Chapter 35

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Time flew by and it was nearly evening avni had helped shweta make dinner while bebe went to wake kareena wake up..

Kabir came back and went to his room to freshen up he was hell tired but thought he will sleep after eating.

It was around 7 when Neil and prakash came home.

Avni came and gave water to Neil and prakash... while Neil who was standing took the chilled water and drank it and thanked avni by giving her a side hug

Neil: where is kabir and kareena

Avni: bebe went to wake kareena up while I think kabir is resting

Neil:I'll go and check on that guy.. avni nodded taking the glass from him and prakash

Prakash: beta I'll go and change

Avni: ok papa. Avni went back into the kitchen to help shweta ... while at that time bebe bought kareena down

Neil entered kabir room to see him sleeping

Neil: kabir come on wake up

Kabir: bro let me sleep man I'm tried

Neil:u can sleep something first come all r waiting for u

Kabir: I'll eat after he said covering himself with the duvet

Neil: kabir... if u don't wake up right now then I'll throw this water on u he said picking up the jug

Kabir: yaar y is everyone the enemy of my sleep

Neil: nobody is now come on get up... freshen up and come down for dinner and then sleep as much as u want he said pulling kabir up and dragged him to the bathroom

Neil then went to his room and placed his laptop bag on the table and turned to go and change When something caught his attention.. he turned around again seen the couple statue

Neil: this was never here before where did it come from? he said looking at it?  maybe kabir or kareena got it.. I'll ask avni after he said to himself placing it down on the table and went to change.

Neil came down and saw everyone was getting ready to sit on the table.... he winked at avni who glared at him making him smile...after a while kabir also joined them

Bebe:kareena... kabir both of your parents had called to know if u have reached over here

Kabir: y? Don't they know how long it take to get to India ?

Shweta: kabirrr... they had told both of u to call once u reach india but none of u did that so they were bound to get worried

Kareena: mami  we were so excited to come over here that in our excitement we forgot

Kabir: exactly bua. Don't worry we will call our parents tomorrow

Avni who was listening to all of this suddenly jumped up in her seat as Neil had pinched her on the waist

Bebe:what happened beta u ok

Avni: haan bebe I'm fine she said smiling and then turned to look at Neil who placed his finger on his lips taping it slowly ... Avni glared at him to behave.. luckily nobody saw that as they were busy talking

All had sat for a bit and had dessert and then retired to their room

Avni entered first followed by Neil who closed the door locking it

Avni: Neil look kabir gave this..he said his bhai and bhabhi got this for us isn't it beautiful 

The stalker smiled hearing avni voice

Neil:it's beautiful but not more than u he said walking towards her while she placed the statue back on the desk

Neil stood beside her and caressed her cheeks  with his thumbs.. avni lips parted automatically when he was caressing her cheeks

Avni: I'll go and change she said moving away from him

avni walked to the wardrobe to get her gown... Neil walked towards her and moved her hair towards her shoulder tracing her back with his finger and then pulled the string of her blouse..avni stood still while her heart started beating fast making the gown fall from her hand

She instantly turned around while Neil looked at her and then moved his eyes down to her lips..

Neil: remember during pag phere I had left a work incomplete i think it's best to finish that of too along with taking my kiss

Avni gulped remembering their intimate moment and how also Neil told her he won't cross the line until she is not ready... beside she wanted to become his fully on the special day she had planned.

Avni: Neil I..woh..I she said not able to find words

Neil: i remember what u said avni.. but that shouldn't  stop me from expolring u with lots of love wifey he said

Avni: I'm too tired lets sleep she said picking up her gown from the floor quickly and took few steps to go to the bathroom when she felt Neil holding her saree pallu to stop her .. she turned around while holding it from her shoulder.

Neil: not so fast  wifey he said moving closer to her still holding the saree pallu

Avni: what if someone comes...neil smirked

Neil: i have closed the door baby because I don't want anyone to disturb my private time with my wifey he said winking

The stalker was listening to all this his eyes was red due to anger... he was already imagining Neil touch avni....he angrily threw the beer bottle on the floor.

Avni: at least let me change

Neil: I'll do that for u... avni became nervous and Neil saw that.

