that u are angry on neil...y dont u want to get engaged to him ? Neil and the Khanna family is waiting for u downstairs and here u r saying u dont want to get engaged

Neil walked into the bedroom with his family

Neil: because I lied he said

Khanna family and metha family looked shocked  while avni looked angrily at him

All looked at neil thinking what he meant by that

Avni: exactly because you lied just to get things working your ways and you will also lie again after saying this small least you have the sense to admit you lie otherwise I thought you wouldnt even have that she said pointing a finger at him with tears in her eyes but with tears there was anger and hurt too.

Shweta: lie she whispered with a frown on her face

Neil: avni ...but he couldnt complete as avni spoke

Avni: dont say a word because you truley crossed the line neil...why cant you just let me be she said the last bit pleadingly while her facial expression where showing how frustrated she was 

Dayawanti: avni...beta what are you saying? And y r you so angry?

Avni: because I dont want to get married to neil..I dont want to she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Bebe: what is happening here ? Can you both please tell us what is happening?...neil you said avni also feels the same way for you...what is all of this then ?

Neil looked at bebe but instead avni spoke

Avni: I did... I did feel for him but that was in the past... today I will tell you... me and neil  had been dating we started dating in the first year itself as we both had liked each other since beginning and during that 1st year after 2 month neil asked me out and I said yes...but during our 2nd year neil broke up with me saying he felt he was wasting his time on me and that he doesn't feel that love for me and now after all these years he wants to marry me and tells you all that we both like each other but never confessed which isnt true at all...I had made one mistake and that was loving him but I am sorry to say, I can't make the same mistake by marrying the same person who broke my heart 4 years back...if I had known my engagment is fixed with neil then I would have said no in the first place..I share no such personal relation with neil expect that he is my boss and that we both have the same friends

The khanna and metha  family were shocked and surprised with the info that avni revealed.

Bebe: neil is this true she said seriously? After few secs

Neil looked at bebe and nodded while bebe eyes widened.

Neil: avni I had my own reasons which I'll ...but he again got interrupted by avni

Avni: oh please keep your excuses and lies to yourself because I'm clearly not interested to hear it...I have no interest in marrying you or forming any such relations with you because I dont trust you at all  she said harshly as the tears finally rolled down her eyes.

Shweta was angry...she was angry with the way avni was speaking to Neil but she was also angry at her own son for pulling such act and lieing to everyone

Dayawanti: I guess we should get some time to decide what to do next

Avni: what is there to decide dadi ? My answer is no

Neil: and my answer is yes he said finally speaking

Shweta:neil if avni doesnt want to marry you then why are you not understanding

Neil:because I love her ...and I cant give her place to anyone else in my life he said

Avni looked at neil seen the Way he was looking at her..she gulped and looked away not wanting to melt with any of his words

Prakash:I guess we should go he said

Bebe and shweta nodded while neil continued to look at avni who was looking in the other direction.

The Khanna family folded their hand but before leaving shweta walked towards avni making avni look at her

Shweta: avni ..I agree what my son did is wrong but I know for one thing if he lies then there is always a valid might have loved him but I guess you failed to understand him...

Avni looked at shweta and knew shweta was hurt but even she was hurt and she wasnt able to hide It any longer and had to let it out

Shweta walked towards neil who was still looking at avni while she saw his eyes filled up...that confidence look on his face which useto be there was replaced by pain which she wanted to ignore yet she noticed not doing any good to her heart

Shweta: chal neil she said grabbing his wrist and walked towards the door while the khanna family folded their hands before leaving

Vidyut: avni dont do this to him please

Riya:avni...Neil loves you

Avni: you knew he was the one I was going to get engaged all knew she said looking at the gang while they looked at avni and then at each other seen how she wasnt happy at all knowing that

Juhi: haan we did... we just wanted you to be happy and after yours and Neil's break up you never moved on she said with a caring tone

Avni: who said I wasn't happy ? What even made you think I hadn't moved on ? Was I sulking over him leaving me ? No right i moved on and i clearly dont feel for him any more she snapped

Riya:oh please avni we all very well know that you still love neil but you just are denying it...if only neil told...but suddenly she stopped speaking as juhi held her hand

Juhi: calm down Riya it's ok...neil told her na he still loves her and had his own reasons she said to remind riya that neil himself will tell avni as they had promised not to reveal anything...  riya looked away annoyingly understanding why juhi had stopped jer .

