chapter 11

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Raj: I wont let u go easily avni just remember that and with that he cut the call...

avni looked at the call and laid on her bed letting the tears flow and empty her heart that was filled with pain and betrayal that raj caused her...  on top of that he didn't even feel guilty... after a while she sat up and wiped her tears

Avni to herself: I wish if I knew your true face earlier raj... whatever happened with juhi was bad but because of her we all know the true face of yours...also  I blamed neil when he tried to tell me he is innocent... I hope u forgive me soon neil she said and wiped her tears and went to the washroom to freshen up. She was too exhausted today plus today was a good and bad day for her. Good because juhi was out of coma and bad because the culprit turned out to be someone she loved but all he did was betray her. 

In paris

Raj threw his phone on the bed and pushed his hair back angrily.
Raj: no avni I wont let u go easily nobody can separate u from me not even u...I wont let u end our relationship... all of a sudden raj got a call from one of his men who told him that the Indian police have contacted the police in Paris to get him arrested and bring him back to India

Raj: k Raghu just keep me informed.

Raghu: boss its best if u leave from there now and go underground for a while.

Raj: don't tell me what to do and keep me informed...

he disconnected his call and quickly packed all his belonging and left the room and started walking towards the lift...when he reached to the ground floor he went to the reception and checked out and started walking out of the hotel and went to the taxi stand... he was about to get into a taxi when someone tapped him on his shoulder... raj panicked for a moment but kept a calm face and turned around.

Police: Mr Raj Singhania. We got a call from the Indian police and they told us to send u back to India.  with that he pulled out the handcuffs

Raj: excuse me inspector before arresting me I do have the rights to know y im getting arrested like this

Police: well we have been told that u r doing illegal business and also that u have ruined someone life

Raj: ridiculous!!! I need to speak to my lawyer.

Police: im sorry but we have to arrest u and take u to the airport now please cope with us or we have other ways to take u and please give us your phone so that we know u make no plans to escape.

Raj: fine lets go.

the police took him to the car and made him sit inside

Raj was taken to airport and was kept in a room where one inspector was keeping an eye on him... raj thought of bribing the inspector.

Raj: officer please let me a make a call to my lawyer its important for me to talk to him I will give u all this money he said taking out so much cash from his wallet and showing it to the inspector... the inspector looked around for a sec and then took the money

Police: only 5 min if u get caught im not responsible and gave raj his phone as his senior officer gave him that mobile.

Raj quickly called his lawyer who answered it on the second ring

Raj: hello Mr Ahuja its me raj speaking

Ahuja : hello Mr Singhania.

Raj: Mr Ahuja u need to get me out of the mess im stuck in... and with that he told him everything.

Ahuja: don't worry Mr singhania I will try and get u out of this mess ASAP but for now cope with the police and come to India till then I will try and get ur bail papers ready...

Raj cut the call and gave it back

After few minutes two other officers came and took raj to the private plane and they made sure that one officer will be on the plane with him so he doesn't make any stupid moves.

On the other hand abhi had just reached office and went to ashish cabin as soon as he opened the door he saw ashish talking to someone on the phone when he finished talking to the person he turned to abhi

Ashish: so abhi how was your shopping.

Abhi: it was great dad... im sorry im late there was too much traffic on the way back.

Ashish: its k beta... by the way how is raj business deal going in Paris. Did u receive any news from him.

Abhi: dad its best if we don't talk about raj. He said with anger which ashish noticed

Ashish: y u saying that beta? what happened?... I always ask u about raj but u have never reacted like this before... he asked confusingly.

Abhi: he is a fraud dad... raj tried to cheat us many time... he has some illegal business and he was trying to do a fake business deal with us so that all his illegal work could be done without anyone knowing as nobody would doubt us but it was our luck that we kept refusing his offer and also he has also mol...molest a girl in the past he said making sure to keep juhis name out of this... ashish looked at abhi shockingly.

Ashish: what r u saying abhi? Raj doing all this... it could be there is some misunderstanding

Abhi: im saying only the truth... this guy was trying to deceive us... and there is no misunderstanding

Ashish: how can u be so sure abhi. It could be someone is trying to frame raj ?

