chapter 21

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Neil: when we got to know about raj death I felt sorry for avni... and as i came for a walk i saw her sitting here alone and crying hence my ego broke and I decided to mend things with her

Vidyut: proud of u my boy he said.

Juhi: ok so since we found  u two now can we please do something productive we kept ali and Riya waiting at the palace somehow 

Vidyut:- haan I agree

Abhi :- what do u want to do he said looking at ali and riya

Mithali: something fun

Vidyut: our tour will start tomorrow so how about we play a game

Abhi:- perfect

The gang headed back and decided to play ludo  all were having fun while the gang were busy in playing neil looked at avni and then spoke



Neil: think about what I said about this deserve to live your life...I wont be upset if you break this alliance and neither will our family be

Avni: its complicated neil

Neil:its not have it all in here ....if I hadnt forced you into this alliance then your answer would have been no...our family have sent us on this trip hoping  we bond and get to know each other more...but once we go back home we can tell them we would rather be friends

Juhi :avni neil talk after about whatever you both are talking about and first play come on

Avni started to think about what neil said and watched as he got back into playing the game

It was night and neil was swimming back and forth

He was getting images of avni since the time he had met her during uni and again after so many years

Getting out of the pool he sat down as he dried his hair with a towel  as he recalled all the moments when avni had landed in trouble and how he saved her be it recently or even in the past

Sitting back on his chair he recalled a scene when avni had landed herself in trouble and avni had no about it in the beginning


Kelly: (whi juhi had an argument with) : I want revenge from that juhi...she think she is so smart right...but now I'll show what a fool she is for messing with me...find out what her weakness is

After some time a girl came back to kelly

Girl: her weakness isnt much but she has a best friend who she loves to bits and both have been childhood friends...the girls name is avni metha ...she is in this uni and always with juhi

Kelly: avni haan well well looks like this avni has to pay the price for her friend...keep an eye on this avni and let me know ok

Tje5 girl nodded and left

As instructed the girl kept an eye on avni and juhi

One day the girl heard a professor talking to avni where she wanted avni to make a presentation for an event which Kelly was also a part of

The girl ran to kelly  and told her

Kelly: this event will surely be memorable for both avni and juhi she said with a smirk

Avni whi had been working hard on the presentation for the event was making sure everything was up to mark

Juhi: avu you coming?

Avni: not yet juhi I'm just gonna finsh this last slide and add few images and then I'll be there

Juhi:okies then I'll meet you in the canteen

Avni nodded and juhi left

After an hour when avni was done she saved it on the USB and emailed herself a copy

L girl: hey friend kelly Also is doing a presentation and she wanted your help as ajay sir said if we needed help we should ask each other fl

Avni: um ok where is she

girl: come I'll take you with me she said dragging avni with her not allowing her to take her usb

As avni left the room one of kelly friend entered and opened the presentation up and started to mess it up and also added edited pictures of avni and juhi with insulting captions and saved it


Kelly:thank you so much for helping avni it means a lot

Avni:you are welcome I'm glad I was able to help

Kelly:you are sweet and listen for that day with the fight I had with juhi I'm sorry about that but we dont just get along

Avni: it's ok and about juhi she is fun...maybe one day you will become friends anyways i got to go see ya

Kelly :bye she said with a fake smile but soon an evil smile came on her face when one of her girls did a thumbs up while she continued to watch avni walk away

Professor: avni

Avni: yes sir

Professor: before you show the presentation at the event we would like you  to show it to us first

Avni: ok sir I'll go get my memory stick

Professor nodded and went to tell Kelly the same

kelly: now my insult will pay of...that juhi will regret messing with me and her friend avni will bare the consequences...she will be insulted and be a laughing stock once the.profsoor and few students see that usb and when few students see it then it wont take long for the whole university to know

Girl :you are genius kelly she said  unaware that their conversation was been heard by one of Neil's friend

Kelly was giong to do her presentation first and she gave avni a fake smile

As kelly was giving her presentation in front of few students and professors avni was listening to her unaware of the dirty game kelly had played with her

Meanwhile Neil's friend ran to where he and his gang were sitting

Neil: what happened ayush y have you ran as if you have seen a ghost

Ayush didnt waste any time and told neil and the rest what he heard while they were shocked and angry

Vidyut: neil now what?

Neil:avni shouldn't become a laughing stock...ayush stop the projectors from working in the room that they are in ayush nodded  and ran

Vidyut: neil that is not the solution they can go to other room too...the main thing is avni shouldn't open the file in front of so many people

Juhi: hey guys she said

The boys looked at her and juhi was able to sense the tension

Juhi: what's wrong?

neil looked at vidhut who told what abhi had said who started to fume

Juhi: that bi**ch how dare she

Neil: juhi you anger is justified but right now we have to stop avni from loading that file which is on her usb

Juhi eyes widned

Juhi: Neill avni can still do the presentation without even using her usb


Juhi: avni has an habit of saving work both on usb and also sending a copy to herself on email

Vidyut: let's go then hurry up

All ran to where the presentation was going to be held when they saw all students standing outside

Juhi:avni y you all standing here she asked while she glared at kelly who was smirking st her

Avni:the projector stopped working so we are just waiting for them to fix that if it doesnt work then we will move into the next room

Neil: sir vidhut is good at sorting the issue out he said to which vidyut nodded and knew what he had to do

Vidyut:I hope no files were loaded on the screen?

