Chapter 8

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Avni woke up the next day her mind kept going back to the previous night when Neil was speaking to her

Avni: remember Avni keep your distance that's all u need to do she muttered to herself

Neela: keep distance from who ?

Avni loooked towards the door to see Neela walking in

Avni: good morning maa

Neela: morning bacha she said sitting next to Avni on the bed and kissed her forehead

Avni: from Ali ...he is planning to propose Riya and I'm sure he will come after me to give him some idea she lied

Neela: Arien wah that is good news. Bacha don't u think it's high time that even u think about getting married

Avni: mama please not again she said getting up from the bed

Neela: y? What wrong did I say. One day u have to get married na

Avni: yes but that one day hasn't arrived yet. She said taking her clothes out from the wardrobe

Neela: is your one day coming on a flight she said sarcastically

Avni: that was a good one

Neela: Avni I'm serious

Avni: even I am. Before Neela could say anything else she went to the washroom.

Neela: what will I do with this girl.

Ashish who was putting his tie on saw Neela walk in mumbling

Ashish: what happened mrs metha

Neela: Avni was saying Ali is planning to propose Riya so I told Avni that even now she should think about getting married but this girl

Ashish: and u got the same reply as usual

Neela: exactly she said coming to ashish and helped him wear the tie properly

Ashish: maybe she is not ready yet

Neela: Ashish how much more time does she need?... all her friends have got married or r on the way of getting married.  soon Riya is going to get married. Avni is older than Riya and..

Ashish: neela...Avni is only few months older than Riya he said interrupting her

Neela: that doesn't matter...the thing that matters is that we need to make our daughter understand that it's time she gets married.

Ashish: Neela there is no point of stressing about this when the time comes Avni will get married ...for us her happiness matters right?

Neela: Haan but sometimes we have to guide them to that happiness. Ok forget about this come down soon

She said leaving the room while Ashish smiled and shook his head

Neil was getting ready to join Prakash to go to the office

Shweta: Neil beta I'm going to ragini house u please have breakfast Haan

Neil turned around looking at Shweta who was standing outside his room

Neil: don't worry I will

Shweta: and good luck for your first day at khanna industries she said while walking away

Neil: thank u .

Neil came down to see Prakash already sitting at the dining table

Neil : morning dad

Prakash: morning puttar come sit. Neil patted Prakash shoulder and sat opposite him

Neil: where is Bebe?

Prakash: she has gone to the temple by the way Neil u still can rest for few days before joining khanna industries

Neil. No dad i would rather join now.

Prakash: ok then as u wish.

Avni as usual reached to the office ...she was not in a good mood due to the topic Neela had bought up....She went straight to vidyut cabin and placed his usual coffee from costa on the table and sat down.

Vidyut looked at avni and saw her looking annoyed

Vidyut: what is the issue now?

Avni: the same old thing MARRIAGE

Vidyut laughed but stopped when Avni glared at him.

Vidyut: how did the topic come up again?

Avni: I was telling maa about Ali planning to propose Riya and that was it she bought the topic up

Vidyut: yaar but what is the problem in getting married

Avni looked at vidyut and thought only if she could tell him that she still feels for Neil but no that has to remain a secret

Avni: there is no problem but I'm just not ready yet she said a little calmly

Vidyut: y don't u start meeting the guys that Neela aunty has chosen and if u like any of them then say yes otherwise u could always say no

Avni: have u gone mad I'm not going to do any of that I know my family well till I keep rejecting they will continue to show me all the guys pics. Anyways let's not talk about this if I keep thinking about this then i won't be able to concentrate on any work.

