chapter 1

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At the metha mansion

In the afternoon.

Ashish : neela , ma hurry up we r getting late said an impatient ashish

Neela: maa see how impatient ashish  is getting to go to the airport said neela  who was coming down with dayawanti

Dayawanti : haan neela  after all he Is going to see his friend after so many years

Ashish: thank god u r here..  come on lets go their flight would have landed and bebe  would have reached their

Dayawanti: but where r the kids

Ashish: ma abhi had to attend some important meeting so he had to go to office and he was tensed so avni joined him and riya is in the car waiting for us

Neela : k come lets go all three headed out to go to the airport

meanwhile At  the khanna  mansion

Bebe : mitali beta hurry up we r getting late

Mitali : coming bebe  she said running down the stairs and both  headed  to the airport

Ashish  and everyone met at the airport and were waiting to see prakash.

After  few minutes they saw prakash  coming out with shweta , neil  and ali,
Ashish and prakash hugged each other and so did neela  and shweta

Bebe and mitali  went to  neil  and ali  and hugged them ...after prakash  and shweta  took blessing of bebe and daya

Prakash : ashish  meet my children neil and ali.. both the boys moved forward and took all the elders blessing

Shweta : bhai saab where r ur kids

Ashish : bhabi abhi  had to attend a meeting so he was not able to come and my daughter went along with him but my younger daughter riya came he said putting his hands around his Riya shoulder who moved forward and took prakash  and shweta  blessing and  also said hi to neil and ali whereas  both the guys smiled at  her.

Prakash : come on lets go home now.. all nodded and headed off and soon reached to the khanna  mansion... neil  excused himself and headed towards his room while riya  and ali were talking

Ashish : prakash  yaar neil  and ali have grown up so much
Prakash : haan yaar  time flew really quickly

Neela : im glad u all came back and bhai saab ur friend was missing u so much do u know how impatient he was getting to receive u she said making  all laugh

Ashish : neelaaaa

Dayawanti  : acha ..we will leave now

Bebe : arien daya y so early stay for a while

Prakash : haan daya ma stay a little longer... daya smiled

Dayawanti: we would but its getting quite late...also avni and abhi would be coming back home soon... Just then neil  came back

Neil: y r u all standing

Neela: beta we r going to leave now as its quite late...

neil smiled a little bit and nodded and took their blessing and ali also took their blessing and exchanged numbers with riya ... neil saw this and smirked at his little brother

Ashish : k prakash  we will leave now..

Riya hugged mitali and after went up to neil  who looked at her confusingly

Riya: erm is it k if I call u neil bhaiya ...neil smiled and  nodded.

Riya hugged him excitingly...neil  didn't know what to do and he looked at shweta  who nodded as if saying hug her and slowly he hugged her back

Ashish  : k we will leave now

Riya: wait hold on I need to make an announcement... tomorrow is my 22nd birthday and I want all of u to come as we have organised a party at 6pm at our mansion so please be there on time along with my gifts thank u now we can go.

Neela: riyaaa

Riya:what? It's not wrong to ask for gifts on my bday right.

All chukled shaking their head at Riya

Bebe: k beta we will be there

Meanwhile in a car

Avni: see abhi bhai u were so tensed but the meeting went so well

Abhi: that's because u helped me otherwise I don't know what I would have done without u avu..avni smiled at him

Avni : tomorrow is going to be a long day as its riya  birthday...we  got so many preparation to do

Abhi: don't worry that all will be done... by the way wt did u get her?

Avni: a latest ipad u?

Abhi: a dress from Paris otherwise if we don't have madams gift then she will run behind us until we don't give it to her

Soon both reached home where they saw their family sitting...  riya ran and  hugged avni

Riya: omg didu what took u guys so long u know I haven't seen u for nearly a whole day

Abhi: we went to buy your gift otherwise u will ruin our life if we didnt bring it

Riya: very funny anyways what did u bring

Abhi: ri when is your birthday?

Riya : tomorrow

Abhi: so then u will get to know tomorrow...

