chapter 60

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Neil:wifey.. I'm here speaking to u right now chalo sleep come on

Avni:I'm not able to Neil

Neil:I'm right here avni come on sleep he said

Avni Held the phone close to her ear and laid down


Neil:I'm here avni he said assuring her and laid down too while keeping the phone next to his ears

Avni:I love u she said closing her eyes slowly

Neil:I love u too wifey

They both had their eyes closed and were able to hear each other slow deep breath and soon sleep took over

The next morning

Avni woke up  to see Neil sleeping beside her...she smiled and sat up when  her eyes widend seen veer sit on the chair
She quickly got up and grabbed the hockey stick which she had kept for safety just in case

As she turned she found nobody else in the room except her she looked on the bed to see no sight of Neil and then on the couch again to see nobody was there...

she calmed her breath and sat down... avni looked at the phone and saw she was still on the call with Neil... she saw the time showing 6am....avni ended the call knowing Neil will be sleeping and went to freshen up.

Meanwhile at the Khanna mansion

Bebe:there was no call from metha family  ... if avni had gone there last night they would have called us.. does that mean avni gone somewhere else? if so where?.. I hope she is ok and away from that stalker safe and sound

Bebe decided to call dayawanti

Dayawanti: good morning harleen ji

Bebe:morning dayawanti ji...woh i actually wanted to tell u something

Dayawanti:sure go ahead she said sensing the seriousness

Bebe:is it ok If I come to meet u

Dayawanti:of course harleen ji u dont need my permission for that

Bebe:thank u I'll come over at 9am

Dayawanti:that's fine feel free to come anytime.

Both both ended the call...bebe wondered how she would tell the metha family while dayawanti wondered what bebe wanted to tell as she sounded tensed

After a while in avneil bedroom Neil woke up  opening his eyes slowly to see the other side of the bed empty

Neil: seems like avni woke up early today he said closing his eyes when he felt something under his ears.. he slowly lifted it to see the other phone...that's  when he  realised avni isnt here ...he rubbed his forehead when the phone beeped

He frowned and opened it to see it saying
" good morning Mr khanna stop thinking about me and get ready.. and please in my absence dont ruin the room with your clothes scattered over the place

Neil chuckled reading the message and shook his head

Neil:love u avni he said in his head

Shweta had walked into bebe room.



Shweta: I tried calling avni she didnt answer but she only sent an voice audio saying she is fine and we dont have to worry about her

Bebe:ok.. I had called dayawanti ji and told her we r coming to meet them today so that they can know what has happened between avni and Neil

Shweta: ok bebe

Veer was getting ready for jogging

While putting on his trainers he was in a thinking mode

Veer:even though Neil told avni to leave the house I have to keep an eye on him because what if he goes to meet avni to make her understand ...somehow I need to make sure they keep distance no matter what.he thought and left the room while sheetal sat on the bed watching him go

Neil hears someone knock on his door.

Neil:who is it

Veer:Neil it's me

Neil got up gritting his teeth.. he made sure to switch off the other phone and kept it in a safe place in the room...

He calmed himself down and went to open the door slowly smiling at veer

Veer:morning neil

Neil:morning veer.

Veer: chalo I came to take u

Neil: where?

Veer:jogging where else? it will freshen up your mind

Neil:thanks for the concern yaar but I really dont want to go for a jog.

Veer:oh yes u r he said and went to open neil wardrobe

Neil:wow I'm amazed.

Veer:about what?

Neil: that u knew what side of the wardrobe has my clothes

Veer for a sec went blank while Neil wondered what excuse veer will make now

Veer:arien its common ..boys usually keep clothes on this side  of the wardrobe I mean I do so thought u might too he said coming up with an excuse and smiled

Neil nodded... but in his mind he was cursing veer very badly

Neil:lets see how long u continue to hide all action of yours because very soon your game will end he thought to himself

Veer:so come on go and change

Neil:yeh give me few mins I'll change..till then u wait downstairs he said taking his phone with him

Veer nodded and went to  the hall thinking he would have got a chance to check Neil phone to see if he has spoken to avni unaware that his brother has another phone to speak to his dear wifey.

