chapter 7

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*mature content ahead..tharki wasiyon dont skip to the mature scene..control karo*

Avni was in the lift walking back and forth

Avni:y?... y is it so hard to resist u..its like as soon I try to make a wall on my feelings u end up breaking it.. u make me feel things and then leave it like that calling it as sweet torture? ... wait I should be happy that he doesnt go ahead otherwise it wont be long till we both r..(she stopped imagining both about to tear each other clothes and shut her eyes not wanting to imagine that image)... this has only been the first day I wonder how will I survive during the end of my work experience.she said taking a deep breath

As avni reached home neela had asked about her first day while she excused herself saying it was good and went to the washroom as only a cool shower can help .... as she stood under the shower she felt Neil's touch on all those places where his hands were and she closed her eyes annoyingly thinking he still gets to her mind even in this situation

The next day as avni arrived to the office with armaan and riddhima she went to her cabin and was about to place her bag down when she frowned looking towards Neil cabin where he was standing next to a girl holding her from her waist and smiling while the girl also had her hand on his back... she made a face when she saw the girl laughing with Neil

She turned  walking back to her desk as if not effected but somewhere she was...she tried to shrug her thoughts away and looked at the pile of work which was on her desk

Avni:this is what u r here for avni..nothing else she said looking at the pile of files and then to her right where Neil's cabin was seen.

It had been 2 hours...whereas avni was done with few files she decided to take a break and got up to get some coffee when her eyes moved towards Neil cabin to see it  empty

She left her cabin and headed to the coffee machine.

Dd:hows the work going avni ?

Avni:pretty good dd sir she said seen him walk towards her

Dd:good..once u r done just hand me the files

Avni :u? I thought I was supposed to hand them to Neil sir

Dd:well yh but Neil sir has gone out with Someone so he wont be back till late

Avni nodded and headed back to her cabin..she placed her mug down.. ..instead of been happy that Neil is with another girl and hasnt come close to her today she felt odd as if she wanted him to next to her..feel his body against hers...usually he would find one opportunity to come close to her but today he didnt ..not even a glance towards her..she said picking up her pen, holding it tightly..she suddenly frowned

Avni to herself:what is wrong with me..i should be happy that i got spared today.. this is what i want right ...then y am I feeling bad that he didnt come to see me before going.. there is nothing between us yet I'm expecting him to come and see me... and on top of that I should be happy that he is nowhere near me otherwise I always end up losing myself...get a grip on yourself avni she said leaning back on her chair and looked up to the ceiling

At lunch time avni entered the canteen and saw riddhima and armaan as usual arguing while ayush and shreya were laughing

Avni:what happend now

Ayush : armaan nearly got caught romancing

Avni:with riddzi?

Riddhima:unfortunately no.. Mr Malik was busy romancing with someone else

Armaan:yaar basket how many times was I telling u I wasnt romancing with her in fact she came near me saying that my shirt button is undone so how is it my fault that she was flirting

Riddhima:acha? If she came close to u could have moved away politely but no armaan Malik wants to please everyone na she said out of jealousy.

Hearing this made avni recall her encounters with Neil   just remembering it made her cheeks heat up . She cleared her throat and drank some of armaan drink and looked at armaan and riddhima

Armaan:arien yaar basket next time I'll push her away

Riddhima:awww so sweet of u not....she said turning her face the other way

Avni:both of u just be quiet..until u dont say anything to each other your day doesnt start right she said glaring at both of them

Armaan: ab what happened to u?

Avni:, nothing she said sounding annoyed more than usual.

Dd:attention attention he said walking in while all the employees that were present at the canteen looked at him

Armaan:ab kya Hua

Dd: sorry I know u all r on your break but this was important..actually our company has cracked an important business deal which is actually very beneficial for our company.. not only us but there were other companies trying to get this contract but alas our company got it so to celebrate that all the employees have been invited to the party.. u all can also bring your family.. so remember party tonight  at the xyz building at 7pm

Riddhima:party... excited na

Shreya :ofcourse what r u both wearing ?

Avni:um I wont be coming

Armaan:oh yes u r

Avni:no .its actually not compulsory so I wont come

Riddhima:avni come on na

Avni :riddhima please

Armaan:ok..fine if that's what u want we wont go too then

Avni:stop the drama armaan

Armaan:no I wont u r not going then we r not going

Avni:as u wish she said getting up and was about to go

Armaan:u r coming and that's final....hello vidyut bhai he said placing the call near his ears as he already made the call to vidyut few secs back

Vidyut:armaan what happend is everything ok

Armaan:bhai your kiddo is so stubborn there is a party kept tonight ...but no as usual stubborn... she is denying to go

Vidyut: y is kiddo saying no ?