Vidyut nodded and Avni left he opened the drawer to see a parcel which for Avni


Vidyut reached to the office a little early and the receptionist had gone to the canteen area to get some coffee when the delivery boy  came and gave all the post and parcel he was about to place it on the receptionist desk when a name on the parcel caught his attention. He placed the rest on the desk and looked at the parcel which had Avni name

Receptionist: sir u came early today

Vidyut turned around to see the receptionist

Vidyut: yes Shreya by the way the delivery man came I placed all the post and parcel on the desk and this is for me he said showing the parcel

Receptionist: ok sir she smiled at him and vidyut quickly left from there and went to his cabin

End of flashback

Vidyut: sorry AM I wouldn't have done this if it was any normal day. But now I have seen the note U have received and also something that u and Juhi r hiding and maybe this is the only way to find out

He opened the parcel and was shocked seen the pics which was taken when they were at ali cafe and seen how the pics were taken he knew that someone has taken it secretly

Vidyut: what is going on? He checked all the pics and at the end found a note he opened it which read

"Thank u beautiful for keeping your promise I know u must be wondering who I am and I'm sorry for staying away from you for all these years but soon u will find me in front of u. also I will be going out of town for few weeks so sorry baby won't be able to send u any pics or notes for some time but don't think i won't know anything I will have people to keep an eye on u remember that"

Vidyut read the note again and placed the pics and note back in the parcel placing it back in his drawer

Vidyut: what is happening? who has AM promised? and what promise has she kept? Someone is keeping an eye on her? Or maybe all of us but y? I know I can show Avni all this and ask her but then she probably wouldnt take any help and give her oath of not telling anyone or wouldn't even tell me the truth  and Juhi  won't tell me as she promised Avni.

Vidyut covered his face thinking about what problem has his friend landed in.

Neil reached the office with Prakash and was given a warm welcome by all the staff he was soon shown his cabin

Prakash: Neil beta give me a moment I will be back

Neil nodded while Prakash left the cabin

Meanwhile at ragini place ragini was laughing hearing Neela tell her about how Avni reacted the same way when she bought the marriage topic up

Neela: ragini it is not funny at all

Ragini: ok ok sorry but give that girl a break she is working so hard and one day she will agree to get married

Neela: that's what Ashish said but I'm worried for her after all I'm her mother

Ragini was about to speak when she heard the door bell ring

Ragini: one minute Neela nodded and ragini went to open the door to see Shweta

Shweta: hellos

Ragini: finally u came she said hugging

Neela looked at ragini walking in with someone.

Ragini: Shweta this is Neela...Neela metha and  Neela this Shweta

Shweta: Shweta khanna.. she said moving to hug Neela

Neela: heard a lot about u from ragini

Shweta : I hope it's all good things

Neela: of course.

Ragini: let me tell u another thing your son and daughter have studied in the same college and also r friends.

Shweta and Neela were surprised

Neela: really ?

Shweta : what is your daughter name?

Neela: Avni

Shweta: my son name is tillu I mean Neil

Neela: Neil? I think I have heard that name from Ali and Riya before when they were talking.

Shweta: my son came back few days from abroad he had started he business there but now he will be managing it from here and help his dad too

Neela: that seriously is a great thing

Meanwhile at the khanna industries

Prakash hugged Ashish who came to meet him. They had signed a deal few Month back and had developed a warm bond of friendship

Prakash: u came at the right time

Ashish: y do u say that? and u seem to look happy

Prakash: of course my son came back after so many years

Ashish: really?

Prakash: yes come let me introduce u to him

Back at the pandit place

Shweta: so it's your birthday  tomorrow ?

Neela: Haan and please u have to come to the party.

Shweta: but

Neela: Shweta ji in this short time we talked so Much that it feels like I have known u for a long time just like ragini so please

Shweta: ok ok how can I Say no to the soon to be birthday girl and my new friend

Ragini: that's not fair u both didn't even thank me

Shweta: for what?