Avni: can you all please leave me alone because I'm tired I'm seriously tired.

The metha family told the gang to leave alone and left the room

As soon as the door closed avni leaned against the wall sliding down and bought her knees close to her and let the tears out, able to feel a pain in her heart she pulled her knees even more  closer

Avni: y do you keep hurting me Neil? What are you getting by doing all this...despite saying all that to you i kept feeling a stab on each word I said...stop effecting me this much just stop  she whispered to herself  as she let the tears flow

Meanwhile downstairs

Hetal: riya. Y did you do this to avni ? You knew she is not on good terms and yet you lied to all of us by supporting Neil...and not only you but all of you she said looking sternly at the rest of the gang

Riya: mom I dont support wrong and I will never do and you clearly know that. What I did was right and I still dont regret it

Ketan: doesnt avni emotion mean anything to you riya?

Riya:it does avni emotion means a lot to us but if avni is been  stubborn to not get that happiness in her life then I'm ready to hurt her emotions as it will only be for a short time before she gets her happiness back and that is Neil

Dayawanti: riya how can you be so guaranteed that avni will be happy with neil...maybe she clearly doesn't love Neil anymore

Vidyut: maybe she still does dadi he said moving forward.

Riya: just help us convince avni that she has to marry neil now

Hetal: riya... y are you not understanding...but before riya can speak neela spoke who was silent all this time

Neela: stop!...I dont want any discussion anymore... I have made a decision and that would be final she said while all looked at her

Ashish: what decision neela ?

Neela looked on firmly.

Neela: this alliance wont happen...avni wont get engaged to neil

The gang were shocked and looked at each other

Aman: will di be fine ? He asked concernly as he had never seen avni react that way in her room

Ketan: of course beta our daughter is strong he said moving to aman

An hour later at the Khanna mansion

Bebe, shweta and prakash were sitting silently while Neil was watching all of them for the last 30 mins since they had arrived back home

Neil: why are you all not saying anything? He said finally speaking

The elders looked at neil...but neil had noticed bebe's stern look on him which was very rarely 

Bebe got up and walked to neil as she folded her hands

Bebe: what do you expect us to say neil ? If avni hadn't told us anything you would have kept it hidden from us that you two were dating during college times...and here you come up with a false story about having a liking for each other but never confessed she said looking at neil angrily and then looked away

Neil: bebe I know I didnt do right by lying to you all but I had no option he said holding bebe hand

Bebe: what do you mean you had no option neil ? If you still loved avni why did you leave her in the first place ?

Neil: bebe for now please dont ask me as to y I had left avni

Shweta: y cant you answer neil ?

Neil: because I cant mom...just trust me when I say you all will know soon.

Shweta: y did you make the effort to go back to avni neil?...if you knew she doesn't like you been anywhere near her and doesn't want to be in any sort of relation with you and then why did you do all this

Neil: mom avni may show that she hates me but she still does feel for me...what I did to her in the past is making her push herself away from me...

Shweta: despite how rude she was to you and the way she spoke,  you still feel that ?

Neil smiled sadly

Nell: mom even though avni said all that to me and the way she spoke must have hurt you all but I also know that it would have hurt her too even though she was in pain due to what I did she was in more pain by saying alll that to me he said and walked away to his room

Prakash: we all were so happy...if things went normally then avni and neil would have been engaged by now...but we never knew that we would return back home like this

Shweta: I didnt expect such thing could happen it still feels like a dream prakash ji

Bebe: but it's a reality shweta, a reality which we never expected that would be like this she said

Neil reached to his room and sat on the bed as he recalled the past and what happened in avni room made his heart pain... a tear rolled down his eyes as he closed it

After some time

Neil was sitting near the window and was looking out as he was recalling his past moments with avni where both were happy with each other


Neil and avni had gone out for lunch during their college break while the gang had teased they were on their way to the restaurant avni and Neil were walking hand in hand when neil stopped outside a jewellery shop

Avni: what happend she asked seen him look at the store from outside

Neil: I'm wondering if I should buy you a ring now or in the future? he said

Avni: y a ring?

Neil : ab come on when I would propose you,  I would propose you with a ring na..and also on engagement too we will be exchanging rings

Avni: wh..what she said after few secs not sure if she heard right

Neil turned to avni to see shock on her face

Neil: y r you shocked?