Abhi: dad I got to know today but I thought its best to tell u at the office... well through my sources I got to know that the police r planning to arrest raj and they have informed the police in Paris...  also the girl he was on the verge of molesting has testified that raj is responsible for this and to make sure this news is true I told a detective to let me know about all this information and he told me its true... he said lying to ashish as he couldn't  tell ashish how he found out otherwise that would mean he would get to know about juhi and also avni and raj been in relationship.

Ashish: I cant believe this... how can raj do this... U r right abhi its good that we didn't do any business deal with him otherwise god knows what would have happened. I cant believe we trusted a guy like him

Abhi: dad im sorry... raj was my friend and through me he met u all... if I didn't become friends with him then all this wouldn't have happened

Ashish: its not your fault abhi so don't blame yourself.

Abhi: im just happy we got to know his reality.
Both looked at each other

Meanwhile vidyut  and neil came back home and went to neils room and sat down on the bean bag... luckily prakash told neil he doesn't have to go to office today. There was silence for  few minutes until vidyut  spoke

Vidyut : finally happy that juhi is out of coma and finally the truth is out

Neil: hmm I agree... Vidyut  looked at neil carefully

Vidyut : it must be a shock for avni to find out that her bf was the one who did this to juhi.. for a second I felt sorry for her when she walked out of juhi room in that state ... she was totally shocked.

Neil: im happy juhi is out of coma and I wont be blamed for something I did he said completely ignoring what vidyut  said about avni

Vidyut : ok lets get to the point... what did avni say to u? ... neil looked at vidyut  and saw how his friend was looking at him

Neil: she was saying how she is sorry and she regrets saying all those things to me and asked me to forgive her.

Vidyut : and did u forgive her?

Neil: no he said looking away from vidyut ...

vidyut  looked at neil

Vidyut : do u want to forgive her?

Neil: what is with all the questions vidyut  he said annoyingly... but vidyut  ignored and asked another question

Vidyut : do u think she really regrets saying all that to u?

Neil: vidyut  if u don't stop your questions then u will regret it ... vidyut  smirked

Vidyut : if u think u can scare me with your threats then u r wrong he said winking at neil...

Neil looked away knowing vidyut  is totally right.

Neil: vidyut  please for now I want to be left
alone I will see u in a while...

Vidyut : fine I will leave u for a while but neil all I will say is that I think avni truly regrets the way she behaved with u and u should think about this with that he left the room.

Avni was running and kept on looking behind making sure that person doesn't catch her... she was laughing while running around the couch, then the table making sure there is a gap between that person... she was about to run upstairs when that person got caught of her wrist

Avni: RAJ leave me she said laughing away

Raj: I will never leave u avni he said pulling her closer and caressing her cheeks... he placed a kiss on her forehead and was about to capture her lips when avni pushed him away. They were at raj place

Avni: behave yourself Mr Singhania she said naughtily

Raj: I cant behave when im around u he said winking and was about to get hold of her when she moved further away.

Avni: ohhh I see... so what can we do about that
Mr Singhania... raj pulled her closer

Raj: well maybe a kiss could make me behave he said looking at her lips.

Riya: DIDU!

Avni came back to reality hearing riyas voice. She quickly wiped away her tears before turning towards riya

Riya: didu what r u thinking about that u couldn't hear me call u all this time ... the last thing I had to do was shout and that's when u came out of your dream land... by the way were u thinking about neil jiju she said teasingly

Avni: nothing like that by the way how was your event?

Riya: oh didu it went well.. was really nervous when I had to say a few words but yes everyone loved the outfits

Avni: that's is good. Im really proud of u rii

Riya: thanks didu by the way how was shopping?
Avni: it was k... she lied.

Riya : didu come now its nearly time to eat

Avni: eat? What is the time right now?

Riya: its 6pm didu. By the way mom has told me that ever since u came back from shopping u have been in your room since  then.

Avni: ahhh yh I just had to sort out some things... she was actually surprised that she didn't realise that it was 6pmin  already and it felt like she had just came back from the hospital an hour ago or something.

Riya: oh I am going to change soon and abhi bhai and dad just came back few mins ago so quickly come down k

Avni: k...

