Chapter 3

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Juhi was sorting out  some papers in the hall and was about to get up to put them in the drawer when she noticed vidyut

She was confused to see him at this time as she thought he would be at office she placed the papers back in the table and walked up to her husband who came in

Juhi: vidyut what happened... how comes u came home early ?

Vidyut: actually the thing is... Juhi ...he said pretending To be tensed

Juhi: what happened vidyut ?

Vidyut : I'm sorry but i lied to u in fact I have been hiding something from u since few weeks 

Juhi: what r u talking about vidyut I'm actually getting worried

Vidyut: Juhi there is someone I would like u to meet then u will get all your answers

Juhi: who Do u want me to meet ?

Vidyut: wait here I will come

With that vidyut went outside while Juhi got thinking what vidyut is talking about... vidyut used that as an opportunity and Bought  Neil in

Vidyut stood next to Juhi while Neil stood behind Juhi

Juhi came out of her thinking mode when vidyut tapped on her shoulder

But before she can ask anything ..Neil scared Juhi from the back which made her jump. She placed her hand on her chest and turned around to see Neil laughing along with vidyut

Juhi: Neil she said excitingly

Neil: I must say u still get scared easily

Juhi: couldn't u give a normal surprise and u Mr vidyut don't u feel ashamed of teasing your wife like this

Vidyut; not at all he said laughing

Juhi gave an angry look and then. Turned towards Neil and hugged him

Juhi: it's good to have u back

Neil :it feels good to be back too

Vidyut: Juhi where is Mishti and maa

Juhi: mishti is in her room drawing while maa went out for some work

Vidyut: Neil come... u haven't met mishti yet ...neil nodded

All three walked into mishti room to see her engrossed in coloring something 

Vidyut: hey mea bacha what r u doing

Mishti: I'm coloring angel... she said showing her paper where she had drawn angel (as we all know mishti angel is Avni)

Vidyut: that is nice and who is this person that u have drawn next to your angel

Mishti: that is superman my angel's superman.

Only vidyut and Juhi knew that for mishti angel is Avni  but they didn't know how Neil would react on the mention of Avni after so many years

Juhi: mishti u have a new friend to meet u.

Mishti turned around to see her mom walking with someone who she Hasn't met

Mishti: papa who is he she asked whispering  in  vidyut ear

Vidyut: he is papa and mama very good friend

Mishti: like Ali untle (uncle) and Dd untle (uncle)

Vidyut: yup

Neil bent down to come  to mishti level

Neil: hey mishti I'm Neil. U r very cute and I would love To be friends with a cute girl like u he said pulling her cheeks

Mishti: really ?

Neil: of course

Mishti looked at Neil as if she was inspecting him and then after few mins she placed her hands in Neil and smiled

Mishti: Fliends (friends)

Neil smiled and gave a peck on mishti cheeks.

Suddenly they heard a car sound

Juhi: i think maa is here

Ragini was walking in talking to someone on the phone when she saw vidyut coming out with juhi from mishti room but she saw someone else behind them ...when she looked carefully she realised it's Neil

Neil bent down and took her blessing

Ragini: what a pleasant surprise Neil.. u r finally back and this is not fair Shweta didn't  even tell me about U coming

Neil: actually aunty nobody at home knows that I'm here as I thought I would surprise them.

Ragini: your habit of surprising everyone hasn't gone... I must say u look even more handsome now.

Neil just gave a boyish smile

Suddenly all heard mishti shout and turned towards her... ragini smiled while vidyut and Juhi gave nervous glance to each other and then looked at Neil to see a blank expression on his face

Mishti: angel she said running to the main door and hugged her angel.

Ragini smiled and went towards mishti and angel

Ragini. I told u mishti that your angel would come right

Mishti: Haan I love U dadi she said pecking ragini cheeks.

Ragini: do u know Avni mishti was just saying once thing it's been so many days angel hasnt came to meet me...she was actually missing u a lot

Avni: I know aunty but I was so busy that I couldn't come and meet my cutie Pie she said pulling mishti cheeks and picked her up not aware that Neil is there too

Ragini: y r u all standing there as if U have seen a ghost she said turning to vidyut and Juhi

Avni smiled and looked in the direction ragini was talking when slowly  the smile vanished from her face

There he was standing right in front of her after so many years. While she could  see the tensed look on vidyut and Juhi face but his face she want not able to tell what was going on..

She slowly put mishti down

Ragini was not aware about Neil and Avni been in relation before ... but she knew that avneil knew each other as in vidyut room there was a group pic of all of the gang from their college days 

Ragini: come Avni

Avni: ac ...actually aunty I'm getting late ...have to go somewhere as well..I just came to give this sweets that maa made for u

Ragini: u r acting like your boss will fire u don't forget your boss is also your friend she said jokingly and took the sweets that Avni gave her

Avni gave a fake smile and didn't know what to do as ragini held her hand and dragged her where the others were.