Ragini : because of me both of u met and here I feel left out she said jokingly while Neela and shweta laughed

At the khanna industry

Prakash: Neil beta

Neil who was looking at the view outside turned around when he saw Prakash walk in along with someone else behind him

Prakash:. Beta I would like u to meet someone

Ashish: Prakash let me introduce my self

Prakash: sure go ahead

Ashish: hi Neil I'm Ashish... Ashish METHA... Neil shook hands with Ashish however the surname caught his attention

Neil: nice meeting u mr metha

Ashish: Neil no need with the formality I wouldn't mind if u call me uncle

Prakash: exactly during our business tours we became friends and also have signed a deal with the metha industries

Neil felt like asking Ashish if he is related to Avni but stopped himself

Ashish: ok Prakash I got to leave I came to give u the contract papers and I have a meeting with some clients so will see u later.

Prakash: ok hope your meeting goes well

Ashish: oh and one more thing tomrrow is my wife bday and we have organised a party so u better come with the full Family.

Prakash: do we want to get in trouble by saying no to u no right we will definitely come

Ashish: tomorrow at 7pm Prakash  nodded and Ashish said bye to Neil and Prakash....while neil wondered as even riya had said they had to come to a party and now this and somewhere he felt ashish is related to avni

At night at the khanna mansion Neil had gone to his room as he was on a video call talking to the manager asking about the business in abroad
Once he was satisfied that things were ok he went down to see Bebe Shweta and Prakash sitting he joined them and shweta passed him gulab Jamun

Bebe: Tillu what took u so long

Neil: I was checking if my business is ok in abroad

Prakash:there is no problem right?

Neil. No dad everything is ok

Shweta: I have an important announcement to make

Bebe: and what is that ?

Shweta: actually tomorrow we have been invited to my friends party I met her through ragini

Prakash: tommrow ?

Shweta: yes

Prakash: tommorow won't be possible

Shweta: y?

Prakash: because one of my business client who is my friend has also invited us for a party

Shweta: sorry cancel the plan we should be going to my friend party only

Prakash : y shall I cancel the plan my friend has said we must be there

Shweta: Haan so we must be there too

Bebe: uff both of u decide to whose party we r going too

Shweta: we r going to Neela party and that is final plus Neil is friends with their daughter

Neil: huh? He said playing shweta words in his head feeling that both r the same parties that their parents r talking about

Shweta: what was her name again oh yh Avni ...Avni metha

Prakash: what name did u take?

Shweta:Avni metha y?

Prakash: is it your friends bday tomorrow

Shweta: Haan but y r u asking

Prakash: my friend who invited me is Ashish metha we all got invited to the same party

Shweta: what a coincidence

Bebe: thank god otherwise this argument would have still continued

Neil inwardly smiled thinking he had thought right

Neil in his head: so my doubt was right Avni is Ashish uncle daughter
He smiled at the fact that he will be seen Avni tomorrow.

Meanwhile vidyut was unable to sleep he kept thinking about all the pics and the note...he came out of his thoughts when he felt Juhi hugging him in her sleep.

The next day Neela woke up to see the room decorated

She got of the bed and went to the dressing table to see a gift and card she smiled and opened the card reading the lovely message by her husband when she felt Ashish wrap his arm around hugging her from the back she turned around

Ashish: happy bday Mrs Ashish metha

Neela: thank u me metha.

Aman: mom ! Oops sorry
Wrong timing he said coming into to see Ashish holding on to Neela by her waist

Ashish: like always

Neela smacked him and moved away from him Aman moved forward to wish Neela

Aman: happy... before he could complete he felt Avni push him out the way moving to hug Neela

Avni: happy bday maaa she said hugging Neela  tightly placing a kiss on her cheeks

Neela: thank u bacha and where is my gift

Avni: u will get that by tonight she said winking at Neela

Ashish smiled and casually looked at aman who was glaring at avni

Ashish: oye what's with this angry look

Avni and Neela looked at Ashish then at aman

Aman: this is so not fair.. Di always wishes mom first... I mean I was about to finish my sentence that she just pushed me away

Avni: better luck next time amuuuuu

Aman: stop calling me that

Neela: Avni don't tease Aman

Aman: exactly any ways happy bday mom and here is your gift

Neela: what's in it?

