chapter 40

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After 30 mins avneil reached to the place while people were walking in and out

Both got out of the car.. Neil forwarded his hand towards her and avni placed her hands in his... both started to walk inside .... they saw  how beautifully the hall looked with everyone wearing the perfect outfit for the festival.

Avni:mama...avni called out letting go of Neil's hand and moved to hug neela when she spotted both the families ..

neela hugged her tightly while everyone watched them

Neela: how r u bacha

Avni:all good

Neela: do u know how much we missed u... after your wedding with Neil u seem to have forgotten us she said teasingly

Avni:mama it's nothing like that

Neela: then what is it like.... she said winking at both avneil


Neela: but u know I'm happy.. because it shows how much love u r getting from everyone over there.

Avni:I am mama but that doesn't mean I love u all any less

Ashish:beta give your papa a hug too..

Avni smiled and moved forward to hug him while he held her so close missing her a lot and placed a kiss on her  head.. Avni then moved to hug the rest of the family member... while Neil moved to take their blessing and in return got a hug from all of them

Bebe:by the way this is kareena and kabir... kareena is my daughter maddy child while kabir is shweta brother son who is also like my grandchild she said pulling kabir cheeks while both folded their hands in front of the metha and pandit family.

Neela:I hope u both r enjoying your stay here

Kareena:ji aunty we r

Dayawanti:well u have to come to our house some day

Bebe:of course we will bring them

Nanno:it's the first day of navratrti let's pray to mata rani that whatever evilness is in our life ends.

At that time veer reaches his destination and rolls down the window looking towards the right

While the elders were talking to most of the guest.. the gang were standing together talking when Riya spoke

Riya:I forgot to  say I invited Monica but she said she can't make it today but will try and come tomorrow

Vidyut: That's fine

Juhi:she is actually busy haven't seen her since she came for the wedding function

Neil:well hopefully she can catch up later but till then let's play

Soon Navratrti songs started to play

First was going to be the garba dance

All started to gather in a circle doing the steps.. however everyone had their own steps while the elders continued doing the old steps which is still famous even today... the younger generation had come up with a different step.... slowly slowly all started to do the garba step.. Avni,riya, juhi, kareena  and some of their other work mates formed another line behind the elders and started their garba steps all going round and round the idols that was kept in the middle

The boys were watching.. Neil smiled and loved how avni was dancing with out any worry in fact he was happy as all the family members were  enjoying

The garba dance was slow then it started getting faster and faster each passing time and then back to normal.  Avni gestured Neil and the boys to join but they denied at first... she shook her head and continued...

After what seems like ages they took a break while the others were still doing the garba dance...and went to where the boys was.

Thankfully the hall was air conditioned so they wouldn't be sweating and all..

Avni rested her head against Neil shoulder while drinking water with him putting his hand on her lower back.

Kareena:gosh this is fun.. I just loved it.

Avni:haan watch when it's about to end the dance moves will be even more faster until the song doesn't end

Kabir:come on let's even join then

Vidyut:very funny

Juhi:y ? does it hurt your ego to dance with us 

Vidyut:of course not juhi

Riya: then join instead of standing and watching us.

After a lot of debate the boys agreed and soon joined the girls after they showed them the steps.

The order was vidyut, juhi, kareena, kabir, aman, riya, ali, Neil and avni with other random people

15 mins later all were loving it as the music was getting faster... Neil used this as an opportunity and pulled avni away from there without anyone knowing

Veer drives the car inside and stopped it near the main entrance

He got out of the car and saw the body guards who were looking at him

While one stood near the main door the other one walked towards where veer was

Bodyguard: who r u?

Veer: I'm veer.. Neil khanna cousin.

Bodyguard: we will have to check if u r on the list if not then u won't be allowed to go in

Veer:sure go ahead.. he said smirking

The other body guard loaded the pics on the iPad and searched up when veer photo showed up.. the body guard walked towards veer

Bodyguard:u r on the list so u can go in but nobody is at home

Veer smiled and walked inside the khanna mansion  with an evil smirk

Back at the venue

Neil dragged avni to a corner without anyone knowing

Avni:Neil what was that for.. the garba dance was  nearly about to finish.. y did u drag me here

Neil: come on wifey u r not that innocent to not understand y I bought u here he said leaning his face closer while avni frowned and then realised

Back to the khanna mansion

Veer:I wonder where Neil's room is as  Avni will be staying  in that room temporarily.. he checked each room one by one and finally came to one more room which he knew was avneil because of the pictures on the wall .. also  it was designed the way Neil likes it.. he walked inside and stood in the middle and looking around

Back to the venue

Avni:Neil r u mad u never leave a chance

Neil:so there is no rule where it says u can't spend romantic time with your partner. Now let's just finish this  quickly he said eyeing her lips

Avni:well for u this would never finish right

Back to Khanna mansion in avneil room

Veer looks around when his eyes fell on the couple statue that kabir gave to avneil.. he walked towards it and picked it up.. he smirked and removed the bottom bit and looked inside to see the chip the he had placed


Veer:Sheetal.. don't u think this is the perfect gift for Neil and his wife he said showing the gift

Sheetal:omg veer this is amazing.. see this is y I bring u to shopping with me as your choices r lovely

Veer:so shall we get this packed

Sheetal:of course

Veer:now do one thing for me

Sheetal: what?

