chapter 23.

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nxt day

all where settled at dinning hall.

avni comes mishti in her hand.

avni and mishti :gm.

others :gm.

bebe :come mishti today I going to feed u.

mishti nods happily and gets settled in bebes lap.

neela:so tommorrw we will be having the half I and mehadhi.haldi at morning and mehadhi later on.....

shwetha :ok neela ji.juhi ...vidyut are u both ok with it.

ali: and finally our jaan is getting married.

with excitement.

everyone smiles except juhi.

ali was sitting at middle of avni and juhi.nxt to avni it's kk.

kk:juhi u ok?

juhi :nods.

but suddenly tears formed in her eyes.

avni:juhi tum....why r crying.

suddenly juhi gets up from her seat and runs out of the house.

rest except bebe and mishti goes behind her.

vidyut was behind juhi.

vidyut stops her.

vidyut :juhi what happened?

juhi remained silent.

neela saw them talking and stops others to go near them.

neela :I think it's better if they both r alone.


ali:I think maa is right .

everyone went inside

vidyut :juhi pls say  something u scaring me.

juhi stands there like a statue.

vidyut :I know u r angry with me but pls forgive me juhi. I know don't deserve it.but plss understand's all my fault .

sametime inside the house.

avni became restless .avni went out followed by Neil.

neil:avni where r u going.

avni : I ....I can't stay inside any more.I want to be with juhi.I can't just let's not good for health.

neil:ok let's go

both headed outside.

vidyut :I know I abandon u when u needed me the most.because me u lost every thing. ur  family. ...everyone but trust me juhi i won't repeat plss.

he knee down.holds juhis hand.

juhi looks at him.

vidyut :juhi I love u l really do.I just can't even imagine a life with u I had searched for u all these years. juhi plss one chance I will prove myself p lsss.I want u just u.I promise to be a good husband .....a good father.
I know hurt u much.....but juhi it was all because I just can't imagine u  to be anyone's.u r only mine.when I saw u hugging him I shattered. I thought I lost u.juhi plss.I can't see u with any one else.

both juhi and vidyut is crying now.

neil: plss forgive him.

vidyut juhi turns their head and saw Neil and avni standing there.

vidyut got up.

neil :I have seen his pain all these years .he really love u.from the last few years mom and bebe tried to get him married but he was searching for u.u can't even imagine how happy he was when he found u.

juhi looks on.

avni:give him a chance juhi.

three were surprised to hear it.

avni moves towards juhi.

avni: u and Ali always say to me to give a chance . I am sure he is really sorry about what ever he has done.and its all about past.try to forget it.I know it's not easy.

juhi:I never going to be easy.

avni: u still loves him right?

juhi remains silent.

avni :ur silence admit it. he ...his whole want u both together  .u said the previous we need some one to hold us in our life. then let him hold u juhi.....look his tears can't be fake.

juhi looks at him.

juhi :will u hurt me again ....?

vidyut :noo

juhi "will u leave me again?

vidyut :no rather I would die.

juhi hugs him.

both hugs each other.

avni and Neil stands there smiling.

neil :ehmmm. ..

both broke the hug.

neil :bhai romance later.let's go inside.

avni:everyone must be waiting for u guys

they headed inside.

4 of them entered inside smiling.

neil: every thing is sort out.

everyone smiles.

vidyut : I am sorry karan.

kk:it's ok.I am happy for u both.

ali: ha I forgot to say something 

avni "what

ali : sunheri Tara sithara dd and his mom will be here in any minute.

avni: ok let's plan something for today.

prakash : that would great .

mishti : cycling.

avni: it's not possible mishti we have only 4 cycles.

ali: what about a beach area.

neela :that would be fine.

everyone packed some necessary stuff and went to beach.

elders sat on the sand.

youngsters were walking 

ali:I think they reached l will go and help them

kk:I will also come.

neil : I think we should leave them alone.

to avni and mithali indicating vidyut and juhi 

avni:that s right.

mithali hold Neil's hand

mithali :come Neil lets walk along.

neil :avni come join us.

avni :ok

but mithali doesn't like it.

they started to walk .

neil "thanks avni.

avni:for what.

neil : bhai is really happy. I hadn't seen him like this before.he use to stay silent.and always get engaged in his work

avni : I didn't do any thing 

neil : u did u made bhabhi understand.

avni smiles.

neil : waise u told u don't believe in love.but u were supporting it.

avni :I still don't believe. but I can see something else.
they both each other. may be missed each hard she tried to hide all these years she also missed him.
and my maa use to say.tears can never be fake.if anyone have fake tears then they r fake.

neil smiles

mithali is not liking there talking.

neil :let's play in the water for some time.

mithali :no u know I am afraid.

neil :avni come on.

before she could say something

neil held her and pulled her with him.

3of them are far away from others.

neil and avni stands there wetting their foot.

suddenly something came in Neil head.

he splashed some water on avni.

avni :Neil...

neil"come on have some fun.

avni:fun I will show u.

both of them started to throw water on each other.

suddenly Neil pushed avni .she fall down in water.

avni is now drenched.

avni:NEIL...what the hell

neil stands there laughing .

avni tried to get up but failed.
Neill offered his hand.

avni held his hand and got up but at the same time pushed him to water.

now avni laughs.

avni: having great fun right.

neil : avni....

neil got up and tried to catch avni but she run off.

he followed her.

neil : avni stop.

avni: catch if u can.

neil : fine.

they are running

(but our is hard to catch up)

they reached near elders.

neil : avni stop.

avni : no no no And no.

neil : I won't leave u.

avni is laughing and is playing like a small kid neela looks at this and smiles.

shwetha : stop u both.

both stopped.

shwetha : how did u both get wet.

neil : avni pushed me.

avni: who me ur the first to do it to me.

neil : really u throw water upon me.

avni:who started it first.

neil was about to say something.

shwetha pinches his ears.

shwetha : why u always do such things.

vidyut who came along with juhi saw this.

neil : mom leave its paining.

shwetha : wow ...what joke super cop .

vidyut : mom leave him.

shwetha leave him.

vidyut : what happened?

shwetha : look at avni he did it.

vidyut : Neil....

Neill :bhai I was having fun.

avni : even I am.

juhi : ok both of u go and change otherwise u may fall ill.

avniand Neil reached at the house.

kk saw them.
kk:how did u get wet.

avni :we were having fun.

kk:ok without me

he pouts.

avni smiles at it.

avni" where are the rest.

kk:they are up getting some rest.

avni: ok we will go and change.

precap: mithali tried to harm avni....

thanks for all the lovely comment and votes

but comments are reducing 😢😢

plss do vote and comment

how is the chappy?

avneil? ?

will update soon.


do vote and comment.

I planned to update on Sunday 20th.

as a birthday party
yup last Sunday was my birthday

I am 18now

look big girl.

with love

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