Riya left the room while avni went to the washroom to wipe her face properly and then headed downstairs.

She went and sat on her seat while neela was busy helping the maid sort out food on the table, when ashish, abhi, dayawanti, and riya came and all took their respective seats.

Madhavi tai  started serving the food to everyone and while serving she spoke.

Madhavi tai: riya today I have made your favourite food as madam ji (neela) told me  today was a big day for u

Riya: thanks madhavi tai that is every sweet of u and thank u mom.

Neela. U r welcome beta,

Dayawanti: ashish what happened y is ur mood off ... ashish looked up from his plate

Ashish: maa... raj is not a good person he was pretending to be nice to us.

Dayawanti and neela looked at each other... while avni  was playing with her food on the  plate as she didn't feel like eating but hearing ashish say raj name made her look up at ashish.

Dayawanti: what do u mean ashish?

Ashish looked at everyone on the dining table and told them what abhi told him...

avni looked at abhi glad that he didn't mention juhi's name but she was a bit stunned that he told ashish about this.

Neela: ashish at least we know his true colours and there is no point in spoiling our mood for a person like him

Dayawanti: neela is right ashish u should be happy that u didnt sign any business with him.  he will get punished for his bad deeds.

Riya: thank god that raj is out of our lives. I never liked him that much in the first place.

Neela: avni y r u not eating.

Avni: ma im not that Hungary.

Neela: what do u mean u r not hungry u didn't even have lunch come on finish your food she scolded avni lovingly.

Dayawanti: by the way tomorrow u all have to be ready at 9am as we have to go to the temple tomorrow for pooja as it will start around 10am

Riya: pooja for what dadi

Dayawanti: for avni and neil... they r engaged now and after two weeks they will get married so before all the functions start harleen and me just want to do pooja for both of them.

Riya: I don't mind pooja and all but I hate waking up early she said making a baby face

Abhi: then u should go and sleep rii otherwise u will get dark circles and then u will be chewing our brains ...

Riya: ha ha ha ha ha that was so funny... NOT she said sarcastically.

After dinner all were sitting in the living room as they were having almond milk.

At the khanna mansion all were at the dining table having dinner.  even bebe told them about the pooja

Vidyut : this pooja sounds interesting.

Mitali: what do u mean... it will be interesting?

Vidyut : to see neil and avni doing the pooja together right . He said naughtily while neil glared at him.

The next day all were getting ready for the pooja prakash  and his family arrived at the temple around 930 am while ashish family came 10 mins later...all the men were wearing sherwani while avni, riya and mitali were wearing anarkali and shweta, neela, bebe and dayawanti in their usual saree... avni took blessing of prakash , shweta and bebe while neil took blessing of neela, ashish and dayawanti... Since there was about 20mins left for the pooja to start everyone was talking in small groups while the priest was getting everything arranged for the pooja.

Neil was standing with abhi, ali and vidyut  , talking to them when avni excused herself and went towards them.

Avni: erm neil can I speak to u for a moment please.

All the boys looked at avni then neil.

Ali: of course avni bhabi after all neil bhai is going to be yours soon...

avni just gave a nervous smile while both abhi and vidyut  looked at each and then at avneil and left from there with ali... neil was about to move away from avni when avni stopped him.

Avni: neil please listen to me.

Neil: listen to what avni... because I don't think there is anything to listen to.

Avni: neil I know a sorry is not enough for what I have said to u and the way I treated u but I really mean it neil... I am guilty for saying all that to u but I have realised my mistake that whatever the situation was I should have tried to find out the truth instead of doubting u and blaming u for juhi condition... I know its not easy for u to forgive me neil but i can never forget those moments when we were friends... and after all this I want to be friends with u again.... please neil...

Neil turned around and looked at avni.

Neil: its not that easy avni... what if I had blamed u that way and then after realising u were never at fault I apologise to u ...then what will u do avni?... will u forgive me?... avni looked at neil

Avni: it may have not been easy but if that person apologised truly then I would forgive that person... before neil could say anything to avni bebe came

Bebe: neil, avni come beta the pooja is about to start...

avneil nodded and followed bebe and sat down near the priest... who was telling the things they had to do... the pooja finished around 11 and everyone got up while the priest told avneil to take everyone blessing.