Avni: Neil...

Neil: I'll keep my eyes closed I promise...if u want u can blindfold me.

Avni looked at Neil... she knew he would never break his promise and never make her feel uncomfortable

Stalker:say no avni just say no damit

Seen avni  stand still in her place Neil thought maybe avni is not ready for that too.

Neil:it's ok go and change after that I'll claim my kiss he said smiling while avni looked at him
The stalker smiled hearing Neil's words and relaxed

Avni walked away from him while Neil moved to the dressing table to place his watch and phone on the desk when all of a sudden he felt something cover his eyes

Neil:avni he whispered

Avni: i trust u Neil.. I'm happy how u understand when I'm nervous .. and I'm sorry for making u wait.. but I want u to mark me yours on that special day I have planned for u.

As soon as the stalker heard avni say that he was shocked for a second and the next sec he was angry as hell

Neil smiled at avni words

Neil: when is that special day of yours

Avni:very soon she said turning him around as she tied the blindfold around his eyes

Stalker: what special day is avni talking about?.. whenever  it is I'll make sure that special day never comes and u will have to celebrate it with me.

She held his hands and guided him into the washroom as soon as they walked in she turned the washroom lights off while keeping the washroom door open so that the light from the room comes into the washroom 

Neil: if u get really uncomfortable just let me know and I'll stop.

Avni: i will she said smiling.. she knew she can never be uncomfortable around Neil as his closeness only makes her nervous due to the new feelings  she always feels.

Neil took the gown from avni hand and placed it on the floor... he slowly wrapped his hands around avni waist letting his fingers trace her bare skin on her waist... giving that ticklish feeling while avni hand automatically went on to Neil shoulder.

He then pulled her a little closer and rubbed his beard on her cheeks making her giggle slightly.

Avni saw Neil move his face back and he lifted his hands up slowly to find her face. He moved his fingers softly from her forhead down to her nose and then outlined the shape of her lips while he was able to feel avni grip tighten around his shoulder

The stalker was trying to listen but he couldn't hear a thing which was angering him even more

Neil then moved his face closer to avni and first placed a small kiss on her forehead while avni closed her eyes.. he then moved down to her nose, both of her cheeks... and then kept his lips on top of avnis but didn't kiss her yet.

Avni slowly opened her eyes seen Neil face close to her while he lips rested on her without a movement

Neil was about to move back but avni held his shirt collar stopping his from moving and claimed his lips kissing him slowly while Neil smiled inbetween the kiss as his hand tightened around her waist pulling her closer to him making avni already feel his hardened manhood around her stomach.

Avni gasped when Neil bite on her lips and then slowly sucked on it. While  tangled her fist in his shirt pulling him closer making Neil groan softly.

Both slowly broke the kiss but Neil didn't stop there and moved his lips to her jaw line and then   slowly moved to kiss the sensitive spot of her neck making avni he continued kissing the sensitive spot of her neck his one hand moved to her shoulder and removed the safety pin which was holding her soon as avni felt her saree about to fall of her shoulder she turned around while her breathing was uneven... holding on to her saree from falling

Neil felt avni turn in his arms.. he placed his finger on her lower back and slowly started moving his fingers upwards drawing patterns slowly while he could feel avni move about in his arms... as soon as Neil hands reached to the upper part of her back he moved her hair to the side and placed small wet kisses around that area... avni turned around hugging Neil tightly

Neil broke the hug keeping a distance and held both of avni hand allowing her saree to fall of her shoulder leaving her upper body in her blouse.

Neil moved his  hands on her stomach and drew around her belly button while he was able to feel how avni stomach was moving in and out due to his touches.. he slowly moved his one hand up while his other hand was resting on her lower back

Neil placed his hand on her breast and slowly caressed her nipple which hardened straight away and it was clearly seen poking through her blouse unable for him to see.. he continued doing that and then moved to her next breast continuing giving  her the same sweet torture while avni breath was uneven. He then stopped and bent on his knees while avni hands were into a fist... Neil placed his both hands on either side of her hips and slowly placed soft wet kisses around her stomach while avni hand instantly went into Neil hair gripping it tightly.

