chapter 3

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Once she reached home she got the shocking news' neela called her in the hall where only dadi was seated as the others were not home yet

Neela: avni beta we have something to say to u

Avni : ji maa

Dayawanti : beta the thing is prakash  and shweta came here with a proposal

Avni : what type of proposal dadi

Dayawanti : beta when shweta saw u for the first time she instantly liked u and thinks u r the best for neil...avni  was getting a little nervous

Avni: dadi r u trying to say that' she left her sentence hanging

Dayawanti : yes beta shweta asked for ur hand for her son neil' DO U ACCEPT THIS PROPSAL AND AGREE TO MARRY NEIL? asked dayawanti  but avni just looked on and without saying anything went to her room only dayawanti  last word echoed in her ear (the one in caps)

Neela and dayawanti didn't go and see avni as they knew she needs some time to decide... It was evening time and ashish  and abhi had came back home from office while riya was still on her way... Meanwhile in ashish and Neela room... Neela was sitting on the bed holding ashish Kurta pajama in her hand

Neela: ashish

Ashish: yes Neela he said taking of his tie and looking at Neela through the mirror

Neela: ashish we spoke to avni about the proposal... Ashish turned around and went and sat next to Neela

Ashish: what did she say

Neela: she didn't say anything... just went to her room after we told her and didn't come out till now but we should give her some time to decide

Ashish: let's just hope for the best

Avni was still in her room standing near the window...thinking that how can she marry the guy who is the cause of juhi's condition... She was really Angry and didn't know that a happy riya rushed into her room and hugged her

J: omg didu dadi just told me that shweta aunty sent a marriage proposal for u... didu u know neil bhaiya is just so sweet and I'm sure he will keep u so happy... Plus u know I was about to lose a big contract today but because he knew that person I got that contract... he is so nice .. Im happy my car broke down today and I met neil bhai on the way and told him about that client u know he just dropped me and left... Before riya could continue avni took out her anger on her

Avni: SHUT UP RIYA JUST SHUT UP .. NEIL THIS NEIL THAT...JUST BECAUSE NEIL GOT U ONE CONTRACT... U R JUST KEEP ON GOING ON ABOUT IT... AND IT HAS ONLY BEEN  FEW DAYS SINCE U MET HIM AND U ALREADY THINK HE IS NICE... Avni stopped speaking when she saw the tears in her sisters eyes and realised she made a mistake by taking her anger out on riya before avni could say anything

Riya: sorry didu I thought I could share this with u... But all I don't understand is what problem do u have with neil bhai... This was all riya said and  left the room... riya who was walking to her room got stopped by abhi

Abhi: hey my annoying sister where r u going and did u tell avni about u getting the biggest deal

Riya: I did abhi bhai but she started to shout at me... (riya narrated what avni said to her) once riya finished she wiped the small tear that was about to come out... Abhi bhai I always tell didu everything but she has never reacted like this... Abhi put his hands on her shoulder

Abhi: don't worry my lovely riii... I'm sure avni was tensed about something and she took the anger out on u...u get changed and we will meet at the dining  table but don't tell anyone about what happened ok... riya nodded while abhi walked to avni room angrily...

He knocked and then opened the door... he saw avni standing near the window resting her head on the wall with her arms folded

Abhi: what is wrong with u avni he said angrily... Avni startled when she heard abhi speaking and turned around to find an angry abhi looking at her ... She walked towards him confused by his question

Avni: what happened abhi bhai y r u angry

Abhi: shouldn't I be asking u that avni... Y did u get angry on riya

Avni: abhi bhai I was worried about something and riya was keep on going on and on and on and in that I lost my anger she said lying

Abhi: oh please avni  ..riya exactly told me what she told u and what u said in return... Seriously avni what problem do u have with neil... Infact what is going on between u two and this time I want an answer and an honest answer... But for now let's go down ...but after dinner I want to see u on the terrace without any excuse is that clear... Abhi said in a serious tone while avni nodded...abhi stormed out of the room while avni followed him after a little while...