Aman: open it and see for yourself

Neela opened it to find a lovely
Pair of earring

Neela: thank u bacha

Avni: mama get ready and come down everyone is waiting for u.. amuuuuuu come

Aman: diii he said running after Avni while she quickly made an exit from the room.

Ashish: chalo madam get ready

Neela nodded and went to freshen up

When she came down she took dayawanti blessing

Dayawanti: happy bday beta

Neela :thanks maaa

Ketan and hetal also wish Neela giving a side hug to her.

They all did the morning Aarti together  getting ready for the normal day to finish of all the work so that they can be ready for the party tonight.

Neela: Arien bacha I forgot to tell u I met ragini yesterday and one of her friend Shweta came over and ragini told me that u r friends with her son

Avni: who? She asked confusingly

Neela: what was it ...Haan Neil.

Avni who was eating her toast started choking... Ashish rubbed her back

Ashish: slowly superstar your toast is not going to run away

Neela: maaa Shweta ji is also nice I invited her for the party in this short time we became good friends

Dayawanti: in that way we will get to meet your new friend too

Neil was getting ready he was somewhere happy to meet Avni again but then stopped

Neil: what is wrong with u Neil. Stop thinking about Avni all the time he came out of his thoughts receiving Ali's call

Neil: 'Haan Ali Bol

Ali: Neil what r u going to be wearing for the party at night?

Neil: umm not sure probably something causal or party wear

Ali: year whatever u decide let me know Haan till then I will ask Dd and vidyut he said cutting the call before Neil can reply

Neil laughed while cutting the call

Meanwhile Avni was in her room she was thinking about what Neela said

Avni: y am I thinking too much? Riya had invited everyone yesterday which included Neil so if mama has invited her family then it's not a problem..Avni u r thinking too much today is mama bday and I need to concentrate on the party arrangements nothing else she said diverting herself from Neil thoughts and went down to see if the decorators have come

Time went quickly it was 6:30pm. The methas had only 30 mins left to get ready

Avni came down wearing a blush pink glided cape lengha. She applied a little a little bit of make up and was putting the locket on which had Neela and Ayesha picture.

Ketan: wow Avni u r looking amazing

Avni: thanks chachu she said walking to ketan and sorted his shirt collar properly.

Ketan: I will just make a call to see if the cake is on the way

Avni: ok I will just go and check on the menu

There was all type of drinks for alcoholics and Non alcoholics while avni also made sure that both veg and non veg dishes were served

Avni was texting Ali on her phone when she bumped into Nanno

Nanno: guddo y r u in a hurry

Avni: No nanno I was actually make sure if the arrangements were ready also was checking where ali is.

Nanno nodded while avni went up to her room to get Neela gift and then went to meet Neela who was getting ready

Avni: maa

Neela who was applying sindhoor turned around

Avni: here is your gift

Neela looked at avni and the opened the gift to see a beautiful collage of Neela

Neela : bachaaa

Avni: u like it

Neela: i love it. Thank u so much for this

Avni: any time my beautiful lady. I will  just go and check on Riya she said leaving the room while Neela was looking at the effort Avni had made for the collage

Riya saw Avni walk in

Riya: someone is looking beautiful today

Avni: thank u all thanks to the person who chose the outfit for me

Riya: her name is Riya right

Avni: yep pretty good choices she has. Both looked at each other and laughed.

Riya: Avni help me put this necklace on. Avni moved towards Riya and helped her

The guest had started to come Neela and Ashish stood there welcoming them with guest giving Neela gifts

Hetal: Avni beta can u do something

Avni: what happened chachi

Hetal: Diksha just called she is outside and needs help with the gifts she bought Avni nodded and went out.