Few mins later veer saw Neil come down,

Veer:shall we go

Neil:yup he said and followed veer

It had been 10 mins since veer and neil had gone for a they were jogging veer excused himself saying he is going to get  coconut water and hid behind a tree to see if Neil makes a call... it had been 5 mins but all veer saw Neil do was normal exercise 

Veer:even though  Neil told avni to leave y is my mind not satisfied and thinks that Neil will contact avni for sure... I just should keep checking on him now and then but also make sure raghu and his men keep an eye on Neil too.

Neil knew veer is watching him from far as he had seen him hide behind a tree which was near the coconut stand but he pretended that he is busy looking for a spot to do his exercise and continued to do normal exercise..laughing inside thinking veer wont get anything

Meanwhile at the farmhouse...avni had freshened up and also had her breakfast.

Avni:yaar I wish if I had someone here with me toh at least bore toh nahi hoti... I'll probably talk to Neil and ask if I can stay at the metha mansion but if I do that then the chances of exposing veer will flop...its only a matter of sometime avni. U r alone but u can do other things to pass your time she said to herself

On the other end Neil and veer were walking back

Veer:Neil can I ask u something

Neil:yh sure go ahead

Veer:have u heard anything from avni I mean where is she staying.

Neil stopped and looked at veer seriously

Neil:veer about avni u dont need to worry about her she is grown up enough to look after herself and I'm sure once she realises u r not the stalker and that was her misunderstanding she will come back.... I know she is still not safe out there as the stalker Is still in the open... I'll make sure a guard stays with her Ok he said placing a hand on veer shoulder

Veer:but how will u find out where she stays

Neil:I dont know where she stays but I'll probably get mom or bebe to ask her when we go to Ali and riya sangeet later on now let's go he said and  smirked as he continued to walk

Veer watched Neil go...

Veer:once i get to know where avni is staying I'll find the right opportunity and take her away at the right time... Neil seems to assume that avni is wrong and that the stalker is someone else which is an advantage for me but I still need to make sure avni somehow doesnt make Neil believe anything.

He took out his phone and made a call to  one of his men

Veer:raghu when I'm not with neil u need to make sure to keep an eye on him ok

Later on bebe and shweta reached to the metha they got out of the car they looked at each other and walked in

Neela who was taking away the plates saw bebe and shweta walk in

Neela: gd morning bebe..good morning shweta ji

Shweta:uh good morning Neela ji

Bebe:woh beta I had called dayawanti ji to tell her that we wanted to talk to u all about something

Neela frowned as she noticed shweta and Bebe tensed face

Neela:what happened y do u both look tensed

Shweta and bebe looked at each other and then at neela

Bebe:beta how about u call everyone and then we tell u all at the same time

Neela:av...avni is ok na.

Shweta: avni is ok she told us she is

Neela was confused now

10 mins later the metha family were sitting as they  were looking at shweta and bebe who were telling them what had happened between avni and Neil

Shweta:we tried to stop Neil from telling avni to leave but he didnt listen to us

Neela listened to shweta she recalled how Neil had wanted avni back in his life and the things he had done to get her.

Neela (In ber mind):y am I not able to believe that Neil would do something like that to avni.. y does it feel like there is something that we r missing

Neela came out of her thoughts when she heard bebe speak

Bebe:we r sorry that we couldnt tell u what happened between avni and Neil

Dayawanti:its alright harleen ji we didnt take anything in the wrong way...avni and Neil r husband and wife and we should give them space but also make sure that they dont take any wrong decision

Neela:maybe this wedding will bring them closer

Ashish:let's pray so...I just hope whatever the issue is sorts out.

Bebe: we hope so too...shweta had called avni but she didnt answer and only sent an voice audio that she is ok

Hetal:maybe she wanted to stay alone

Ketan:we can ask her where she is staying at Ali and riya function.

Ashish:hmm probably she needs time alone... I just hope wherever she is ..she stays safe.