Neela: shweta its nearly lunch time y don't u all come over and have lunch at our place I have told madhavi tai to make many item for everyone

Shweta: neela that is so sweet of u but u didn't have to do this

Bebe: neela beta shweta doesn't have to eat your food but I will. By the way tell me one thing is there going to be any sweet dish... dayawanti looked at her friend

Shweta: bebe u r not allowed too many sweet dish.

Neela: shweta its k dw and haan bebe ma madhavi tai will be making ghajar ka halwa.

Bebe: halwa... chalo then y r we all waiting here lets go.

Prakash : bebe sometimes u become a kid hearing names of sweet dish

Dayawanti: praksh  beta she doesn't become a kid but she still acts like a kid. She said laughing.

Bebe: dayawanti one day your time will come when u get restricted from eating sweet dish and that is when u will know how your friend feels.

Ashish: don't worry bebe  nobody would stop u today but lets make a move from here he said and everyone agreed...

avni was walking along with riya and mitali but all she was thinking about is if neil will forgive her or not and another thing that came into her mind was telling mitali about juhi because since juhi was in coma avni and mitali had been really close and for her mitali and juhi are both equal.
But the only thing that she kept hidden from mitali was about raj and how she blamed neil...

Soon enough they all reached home and avni decided that she will tell mitali the whole truth.

After 20 mins everyone entered the metha mansion and sat down in living room as there was still time for lunch time. Till then neela went to get water for everyone and shweta went along to help her.

Avni went towards mitali.

Avni: mitali I need to tell u something  

Mitali: what do u want to tell me?

Avni: not here can we go to my room please.

Mitali: sure lets go... both started to walk up the stairs when neela called them

Neela: mitali, avni where r u going she said bringing water for everyone and gave it to them while looking at the girls...

avni and mitali turned around and saw that everyone's attention was on them.

Avni: maa I need to talk to mitali about something so just going to my room.

Riya: didu don't u think u should be spending more time with neil jiju instead of mitali... everyone laughed when riya said that.

Ali: don't worry riya im sure after they get married bhai and bhabi will always be around each other.

Neela: k go...

Mitali and avni headed up while abhi was suspicious with the way avni looked...

once reaching to the bedroom avni closed the door and both her and mitali sat down on the bed.

Mitali: avni what happened y do u look nervous.

Avni: mitali after what I am going to tell u I don't know u will react but I think its best if I tell u this.

Mitali: what is it about? Avni looked at mitali and then got up and started walking ahead not looking at mitali.

Avni: mitali u remember I told u about my friend juhi that was in coma for 3 years.

Mitali: what happened to juhi is she k

Avni: yh she fact she came out of coma yesterday. Mitali smiled and walked to avni placing her hand on avni shoulder

Mitali: avni that is great news.

Avni: I know but I have hidden something else from u that is related to juhi.

mitali: what?

Avni: mitali when I was in New York for my first year of uni I met neil and vidyut  as they went to the same uni but both of them were in 2nd year at that time... For few month I didn't speak to neil or his friends but juhi got along with them really well... once day neil helped juhi and I really appreciated it and with that we became really good friends... then there was a party organised at the university for everyone as all the students were going to start a new year of uni but that day the party became a disaster... I got a call and went out leaving juhi on the dance floor but when I got back she was not there so I went looking for her when I found her in a room but in a bad state... she was trying to telling me about getting molested and neil tried to... and with that she fainted I didn't understand anything but then I saw neils watch near her and tried to register juhi word coming to conclusion that neil was the one who molested her... without letting anyone know I took her to the hospital and that's when the doc told me that she has slipped into coma because of the head injury... the next day I went to uni and said so much to neil without letting him justify himself and after that I came back to India and continued juhi treatment here... that day in the temple when I saw neil after three years I didn't know how to react I was shocked to see him... but all those memories came back and I continued to blame him... but yesterday when juhi got out of coma she told me neil was there to help her and he was not the culprit... Mitali I am really guilty for blaming neil but I don't think he will forgive me so easily... and after this I don't know how will u react because neil is your brother... Mitali still didn't reply and avni turned around to see mitali looking at her with a blank expression

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