Diksha was getting few gift bags out from the car when she felt a tap on her shoulder she turned around to see Avni

Diksha: hey baby

Avni: how many gifts did U bring bua she said with her eyes widening

Diksha: not much only about 4-5 gifts

Avni: u seriously haven't changed no matter whose bday it is u will always bring the same amount of gifts

Diksha: because this is Diksha style

Avni smiled and took a bag from Diksha both started to head inside metha mansion

Avni: hasn't hansmuk phufa ji come back yet

Diksha: still in abroad for his business meeting .

Avni and Riya were talking with Diksha when Vidyut walked in with Juhi ragini and Mishti...

Ragini hugged Neela and wished her while Vidyut and Juhi also wished her and gave her a hug

Vidyut walked towards where Avni and Riya were and by then Diksha had gone as dayawanti had called her

Vidyut: u both r looking nice

Riya: Haan u will say nice only can't say beautiful right or gergous as that's only saved for Juhi right.. Vidyut and Juhi smiled and looked at each other.

Ashish: Avni ... he said coming towards her

Avni. What happened papa

Ashish: ketan said the cake has arrived but can u go the kitchen and see if the candle have been placed properly

Avni nodded and went to the kitchen with mishti joining her.

Neil entered with his family along with Ali and Dd.

Prakash saw Ashish and went to him

Ashish: I was thinking what took u so long ..mcome meet my wife

Ashish took the whole khanna family to Neela who was standing with dayawanti and nanno

Ashish: Neela

Neela turned around to See ashish but she smiled seeing Shweta

Neela: Shweta ji finally u came

Shweta: many many happy returns of the day she said hugging Neela

Ashish was surprised to see this and looked at Prakash who told him how him and shweta were arguing to whose  party to go to only to realise they r going to the same person house to which the methas laughed.

Shweta: Neela ji this is Neil my son and my Bebe and of course Prakash ji my husband  friend of your husband too

Neela: what a coincidence . By the way this is my mother in law and my maa she said holding nanno hand

Dd: look there is Vidyut and Juhi along with Riya

Nanno:  u can go otherwise u will get bored with us oldies

Dd Ali and Neil walked towards their friends

Avni who made sure the candle were put on the cake properly came out of the kitchen with mishti who was eating  chocolate

Avni was whispering something in mishti ear making her smile not aware that Neil had arrived

When she was about to reach near them she looked ahead and saw Dd and Ali along with Neil even though his back was facing her she was still able to recognise him.

Dd: wow Avni he said seen the way she was dressed up

Neil turned around when Dd said that . Avni started walking slowly when she saw Neil turn around and looking at her or more likely staring at her she felt her cheeks going red and cursed her emotions for always reacting like that

Riya: : come on Dd u r acting like U have never seen Avni like this

Dd: yaar but today she is just looking amazing I mean we hardly get to see her like this most of the time

Vidyut and Ali noticed the way Neil was staring at avni and they also noticed how Avni was looking everywhere except ahead of her not missing how her cheeks colour had changed. Both glanced at each other smiling a little

Juhi: mishti I told u no chocolates today right?

Neil looked away from Avni ...coming out of his staring mode

Avni: it's ok let her have it she said handing mishti to vidyut as mishti knew Vidyut would never say anything to her.

Dd: where is Aman?

Avni: probably in the garden area with his friends

Neil knew Aman was Avni brother as she had mentioned about him when  they were in college.

Soon Ashish got everyone's attentions and thanked everyone who came to the party.. Neela blew the candles while looking at avni while everyone was singing happy bday... she cut the cake and fed her family followed by the pandits and khannas.

Dd was eyeing the cake as he would it eat it any  Moment

Avni: don't worry U will get some she said seen his state.

Dd: I swear yaar move the cake from me otherwise I will eat it here right now ... Vidyut ,Neil ,Ali Juhi Avni and Riya laughed

Aman: attention attention everyone. All looked at aman

Avni: what announcement does he need to make now

Riya : don't know

Aman: ok I know my dad gave a lovely speech for my mom but come on that doesn't mean the party will continue like this where everyone would be standing and just talking

Ali: agreed he said shouting

Aman: so come on guys let's have some fun. We have an amazing Dj who will play awesome music so let's add our dance to that music and enjoy it.

