chapter 17

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Vidyut : what time is the hearing date?

Avni looked at vidyut .

Avni: at 12pm... the hearing date was meant to be today but it got cancelled...

while avni was saying all this juhi looked at avni... She moved out of neils arm and pulled avni in a hug.

Juhi: don't say sorry u r not at fault... but just tell me anything that happens...we have never hidden anything from each other. U all r here with me so with time I will recover. They both broke the hug and avni was about to go and sit back but juhi held on to her hand.

Avni: what happened?

Juhi took neil hand and placed it on top of avni.. both were a little shocked

Juhi: I know things r not good with u both... but now u r both going to get married... u both need to be each other support system. I actually want to see that friendship between u two that I saw few years back...whatever happened has happened now forget it. For everyone sake... for both of ur family sake...

Avneil  looked at each other...

Avni looking at neil with a forgiving look while neil looked at her angrily... neil moved his hands away

Neil: its not easy to forget everything juhi... the humiliation I felt when I was blamed for something I haven't done... u all r saying that I should give a chance to avni... I would have after all this years if it was a small misunderstanding but nobody will forgive anyone easily when they blame  innocent of be it molesting or rapeing someone.... In fact u all tell me what if u guys were blamed for  something like this  and then u were told to forgive that person who blamed u and made u go through a humiliation in front of many people and not only that but didnt even give a chance to explain ...just because he/she found out that u r innocent would u forgive that person so easily? He said looking at vidyut , mithali   and juhi who looked away......from now on none of u will try to ask me to forgive avni if I want to forgive her I will if I don't want to then nobody can force me...

It was all quiet nobody knew what to say but after few mins avni spoke.

Avni: everything u said is right ...if u don't want to forgive me then that's fine I promise I wont annoy u about this and nobody else will. She said getting up while everyone was looking at avni and neil was looking at her angrily.

Avni left from there and went straight into her room... she looked at the small god idol on her desk and held it

Avni: I don't know what to do ganpati bapa. My life is in a complete mess... I shouldn't have judged neil without knowing the full truth she said with tears welling in her eyes...

Neela: avni beta? She said coming into avni room...

avni quickly wiped away the tears and turned around to see neela entering her room

Avni: ji maa?

Neela: beta is everything ok u came up all of a sudden and u seem worried?

Avni: no maa nothing is wrong I just came up to get my phone she said picking it up from the desk and placed the idol back.

Neela: what where u asking from your ganpati bapa

Avni: nothing much just that everything go well. ...But maa?

Neela: what happened?

Avni: maa cant we delay the wedding

Neela: y beta?

Avni: things seems to be going too fast.

Neela: it always go fast for everyone beta besides even if we did delay the wedding the next date would be after a year as the pandit ji said... and u cant decide delaying the wedding all by yourself as even neil and both the family have equal come down lunch is ready...

neela left while avni stood there... she went downstairs...

Everyone was already sitting down. Avni looked at neela with a pleading look but neela shook her head and gestured avni to sit down...dayawanti  didn't miss this and decided to ask them later on.

All were having their lunch and once they finished neela and shweta went in the kitchen while dayawanti  and bebe stayed back at the dining table and the youngsters sat in the hall.

Juhi; neil im sorry I didn't mean to force u in forgiving avni. Its not like im telling u to forgive her because she is my best friend but u both r my friend and I want the best for u.

Neil: I know juhi

Avni: what if we break this marriage or delay it?

Everyone looked at avni stunned by what she said while neil looked at avni with a questioning look

Mithali  : avni have u lost it she said quietly so the elders cant hear her

Avni: no I mean... this marriage is only going to make our family happy because they don't know about our past but our life will be messed up she said looking at everyone then neil.

Neil: u seriously jump to a conclusion without thinking how it will affect others he said coldly

Avni: I thought about the others that y I thought about this. The way things r we wont be happy with each other... if u r worried about us breaking the marriage and our family facing too many questions then we don't have to do that we could delay the wedding as we r already engaged after few month or a year or so we could call of the wedding saying we just didn't get along or something.

Juhi: avni isn't it too late now?

Avni: no before I thought it was too late but there are so many ppl who get engaged first and then call of their wedding because of differences... we had only sent out the invitation card for the engagement as the wedding card was going to be printed separately that had the other functions listed on and as far as I know they haven't been sent of

Mithali  : u seriously want to do this avni?

Avni: let me be honest... she said looking at neil who was looking at her...

avni then looked at the others

Vidyut: continue

Avni: Before when only our relation was fixed abhi bhai had told me that I could back off as its not late yet... but I said no at that time because all I could see was everyone having a big smile on their face... that time I didn't even say yes for this relationship... before I could say no neil said we both agree to this proposal and that shocked me I wanted to say no but I couldn't and like I said the reason was seen everyone happy face. Neil looked away but with a smirk and anger in his eyes looked back at avni

Neil: and now u don't see everyone's happy face.

Avni: I do but now I can see how our relationship is going to be... a big dead end...neil if we both get married to each other then none of us will be happy. I spoke to mum about this just a while ago ..she said its not a one person decision but everyone... but if we both say we want time neil then I don't think they can force us.

