chapter 16

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Neil:u got some ice cream here he said signalling

Avni wiped it where neil was telling her but there was still some left

Neil saw that and moved a little closer...avni was about to continue eating her ice cream when she saw neil moving closer leaning towards her

Avni looked at neil as her lips parted slowly and eyes closed...neil saw that and slowly  he blew on avni face and then around her lips making her move a little

Neil smiled naughtily when he got an idea and took some ice cream on his fingers ...he looked at avni and then his fingers and wiped the ice cream on her cheeks making avni open her eyes straight away

Avni: neilll she said glaring at him not realising her ice cream dropped

Neil:what?... was u expecting something else he said naughtily.

Avni: shut up she said and was about to hit him when Neil got up and ran away

Avni got up and started to run behind neil

as they reached near the car neil grabbed  her and caged her between the car and him while both were breathing heavily due to been out of breath.

He moved his lips closer and licks the ice cream of the corner of her lips and cheeks

neil : the ice cream tastes even more sweet he said making  avni hit him playfully on the chest

Avni shoved neil away

Avni: let's go now otherwise u will get carried away

Neil: well u always make me get carried away he said and winked at her while avni chucked and pushed him towards the driving seat

Both sat in the car and headed to the cottage

As they entered inside avni turned to Neil

Avni: Neil I'll go and work on the presentation as dd sir would probably ask to check it later on

Neil:relax just tell him you went to the mall dd is not going to eat you up he said chukiling

Avni:there is nothing funny ok I just want to finish what I have been told to do

Neil: acha if thats The case then y dont we finish of what we left incomplete last night and also just a while ago after having ice cream he said sliding his hands around her waist and pulled her closer

Avni smiled playfully

Avni:as far as I remember we didnt leave anything incomplete last night as it was completed and about what happend outside then that was nothing just a small moment which ended she said

Avni was about to move away but neil tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her more closer

Neil: if the moment had ended then it can start again said in a lower voice making his breath fall on to her lips

Avni: no thank you I would rather focus on my work at the moment she said in the same tone trying to breath normally as she looked at his lips and back into his eyes

Neil:you sure about that ? Becuase I dont think so he said as he lowered his face to capture her lips when his phone rang

Avni:game over neil...sir she said teasingly and moved away to see neils annoyed look as he took his phone out to see vidyut calling

Neil: its vidyut I got to take his call neil said

Avni nodded and neil went to his room while avni headed to her room

Neil: hey bro how r u 

Vidyut: feel like I should go on a long holiday he said chukiling

Neil: not a bad idea but alone or with some company he said teasingly

Vidyut: that depends on my mood he said in the same manner

Neil: so where r u now

Vidyut:I'm heading for Mumbai soon but I have something very important to tell you

Neil:and what is that ?

Vidyut:we got the deal for our company in abroad

Neil went still for a sec

Neil:are u for serious he said not able to believe it as they had tried many times for this deal

Vidyut:I'm damn serious we actually got it...our hard work is paying of he said

Neil : I'm so happy vidyut this was something I wasnt expecting anytime soon and u gave me one of the best news... all because of u we got this deal

Vidyut: neil I may have come alone for the meeting but we both put our efforts into this presentation so let's keep it as that ok

Neil:ok he said smiling

Vidyut:chal got to get ready for my flight speak to u later and hope kiddo is fine

Neil:she is doing well..chalo speak to u later

Both said bye and ended the call

Neil took a sigh of relief and was happy that he got one of the best news

Not able to control his excitement he tried to call prakash but the call went on to voice mail

Neil then went to avni room

Neil:avni...avni he said calling out her name loudly

avni got up from the chair as she was working on her presentation when she saw an excited Neil hug her

Neil: gosh do u know how happy I am

Avni: what happend that made u so happy ?