Avni: Neil she barely said not able to speak properly due to the things he was making her feel

Neil then rubbed his beard against her stomach and then  stopped after a while and slowly started removing her saree pleets.. although Neil had a blindfold on avni still felt as if Neil can see her state

Once he removed her saree pleets he removed her saree that was tucked into the skirt which fell on the ground leaving her in her blouse and skirt

Neil got up and slowly kissed her on her cheeks moving to the side of her lips while his hand were behind her back taking the hook of.. once he did he took of avni blouse

This was the first time Avni was standing in front of Neil with her breast shown but the thing was that her darling husband couldn't see it because of the blindfold but that shouldn't stop him from enjoying right.

Neil: can I?... he asked and as if avni understood him replied straight away

Avni: yes she whispered.

Neil smiled and slowly cupped her breast feeling it for the first time without any barriers of clothes... he slowly started caressing her nipple again making it harden instantly while avni gasped but she didn't expect what he would do next

Neil lowered his face and slowly sucked on her nipples making avni arch her back feeling  something new which was something good

Avni:gosh neil she said breathlessly while he continued and moved his hand to her other breast already able to feel her hardened nipple... he then replaced his hands with his mouth as he started sucking  the other breast which was screaming for his attention. Neil slowly moved his hand to her skirt and untied it while Avni lifted her head back up looking at  how Neil was busy exploring her.

As Neil untied her skirt it felt on the floor.. he hands was caressing her waist moving to her stomach  and then it slowly moved down to her lower part of her body and placed his hand on her private part already feeling her panties wet

Avni stood still as soon as she felt Neil hands on her private part

Neil: i didn't know i effect u this much... only I know how much I'm controlling myself from giving u full pleasure he said slowly stroking her pu**y through her panties... Avni threw her head backwards

Avni: shit!... Neil stop she said feeling something totally different. While Neil stroked it for few more mins and then stopped.

Neil: fine but next time when your surprise day comes don't expect me to stop he said.

Avni: single track mind she whispered slowly as she tried to calm her breathing 

Avni picked up her gown and gave it to Neil.

he helped her wear it on once done neil was taking  of the blindfold while avni quickly took her clothes from the floor and threw it in the clothe basket.

Neil opened and closed his eyes due to having the blindfold on for a long time.

Avni was about to get to the bed when Neil quickly came out and held her wrist pulling her closer to him

He looked at avni to see how she was avoiding looking at him while her cheeks were red

Neil: oye hoye someone is blushing

As soon as the stalker heard Neil voice he came near to hear again.

Avni: shut up she said trying to move away but Neil didn't let her go

Neil: tonight was the best... I will have a peaceful sleep after a half make out session with my wifey.. and yes I have a single track mind when it comes to u.

Avni:Neil leave me chalo let's sleep she said trying to get away from him.

Neil: wifey i still can hear the way u moaned when...

Avni:neilll... enough she said covering his mouth with her hand stopping him from speak  while Neil kissed it.

The stalker was burning in Jelaousy.

Neil: i love u he said moving her hands away while avni smiled slowly

Avni:i love u too..she said hugging him.


Suddenly he got a call from a number and didn't answer it.. once the call ended he calmed down and then called back on the number using a private code so that on the other person call it shows as private no

Stalker: hey mom..

Lady on the other end: beta did u eat.

Stalker: yes mom.. how is everyone over there

Lady: all good

Stalker: mom I'll call in a bit ok.. just a litttle busy.

Lady:  ok take care VEER BETA.. hope to see u back soon.

Veer: by mom he said cutting the call

The scene focuses on veer face who ended the call and looked at avni pictures on the wall and then smiled evily  (hehe don't lie and say I knew it was veer I have seen those comments of everyone who thought it was kabir)

Precrap:nahi kahu gi

Hey guys so as everyone was excited to see the stalker here he is I finally revealed him in front of the audience. Adizashipper mehak baby I deserve a long comment from u for this

SukanyaSarker Zara batha na Teri is tharki dost ka chap kaisa laga with avni scenes

Hope u love this chap will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep it coming

Thanks to those who voted for the previous chap and also left their comment

shubhangi1600 another for u jaa jee le apna ang laga de

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