chapter 15.

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story continues.

avni closes her eyes. Neil moved his hand around her waist. he is arranging the Saree.even though avni is wearing a dress she felt like he is touching her bare skin.she gulped.

avni (in mind):why.?why avni ? this man is effecting u? he is even a stranger .....or may be a mere frnd but still ...u r all comfortable around him.u never allowed any boy even to touch u .usually u lose all cool.why? what is special in him?why do I feel comfortable around him? ???

all her trance were broken when Neil said.
"it's done "
avni comes out of her wonder land .

she looks at herself.she is wrapped in Saree. it looks perfect .

"hmm I think we should get going " avni says.

"yaa "

both moves out.

there is a small distance to walk to reach.

they are walking silently.

Neil decided to break the silence.

Neil : why u don't know to wear a Saree?

avni looks at him.

avni: I don't know means I don't know. and don't say that u know to wear it.because u like to wear.

Neil : I like to wear??what u mean?

avni : yaa may be u like to wear it.

Neil : avni .I know wear it because when bebe not well I use to help her.and why r always mistooking things.

avni chuckles.

avni : sorry. it's really fun to argue with u.

Neil smiles hearing this.

suddenly avni stops walking. she is having a worried expression.

Neil : what ??

avni: maa!

Neil : huh??

avni : she must be worried? I  didn't inform her.she must restless.I am sure she ....

Neil : avni relax.I understand. every mother is worries about their children. especially when she have a daughter.

avni : its not that Neil.she is over protective. I was angry when I probably is must be thinking that something must have happened to me?

Neil :avni .don't worry. I promise we will go back tommorrw.

avni nods.

at parikh mansion.

neela is pacing to and fro.Ali walks inside.

neela : Ali did u find her?

Ali : no maa I searched for every where.she even not picking her phone.

neela sits in couch crying.

Ali tries to calm her.

juhi: I think we should inform police.

Ali : juhi is right. let me call dd.

*(Ali is befriended with dd....sunheri ....)*

Ali calls dd.

after sometime dd came.

Ali tells him every thing.

dd: I think we should go to khanna mansion. and we will seek help from sirji. actually I tried to call him but his phone is switched off.

Ali dd neela and juhi goes to khanna leaving mishti with nanno.

at khanna mansion.

everyone is sitted at dinning table.

bebe: shwetha where is Neil?he didn't show up from morning.

shwetha : May be busy. I called him but his phone is switched off. u eat bebe he will come.

everyone starts to have their food.

door bell rings.

shwetha : Veena (servent).plss go and open the door.

the servent moves to door.

shwetha : May be tillu ?I will also go and  check.

shwetha too moves towards the door.

shwetha was surprised to see neela and fam .

shwetha : arre neela ji ap.

neela : shwetha ji do u know where my avni is?

shwetha : avni ?

juhi : after morning incident. avni didn't came back.

bebe prakash and vidyut comes.

bebe : but she left before us.

neela starts crying.

neela : where is she?plss God keep her safe.

dd: mm.matha ji where is sirji?

shwetha : he is not here may at station.

dd: but he is on leave today.

vidyut : he was .but later plan got changed. so he must be there.

dd : no sir.he is not.

prakash : May be busy with something else.

Ali : whatever (Ali looks at dd).we need to find avni.

dd: yaa I think we should go to that spot where u saw here last.

they nods.

neela stay back .

juhi Ali dd and vidyut go to abc place.

some police to arrived .

they started investigation.

later they reached at cliff region.

they found Neil's watch and avni's phone.

it was identified too.

dd: I think both avni and sirji fall off from here.

"NOOO"juhi shouts.

Ali : juhi relax .nothing must have happened. she will be safe.

dd: I think we should search for them.and juhi u should leave the whether is not good.

juhi: no I will not.

ali: plss go back.

juhi leaves.they started to search.

everyone came to know about avneil missing everyone is praying for them.

back to avneil.

they had their food. and now is standing at corridor of temple.

a woman came.

woman: u can stay in that house it self.and take this. (handed a bowl)it's medicine apply it well on ur wound it will heel soon.

she left.

while.walking Neil noticed that avni is lost in her thoughts. he understood that she is thinking about her maa.

Neil decided to divert her mind.

neil: I always taught mithali have a great sense.

avni :huh.

Neil : actually she told u will look good in western like that gown...but u look.

avni: what?...I look?

neil: u look good in Saree.

avni: good?

Neil :I mean beautiful. u look pretty good in suits u.

avni looks away.

Neil : u can atleast say a thanks for the compliment.

avni: I don't take compliment.

avni walks away.

Neil : oh god this girl.she is really some thing.

they both reached at the house and entered there.

avni sits in bed.

avni: sit

Neil : sit?

avni: don't u need to apply medicine.

Neil : oh yaa

avni applies it on her knees and elbow.

Neil took some and applied on his wrist.

"aaah oooo"

avni: what happened?

Neil : its burning. can't u say it before.

avni: its just a little .

Neil looks at avni with horrified expression.

Neil : little r u human? it's burning a lot.

avni: how did u become a police officer. u can't even bare a little pain.

avni sighs.

she made Neil turn towards her.
she moves close to him.
and starts applying medicine while blowing air on it.

Neil felt so good.avni's hand caressing his wound.he felt an unusual happiness rising inside him.

avni moved little she is working on his fore head.


avni:sorry sorry

cupped his face in her hand.and blowers.

Neil looks at her.

her black small eyes.pinkish cheek and her.....lips.

avni too looks at him.

both shared a beautiful eye lock.

avni found his eyes so pure.

Neil  (in mind):why is her eyes reflecting a pain.?she is happy right?or did any one hurt her?her eyes it's beautiful full but hiding some thing. ..

both broke the eye lock.

Neil : I think u should sleep.

avni: I am not sleepy.

Neil : even I am not.

both sits there awkwardly.

Neil : avni I am sorry.

avni looks at him.

avni: sorry? ?

Neil : actually I didn't got time to talk with bhai.

avni : its ok it's not ur fault.

Neil smiles.

suddenly it's started raining.

neil : wow rain.

he says like a small kid.

Neil moves out and stand in rain.enjoying it.
(do any one have this habit rain fav .I love rain.)

Neil opens his arms.

avni looks at him.

Neil is just enjoying the rain.carefree.

Neil : avni why r u standing there.come on.

avni: no

neil: what no?

Neil pulls avni with him.

avni was about to go back.

Neil : avni I know u r not in mood to enjoy. but life too small. we r not even sure if we will be there tommorrw. just be in present enjoy the moment.

avni looks at him.

avni: no Neil .I can't. I can't.

she was about to move.

Neil holds her wrist.

neil: avni.u have to.everyone have the right to enjoy and happy. ..a.

Neil was about to say further suddenly there had a thunderstorm.

because off sudden sound.

avni hugged Neil so tight .clenching his shirt.

Neil smiles. he remembers their previous hug in forest.

avni release the hug.and.......


Neil what r u doing?

Neil came close to her their is only an inch between their lips.avni closes her eyes.
man: if u r done enjoying with ur bf. do give us the honour to pressure u.

avni felt disgusted.

.Neil : how dare u?



dedicating this part to my wattpad frnds
innocent soul

thanks for all the support guys.

lubb u all....
I was trying to update earlier but some thing went wrong with wattpad.

I wrote two chapter but it went missing.

plss do vote and comment plssssss.

thanks for all the lovely comment and votes.
keep voting and commenting.

take care.

stay blessed.

underground 22

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