Veer:go and choose some sarees for yourself I'll get this paid and come..

Sheetal :Veer I dont need any

Veer: for my sake go

Sheetal nodded and went to the other store.

Veer took out the chip from his pocket.. he walked to the counter placing the gift.. as the cashier asked for money.. veer placed a whole bundle of cash along with the chip tapping on it .

The cashier looked at him and placed the chip inside when veer placed another bundle

With that sheetal and veer gave the gift to kabir.

End of flashback

Veer smirked and placed the chip back carefully closing the bottom bit and placed it on the table

Back to avneil

Neil: what can I do as i am not able to get enough of u.. I just don't feel like stopping.. Avni eyes widened.

Avni:neilllllll stop it she said slapping his arm playfully,

pushing  him away and she was about to leave when Neil pulled avni back caging her in his arm and rested his back against the wall.. he kept one hand on the back of avni's head moving her face closer to his and slowly brushed his lips against hers making her lips part slowly

Back at khanna mansion

Veer opened avneil wardrobe.. he saw avni's clothes and touched them all slowly as if feeling her... he then took  one out and smelled  it and then wraps it around him as if to feel her.

At the venue

Avni had her eyes closed thinking how a mere touch of Neil's can make her feel butterfly in her stomach. He then didn't waste any time and captured her lips completely pulling her closer each sec while avni fingers were tangled on the back of his hair as he deepened the kiss

In avneil bedroom 

Veer then walked to where avni stuff was kept on the dressing table and picked it up touching it.. feeling it against his skin smelling her perfumes and much more

His attention then goes on wall looking at avneil frames hung through the mirror and turns around... he walked towards the frames and gave an angry look to see Neil's pics with Avni.. he took out his phone and goes through the gallery finding his pic and then placed the phone  over Neil's picture on the frame

Veer: perfect now this frame looks perfect. As it has mine and your pic.. but don't worry we will get better ones taken till then u have to be with Neil in these frames

At the venue

Avneil slowed down and broke the kiss and waited for their heartbeat to get back to normal... they had their forhead rested against each other

Avni:u go I'll go to the washroom and fix myself up

Neil: Y?

Avni:the mess I'm in everyone would know or realise what must have happened.. understand mr khanna she said

Neil:if u want I'll join u in the washroom

Avni :no just go and if anyone asks say that I wanted to go to the washroom so u took me and then came back

Neil:wah already leaning how to make excuses

Avni:Neil go she said trying to be serious... Neil gave a peck on the cheeks and left while avni shook her head at Neil smiling with the way he behaves sometimes.

At the khanna mansion

Veer had decided to leave and go where all r.. he asked the guard for the address who gave it and left from there

Neil came back as the garba dance had finished while everyone was talking as prepration was been made for the aarti

Kareena: bhai where did u go

Aman: and were is di

Neil:she wanted to use the washroom so I took her she should be coming in a bit. He said casually

Vidyut: u sure na

Neil:of course.. Vidyut tried to hide his smile

The lights were dim avni came after sorting her hair and lips. The aarti was about to start and all got ready to fold their hand while the person started to sing the aarti song

Veer entered inside and looked around to locate all the familiar faces and saw the khanna family and then avni

He slowly walks past everyone as the aarti was going on..when he was near Avni he lifted his hand and brushed his hand on her back lightly moving away...  avni opened her eyes straight away and turned around finding nobody and saw all praying with their eyes closed

Avni Ignored it thinking maybe it was her imagination and got back to praying

After the aarti the Prasad was distributed to all while everyone moved forward for the aarti and placed money while praying as that money was going to be used for a good cause

Everyone took their dandiya and  formed a line be it in small groups or joining random large one.

The dandiya dance started all were dancing with their dandiya stick enjoying and playing it the normal way

Veer's eyes was on avni only watching her do the dandiya dance so gracefully. Watching how she turns the sticks in her hand so effortlessly..

After an hour or so once the dandiya dance finished.. veer came out of his Avni zone when he saw her walk away with  Neil and the gang somewhere.. if he wanted then he could have followed them but then that meant someone from the family seen him and he can't ignore them and say he was going to see what the gang was doing

Veer:time to make official entry veer He said looking at the khanna family sitting with methas and ragini and slowly walked towards them

Veer came in front of the khanna family and placed his hand on shweta eyes gesturing nobody to say anything while prakash and bebe were happy to see him...the rest was wondering who is he

Shweta:arien who is this


Shweta:I never knew that peoples name r called guess too..