Armaan:god knows blackmail bhi kiya but no effect

Vidyut:dont worry Give the phone to her

Armaan smirked and handed avni the phone while she glared at him

Vidyut: baby kya Hua (ye baby bhai bhen wala hai kripya kar ke shant rehna😂)

Avni:bhai I'm not in the mood for the party but armaan is not understanding

Vidyut:just go for a bit na and then u can come back later on if u still dont like it..if u go neil and the rest of the staff will be happy and also your friends too

Avni:how about u all come too they said friends and family r arrived

Vidyut: I would love to kiddo but I'm going for an important meeting to Delhi for mine and Neil business that is in abroad so I wont be able to make it.. and maa is going out with  dad and dadi to someones wedding


Vidyut:hey....dont be sad.. u have your friends with u na ...ok I'll see u soon and do go to the party ok bacha..I'll let mum know

Avni:ok ...bye she said

Avni gave the ph0ne to armaan while he hugged her knowing she will be mad at him for this stunt but also knows she will calm down...

As avni went to her cabin she saw Neil wasnt back yet ...which somewhere irked her.

At 6pm
Avni stood in front of the mirror ready in her party outfit looking at herself..she and riddhima had chosen something similar few month back and now the outfit has come in handy.

She got into her car and drove to the place where the party was held

Neil was all ready when he came down to see the girl who was with him the whole day

Girl:someone is looking handsome today

Neil smirked

Neil:what can I do JUHI...after  all been Neil khanna isnt a small thing

She laughed at his dialogue

Juhi:if self praising is over shall we go all will be waiting

Neil:let's goo he said as he got an image of avni knowing he hasnt seen her for the whole day today except that glimpse when he was leaving his cabin and she was busy working on a  file

They soon left

Avni was stuck in the traffic and somewhere she had a relief that ay least she will be a little late...she hoped that she doenst come infront of Neil as that will be good for both of them but on the other hand she wanted him to come in front of her..she felt something different when he wasnt around today..she gulped holding the steering wheel tightly

Neil had reached there and got out of the car with juhi and headed inside while dd greeted him along with few workers

Neil:u told everyone right dd

Dd:yes sir all should be coming at it's nearly 7pm

Neil nodded and headed inside with juhi

Armaan and riddhima had reached there and waited for avni, shreya and ayush

Riddhima:let me call avni 

Armaan nodded while avni car made it's way to the parking area

Armaan:r u both planning to kill me he said noticing avni and riddhima wearing something similar when avni got out of the car

Riddhima:sort of

Avni:where is shreya and ayush

Armaan:should be coming soon ...till then let's take pics

The girls nodded while all posed taking the pics in all sort of way

Soon the other two arrived and they headed in

Dd greeted them all

As they entered inside avni looked around when her eyes fell on Neil and she saw the same girl who was standing next to Neil with her hand around ars arm as he was talking to a client

She pressed her lips together tightly as if it doesn't effect  her and turned her attention to her friends

Few secs later Neil laughed about something and casually looked to his right to see avni with her group   ..her side view was visible and that was enough for him to already to turn him on for her

Neil:excuse us for a second he said to the client

The client nodded and moved away

Neil:juhi come I'll introduce u to some students who r here for work experience

Avni was laughing at something to what armaan was saying... suddenly the smile on her face lessened while her heartbeat slowly started to increase... and this only happened when Neil was extremely close to her or when his gaze was on her...she turned to look and saw him walking over to her...her lips parted and she quickly turned her face  where as Neil smirked

Neil:hey guys he said nearing them

All(except avni): hi Sir

Neil:guys meet her juhi..and juhi these r  students who r here on work experience.he said looking at all and then looked at avni from head to toe as she looked hot in what she was wearing...his eyes especially moved around her v shaped crop top and then her navel which was showing her milky skin..which wasnt doing any good to keep him calm...whereas avni didnt look at him as she didn't want to get lost in him but she couldn't stop herself & looked at him to see him looking at her hungrily

Neil had gone to the stage & gave a speech while his eyes would keep on landing on to avni making her look here and there everytime he would look at her.

As neil got down she saw juhi moving to hug Neil while he hugged her back... she started twisting her fingers while gritting her teeth seen that...the way he was close to her & now he is hugging juhi & placing his hand on her waist in public...

