chapter 8

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In the afternoon neil was in his office trying to read a file but he was not able to seeing juhi in that state... and he prayed that she gets better soon... neil closed the file and rested his chin on his hand looking into space... he looked at the time and saw it was 4 and thought of going home, freshen up and get changed into something causal as he also had to go to the airport to pick up vidyut .., shweta was surprised to see neil coming in early

Shweta: neil beta how comes u r early today

Neil: mom do me a favour

Shweta: kya (what)

Neil: please tell one of the maid to clean the guest room

Shweta: y? who is coming?

Neil: mom u will know soon just do that much for me... before shweta could say anything neil ran into his room to freshen up around 5 he was all ready and was coming down when shweta held his hands stopping him near the stairs

Shweta : beta at least tell me who is coming...

neil smiled and saw that ali was also waiting for him to answer

Neil: mom I told na u will know soon ok  and with that he left

Shweta: ali beta do u know who is coming

Ali: no ma bro didn't say anything.

Neil had reached to the airport around 5:50pm thanks to the less traffic but he still had to wait as vidyut's flight was going to land around 6pm... it was around 6:15pm and neil was patiently when he saw his friend coming towards with a smile on his face... both hugged each other and stayed liked that for few minutes

(vidyut lives in new york with his parents... he is neil friend form uni days as u all know that ... when they both finished uni from New York neil went back to london to his family and vidyut also went with him for a small vacation so that is how he met prakash, shweta and ali... and vidyut is now meeting neil after 1 or 2 years...this is just to clear out any confusion if u still have any confusion don't hesitate to ask )

Vidyut broke the hug and placed his hands on neil shoulder and moved a step back examining his friend

Neil: vidyut y r u looking at me like that

Vidyut: yaar I am meeting u after a long time and u haven't changed a bit still got that body I must say... neil smirked

Neil: well that's me... by the way how is uncle and aunty and how is the business going

Vidyut: well they r fine though dad is a bit jealous when he found out I was coming to india as he hasn't had time to come here since many years.  And business well that's going gd

Neil: cool...Now come mom is waiting

Vidyut: what? She knows im coming...  neil didn't I tell u not to tell anyone

Neil: chill dude I didn't tell anyone..I only told mom that someone is coming and since then she is curious to know... Now before her curiosity increases lets go... both were heading towards the parking area and while putting the suitcase in the car vidyut spoke

Vidyut: what's wrong neil u seem worried?

Neil: im not worried vidyut

Vidyut: seriously u can lie to anyone else but not me so spill it out... neil closed his eyes for a minute and closed the car boot door and then turned towards vidyut who was waiting for him to reply.

Neil: I will tell u later. Now come lets go. Both sat in the car and headed home

Meanwhile shweta was sitting in the hall cutting apple for bebe

Bebe: shweta beta what is wrong u seem quite. She said placing a piece of apple in her mouth

Shweta: ma neil said someone is coming today and he said we will know soon  but im wondering who is coming she said cutting the last slice of the apple and gave it to bebe... she got up to go to the kitchen when she saw neil walk in and went towards him but before she could ask bebe spoke

Bebe: neil shweta is saying someone is coming but u r not telling who... and all ur mum has been doing is thinking who might be coming so before she gets mad tell her otherwise her curiosity will increase to another height she said teasingly...

shweta looked at her mother in law with her mouth slightly opened... neil went and sat next to bebe.

Shweta: bebeee

Bebe: k fine neil now at least tell us who is coming

Neil: ok fine wait... U can come in now he said a bit loudly so vidyut could hear as he was standing outside the main door ... neil was looking at the shweta and bebe who had their eyes glued to the door... but soon a smile appeared on shweta face when she saw vidyut and went to hug him

Shweta: vidyut beta tum how r u she said breaking the hug and placed her hand on his cheek

Vidyut: im fine choti ma how r u

Shweta: im good beta... and I am really happy to see u.

Neil: vidyut this is my bebe and bebe this is my best friend vidyut ... vidyut went towards bebe and took her blessing

Bebe: khush raho... vidyut puttar u came at the right time as tomorrow is ur friends engagement she said smiling at neil. Vidyut gave a fake smile and looked at neil.