Avni: come out with this randomly so obviously I would be shocked

Neil chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind avni ear

Neil: what is there to be shocked stole my heart and if I dont get engaged to you then who will he said

Avni smiled slowly..but suddenly she smiled micheviosuly

Avni: what if I dont get engaged to you ?

Neil: and y wont you ? He said raising his eyebrows

Avni: just... you know what if my mind changes and I decide not to

Neil: well you have no choice he said taking a step closer to her

Avni : oh yes I do neil Khanna she said teasingly and ran away

Neil: avniiiii wait he said and ran behind her with a smile as her laughter filled his ears...neil got a hold of her and pulled her to him...while people going past by looked at them ...some with a smile while others weirdly

Neil: you will get engaged to me only mark my words he said...avni looked at neil with a smile trying to catch up with her breath..she was able to tell neil was serious while he said that.

Avni: I love you she whispered and hugged him happy to have found neil in her life

Neil: I love you too he said smiling

End of flashback

Neil came back to reality when his phone was he took the phone out from his pocket he saw it was a video  call from the gang... after few secs he answered it too see vidyut and juhi, ali, riya and dd.

Juhi: neil.are you ok?. She asked

Neil looked at his friends...he was blessed to have such friends who have been a big support for him

Ali: Neil? He said calling out to him making neil come out of his thoughts

Neil: I'm ok... you all dont worry he said.

Vidyut: neil what are you going to do now?

At this time shweta was coming to Neil's room when she stopped outside to hear neil speak

Neil: even I dont know vidyut... things didnt go as planned... I thought avni would still get engaged to me after finding me in front of her and she wouldnt go against her family in front of the guest..but things went wrong as I never expected her to faint and then her telling the family about us dating.

Dd: not only you even we hadn't expected that...but neil have you found out about the person who was behind all this?

Neil looked at all.

Neil: maybe...but I want to double confirm as it hasn't been easy yet some clues have given me a doubt but I dont want to name the person without any proof ..

Ali: at least tell us

Neil: noo ali...I want to confirm myself then only he said firmly

Riya: I swear to god whoever this person is, I wont spare that person for making you take a decision to leave avni

Suddenly all started to frown as they started to look at riya on the screen and then slowly their eyes widened

Ali: riya he said gesturing behind her while riya frowned

Riya: what ???

Ali:look behind he said in a low tone which was still heard

Riya got alert and got up turning around to see who it was

Riya: woh actually but before she can continue her phone was taken away

" what is going on? "

All became silent not knowing what to say

Wheras shweta had heard the voice

Riya: nothing...we was talking about what happened tonight she said quickly

" that you were but I also heard the other thing" the person said looking at riya and then at everyone on the phone

At that time shweta who was listening came inside Neil's room startling him

Shweta: you are right even I heard them saying other things she said while the gang closed their eyes as now even shweta heard it

" their silence is telling us shweta ji that whatever they are hiding is serious...neil you tell us"

Neil looked at shweta who was waiting for the answer and then on to his phone where the gang was waiting for him to speak along with the other person

Neil: ok

Shweta: only the truth neil... don't keep anymore secrets because today I have heard to many things that we had no idea about she said

Neil nodded

Neil: as you know me and avni were dating for 1 and a half year...we were happy but then I had no idea that our happiness will be ending soon when

" when what? "

Neil looked at the person

Neil: when.....neil started to tell whatever started to happen in the past while the gang recalled that time as it flashed in their minds again and shweta and the other person was shocked

Shweta: all this happened she whispered

Neil nodded

"And avni doesnt have the slightest clue " still processing what neil said

Neil: noo...I wanted to tell her but she hardly listens to me now.

Shweta: I was angry...angry when avni spoke to you that way but not only her I was angry with you too neil...but now knowing everything I'm ready to help you...and my heart tells me once avni knows everything her anger will go away automatically she said while neil smiled and gave shweta a side hug

" not only you shweta ji but even i am ready to help...I may not have if I hadnt known what neil told but now I will...i know this time whatever Neil said is truth as it can be reflected on his face and his love for avni is clearly visible...but neil who was behind all this? "

Neil: that you all will know soon...I have a doubt but once I have solid proof then everyone will know... right now my aim is to get avni back in my life

" can I ask you a question? "

Neil: yes you can

" if you plan to have avni in your life...y did you leave her in the first it would also be risky now right"

Neil: to be very that time my mind was not working and keeping avni away was the only solution I had as I coulnt risk hers or anyones life after what I saw but after keeping her away from me I was able to pull myself would be risky now but knowing who can be possibly behind this has kept me alert in all ways" he said

" I guess avni is surely lucky to have to you" the person said after few secs

Neil smiled

Ali: chal neil ab smile you have two elders on your side now to support you and know there is no tension...avni will be in your life and near you very soon he said.

