chapter 30

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I just don't  want to waste upon vidyut and juhi so I am skipping.

Finally  juhi and vidyut is married.

Everyone  packed their  bags and is

Waiting for ship.

Juhi  is looking back at their home.

Vidyut hold her .

"What happened "

"Nothing. I am just gonna miss this place.It has been so close to my heart."

Juhi said with so much emotion.

Ali: it's  really a wonderful place.

Juhi: u right ali. And I wish to don't  leave this place.

Avni: jaan .we can some other time.

Ali: and we will have so much fun.

Mishti : yaaay.

Ship came and all of got in.

Mithali: (in mind)this bloody voyage I hate it.why on earth I have to travel in ship.but no worries this time I wil cling upon neil.

The journey started.

Everyone decided to rest.
Avni moved towards roof top.neil noticed  this.

He followed her.

Avni  reached roof top and sat on floor looking at the sky.


Avni  looks on and noticed neil standing near her.

Avni: neil

Neil: what are u doing here

Avni: just to get sme fresh air.

Neil: can I

Avni  looks at neil and saw him indicated space near her.

Avni nods.

Neil sit near leaving a comfortable space between  them not so far.

Avni: all says that night sky is beautiful but I like this one.

Pointing towards sky.

Avni: some times this clouds makes the figure of our loved onces and sometimes something funny.

Neil: yeah.

There came a silence.

But Neil wanted to talk to her.he don't know why but every time when he hears her it's makes him happy.

Neil: avni can I ask u something?

Avni: yes

Neil: why u cried that day.

Avni understood what he was asking
She didn't say anything.

Neil: sorry I shouldn't have asked.

Avni: Ali is my only friend since childhood. I was to bad in conversations. So very little friend.
I barely make talks with people. Ali is my cousin. We was always together. Ali's parents died in an accident. Ali was too in that car when accident took place .it was a crash between  two cars.uncle was drunk actually. The man who was driving the other car to died.that man left his family behind. It happened all because of drinking. If uncle  wasn't drunk then they would be alive.aunty was like a mother to me.even Ali was had a nervous break down. I saw Ali drinking once.I asked him to stop  .but he didn't. When I saw him do that i feared to lose him .i can't handle it.he means alot to me.i have losed my loved onces.i can't take a chance on him to.i always kept myself away from people. I am afraid of relations. I fears to get along with people. I had my world too small. Maa ali nanno and few friends. Mishti and juhi was also came a part of it. That day I was feeling sad because soon after marriage juhi and mishti will leave us.I am happy that juhi is getting her life back.but deep inside I just don't want her to leave. And on the top that I saw ali drink .it made me angry as well sad just bursted out.I know it created a scene. I disturbed u all.

Neil didn't let her  complete.

Neil: u hadn't disturbed us .actually we all r happy with trip .ur paradise everything was beautiful.

Avni smiles.

There was a long pause.

Neil: so this is why u didn't get along with my family.

Avni: may be. I have tried to get normal with ur family but I....

Suddenly it brought her the image of her father's family.

Avni  gulped.

Neil: it's fine avni.

Avni  looks neil and found him looking her.
They stared at each other's eyes.
Avni  felt some thing New in his eyes.but she couldn't figure it out.

Avni broke the eye lock .

Avni : I know urmom and bebe must have felt bad by my behaviour.

Neil: I think so.

Avni : hmm.

Neil smiles a little.

Neill : they won't. I am not praising them but they are  best.they always tries to know what others feel rather than feeling themselves bad.

Avni : yeah ur family is different. No one in our society will accept an unmarried woman with a child.unfortunately they blame the girls character than boys.but ur family accepted juhi .it's too rare.ur mom is different she was ready to accept mishti.

Neill : what Bhai did was wrong. But marriage nothing before love. This is made of love .

Avni looks on.

Neil: by the way never thought ur so emotional.

Avni: huh?

Neil: I mean ..u appears to strong out but too soft inside.

Avni : I have never shared about my insecurities with any one but when u asked I felt like sharing  it with u .I have never got comfortable with anyone so easily. But with u it's .......I don't know it's something different.

Neil was so happy hearing .he was attracted towards her . Not a mere attraction . He can't see her cry or any thing bad with her.he is happy to have a friendship with avni.but his feelings towards her is more than friendly.

Neil : I am glad that ur my friend. But avni how come u learn fight and all.

Avni : as I told before .Ali was my all time companion so I came across boyish things than girly stuffs .i learned it from kabir neela maas friend. He is my trainer.

Neil: so it's normal for u to fight .

Avni : a kind of.

Neil: a lady Don right.

Avni: Mr super cop.I think this cop thing this is got mixed well in ur body. Ur going asking questions.

Neil: I am a cop .so it will do.

Avni:yeah of course .super cop tillu.

Neil eyes widened.

Neil: tillu? Hey don't call me that.

Avni :why tillu?tillu is cute.ur mom calls u tillu.tillu suits u tillu.tillu ko tillu nahi tho Kaya bulaoga tillu.

Neil: avni....

Avni :tillu....

Saying this she bursted in to laughing.

At the same time

Mithali  was searching for.
Mithali:where did this Neil go .I thought of spending time with him.

Mithali asked to worker about Neil .he told her Neil went  to roof top.

Mithali: oh roof top how will I go there. Oh God .this ship thing it's scaring me .but any ways it will be romantic me and my neil.

Praying and chanting manthras mithali went to roof top.

But the scene that she saw their made her blood boil.

Avni was laughing carelessly and Neil is staring at her shamelessly.

Avni may not under stand what is inside Neil's mind but mithali know it she know that Neil is falling for avni.

Suddenly phone ringed.

Avni: one second I will be back.

Neil nodded affirmation.

Avni got up moved a little away.

It was a call from kabir.

She talking with him stand the trail .

Mithali is angry on avni.she moved towards avni .a idea popped in her mind.

She went behind avni made and screamed.
Avni was horrified when she heard it all of a sudden she lost her balance  and fall down.

Neil came there hearing her scream.

Neil : what happened mithali.

Neil didn't saw avni in water or heard any sound.

Mithali: Neil..

Mithali hugged Neil.

Mithali: thank God u r here.

From the hugging position she looked for avni and saw her struggling in water.

Mithali smiled seeing it.

Neil broke the hug.

Neil: why u came here.

Mithali: I was just looking for u.and u know that I am afraid of water.I was scared.

Neil: don't worry let's go.

Neil and mithali left from there.

Avni is struggling she felt that she is going die.she feeling cold.

Recap : teaser.

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Meet u all soon.

With love

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