Shweta: neil beta vidyut room is the one next to him the room so he can freshen up and also prakash will be coming soon till then I will go and see if the dinner is ready so that we can eat early and also vidyut could rest after that as he must be tired

Neil: ok mom... come vidyut I will show u ur room

Vidyut: ok... neil showed vidyut the room

Neil: vidyut I will be in my room till then freshen up.

Vidyut: ok dude see u in a bit.

neil went to his room and vidyut went to freshen up... after vidyut finished he went to neils room and saw his friend sitting on the bean bag and typing away on his laptop ... vidyut went and sat down on another bean bag which was next to neil.

Vidyut: im waiting neil...

neil closed his laptop and looked at vidyut who was sitting patiently

Neil: vidyut few days ago avni came here with her family as mom told them that pandit ji will be coming to finalise the engagement and wedding date... on that day when they were about leave I heard avni telling her brother that they had to go city hospital and she doesn't want anyone to find out about juhi... at hearing juhi name I decided to go to city hospital to confirm my doubts if juhi is in hospital... I waited outside till avni and her brother abhi left and went in after and saw juhi laying on the bed I went inside to see her still laying in the same position looking at the ceiling and not even looking at me for a second... I spoke to her but she never replied until a nurse came and told me that juhi has been in coma for 3 years vidyut and she can only hear people speak... also at that time avni came back and I got to know that her brother knows about us... neil looked at vidyut to see he was dead shock

Vidyut: omg r u serious? Juhi... juhi in hospital... in coma for 3 years... and we didn't know about all this...

Neil: when I met avni after all 3 years  and the way she was still accusing me did make me think y the hell is she accusing me because juhi must have told her but no how could juhi tell because she was in coma.

Vidyut: I never knew juhi would be in this state... and avni she didn't bother to inform us juhi was our friend too but seems like avni is busy only in accusing he said bitterly

Neil: she could have told u as u was juhi and her friend

Vidyut: she wouldn't tell me neil because im sure in her mind all she remembered was me been ur friend so of course she wont tell me. But wait u said her brother knew about u guys so did he also accuse u?

Neil: even I asked him that if he also thinks that im responsible for juhi's state but u know when avni told him the truth he actually said I don't seem that type of person to take disadvantage of any girl and he hopes that juhi recovers soon so she can tell us what exactly happened

Vidyut: god its still a shocking news to me... but neil y did u say yes to get married to avni like r u out of ur mind

Neil: I didn't want to vidyut but because of mom I had to say yes... I know she has been worried about me since a long time and u know I can never say no to her ..also she didn't force the decision on me and when she told me she wants me to get married and settle down I said yes but at that time I didn't know she was talking about avni it was only when bebe told me later at that night and the next day when we went to avni house and I said yes for the marriage

Vidyut: and y did she agree to get married to u.  neil smirked

Neil: she didn't in fact she didn't say a word I told the family members that even avni agrees for this wedding and poor girl was shocked and wasn't able to say anything... after a while ali came and greeted vidyut and told him that everyone is waiting for them to come down for dinner... prakash saw neil and ali coming down along with vidyut
Prakash: how r u vidyut beta he said getting up from his seat and hugging him he said happy seen him

Vidyut: im good uncle how r u?

Prakash: fit and fine and u came at the right time he said patting him on his shoulder... come lets have dinner... all sat down while the maid were serving food... neil noticed that mitali hasn't came yet

Neil: mom where is mitali

Shweta: beta she went to avni house as she was saying she and riya r going to help avni get ready for the engagement

Ali: what? Mitali should be here helping bro look handsome after all she is from the groom side

bebe: ali she is only going to help avni get ready for engagement but for the wedding she is going to be from the groom side

ali: bebe u never know don't forget mitali is avni Bhabhi friend so she can change sides easily

meanwhile at the metha  mansion mitali, avni and riya were in abhi room sitting on the bed while abhi was laying on the couch lost in his own world

mitali: riya tomorrow avni will look the most beautiful out of us ... what do u say abhi bhai she said looking at him but he didn't reply... the three girls looked at each other seeing abhi lost in thoughts

avni: what happened to him all of a sudden...