Everyone was sitting on the dining table while abhi and avni walked...avni looked at riya who didn't look at her and she knew her sister was hurt because avni has never shouted at riya like this... She always scolds riya but lovingly... All were having their dinner when ashish asked a question

Ashish: avni beta what did u think about the proposal but before avni could answer abhi spoke

Abhi: dad don't u think its a bit too early to ask I mean let avni and neil get to now each other and after that we can see what they have decided

Neela: abhi is right ashish let them have time to think because marriage is not a joke

Ashish : I guess u r right plus prakash  still needs to ask neil and said he will let me know neil's decision soon... Finally all had finished their dinner and went to their own room while abhi and avni headed towards the terrace once reaching towards the terrace avni spoke

Avni: thanks abhi bhai I didn't know what to tell dad when he asked for my decision but u saved me

Abhi: avni I want to know the truth about u and neil and that also now so start please

Avni moved turned her back from him and started to tell him about her and juhi and how they met neil and how they became friends ( avni tells abhi about the past which i mentioned in the other parts the rest of the past will be continued In this part)

Abhi: so u and neil knew each other so then what actually went wrong and about juhi i completely forgot where is she avni

Avni: she is in coma abhi bhai and about what went wrong between me and neil is that and she started to tell about the past

Flashback scene

As time passed avneil  had become good friends avni was about to finish her first year while neil was about to finish his second year... Neil and his friend had organised a party as everyone was going to move into a new year of uni so they wanted to celebrate it

Juhi: god avni I can't wait for the party it's going to be so fun I even chose our dress see look

Avni: wow juhi this looks so lovely yaar... After few hours juhi and avni got ready and headed towards the party which was located at their uni in a big sports hall

neil was with his friends ... While all the other students were coming... Neil turned his attention towards the entrance casually when he saw avni and juhi walking in...for a moment he couldn't take his eyes from avni but came out of his staring session when juhi waved her hands in front of him

Juhi:hey supercool what were u thinking about

Neil: nothing juhi by the way u two are looking beautiful

Juhi: aww thanks... First juhi hugged him and the avni hugged him... After a while one of neils friend vidyut  bought a drink for all of them and after taking their drinks they headed towards the dance floor. And the song that started to play was party on my mind (from race 2) all the students were enjoying' suddenly avni received a call and she went outside to answer it because of the loud music

Avni: juhi I will go and answer the phone juhi nodded and continued with her dance.

Once reaching to a quite area she answered the phone but nobody was answering ...after not getting any reply she hung up and went back to the party only to find that juhi was not there... she searched the whole sports area but there was no sign of juhi she thought she could ask neil but there was also no sign of him too... she went out and started to search the whole corridors when she heard juhi shouting neils name' she ran and found juhi in a room who was on the floor and was bleeding on the back of her head and her dress sleeves were ripped' avni rushed towards juhi and cuddled her in her arms

Avni: juhi...juhi ...who did this to u juhi  ...Answer me juhi what happened ... juhi wake up answer me she said crying out loudly'. She was trying to listen to a semi-conscious juhi who was trying to say something

Juhi: av' avni.. 'he...tried...mole..molested..' and 'nel..neil...'neil' he' he ..tri' tried to' and with that juhi lost conscious' avni tried to register juhi word and put it together and all she got was "I got molested...'neil he tried to" suddenly avni found a watch laying near juhi she picked it up and tried to register who it belonged to only to remember that she had seen it on neil's wrist'..

avni got angry she remembered juhi's word' and now the watch she  couldn't believe he would do something like this but right now she had to take juhi to the hospital ' avni came out of her thoughts and ran outside to call the driver as she didn't want anyone to know about juhi's state yet' the driver and avni rushed in and placed juhi in the car and took her in the hospital'

avni was waiting outside and she saw neils call on her phone but she kept on ignoring it' after few hours the doctor came out who had a gloomy look