Professor; kelly presentation is on that

Vidyut: sir Give me 10 mins and I'll see what I can do

The professors nodded while vidyut went in with neil the rest stayed outside

Neil: tit for tat vidyut he said who nodded

Neil called ayush up and told him to put the connection back on

Vidyut started to edit the slides according to neil and once it was done they smirked and minimised the page

Neil:sir all done...kelly this is your presentation sorry we  had to take it out ...didnt want your work to be damaged

Kelly :so sweet.of you neil thank you

Professor: come let's go and start

Juhi: sir is it ok if avni starts she has a doc appointment next so it's best if she gets hers done first

Avni was confused

Professor: once kelly  does her presentation avni can go next

Kelly: actually sir it's fine we dont mind if avni goes first after all Appointments are.also important

Professor:ok then avni please go in and start loading your sides avni nodded as she was about to  walk in when neil held her wrist

Neil:avni open the file you emailed yourself and not the one that is on the usb

Avni:y? It's both the same thing

Neil: don't ask anything now just do as we say please

Avni looked at Neil and nodded

Kelly who was waiting for the insult and humiliation avni feels was eagerly waiting for that moment however she frowned when she saw avni wasnt using her usb as she logged into her email and opened a file from there

Kelly : avni dont you have a usb?

All looked at kelly when she spoke

Juhi:, she does but her usb is damaged so she luckily has work saved on her email  she said while kelly fumed

Avni loaded the presentation while all watched her.... kelly was pissed as hell seen her plan flop

Neil watched as avni was giving the presentation....a small smile came on his face as he watched the way she spoke and explained things  but soon he came back to reality hearing vidyut cough and give him a teasing smile to which neil ignored him

Avni:y did you lot tell me to open my file from the email and what doctors appointment were you talking about she said looking at juhi, neil and vidyut when she stood near then

Juhi:, we will tell you but you will surely get an idea by seen what Kelly  shows

Avni frowned..she turned to look at kelly who loaded her presnetnstion and was explaining  the first few slides but when the 3rd slide came up people started laughing

Kelly frowned thinking what is funny when she turned to see the presentation of a picture of herself and another professor which reads I love shubankar sir, he is my life, my crush

Kelly felt embraseed when she saw all laughing and how few people were tagging her name with the other professor

Professor: not good at all kelly this is no was a presentation we planned to do for an event which you dont seem to care about...avni thank you for not disappointing us and kelly you are not good enough to do any presentation for any events and for this stupidity you will be punished

Kelly fumed while the other students left along with the professors

Kelly looked at avni seen her get all the praises and walked up to her...she raised her hand to slap avni when neil held her hand...kelly  was in rage to see neil standing as a shield in front of avni

Neil: next time it will be even more worse if you try to do something like this with my friends....juhi is my friend and so is avni and I wont allow anyone means anyone to mess with them...dont even think you can touch them...understood ...and if you do think about doing such stupidity again you will regret it...dont think you will get away because you will be watched remember that he said

Kelly had tears in her eyes and was in rage with the insult she again felt

Juhi dragged avni out with her who told her what Kelly's real intention was ...while avni was shocked

Avni: thank you so much guys I didnt know kelly  would have planned to do something like this

Vidyut:it was Neil's idea to get kelly  back in the end so she knows what it feels like to be a laughing stock

Juhi:and you dont need to feel sorry for that kelly she deserves with what she planned to do with you

Neil:all are right avni...if abhi hadnt heard their conversation we wouldnt have known

Avni: thank you so much I'll be careful next time...

Neil:you better he said pinching her nose making avni hit his arm playfully

End of flashback

A small smile came on Neil's face remembering that incident

Vidyut:that smile says you are thinking about her

Neil looked up to see vidyut sitting next to him

Vidyut: you clearly love her...I know you cant hide that care and love that you have for her especially not from me

Neil: vidyut let's not get there please

Vidyut:how long neil? How long you going to run away from the fact that you still feel for her

Neil:you are mistaken he said getting up

Vidyut gave a sarcastic laugh

Vidyut:dude who are you lying to? You can lie to everyone else but you cant lie to yourself or still have that letter in your cupboard i know you do...

Neil:ENOUGH vidyut

Vidyut: that's what I'm saying neil enough is enough...fate has bought avni back into your your anger you took a decision to marry that things are ok between you both dont let her go man...allow her to stay

Neil: allow her to stay for what? For what reason vidyut he said a little loudly

Vidyut: because you love her man you still feel for her


Vidyut sighed

Vidyut: look neil...neil didnt allow vidyut to talk and spoke

Neil:its not easy to have a relation on one and avni can never be one...she loves raj she has had good times with him

Vidyut:its not going to be easy neil...she has been in a relation with that guy for long but your love for has been there for so many years too..the only thing is that your hate covered your love for avni.

Neil: she deserves to make her own decision and after what she had gone through I'm not going to force her into  this relation

Vidyut: what if avni agrees to not break this marriage

Neil: I dont think she will do that...avni has the right to walk away from this marriage thing I had tried to tie her in he said walking away

Vidyut:and I'll make sure she doesnt break this relation he said determined

Thank you for all the previous  comments and votes

I know I took really and I mean really long to update this one but trust me i honestly went blank to what to write and how to continue

Hopefully you all like this chapter

Will be waiting for all the votes and comments

Lots of love

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