abhi on the other hand was lost thinking about dr shilpa there was just something about her that was attracting him towards her and he felt like meeting her again... all of a sudden riya shook him bringing him back to reality

abhi: what is it riya he said

Riya: what r u thinking about...mitali di said something and u didn't reply back

abhi: I erm yh I was just thinking about work

Riya: seriously u and your work... Any way have u checked if everything is ready for the engagement

abhi: yes it's all sorted as planned engagement is happening over here and other arrangement has been made.

Riya: tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life didu u will be getting engaged to the most handsome man she said looking at mitali and then winked at her.

Avni was feeling uncomfortable and abhi saw that..

Mitali: riya lets go to sleep now tomorrow we have to do a last minute check to make sure everything is perfectly fine and don't forget tomorrow there will be workers coming with flowers to decorate the hall.

Riya: come lets go and sleep... come didu

Avni: yh good night abhi bhai. And three of them left to go their room (mitali was sleeping in the guest room)...

Avni went in her room and took her diary out of her wardrobe... she opened the balcony door and sat down on the floor... slowly pulling out a picture from the diary and looking at it painfully... after few minutes her eyes were becoming blurry due to the tears and in no time she started crying silently caressing the picture when all of a sudden she was pulled in a hug... she looked up to see abhi who was sitting next to her with his hands around her shoulder and with that she rested her head against his chest soaking his shirt with her tears while abhi didn't say anything and caressed her hair looking at the picture of raj which was on avni lap... he stretched his other hand out and placed the picture properly inside the diary and closed it

Abhi: avni your engagement sti... but he couldn't complete as avni knew what he was going to say... she sat straight and wiped her tears and rested her head on his shoulder

Avni: lets not talk about this abhi bhai I told u before y I cant back out any more its going to break many people heart... its best if we don't talk about this please

Abhi: and what r u doing silently crying breaking ur heart by looking at raj's picture while everyone else is happy about tomorrow not knowing the pain u r hiding... on top of that raj is unaware of this thing and we wont be able to hide it from him because tomorrow or another day its going to be in the news about two businessmen children getting engaged to each other and by that he is going to find out when he comes back to india.

Avni: I hope he understands y I did this

Abhi: probably he would if u tell him urself

Avni: I tried to but I wasn't able to and its probably too late 

Abhi: sometimes in life we have to lose stuff to gain something... now come go to sleep u look dreadful like this he said looking at her tear-stained face...

avni got up picking up her diary and went inside her room abhi closed her balcony door and till then avni went to keep the diary back inside the wardrobe...

abhi went to her and cupped her face and kissed her on the forehead and left to go back to his room...

avni laid down on the bed pulling the blanket over her and went to sleep after a good 15mins

The next day everyone was doing a last minute check to get things ready at the metha mansion mitali was helping riya check what was done and what was needed to be done while abhi was checking if the workers are doing everything properly...

neela was on the phone telling ashish to come before 5 as the engagement was around 6... whereas dayawanti was calling the caters to tell them to come on time...

At the khanna mansion shweta was getting outfits  ready and also was getting avni and neils ring out as she and neela had gone to get the rings and both decided that shweta will keep both of the rings with her...

it was around 430pm when ashish came home and went to freshen up also abhi made his last business calls since he didn't go to work today...

all were taking 30 minutes rest and thought of getting ready around 5 as they had guest to attend... whereas avni had to go and have a shower as riya and mitali instructed her and till she was having a shower mitali and riya got ready with their outfits and were applying makeup when avni came out ...

Riya handed avni her lengha ... avni took it from her and went back to the washroom whereas riya and mitali continued doing their makeup and once they were done they got avni jewellery ready...  avni came out of the washroom mitali whistled (avni was wearing a lengha-saree while mitali and riya bought lengha choli for themselves )

Mitali: avni im sure u are going to make many people faint today.