Vidyut : avni is right.. maybe this is best for everyone... I mean we all r pacifying neil to forgive avni but if they give time to each other and then their relationship then there is no harm.

Avni: think about it ? If possible do let me know by tonight... She said looking at neil.

Neela: come on kids the desert is here...

Mithali : come on everyone act normal as if we were just talking casually

All were walking towards the dining table... Avni was walking behind neil.

Avni: neil? Neil stopped but didn't turn around.

Avni: I know I have accused u in the past but please think about what I said... it's the best for everyone especially for both of us... neil started walking to the dining table without looking at avni who followed him after few secs

Vidyut : yummy aunty this halwa is amazing.

Neela: thank u beta here have some more

Bebe: neela even I want some more.

Shweta: no maa not too much for u.

Bebe: shweta I didnt even have too much and its not like I eat halwa everyday.

Neil: dadi no means no

Bebe: ok my health conscious grandson. Neil smirked.

Shweta: avni beta get use to all this now as when u come to our house after getting married then u will see all this everyday... avni slightly smiled and then looked at neil who was sitting opposite her.

Avni(in her head): god please do something that neil agrees with this idea so that we can convince both the family before the invitation cards gets sent of.

It had been an hour since neil and his family had left. Dayawanti  and neela had gone back to the office to help the staff members... So it was only juhi and avni at the mansion.

Juhi and avni were In avni bedroom.

Juhi: avni?

Avni: hmm she said busy working on her laptop.

Juhi: about what u said downstairs... do u think that is the right decision?..., avni stopped with what she was doing on her laptop

Avni: juhi I don't know if its right or wrong... but all I can say that maybe this is the best for everyone. but?

Juhi: but what?

Avni: how would I know if neil has agreed with this decision or not

Juhi: well hopefully u will get ur answer by tonight lets just wait.

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion.

Neil was in vidyut  room sitting on the couch.

Avni words were keep on coming in his mind...

Vidyut  who was busy speaking to his parents looked at neil lost in thoughts... once he finished speaking to them he came and sat next to him

Vidyut : so?

Neil: what so? Neil said turning his attention to vidyut

Vidyut ; so what is my best friend thinking about so seriously

Neil: nothing

Vidyut : neil

Neil: what?

Vidyut : just say it

Neil: say what dude

Vidyut : what u r thinking about?.. neil closed his eyes

Neil: about what she said

Vidyut : she? Oh u mean avni... neil glared at vidyut

Vidyut : don't give me that look u know I am not scared of u. he said cracking up which made neil smile a little

Neil: whatever.

Vidyut : but what have u decided he said getting serious.

Neil: I don't know

Vidyut : well think of it soon as u need to let her know by tonight... neil looked at vidyut  for a sec and then started thinking.

Around 4pm dayawanti  and neela came back

Dayawanti : madhavi where is avni?

Madhavi tai: dadi ji she is in her room with juhi

Dayawanti : neela I will go and meet avni till then.. neela nodded while dayawanti  went to avni.

When she reached outside avni's room she knocked

Avni: come in... dayawanti  entered the room and saw avni and juhi watching a movie on the laptop... Avni and juhi looked at the door to see dayawanti

Dayawanti : Im sorry to disturb u girls she said coming and sat near avni on the bed

Avni: come on dadi u haven't disturbed us.

Dayawanti : avni beta I wanted to speak to u

Juhi: I will go downstairs till then
..before she could go dayawanti  stopped her.

Dayawanti : juhi beta u don't need to go from the room.

Avni: what happened dadi is everything ok?

Dayawanti : that I want to know from u... avni and juhi looked at each other then at dayawanti

Avni; what u trying to say dadi.

Dayawanti : beta I didn't miss the look that u and neela shared during lunch time but when I asked her on our way to work she told me about u asking to delay the wedding... avni got a little tensed.

Avni: dadi actually

Dayawanti : I am not angry with u avni but I just want to know what made this thought come into your head.

Avni: dadi things r just going to early... I think everything is been rushed... if the wedding got delayed then maybe me and neil could get enough time to know each other she said coming up with an excuse.

Dayawanti : beta though its normal for every girl as they think the days r going so quickly but if u still want to get to know neil more and delay this wedding then its fine but...avni looked at dayawanti  hopefully

Avni: but what dadi

Dayawanti: like neela said this cant be your decision even if neil agrees then only we can delay the wedding... but even if neil says no then u can do one thing

Avni: and what is that

Dayawanti : share whatever u feel with him let him know what u r thinking and how u r thinking... just pour your heart out to friends with him. She said cupping avni face and then left the room...

avni looked at juhi.

Avni: I tried all that juhi I was friends with him but I ruined that friendship with my own hands... I did pour out my heart to him when I was feeling guilty for accusing him... juhi placed her hand on avni shoulder.

Juhi: don't lose hope avni... just pray that neil also agrees with this decision and I just hope everything goes well

Precap: neils decision and court hearing day.

Phew shocked na ab padho aur jaldi se comment and vote karo

Thanks to those who voted and commented on the previous chap

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