Later on all were getting ready while only the gang knew avni and Neil were very much together... all were sad yet still got ready as it was Ali and riya sangeet...they decided not to think about it much as Ali and riya want everyone to be happy in their sangeet and they can do that much at least and prayed that avni and Neil get back together

Avni was getting ready..she decided to keep it less with  make up and jewellery wise..she saw the mangustura and sindhoor on the dressing table and recalled her conversation with Neil about putting on the mangalsutra and sidhoor on her

(chapter 27)

End of flashback

Avni smiled.. she moved to grab Neil frame and walked back to the dressing table and picked up her mangalsutra looking at Neil's picture and wore it around her neck..she took a pinch of sidhoor and filled her forehead smiling while looking at him in the frame

She picked up the frame and stared  at it

Avni:see Mr Khanna I did as u said...and kissed his frame...she smiled and then looked in the mirror feeling complete.

She got her clutch ready when she got a call from vidyut


Vidyut: hey AM I'm going to reach to the farmhouse in 5 mins hope u ready

Avni:yup all ready see u in a bit she said smiling.

Few mins later avni heard the beeping of the horn

She collected her belongings along with the farmhouse  key placing it in her clutch and headed out 

As she got in the car she saw vidyut was alone

Avni:veer u came alone ?

Vidyut: haan..I had dropped of maa, juhi and mishti at the venue

Avni: ok.

Vidyut:did u get a call from veer? He asked while moving the car out of the farmhouse

Avni: no not yet... I had thought I would receive a call from him but no luck.

Vidyut:maybe he might call when he feels it's the right time

Avni:hmmm but shweta maa had called although I didnt answer but I sent her a voice audio after that telling her  I'm fine and they dont need to worry about me

Vidyut:hmm..when is the plan to let veer know u r at the farmhouse

Avni:I guess today.. I know everyone will ask me where I am staying and all so yh this would be the best time..but

Vidyut:but ?

Avni:its sangeet.. and if me and Neil r going  to perform together veer may wonder how neil agreed suddenly To dance with me

Vidyuty:Haha avni y do u fear when the gang is hear he said

Avni:what do u plan to do ?

Vidyut:that u will know... veer wont doubt anything and u will get to perform with neil too along with us doing our group dance 

As vidyut and avni reached there they entered Inside while Khanna family wasnt there but the metha  family along with ragini was there

As the metha family saw avni they looked at her and then at each other

Neela:bacha where were u? Y didnt u come home if u had left the Khanna mansion.

Avni:maa I wanted to be alone... I couldnt stay at the metha mansion

Ashish:avni that is your house too na

Avni smiled

Avni:it is papa but then I didnt want people to say anything bad about both my takes a min for people to spread the news... and I know soon everything will be fine.

Dayawanti:beta have u tried talking to Neil.

Avni:no dadi ...maybe Its  better  if we dont speak to each other

Neela:bacha at least talk to him


Neela:avniiii she said in a way trying to convince her but avni shook her head

Ketan:where r u staying?

As she was about to to reply   they saw the Khanna family walk in

Neil saw avni and for a sec he got lost in her while veer looked at her from head to toe

Avni made riya sit down while she looked ahead  to see Neil who was standing far giving her a wink.

Avni was able to feel her cheeks heat up and before anyone could notice the shy smile on her face she looked down

As aliya performance was about to start Neil moved towards avni without anyone noticing..

Avni:Neil what r u doing she whispered as he bought her to a corner and was looking on her right to see if anyone is coming

Nejl:wifey I thought we can do our small sangeet perfoamce over here he said pulling her close to him

Avni:kya she said surprised not expecting there secret marriage functions  would be continued

Neil:what? Y R u acting like u didnt know about this

Avni:no I'm surprised as I thought we wont be  continuing all these rituals  after executing our plan

Neil smiled and cupped avni checks

Neil:of course we will avni.. I want to see that smile on your face during the remaining rituals he said

Veer had noticed avneil were not present

Veer:where did these two go he thought to himself and excused himself

Veer was looking around hoping that avneil r not together...he was looking around when he stopped seen avni hugging Neil.

Phew finally done

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chap

Will be waiting for all the comments and votes for chap too

Lots of love

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