chapter 27

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Avni composed herself and started searching for Neil and final saw standing at the terrace.

Neil (in mind): why she is always rude with me.I mean she never smiles to me.she smiles and talks well with Ali and kk. I am also her frnf n.a.....
Uff neil ...stop it ....may be she doesn't have consider u as frnd.
Stop it.

All his thoughts were disturbed by a melodious voice.


Neil turned around.he saw anni standing in front of him.

But he is neil khanna
He turned his back is facing her.

Avni sighed.

Avni: neil....I am sorry.

Still neil didn't face her.

Avni: neil plss.

Neil: so anything is left to shout.

Avni: I am sorry. I really do.I was just zoned out its all because of that amit.

Hearing amits name neil looked at avni.

Neil: amit?

Avni came towards him.

Avni: yah I am sorry.

But neil was more interested in knowing about avni amit matter.

Neil: what did amit do?

Avni :he is just calling and messaging non stopped. I don't understand

"Stupid don't he have any thing else to do"neil muttered under his breathe.

Avni: huh...did u said anything?

Neil: I...I... nothing.

Avni: I am sorry neil pls forgive ur frnd.

Neil: frnd?

Avni : yes we r frnd right?

Neil smiles hearing this.

Neil: yaa and u no what there is no sorry and thank u between f rnds.

Avni smiles
But it was a genuine smile .all the she use hind herself in her smile. Her smile was near a real one but now she smiled .smiled from her heart.

Our neil was just admiring her beautiful smile.

Avni: so u forgive right.

Neil: forgive not that easily.

Avni: huh..

Neil: firstly Iu pushed me in water.then shout at me I wouldn't leave that easily.

Saying this he took a glass a water and tried to throw at her.

But avni did a boxing action grabbed the glass and thrower water on him.

It messed his hair style.

Neil: avni....

Avni laughs looking at him.

Neil: I wouldn't leave u...
Saying he tried to caught but she just escaped and run away.

They started running like kids.

Neil : u r finished avni.

Avni: really ...then caught me.

They running
They reached down stairs.every one is looking at them.

Avni tried to hide behind neela nanno and finally.

Prakash stopped them.

Prakash : stop why r u running like this.

Neil: dad. ..can't u see what she had done.

Shwetha : did she throw water on.

Avni: woh. ...I...

Shwetha went near avni with angry face.

Shwetha : avni?what have u done?

Bebe: shwetha ..tum..

Shwetha : bebe let me talk.

Neela: shwetha hi I am sorry on her behalf.

Neil: mom u don't need to get angry...she...was.....

Shwetha did let him complete .

Shwetha : avni u should have asked me for help .we would have drenched him fully.

Avni was suprised .

Neil : mom..

Neil pouts.

Shwetha : oo how cute.

Neela: but avni u shouldn'thave done this.

Shwetha : don't scold her I am sure he must have irritated her .

Prakash : that's right.

Neil: u all r so bad.

All these were witnessed by mithali she he'll angry with all scenario.

Every one dispersed.

Next day at night

It's mehandhi. ..

Everyone is enjoying.

Shwetha done applying mehandhi in juhis hand.

Shwetha: avni don't u want to apply mehandhi .

Avni : no I don't like.

Mrs sharma: avni apply a little.

Shwetha : no ...don't force's completely her wish.

Avni got up from there and went away.

Neela: pls don't mind it .she is like that.

Bebe: arey. .neela we know it.

Mithali: yaa of course and we r used with her arrogance.

Shwetha : mithali...

In a warning tone.

Mithali: did I told anything wrong. It's truth aunty .she is so arrogant. And she is behaving weird.she doesn't even respect the elders.

Shwetha: mithali. ...

Mithali stoppedand went along with her mother.

Neela was sad hearing it.

Juhi understand this.

Juhi : neela Maa...

Bebe: neela don't feel bad .she is ..just leave it.

Neela: what ever she said is it right?

Juhi: its not .why are paying attention to her.

Shwetha : neela ji. ..

Neela: I am really sorry about her behaviour. But pls don't hate her she is just like this becoz she wouldn't accept anyone as her so easily. She is like that .she wouldn'ttrust anyone so easily.
Even kk faced he'll of avni. Pls forgive her

At the same time out of the house (garden)

Kk: come on let's have it.

Vidyut: wow beer.

Dd: let's chill.

Prakash: make one for me too.

Kk: neil don't u want?

Viduyt: he won't .he is a good boy.

Neil smiles.

Dd: Ali what about u ?

Ali: I am in.

Ali took a drink and was about to drink it.


The glass is broken into pieces.

The men look at Ali .they so avni with red shot eyes.

Anni slapped Ali .

Hearing the sound evry one came out.

Bebe: what happened?

Avni: u..liar.

Ali:avni I am sorry


Ali: Avu. ..

Avni slapped him again.

In anger avni went inside .

She reached hall and sat in couch and started crying.

She is crying so bad.

It showed the vulnerable avni.

Ali came there.
Ali in his knee

Ali: avni.

In Delhi

In Mehta house.

Rita is throwing every single thing In her.


Hearing the noise hetal & aman reached there.

They saw a riyawho is hell angry

Aman: di what happened?

Hetal : beta say some thing.

Riya : Maa u go out.

Hetal : but why.

Aman:Chachi u go I am here na.

Herbal nods and went out.

Aman: di tell me what happened to u.?

Riya : she snatched my love .
Aman I really love him.I won't leave her .she has tO Die.

Aman was shocked to hear this.

But he too was hell angry.
Aman: don't worry di he will be yours and I promise that girl won't be their in ur life any more.I love u di and I will do any thing for u.

Rita hugs aman.

So it's the end of the chappy hopes u like it.

Nice ending righT😉

And I am really sorry for being late.

Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes.

And sorry if I didn't reply back.

Thanks for all the love and support.

Next update by tmmrrw or the following day.

Pls do vote and comments

Thanks to all my readers.

With love
Iza Mehrin

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