Riya: exactly u r looking pretty like this...just imagine how beautiful u will look once u r fully ready...

mitali then made avni sit down in front of the dressing table and picked up the necklace from the jewellery box and placed it on avni neck followed by the earrings and bangles... till then riya was straightening avni hair and then curling it from the bottom...

mitali started to apply lip gloss on avni lips and put maang tikka on her head... while riya did rest of the make up... after they sorted out avni mitali and riya were sorting out their maang tikka and was applying perfume... by the time theygot ready it was around 5:50pm so they were doing last minute touch up on avni and themselves when neela and dayawanti walked in and stood there looking at the three beauties in front of them

neela: u three r looking very beautiful she said walking towards them... avni looked at her mother and dadi and saw how happy they were...

dayawanti: neela apply kala tika on them so that no evil eyes fall on them.

Riya: by the way dadi even u r looking sexy today... im sure people r going to get confused and think u r moms sister.

Dayawanti: riyaaa she said sternly but then a smile appeared on her face.

Neela: k stop now its nearly time and few guest have started to come

Mitali: who is attending them by the way

Dayawanti: abhi and ashish and mitali ur family is coming in five minutes I just spoke to harleen and they r just nearly here so u both come down soon with avni... with that neela and dayawanti left.

Mitali: avni whats wrong... as she and riya saw her twisting her fingers and breathing a bit fast

Avni: don't know maybe feeling nervous and in fact she was feeling nervous

Riya: didu don't worry everything will be fine remember mom told us its normal for us girls to get nervous on their engagement and wedding day so chill and try to breath normally wait let me get u water... avni nodded and mitali was rubbing avni arm... avni looked at mitali and hugged her and was feeling a bit better as mitali was stroking her back

Soon many guest came and also prakash came with his family...

vidyut was standing next to neil looking around while ali was with abhi attending the guest...

neela and shweta were setting the rings on the plate which was decorated with rose petals...

Neil and vidyut went up to abhi and ali

Neil: abhi this is my friend vidyut we both were together at uni... abhi looked at vidyut and shook hands with him.

Soon the girls came down with avni... she went and took everyone's blessing... she turned towards abhi seeing the boys standing together but then she caught vidyut face and was shocked to see him here after so long.

Vidyut: so wont anyone introduce me to these girls who said looking at mitali and riya and completely ignoring  avni.

Abhi: this is mitali neils and ali sister and these two r my sister riya and avni he said pointing to them although he knew vidyut didn't need any introduction of avni

Shweta: avni beta u r looking really beautiful. I just cant wait till u come to our house. Avni smiled sadly.

Bebe: come on neil and avni it's time for the engagement she said taking both neil and avni along her. The photographer who was there started to take pictures for the album

Everyone was looking at them when mitali bought the plates and first went to neil to give him the ring. He lifted her left hand and slided the ring on her ring finger and everyone clapped now it was avni turn... avni was looking at the ring that mitali held in front of her when mitali placed her hand on her shoulder giving her an encouraging look telling her to go ahead... avni smiled at her and picked up the ring and lifted neils hand and put the ring on his finger and this time everyone clapped loudly while both of them gave fake smile to their family member...

Ali: excuse me please take the picture of the couple he said to the photographer... bro bhabi come on pose... avni and neil stood next to each other facing the camera

Mitali: neil bhai avni is yours now so u can hold her while taking the picture she said teasingly... avneil looked at each other... and neil put his around avni waist pulling her close to him and both smiled at the camera

After  avneil  got engaged some guest were chatting while some were getting food to eat...

avni saw vidyut on the phone who going away from the crowd and went towards him while neil was with prakash, ashish and abhi. Vidyut was talking on the phone to his parents and once he finished talking he turned around to go back when he saw avni standing in front of him who was smiling at him meekly

Avni: how r u vidyut

Vidyut: y do u care he said rudely.