Dayawanti: Aman is crazy how can everyone dance

Aman: ok ok I know there are some oldies here but come on I'm sure U can do some moves  he said winking at dayawanti and nanno.

Dayawanti went up to Aman and took the mike slapping him playfully while everyone laughed at that gesture

Dayawanti:ignore him everyone u all r free to do what every u want be it talking to each other, dancing or enjoying the lovely dishes that are been served in the garden area. I hope u all have a lovely time at the party thank u

Like everyone knew only some elder ppl stayed while the rest moved outside some were near the bar counter while some where on the dance floor getting ready for the music to start

The lights were changed to disco lights

Avni was about to go when Riya held on to her hand

Riya: where r u going. It was only her Avni and Juhi standing together as the boys had gone to get drinks.

Avni: Riiii I will just sit there and watch u all dance

Juhi: come on Avni dance ...have some fun its Neela aunty bday what would she think seen u sitting while we all r dancing

Avni: she would only know if she sees me she is outside busy with the guest

Riya: dancing won't be a problem come on Avni we all know how well U dance if u don't feel like it then just move your legs along with the music

Avni was about speak when the boys came back and handed the girls non alcoholic drinks

Avni thought to herself : if I act normal thorn nobody will doubt anything but if i don't then everyone will guess it's due to Neil .

Avni : Aman when is the Dj going to play the song she asked aman who came

Aman . In a bit Di

Riya : by the way Aman u didn't meet Neil yet that's him  she said introducing both

Both greeted each other with a smile

Soon the Dj started with the song swag se swagat all were near each other dancing. Doing the same step to some of the lyrics of the song

Avni didn't look towards the boys otherwise she knows if she does look at Neil then that's it she will be hell nervous

Ali came near Avni and Riya and twirled.them around few times before moving back to his spot taking his drink from Neil and having a sip

Riya: I'm getting a drink u all want some more

Avni: wait I'll come and help u Riya nodded and went while Juhi danced with the boys

Riya: hi can we have three jd with coke please

Avni: not bad Haan

Riya: even we can have fun like boys its not like we r going to get drunk with this.. Avni shook her head at Riya.

When the bartender placed the drinks on the counter unaware to them by accident Riya took another two alcoholic  drinks which were for someone else who was waiting at the counter while avni took one Jd with cola for Juhi

Avni handed Juhi her drink and Riya passed a glass to Avni by then the song had changed.

Avni toon a sip and found the taste  a bit  strong she Was about to ask Riya When she saw Riya taking a sip and was all normal while dancing

Avni: maybe I'm finding it odd since I'm drinking it after a long time

She took few big gulps and coughed a little at the end moving her legs to the beat of the song .

Avni smiled a little

Avni: I'm going to get another drink she said to Herself

Riya finished her drink and started to shake her head due to the strong taste

Riya: strong but awesome.

Avni: excuse me can I have another drink

Bartender: ma'am I think u and that lady took someone else drink here is your drink he said showing the two glass

Avni: no I don't want this one anymore can u please make the other drink that u made for those people

Riya: make it two please ..she said coming behind Avni

Since the alcohol  was strong it had done its effect way quickly

The bartender nodded and made the drink handing It to Avni and Riya
Avni sat there this time gulping it down in one go

Juhi noticed Avni and Riya disappearing again and looked around to see them At the bar...she went toward them

Juhi: girls what r u doing overs here

Riya: drinking. Come let's go back to the dance floor she said walking Juhi looked at Riya and then at avni

Juhi: Avni y r u sitting here ? and what happened to Riya? y is she behaving like this ?