Avni metha was jealous but she wasnt going to accept it...neil was talking to one of the clients when a Waiter  tripped and spilt juice on Neil shirt...all turned to see that

Waiter:I'm sorry sir i didnt intend to do this he said gettig scared that he would get fired by his boss

Neil:dont worry it's ok he said smiling

Juhi:dd go and get Neil his spare shirt

Dd nodded

Neil:guys u all Enjoy the party nothing serious...

Juhi:come Neil till then let's go to the room till dd comes

Neil nodded and turned to leave with juhi when he noticed avni looking angry while staring at him..wait not angry jealous he thought..he turned while avni went to the bar and took a shot

She saw Neil and juhi walking up...before she could realise her feets carried her to the stairs whereas armaan and the rest were on the dance floor

She made to keep distance and saw juhi and neil get into a room

As she reached there she saw the door was ajar and peaked through to see juhi removing his suit blazor & quickly looked away thinking that jubi will be close to Neil in a intimate proximity made her uncomfortable..she heard dd whistling and hid behind the pillar while he headed inside..she suddenly heard footestep after a min and felt dd left and headed towards the door to see it was closed she frowned and then placed her ears on then door to hear what was happening when suddenly the door open and she lost her balance

Neil:dd do one ...he said opening the door and suddenly felt someone on him making him fall on the floor...he didnt have to see who it was as his body gave it away

Avni got up quickly embarrassed and looked around the room to see no sign of juhi while Neil looked at her

Neil:what r u doing here?

Avni:y? Was u planning to spend your night with that girl she said anger and jealousy was mixed in her voice...she cursed herself for saying this

Neil frowned & then a smile came on to his face

Neil: that doesn't answer my question

Avni:I..I was looking for a washroom

Neil: really by trying to eavesdropping at the door he said talking a step closer

Avni: I was trying to see if this room is a washroom

Nell:really? Is there a female image sign on the door indicating this is washroom or is eavesdrop a new way to find out if a room is the honest avni y were u here he said closing then door as she hit her back  against the wall.

Avni: to see how many girls u play with... here u r roaming with that juhi... but at the office u find ways to come close to me..make me feel things that I have never felt..but no u want as many girls u can get to satisfy your needs right

Neil:but u r not effected right...I havent gone that far with u for it to effect u that much he whispered as his breath fell on her lips making her gulp .

Avni lips parted slowly as she looked down

Neil:what do u want avni, just say it he said moving even closer to her and lifted her chin to make her look at him

Avni: I..

Neil:just say what u want he said rubbing his nose on her earlobe while avni eyes closed as if this is what she was craving since morning

Avni: you she whispered getting lost into the moment

Neil claimed her lips kissing her hungrily as he didnt get to meet her at all today except that small glimpse at the office. .

Neil:u look so hot in this outfit all I wanted to do was hold u close and stare at u...he said speaking against her lips and then claimed it again making avni moan...she felt him suck her lower lip..and then pinched her navel making her gasp and played with her tounge and then kissed on her lips while she was trying to match his rhythm too

Suddenly she was able to hear her phone which was on then floor as it was getting louder and louder...she opened her eyes slowly while Neil left her lip and started to kiss her on the neck

Avni :stop she said breathing heavily as Neil was placing wet kisses on her neck but Neil continued ...with a lot of force she pushed him away whereas her phone stopped ringing too

Avni: stop...this isnt right

Neil looked at her annoyingly and grabbed her arms 

Neil:stop pushing yourself away avni just stop... u came to me few mins ago but then all of a sudden u start pushing your feelings away... damit we both r feeling the same thing then y r u running away...

Avni:its not easy..not easy as u r my brothers best friend just imagine how he would feel when he would find out

Neil:shhhh...we dont have tell vidyut anything he has been my best friend and will always be but then y r u pushing yourself away for this...stop fighting avni and surrender..for once think about what u want...think how we make each other feel he said

Avni didnt say anything and looked down...neil looked at her seen her stand silent for few min

Neil: u r free to leave he said opening the door and turned away annoyingly

Avni looked at him facing the other way and picked up her phone to see it was riddhima who had called ..she made a call back to her

Riddhima:avni where r u

Avni:I have gone home wasnt really enjoying the party u continue ok ...neil frowned as he heard avni and turned around to face her

Riddhima:avni tum bhi na...ok dw take care bye

Avni:bye she said ending the call and closed the door...she looked up at Neil

Neil:u didnt go?