Riya: I guess we all should stop now before anyone else comes

Everyone nodded and ended the call

Neil looked at shweta and hugged him

shweta: happy ? She said cupping his face after breaking the hug

Neil: yes but I will be truley happy when i I avni besides me

Shweta: you will just wait a little more and she will be with chal sleep peacefully

Neil:mom..dont tell anyone about what you heard ...not yet he said

Shweta: dont worry I won't

The next day neela walked into avni's room to see her getting ready for work

Neela: bacha if you want to take a day off then dont go today

Avni looked at neela

Avni: no ma I would go...i dont want to give anyone a chance to think I didnt go to work with whatever happened yesterday she said

Neela: will you be able to face....neil she said holding avni's hand

Avni smiled slowly as she placed her hand on top of neela

Avni: I was Able to face him for The first time when I saw him after so many years so I'll be able to do it this time too... you dont worry she said

Neela: dont worry bacha after few days everything will be ok...I have faith that it will...hmm she said cupping avni cheeks

Avni smiled slowly and nodded

Neela:but I also want you to wat your meals on time promise me you will

Avni: I promise ma. I will...neela moved into hug avni

After sometime  at the khanna mansion bebe, and prakash were sitting silently at the dining table while shweta came with the breakfast that moment neil came down

Neil: good morning he said to everyone and sat down while the rest greeted him back slowly

Bebe: Neil? she said looking at him across the table

Neil: ji bebe

Bebe: at office avni will also be there...all I request you is that forget everything and treat avni as your normal employee

Neil: bebe i can't forget everything because in that everything has avni in it he said...bebe eyes widened

Prakash looked at bebe and then at neil

Prakash: Neil y dont you understand avni doesnt  want any sort of personal relation with you

Neil: dad... I have been with avni for 1 and a half year but even in that 1 and a half year I got to know her very well...I'll get going he said while bebe , shweta and prakash looked on.

As soon as neil car left neela car had entered after few minutes...she took a deep breath and got down with ashish and dayawanti and all 3 entered inside

Prakash noticed all of them at the door and got up

Prakash: you all? Please come in he said while ashish, dayawanti and neela walked in

Bebe: we was going to call you after sometime to talk about whatever happend yesterday 

Dayawanti:as much as you are upset with the way things ended up yesterday even we are she said

Shweta: toh ab ? Shall we call of the engagement?

Neela folded her hands and looked at the Khanna family

Neela:  i am really sorry but I dont think we should go ahead with this relation because it is not going to make anyone happy...and if my daughter is clearly not happy after seen her state and hearing what happened then I cant allow her to get married against her own will and that also to neil she said with folded hands

Shweta: it's ok neela ji been a mother I can understand what you are going through she said moving to neela and moved her folded hands away.

Prakash: maybe it wasnt in destiny that two families become one he said

Ashish: you are right prakash ji and with one child happy and the other not there is no point in forming this relation he said as prakash nodded

Neela: bas I just have one request she said

Bebe: what is it puttar? If its regarding to keep neil away from... but she couldnt complete as neela interrupted

Neela: no no..all I want to say is that can we not inform tha guest that we have called the engagement off otherwise they will get too many thoughts in their head as to y and on top of that avni had fainted so I dont want them to get any sort of wrong assumption she said

Shweta: we understand what you are trying it say neela ji you dont worry we will inform our guest that engagment and all other functions has been postponed as avni wasnt well and pandit ji is looking for another date and after some time we will tell them engagement has been called of from both  sides she said

Neela: thank you so much shweta ji..though things ended on a bad note between our kids we have nothing against you all...thank you for been understanding

Dayawanti:neela is right...maybe avni was never meant to be the daughter in law of this house....we will take your leave now she said as the khanna family and metha family folded hands at each other and soon metha family left

Precrap: tight lipped 😜😜

So here is a chapter of love is not Easy

Thank you to those who commented on the previous chap and also thanks to those who voted too.. will be waiting for all the comments and votes

Lots of love 

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