Avni: y r u saying that vidyut im seeing u after a long time and u... she couldn't complete as vidyut spoke

Vidyut: listen avni if u think I will be all nice to after the way u accused my friend for something he hasn't done then forget it... on top of that u didn't consider telling us about juhi

Avni: vidyut I accused your friend for something that he did because he is responsible for juhi state and after that how can u still support him...y don't u understand I saw his watch there and also juhi was saying neils name... vidyut laughed bitterly

Vidyut: r u for god damn serious... tell me one thing did u ever give him a chance to prove himself... no right?... u just took juhi from here not only that u said u considered me as a friend but did u tell me about juhi no! and y didn't u tell me because I was neils friend

Avni: look its nothing like that... at that time I was worried about juhi and was really hurt with what happened to her so I completely forgot to inform u... and this has nothing to do about being neils friend.

Vidyut: u know what avni just let it be think whatever u want to... he didn't continue as he looked ahead of avni and looked away angrily...

avni turned around to see neil who was looking at them seriously...

Vidyut went away from there while neil still looked at avni... both were looking at each other angrily...

neil slowly started to walk towards avni and when he was near her she tried to move away when he cornered her to the wall...he leaned forward leaving a small gap between them...

avni was waiting for him to say something but she was surprised when he moved away from her and walked away and she went back after few minutes wondering what happeend to him

The party was going in fullswing where everyone was dancing to a song even the elders joined in and once they finished riya and mitali went to the front and grabbed everyone's attention

Riya: k everyone I hope u all r having fun now we want all the couples to come in middle and dance she said.

Mitali: and this will begin with our very own avni and neil bhai dancing first...

neil went towards avni and held his hand out... avni looked at everyone and knew she couldn't say no to this so she placed her hand on top of his and both walked to the middle...

neil held on to avni waist while she placed her hand on his shoulder and both moved their free hand and intertwined it together and slowly started dancing along the music with the lights go dim...

soon  other couples started to come on stage even ashish-komal and shweta - prakash joined them...

neil and avni were looking at each other though others were looking at them as the "most romantic couple" but only they knew what the truth was...

neil twirled avni twice and he placed both of his hand on her waist while she rested her hands on his shoulder... but this time when both were looking at each other there was no anger in their eyes in fact both were lost in all the good times they had at uni until the last thing they remembered was seeing juhi in that state... neil and avni let go of each other and moved away while the other started to leave the dance floor too and all clapped for each other it was around 730.. and soon guest were starting to leave congratulating avneil... and now only the family members were left... avni went straight to her room saying she was tired.
Prakash: today everything went so well

Ashish: exactly everyone was happy u can see how everyone enjoyed but yes I could say we danced after a long time.

Neela: avni and neil looked so good together when they were dancing

Riya: this is nothing my lovely family members just wait and see how the other functions r going to be and yes there will also be lots of dancing... any ways im going to change.

Mitali: riya wait I will come with u

Shweta: mitali  r u coming home with us

Mitali: haan mom I am just getting my stuff and will also go and say bye to avni... both started walking when riya turned around

Riya: by the way neil bhi if u want to go and say bye to didu before mitali does u can go now. She said teasingly and everyone started to laugh.

Neil: its k riya I already said bye to your didu.

Riya: when did u go and say bye we didn't see u

Ali: riya try to understand bro is just making an excuse they both probably planned to call each other late at night and have their romantic talk when we all have slept.

Mitali: for once I think ali bhai makes sense

Ali: I always make sense. And right now I think u should get ur stuff otherwise u will make us late which will delays bros plan ... riya and mitali  went...

on the other hand avni was taking of her jewellery and went to the washroom... once she came out she placed her outfit on the couch and was tying up her hair when mitali came inside

Avni: mitali u need anything... mitali smiled

Mitali: no I just came to say bye as im going now

Avni: I thought u were planning to stay

Mitali: I wish but maybe next time... avni I am so happy for u and bhai she said hugging her friend

Avni: I wonder when that next time will come

Mitali: before two weeks I promise after all if boys can have a bachelor  party then let me tell u we r going to have a bachelorette party as we also have the right to celebrate your last freedom day before getting married... but after that we will be staying  at the same place she said winking making avni smile

Avni: well then I guess u can give that bachelorette.idea to riya.. she is going to love it

Mitali : anyways going to go now everyone is waiting so see u soon... both hugged each other and she left the room...

avni went to sleep not realizing she forgot to switch on her phone as she had turned it off during the engagement.