Bebe:Shweta stop trying to Crack joke and just guess

Shweta:Bebe at least give me a clue

Bebe:nope think who it is ... he even spoke so u should know

Shweta:look whoever u r can u speak again so I know


Shweta thought and then realised


Veer:thank god I thought u must have forgotten me he said moving his hands away and shweta got up to face him

Shweta:veer beta omg what a pleasant surprise she said hugging them.

Kabir: bro yaar not fair u should have told me at least that u r coming

Veer:it was a surprise for all which includes u

Prakash:look here comes Neil he said...

Neil was waking with avni and the gang as they came near Neil saw veer and smiled

Neil:omg macho man what a pleasant surprise he said hugging him while veer hugged him back

Veer: how r u he said placing his hand on Neil's  shoulder

Neil:perfect... now since u r here meet avni my wifey he said pulling avni close to him.. veer fakes a smile but from inside he was angry like hell

Veer: hi

Avni:hi she said smiling but however at the same time avni felt something odd.. as as if she can feel that person presence but doesn't realise he is right in front of her

Neil: and this is vidyut, juhi both happily married, ali and riya planning to get married and my other friend who isn't here yet but will be back soon

Avni:um shall we go and speak to the pandit ji about tomorrow's prepration

Neil:yup veer I'll just be back in a bit... he held avni's  hand taking her away while veer looked at their intertwined  hands fuming silently

Kabir:broooo he said moving to hug him making veer move his attention to him

Ali:ok so I'm.telling u guys that tomorrow dandiya dance would be celebrated in a different way

Nanno: how

Ali:that u will get to know tomorrow after all its the youngsters ideas re he said in a film way

Nanno:Ali just say it

Riya:nanno I'll tell u.. we will be having normal dandiya dance but also we will perform a dance with bollywood navratri songs for this round

Shweta:wow thats amazing.


Kabir:gosh I can't wait for tomorrow but can we go home now I'm tried

Bebe:haan puttar let avni and Neil come and then we all will leave... Kabir nodded

Aman:kabir I have few kurta and shwerani which u can wear for upcoming days just hope it fits u...I'll Come and show u them tomorrow

Kabir:thanks man that means a lot he said giving aman a brotherly hug

Avneil came back after 5mins.

Neela: things decided for tomorrow's prepration ?

Avni:haan we won't have to make much Prasad as other guests have decided to contribute too

Bebe: that's good.

Ali:we will also have different snacks so that all dont get tired of one thing

Hetal: that is also important.. the amount of things made today actually finished which is a good thing .

Neela: shall we leave now.

All hugged each other saying bye while avni hugged her family and moved to hug ragini too

The staff was going to take care of all the cleaning and locking the hall after.... the metha family left

Neil went to collect the donation box while avni Was playing with mishti

Shweta: anything else needs to be taken ?

Neil:nope the rest r kept in a safe place

Prakash: so let's leave then.

All started to walk out.

The gang said bye to avneil and also left

Avneil were going in their car when veer was about to join them

Shweta: veer beta come with us

Veer:bua I thought I'll go with Neil so I can catch up with him

Kabir: bro try and understand Neil bro and bhabhi r going alone in a car .. let them be u can talk to them later he said winking... Neil and avni smiled

Bebe:plus let the couple spend time alone even u r married so u will understand

Prakash:exactly spend some time with them after... veer faked a smile and agreed

Avneil sat in their car and soon each vehicle drove away to head back to the khanna mansion

Avni and Neil reached to the khanna mansion first and walked in after greeting the guards and after few mins the rest of khanna family walked in..

All sat on the sofa while imli went to get water for all

Prakash:so veer what made u come here I mean u came alone without anyone

Kabir: haan even I was going to ask that bro

Veer:haan actually I was going to go back when I got an deal offer over here so came to check what's it's like from some Maliks construction and thought of seen u all...but things didn't go as planned as the deal wasn't good enough so I left it....  after that I thought let me surprise u all.. I didnt even tell anyone back home

Prakash:right... I'm sure u will get better deals

Neil:it's really good seen u back he said moving near veer

Veer:I feel good to he said smiling

Shweta:chalo enough of this talk and veer tomorrow u call your parents and tell them u r here

Kabir:haan poor bhabhi doesn't even know u r here if u had told your plans she could have came with us

Veer: it was undecided kabir.

Bebe:let's go to sleep

Shweta: veer just give me few mins I'll get guest room ready for u.

Kabir:phew I thought u would tell bhai to sleep with me... I'm saved he said while veer glared but kabir hugged him... veer smiled slightly but his eyes were on avneil

He saw how  Neil was   pinching avni on the waist while she was glaring at him and then him trying to untie her dori with avni shaking her head while glaring at Neil at the same time but he couldn't hear a thing as they were nearly half way up the stairs and were whispering 

Neil:come on wifey I helped u tie this blouse at least let me help u take it off

Avni:Neil i said no now behave she said trying to stop her naughty husband and held his hands dragging him towards their room

Veer wasn't liking any of that... his jaws were clenched tightly thinking what the scene would be like in the room

Precrap: imagine karlo😂😂😂😂
(shubhangi1600 jaa shubhu jaa tera veer ahh gaya😂)

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