Neil broke the hug as he looked at avni

Neil:me and vidyut had been trying to get a deal for our company in abroad for sometime but it would always get cancelled but today we finally managed to get that deal after so many efforts

Avni smiled seen how happy neil was

Avni:congrats neil she said hugging him back

Neil lifts avni of her feet and twirls her around in circle while she buries her face into his neck giggling away

After few secs neil puts her down

Avni:I'm actually happy for u and bhai she said and Gave him a warm peck on the lips as her one hand moved to his shoulder and the other on the back of his hair with both of their eyes closed

As avni was about to break the kiss Neil stops her by placing a hand on the back of her head... as he started to kiss her passionately ...
he took a step forward while she took a step backwards and this continued until they reached near the wall while their lips still stayed glued to each other ...Neil's hand traced her waist line and moved his hands down to her hands and placed both of her hands above her head...breaking the kiss his lips moved down to avni throat to neck leaving a trail of hot kisses

avni was feeling goosebumps all over her body...neil was about to open the button of her shirt

Before they could get carried away someone rang the door bell

Neil rested his forehead against avni as both of their breathing was uneven

Avni:I'll go and see she said while neil nodded

Avni made sure she was looking ok before opening the door..

After few secs when she opened the door she saw a a staff member had come to cook

Avni:hi shanti aunty how r u

Shanti:I'm good beta was breakfast good this morning

Avni:ji aunty she said and closed the door as she headed in the kitchen with shanti

Shanti: beta u can go if u want u dont have to stay with me

Avni:I dont mind besides I would love to see u cook so that I can learn few things

Shanti smiled and nodded while avni came and sat on the worktop near her

Meanwhile upstairs neil was wondering y avni wasnt back and who must have came

When he reached down he heard laughter coming from the kitchen area and carried on walking...once reaching near the kitchen neil was surprised as he saw avni cutting few mushrooms

Avni: u know if my mumma had seen me doing this she would have become dramatic but at the same time she would be happy...I was actually missing having her around but since I have spoken to u I miss her less a little bit she said showing with her fingers

Shanti:that's how loving all mothers r they might not show it but they do love u as they would want the best in you

Avni: u r right...acha what shall I cut now

Shanti:some onions wait let me get it for u

Avno: u dont worry I will get it from the basket she said

Shati: ok now cut the onions in slices but thin

Avni:I will do that. Until  then u have this coffee otherwise it will get cold she said passing a cup to shanti which avni had made few mins back

Neil smiled see how avni was talking to the staff nicely treating her as her own family which clearly showed how pure she was and the way she respected her elders

Avni: shall I add the onions into the pan now

Shanti:haan and then put it on low flame

Avni nodded and did as shanti told her what to do next and all while neil smiles watching this

After few minutes

Shanti: sir aap she said looking towards the door to see neil standing there

Avni turned around to see neil standing at the door who then started to walk towards them

Neil: haan woh I came here to get some sweet fruit he said looking at avni and then back at shanti while avni controlled her laugh knowing exactly he was referring to her as a sweet fruit

Avni: sorry at the moment u wont get any sweet fruit because u will be getting spicy chicken and mushroom noodle she said

Shanti: sir do u want water

Neil: no I'm fine and please call me neil

Dd:umm something is smelling nice what is cooking he said walking into the kitchen

Shanti:spicy chicken and mushroom noodles

Dd:smells amazing

Shanti: avni made it she said walking to dd and gave him some water

Dd: really ?

Avni : but shanti aunty told me what to do she said as she started to stir but suddenly she jumped up as neil had walked past her brushing her fingers on her waist line on her lower back

Avni glared at neil while he smirked and moved towards the wash basin on the pretext to wash his hand

Shanti:avni the noodle are done now u can switch it off

Dd:arien this is not fair u address avni by  her name and call me sir..u can call me dd

Shanti:you all r very sweet when we had other business people coming here they have never treated us the way u all do thank u for so much respect and love

Avni:aunty not everyone is the same right

Neil:y dont u have dinner with us

Shanti: no beta u said na that is enough only family would be waiting for me I'll go