Avni: god knows she said shrugging and pouted

Juhi: what r u drinking she said eyeing Avni drink

Avni: I don't know the bartender made the drink it's awesome here try it she said making Juhi have a sip forcefully

Juhi closed her eyes due to the strong Taste

Juhi. Avni u r drunk and so is Riya

Avni: nooo who said I am drunk... u know  I don't drink strong alcoholic drinks right

Juhi looked at the bartender who quickly spoke before he could get questioned

Bartender: ma'am I didn't do anything when they came to collect their drink the first time by accident they took two different glass and one jd with cola  which they ordered and now when they came back I told them that they took someone else drink but This ma'am told me to make the same drink which I made for the boys 

Juhi shook her head at the blunder that just took place

Juhi: Avni u stay here ok I'm coming

Avni: y would I go anywhere. One more drink please Juhi nodded no at the bartender and went to tell the guys

Meanwhile at the dance floor Riya was clinging on to Ali and he sensed something was wrong not to miss the alachol smell who could smell from Riya

Ali: r u drunk

Riya: noooo she said hugging Ali

Juhi: she is and so is Avni.

The gang had stopped dancing when they had seen how Riya was behaving

Vidyut: where is Avni

Juhi: at the bar

Neil saw Shweta walking in

Neil: guys mom

Dd: nobody should see Avni and Riya state otherwise they will get worried and also may not be happy seen them in this state

Neil: I will divert mom till then u take them

Vidyut: Dd u stay here me and Ali will take Riya and AM ..Juhi u also stay here with Dd.. Dd nodded while Vidyut quickly went to get Avni

Neil walked over to Shweta

Neil: mom u here

Shweta: Haan woh I left my phone in the car

Neil: ohhh but it's not that important forget it  I mean u don't need your phone right now he said turning Shweta the other way so she can't see Vidyut and Ali taking Riya and Avni

He saw them walk up the stairs with the girls... thankfully the music was loud that they couldn't here Avni and Riya voice

Shweta: tillu what's wrong with u move now let me get my phone she said moving Neil away and went to get the phone

Juhi looked around and saw aman busy with his friends and prayed that he doesn't notice Avni and Riya missing

Meanwhile upstairs

Riya : Ali baby u r so cute she said laughing like a child while Ali rubbed his forehead seen Riya in this state

Ali: Riya come on go to sleep.

Riya : no i don't want to sleep.

Neil: how did Riya get drunk

Ali : god knows she is always careful with the amount of alcohol she drinks

Dd: yaar over here Riya is drunk and in the other room Avni is acting the same

Vidyut: how?.. didn't both realise the drink they took

Neil: I'll go and check on her till then u stay with Riya

Juhi in her head: what if Avni says something in her drunken state. God please don't make things complicated for Avni even more .

Neil entered Avni room to see it was dark suddenly he felt someone hug him from behind and he could even recognise that touch with his eyes closed

Neil: Avni? He whispered

Avni: do u know how much I missed been close to u.

Neil was shocked by her statement and turned around

Neil: what did u say he said holding her so she stands still

Avni: i missed been close to u?

Neil: y did u break up with me then

Avni: had no choice she said cutely and looked at Neil and then at his lips she moved forward to close the gap but Neil stopped her as he would never want to take advantage with Avni in this state

Neil: Avni let's do one thing we will talk tomorrow now come on sleep

Avni: noo I don't want to sleep

Neil: if your family see u like this then they won't be happy right. Think about it ..since it is  your moms birthday and she wouldn't want to see u like this

Avni: u r so caring Neil she said pulling his cheeks while Neil somehow took her to the bed and made her lay down

Neil: now come on go to sleep I will call Juhi hmm

Avni: don't go please she said holding his hands

Neil: I'm not going anywhere will be outside

Avni: Pakka she said pointing her fingers at him

Neil: Pakka he smiled slowly...he was about to leave but stopped midway when he heard what Avni said next

Avni; I love u Neil I always did

Neil turned around to see Avni looking at him with her eyes closing slowly

Avni: shhh it's a secret don't tell anyone ok she said in a kiddish way and slowly her eyes gave up and closed.