Doctor: im sorry but the patient has slipped in to coma because of the head injury' avni went numb she didn't know what to do ...her juhi was in coma... juhi was the one who talked a lot and now she will no longer talk and she blamed only one person for it'

the next day she reached to uni and went to a class room as she knew that this time neil and his friends are alone in that class' she walked in and looked at neil with rage' neil who saw avni got up and walked towards her

Neil: avni where were u last night I kept calling u but u never answered the security guard told me that he saw u go out with juhi in the car' u know yesterday I saw juhi in a room  but... before he could continue avni slapped him on his cheeks' neils friend looked shocked while some students who were standing outside saw the scene and was also shocked

Avni: enough neil stop ur drama' don't pretend to care about juhi after what u did to her

Neil: avni what the hell r u saying I didn't do anything to juhi (only neil and avni know what state juhi was in)

Avni: oh really that is y ur watch was in that room right neil she said throwing the watch on his chest'

neil was getting angry coz avni was blaming him for something he didn't do

Neil: avni do u know what ur blaming me for he said gritting his teeth

Avni: of course I do neil coz juhi mentioned ur name' plus ur watch was found next to her and also u know what state she was in' before losing conscious juhi said she got molested  neil and only u were in that room because that watch was there but I know nobody will believe me coz there is no proof except ur watch which is of no use' u r so disgusting neil I never knew u were that despo

Neil: ENOUGH AVNI JUST ENOUGH U CANT ACCUSE ME JUST LIKE THAT' neil was about to continue when he heard whispering sound' and he turned towards the door to see many people standing there looking at them' he couldn't take this insult as people everyone was talking about them

Avni: I hate u neil I just hate u I will never forgive for what u did to juhi and with that she left'

After that day she didn't see neil as she decide to shift back to india and transfer juhi to a hospital in india' she informed juhi's dad who was heartbroken but she didn't mention about neil because she no proof against him all she had told him that juhi mentioned that she got molested  and because of the head injury she slipped into coma'

End of flashback

Avni: and look now after three years I see him in front of me and also our families wants us to get married she said turning around to see abhi looking at her shockingly

Abhi: cant believe juhi got molested ' but avni neil doesn't seem to be a person who would take disadvantage of any girls ' he doesn't seem to be that type of guy

Avni: then what about what juhi was trying to tell me abhi bhai... was that all a lie' what about his watch which was near juhi... what about that abhi bhai... when I was searching for juhi I heard her shout neil's name but when I reached there he was not there at all only his watch was there

Abhi: avni I told u what I think but all I can say is I hope that juhi recovers soon so that we know exactly what happened

Avni: but abhi bhai ...neil is the one

Abhi: avni u never know anything could have happened but for now we wont let anyone know about this k... lets go now and haan do apologise to riii as u know she is very upset as u shouted at her' avni nodded and both headed down

avni went to riyas room as she knew her sister would be awake... she knocked but riya didn't answer

Avni: riya please open the door please'

after  few minutes riya allowed avni in but didn't speak to her..

avni:  riya im sorry I know I shouldn't have shouted at u like this but I lost control im really sorry,,, but she got no reply' riiii im sorry u know I have never got angry like this on u before but I promise I wont do anything like this... but in case if I do then u just give me ur warm hug and im sure my anger will vanish...but riya was stubborn as her' avni stood in front of riya and held her ears' look im holding my ears now forgive me,,, this time riya looked at avni and gave her a small smile

Riya: its k didu but next time don't get angry please

Avni: I promise I wont.

Precap: avni: what the hell neil let go of me

Neil: what so hurry avni after all in ur words im a despo man right' he said with a smirk but after a cold look appeared on his face

Avni: you have no right to come close to me

Neil: I do avni I do

So here is another chap all set

The reason as to y avneil r so cold towars each other is revealed...

Hope u like this chap will be waiting for comments and also votes

Thanks to those who voted and commented for previous chap

Lots of love

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