Avni:no.. I didnt want to.. I'm thinking about what i want she whispered while Neil eyes darkened

Neil:come with me he said grabbing her hand and took her out of the room and headed to the lift which was on the other side away from the party

Neil made a quick text To dd saying an important work came up and he should drop juhi home getting a quicky reply

As they entered the lift Neil pressed the button soon as the lift closed he pushed avni to the wall squeezing her waist while claiming her lips as if there is no tommrow... whereas Avnis  hand went behind his neck pulling him closer...his hand moved up to her breast squeezing them earning a moan from her

As the lift was about to open Neil moved away and he   grabbed  her hand while she was trying to catch up with her breath while able to feel her cheeks heaten up... he made her sit into the car and drove

Avni:where r we going

Neil:somewhere where we cannot be disturbed...avni felt her cheeks flush again..nervous as to what will happen now...

In 10mins they reached outside  a they got out of the car Neil placed bis hand on her bare back tracing his thumb while avni felt ticklish as they walked in..neil told the staff to leave and took avni to the he closed the door she felt him hug her from behind and place small wet kisses along the curve between her neck and shoulder...this literally made her shiver making her moan slightly...she arched her neck giving him more access and then felt him lick and suck on her sensitive spot.

She then felt his lips move to her earlobe nibbling on it making her chuckle and leaned her back  comfortably on his chest as his lips found its was on her neck while his hands moved on to her hips...she suddenly felt him turn her swiftly caging her between the wall and him... his eyes saw how her chest was rising up and down...and his hands automatically went to the gap between her cleavage tracing it thanks to her v shaped crop top making her gasp.. he then unclipped her skirt and his hand slides it way under avni skirt

Avni gasped as she felt his hand on pantie but before it could get the attention it wants he removed his hands and spinned her around and undid the hook of her top and then placed wet kissed on her back making avni crave for more..he turned turned her around  and removed her top easily while she quickly covered her breast...she felt him move her hands away and saw the way he was eyeing her breast able to feel her nipple stiffen by his stare..she arched her back as felt him attack her nipple with his mouth while stroking her other nipple..she pulled his hair into a fist as the pleasure slowly started to kick in

He lifted her up taking her lips walking and then dropped with her on the bed..his lips moved down to her jaw, throat and then claimed her nipple again moving down to her navel while his one hand was busy stroking her breast...after placing soft wet kisses on her stomach he bought his hand down and slowly removed her skirt leaving avni in her pantie..she bit her lip as she felt Neil caresses her with his hand up and down her chest.

Neil spread avni leg as he saw her wet pantie ...she was able to see how his eyes darkened

Neil:u r all wet for me.. only for me he said caressing over her pantie making her moan slightly but he wasnt going to give her the sweet pleasure yet to her pu**y...

He moved up to her breast where her nipples were all hardened and poking out screaming for his name thanks to his handwork

He laid on top of her as her leg wrapped around his hip able to feel his harden erection over her pantie making her even more wet...

Neil:not yet baby.. u kept me waiting for so long he said sucking the side of her neck driving her crazy as she arched her back so that his erection under his trouser could be felt over her pantie more while Neil smirked within the kiss

Avni:Neillll please...I want u she cried out..going mad due to the pleasure he was evoking in her

He sat up and caressed over her pantie and then made her sit on her knees on the bed with her back facing him ...he kissed her on the shoulder while his hand slide into her panties...

Avni gasped while her body reacted instantly..she moaned as Neil finger were into her wet folds.. rubbing it, more likely massaging it while her one hand went behind his head...she moaned even more moving her back close to his chest while his finger found her clit and storked it continuously making avni shudder with pleasure as she pulled the back of his head closer due to overly new feeling

Neil:that's it just moan for me like that he whispered huskily

Avni closed her eyes as she felt his finger circling his clit fast and faster while she was fidgeting about due to what he was making her feel...

Neil: I like how u r wet just only for me only for me .he said continuing the fast pace of his finger on her clit

Neill was able to feel her wall tightening but before it can make her cum he stopped and turned her around kissing her on the lips while his hands undid his trouser taking them of .

He then sucked her navel, her hips and waist...while she arched her back and then moved his lips to her inner thighs sending waves of pleasure..he then yanked her pantie of making her gasp... she saw him spread her legs and what she didnt except was that he will start licking her wet folds with his tongue which trippled the pleasure making her arch her back while he held on to her thighs giving her the pleasure and able to feel her juice

She moaned when she felt his finger rub her clit and then his tounge replaced it... he first moved his tounge in a slow pace but as avni felt him increase the speed she held his head pushing him into her more.

ZYADA DOSE ACHA NAHI HAI  by the way this is actually the longest chap of this story

Thanks for giving all the love and support for the promo glad u all loved it..will be waiting for the comments and votes so keep it coming

its_me_shanzz this is for u

Lots of love

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