Around 1am everyone was sleeping peacefully at the metha mansion... abhi was sleeping soundly when he could hear a sound which slowly started to irritate him... he picked up a pillow and placed it over his head but the sound was not going away when he slowly opened his eyes realising it was his phone that was ringing... he looking at it with his eyes half closed and half open and answered it without seeing it

Abhi: hello he said sleepily.

dr shilpa: hello im dr shilpa is this abhi?... abhi felt his sleep going away when he heard shilpa voice and now his eyes were wide open... he sat up on the bed

abhi : dr shilpa he said happily but tried to control himself and spoke normally... is everything k he said looking at the time

dr shilpa: actually abhi the nurse noticed juhi breathing going uneven we shifted her to the ICU and checking her right now please come to the hospital ASAP... I tried to call avni but her phone is switched off... abhi was shocked

abhi: I will just be there soon im leaving now..

abhi quickly got changed and decided not to wake avni up and went straight to the hospital...  luckily in 20 mins he reached to the hospital due to less traffic and cars on the road... he quickly went to the reception to find out where juhi is and went towards the ICU... when he reached there he saw dr shilpa coming out

dr shilpa: thanks for coming right now abhi.

Abhi: what happened to juhi

Dr shilpa: like I said her breathing was uneven and to be honest this is the first reaction from her... nothing like this has happened to her before but

Abhi: but what

Dr shilpa: there was movement and she was trying to say something when she fainted

Abhi: she was trying to speak and fainted? How is she going to be after that

Dr shilpa: lets see just hope she responds before 24 hours... and I will be monitoring her personally and with that she left and went back into the ICU... it had been 4 hours when dr shilpa came out.

Abhi: any sign

Dr shilpa: a big sign juhi has regained conscious and she is finally out of coma... abhi in his excitement hugged shilpa who was surprised... abhi realizing what he was doing let go awkwardly

Abhi: im sorry in my excitement I hugged u

Dr shilpa: its k I understand... I will give u some time alone with juhi and after I will come back to do her check up...

abhi went in and saw juhi laying on the bed but this time she looked at him... abhi had tears in her eyes... juhi was trying to sit up but wasn't able to and abhi helped her... both were looking at each other with tears in their eyes when abhi leaned in and hugged her and after what seemed like a long time both let go of each other abhi wiped away her tears

Abhi: I am really happy to see u like this

Juhi: i...i.. can actu...actually... speak she said crying

Abhi: u can juhi... I still cant believe it though

Juhi: wher...where ...where  is avni

Abhi: she is at home.. dr shilpa tried to call her but her phone is switched off...juhi slowly calmed down a bit

Juhi: abhi bhai I want to see avni... but what is the time. Abhi looked at his phone

Abhi: its 5am... Juhi u will have to wait for few
hours because I have to get avni here without anyone knowing as nobody knows about u now and I cant tell anyone

Juhi: it's k but ....but abhi bhai last time when..when...u came u mentioned about avni and ....and neil getting married when they were is it true.

Abhi: yes they got engaged yesterday both r not happy... avni is saying neil is the one who molested  u and that's y u r in this state but neil said he hasn't done anything like that but now u r out of coma only u can tell what the truth is...

juhi started to get tears in her eyes

Juhi: abhi bhai......

After a while  abhi had left lalit (juhi father) came into his room and was happy to see his daughter out of coma

Lalit: juhi beta tell me who did this to u because of that person for three years u were in coma... I promise I will ruin that person life

Juhi: dad... I don't know he was wearing a mask so i didn't see his face she said crying again

Lalit: shhh its k don't cry... im happy u r fine now but beta don't lose hope as god will punish that person for harming my daughter... Chal rest now and try to sleep peacefully he said caressing her head and due to the medicines
juhi fell asleep slowly

Precap: juhi telling avni that neil came to help her on that night and went to find the person who did this to her.

Phew so so so finally this chal is done

Thanks for the lovely comments and votes will be waiting for all the lovely votes and comment

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