She avoided looking at Neil

Once reaching near them. She tried behaving normally but what surprised her more was when Neil spoke to her as she didn't expect he will speak to her

Neil: hi Avni... he said slowly smiling but that smile didn't reach his eyes

Avni looked at Neil this time she could see him smiling but also could see the pain in his eyes.

Avni: hi she said slowly

Juhi: mishti come bacha it's nearly time for your art classes Avni can u please come and help me.

Avni nodded as she needed some time to recover

While Juhi gestured at vidyut who nodded

Vidyut: Neil come lets go to the study area

Ragini: its nearly lunch time so u both have to eat with us and no excuses she  said to Avni and Neil and then left to go to the kitchen

Once Avni and Juhi reached to mishti room... Avni sat down while Juhi told mishti to get her art book to draw in while mishti was busy doing that Juhi sat down next to Avni and placed her hand on her shoulder

Juhi: Avni?

Avni : y didn't u tell me he was here? I could have came later when he would have left

Juhi: I didn't even know he was going to come in fact vidyut knew all this  as he went to receive Neil at the airport and bought him here to give a surprise

Avni: all this is so awkward she said getting up

Juhi: tell everyone the truth Avni

Avni looked at Juhi

Avni: no u know that is not possible I didn't even tell u anything but u found out when.... Avni stopped

Juhi: I can't see both my friends suffer Avni... sometimes I feel so guilty from hiding the truth from vidyut since u made me promise not to tell anyone

Avni: I'm sorry for putting u in that spot Juhi but i have no other choice

Juhi: I know and somewhere I'm happy that at least u can share your pain with me. But will u be able to act all Normal around him

Avni: I have no choice Juhi but I will have to. She said giving a sad smile to Juhi who hugged her in return

Meanwhile in the study room

Vidyut: Neil I'm sorry yaar I didn't know AM (avni) was going to come here (like I mentioned before vidyut calls Avni as AM as in Avni metha)

Neil: I'm good vidyut

Vidyut: r u sure about that?

Neil looked at vidyut

Neil: yes we broke up 6 years ago... she decided to end it... I agree there was a point where I loved Avni but just because we r not together doesn't mean I will sit like a Devdas and moan.. I have other people in my life who r also important which is my family and friends ...

Vidyut was surprised as he didn't expect Neil to open up like this

Vidyut: agree  but u both can be friends again

Neil: I don't know but even if we r not friend we can talk cordially .

Vidyut: just like what u did outside he said smiling which made Neil smile

Neil: but yes if given a chance I would actually want to know did she actually break up with me because she thought it was pure attraction

Meanwhile back in mishti room

Juhi: what if u both talk in friendly way then at least thing will be a little ok and there won't be a tensed environment around u both

Avni: maybe.... as long as we keep
Our distance that's fine with me... maybe talking cordially will be the best thing

Juhi: good so just behave normally

Avni: by saying that I'm getting nervous

Juhi: I know I'm sure it's not that easy to behave normal with an ex

Avni looked at Juhi sadly

Avni: an ex who I had to break up with because..... Avni stopped the tears from coming out

Juhi: don't think about it as it's going to hurt u more and make things even more hard for u.

Avni: this is what I wanted Juhi that he moves on... and when he has and is all normal it's hard for me to accept the fact

Juhi in her head: that's what u think Avn...Neil has moved on and that's what he shows everyone but the truth is he still has feelings for u somewhere in his heart

Juhi : come let's go otherwise maa will come up searching for us... Avni nodded while Juhi got a hold of mishti and went down to see Neil and vidyut already  in the living room

Mishti ran to vidyut who placed her in his lap

Vidyut: so is my princess all ready for her classses

Mishti: yes she said excitingly and kissed vidyut cheeks and in return she got a kiss from her dad

Mishti said bye as someone came to take her for the classes and left

Ragini came out of the kitchen and saw all four there

Ragini: what happened y is everyone quiet

Juhi: no maa it's nothing like that

Ragini: come and sit on the dining table lunch will be served

Vidyut and Neil moved forward while avni breathed a sigh of relief as she noticed when she came down she had felt Neil's gaze on her but she didn't dare to look and pretended as if she doesn't realise he was staring at her

Hey guys here is chap 3 really sorry I was going to post my other ff too but my internet is acting stupid so I'm posting this one from my phone . As the update for the other ff is only my laptop so if my internet is all normal tomorrow then I will update that too

Thanks for the lovely comments for the previous  part and also those who voted means a lot
Will be waiting for all the lovely comments and vote
Lots of love Sonali

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