Ashish: abhi beta how was the meeting

Abhi: it went well  dad

Neela: k can we please stop this business talk and have dinner

Avni: yeah im Hungary.

they all went to eat and after chit chatting for a bit they headed off to sleep

In the morning avni went to riya  room and sat on the bed next to her she smiled and caressed her hair

Riya moved and placed her head on avni lap making her smile more

Avni: ri

No response

Avni: riyu

Still no response

Avni : ri she called out again  shaking her slightly

Riya : hmmm this time in a sleeping tone and making herself more comfortable on avni's  lap

Avni: happy birthday my baby sister she said whispering in her ears

Riya smiled and opened her eyes slowly... she got up and hugged avni

Riya : thank u didu just like always, u wished me first..avni smiled

Abhi: happy birthday my sweet irritating doll he said hugging riya

Riya gave him an annoying look but then hugged him after

Riya: thank u my lovely annoying bhai

soon the elders wished riya and all got ready for the pooja as whenever its some family member birthday they always do a pooja first and then give poor people food who sit on the temple stairs

Avni and riya were wearing anarkali... they all got out of the car and were walking up the stairs when avni received a call

Avni: erm papa I will just attend this call quickly and come soon

Ashish : k beta  

Meanwhile the metha family were walking inside the temple where they met prakash  and the rest of the family

Prakash : arien all of u here what a pleasant surprise

Ashish : haan its riya's birthday so we came here ..

The rest wished her...riya took the blessing of the elders and moved towards mitali, neil and ali

Mitali: happy birthday ri she said hugging her
Roya : thank u she said hugging her back

Neil : happy birthday riya

Riya : thank u neil bhai

Ali: happy birthday riya

Riya :  thanks ali... arien wait abhi bhai come her

Abhi excused himself from the elders and moved towards where riya was standing

Abhi: haan ri

Riya: abhi bhai this is  neil  bhai and ali.. all the guys smiled at each other and shook hands

Abhi: nice meeting u

Neil: same here

Ali : riya where is ur elder sister

Riya: she is coming  she received a call so just attending that

Avni was walking up the stairs and all of a sudden she was feeling uncomfortable her six sense was telling her to go away  but she ignored it and walked up concentrating on her phone and walked inside the temple

Mitali: look here is avni...

Neil  stiffened at that name while mitali went forward to hug her friend who was lost in her own world

Abhi, ali, neil and riya turned around

Neil  was shocked for a second but after a while a cold look came on to his face

Avni  who was busy texting waa hugged all of a sudden by someone stopping her from walking ...she came out of the hug and saw it was mitali

Mitali : avni  come I want u to meet my brothers

Avni  nodded and walked with mitali  with a smile but when she looked ahead the smile was slowly disappearing from her face and a shock look appeared ...  all she whispered was neil

Mitali bought her near to neil and ali,,, she tried to compose herself as she saw others around them

Mitali: avni  meet my brothers  Neil  bhai and ali

Ali: hey he  said with a smile shaking her hands

Avni: hey...and gave a small smile

Neil : hello Miss avni he said in a cold tone forwarding his hand

Avni: hi she said bringing her hands forward to shake and she could feel his tight grip but she didn't dare to look at him and was avoiding his gaze... here she should be mad at him but instead of that she was feeling uneasy

Riya , mitali, ali and abhi didn't miss the cold tone and the way he addressed her.

Dayawanti: riya beta come its nearly time for the pooja come and give the pooja tray to pandit ji

Riya: jee dadi ...

Avni walked of followed by the rest

Riya was standing at the front while the rest were standing behind and praying all finished their prayer and soon took Prasad

Avni didn't turn back as she knew neil was standing behind along with abhi and ali and she could still feel his cold gaze she felt like running away and thanks to her all left once they were near their car

Dayawanti: acha harleen  we will see u all at the party tonight

Avni was about to sit in the car but stopped when she heard what her dadi said

Riya: didu what happened come on sit inside

Avni came out of her thought and sat in the car

Precrap: party time, avneil  meeting again.

So another story yup.. again I had written this 7 years back like forever and always and thought let's not waste my idea and invest it on avneil

What do u think.. y did neil is Neil cold to avni?.. y does avni feel she should be mad but she is feeling uneasy.

Will be waiting for comments and votes 

Lots of love  Somali

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