Dd: aunty come I'll drop u to your house

Shanti:beta its 10 mins away I'll go u dont worry

Dd:u called me beta na then please allow me to drop u

Shanti nodded and said she will come to do the chores later on

Dd: sir u and avni can have dinner I'll eat later on

Neil nodded and dd took shanti with him

Avni: neil this noodle smells amazing look she said smelling aroma

Neil: let's see he said

Avni got starled when neil cold hand went under her shirt as he placed his hand on her waist and leaned over her shoulder smelling it

Neil: it smells amazing but not like u he said nuzziling her cheeks with his nose making avni giggle

Avni: stoppp she said and moved him away

Neil: shall we have some noodles together he said pulling her close

Avni: let's wait for dd sir she said

Neil:we will eat with him but we can taste a little bit together right

Avni: right she said

Neil took out a little bit noodle in a bowl as both sat next to each other

They started to dig from the same bowl and were enjoying it when suddenly they both grabbed the same noodle from different end and continue to chew on it until the noodle finished but their lips found its way onto each other

Neil pulled avni onto his lap with her legs wrapped around his hips  without breaking the kiss while his hand went under her top and started tracing her back with both of his hand making avni moan against his lips...neil nibbled onto avni lips and bit her lower lip making her gasp and with that neil took a chance and entered her mouth and started to play with her tounge while avni was trying to do the same she was moving closer on to his lap she was able to feel his harden erection   under his pant, making her body fill up with excitement as she  rocked herself against him able to feel her private part wet...

avni broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen however neil lips were in no mood to stop... he moved his lips down to her throat to her chest able to feel it heaving up and down...his one hand remained on her back while the other moved forward and grabbed her breast and squeezed it over her bra making avni throw her head backwards feeling sensation fill up her body even more

Suddenly they heard dd voice who was speaking to someone on the phone  and avni quickly got of neil and sorted her hair and clothes while neil took out his phone and played with his

Avni: wipe your lips she said giving him a wet napkin quickly and Neil took it as he wiped it away

As dd reached to the kitchen he saw avni washing something in the sink while Neill been on the phone

Dd: you both ate he asked coming in

Avni: nope we were waiting for you

Dd:I will just wash my hands he said coming towards the wash basin and started washing his hand

Avni gave him the napkin that she was holding and gave it to dd to try his hands

Dd: thank the way sir how comes u r in the kitchen still he said

Neil looked up from his phone while avni looked at dd and then at neil

Neil:y am I not allowed to be in the kitchen he asked seriously

Dd:no no woh since I have been working with u I havent seen u sitting in the kitchen he said

Neil:I was giving avni some company right avni he said with a glint of playfulness as he looked at avni

Avni: um yh she said glaring at neil but quickly smiled as she saw dd turn towards her

Dd: ohhh and I thought it was something else he said shaking head

Avni looked at neil and then at dd while he did the same thing

Neil:what did u think he asked dd

Dd:that u must be Hungry and was waiting for avni to ask u if u want to eat

Avneil looked at dd as avni took a sigh of relief and both burst out laughing

while dd wondered why they were laughing but casually joined them

Avni:u both go and sit outside I'll warm up the noodles a little bit and bring it

The boys nodded and headed out while avni got   the noodle a little heated

After few mins she came out with the noodles in a big bowl and placed some in neil and dd plate and took some out from her

Dd: these noodles r amazing

Avni: they surely are she said smiling and looked at neil to see him looking at the noodles and then at her as she knew he was recalling what happened in the kitchen

Neil:from now noodle is my favourite dish he said and licked his lips making avnis cheek heaten up due to that action...she quickly looked down in her plate and concentrated on her food

Precrap:  none

Hey guys thank u so so much for all the birthday messages that I had received it really means a lot

Hope u all like this chap

Will be waiting for comments and votes

And also sorry for taking time to update

Lots of love

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