Neil walked back to Avni he sat down and tried to think did he hear correctly

I love u neil i always did

Neil: they say when a person is drunk they speak the truth and if u r speaking the truth Avni then I will find out y  u broke up if u still love me he said looking at her seriously

Neil was about to walk out when he saw Vidyut  standing outside

Vidyut : come we will tell Juhi to come here

Neil nodded and went with Vidyut where Juhi  Ali and Dd were

When he walked in he saw Riya was cuddling Ali while he was patting her trying to put her to sleep.

Vidyut: Juhi go to Avni please

Juhi. Ok she left the boys alone

Vidyut : I have something to tell u guys

Ali; what?

Vidyut: I wouldn't have said anything now but hearing what Avni said to Neil I think it's best if u all know. Dd knew what Vidyut was talking about

Neil: what r u talking about

Vidyut: let's go to my office. I'll answer all your questions over there.

Ali: I'll go and keep Riya in Avni room so Juhi can look after both

Vidyut: don't tell her we r going just say we will be downstairs so the elders don't doubt anything and we will tell the elders the girls r upstairs having their girl talk

At the office Vidyut was looking at Ali Dd and Neil reaction

Dd: is this what Avni received today

Vidyut: Haan but she doesn't know about it as I took the parcel when the delivery boy came

Neil was looking at the pics and the note

Vidyut: I'll get straight to the point on the day Neil came back Juhi and Avni went to mishti room to get her ready and mishti heard certain things that Avni  and Juhi said

Ali: like?

Vidyut told all of them what things mishti had told him (chap 5) and how he had asked for Dd help to find out about what Avni and Juhi r hiding

Ali: so there is someone sending notes to Avni since 2nd year of college

Vidyut: yes

Ali. Neil did Avni ever tell u about this since u were dating till then

Neil: no I'm shocked myself Avni had never told me anything she was all normal until we were nearly done  through our second year and then she broke up with me.

Vidyut: but after what she said I'm confused

Dd: what did she say

Vidyut looked at Neil

Neil: that she really missed been close to me but had no choice and also that she still loves me he said remembering Avni words again

Dd: but she was drunk right

Ali: and usually people speak the truth when they r drunk ...but I don't get it ..if Juhi knows y don't u ask her directly

Vidyut: because I know she won't say anything as Avni has gave her my oath

Neil: I have feeling all this is connected

Ali: u mean from the break up to Avni still receiving all these notes from that unknown person along with Juhi and Avni hiding something

Neil: Haan

Vidyut: we will have to find out our own way

Dd: Neil

Neil: hmm

Dd: r u going to question Avni about this

Neil : after what she said today and now finding out everything she won't get away easily

Ali: I think we should go back now before anyone doubts anything

Nobody had doubted anything and the metha were told that Avni and Riya slept early while talking to Juhi

Neil was in his room standing near the window

Neil: it took me a lot of strength to forget what happened between us for my family and friend I had come to terms that we were not meant to be burying all the memories in my heart but after knowing certain things especially  what u said I won't stay in peace until I get my answers and once thing is for sure  due to some reason u r keeping yourself away from me. But I promise one thing Avni once I find out who that person is that keeps sending u all the notes and pic won't be spared I won't leave him that easily. He said seriously

Precrap: Avni: leave Neil she said crossing her arms

Neil. Not until u answer my question

Avni: it's nothing to do with u she said turning around

Neil: it has everything to do with me especially after what u said in your room last night he said turning her around with full force

Avni: I don't know what u r talking about besides I was drunk so don't remember Anything  she said trying to be strong

Neil: don't worry I remember everything u said let me refresh your memory.

Ok my lovelies hope u all love this part

Thank u to those who took their time out to read comment and vote for the previous really means a lot

Would be waiting for all your comments and don't forget to vote

Lots of love Sonali

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