chapter 36.

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Neela:I am sure Neil will accept u.

Avni:don't bring it again.

Neela :it never ended.

Avni: maa listen I don't have nothing to do with it.and first of all it was an accident it wasn't all planned. I am sure even he won't be...

Neela:accident nahi hai. It's destiny for both of u.

Avni:maa aap. ...

Neela:ok fine take rest.I am going.

Neela left the room.

Avni leaned to head board.

Avni: does neil thinks like that.

Avni sighs .

Avni :yeh maa bhi na.

Neela went down she about to go towards kitchen.
Door bell rings.

Neela opened the she is surprised to see neil and that too alone.

Neil:hi aunty.

Neela:neil tum...

Neil:aunty if u don't mind can I speak to avni.

Neela nodded her head.

Neela:she is upstairs come.

Neela showed him her room.

Neela:that's her room.

Neil:ok thank u aunty.

Neil starts to walk .


Neil looks around and found a worried neela.

Neela:neil have patience .she may gets angry.

Neil :I will take care of it.u don't need to worry.

Neil reached near the door and knocked.

Avni :come in .

Avni thought that one of her family members.

Avni was searching something in her drawer.which is near the bed.

Neil looked at her.her tear drained face he still anxious that how avni behaved on their meeting few hours before. He is very worried about her.


Avni stopped what she was doing. She fisted her hands.
She looked at him.

She doesn't have the courage to hear what is coming up.

Avni (in mind):neil is here.oh....what will I do now is he angry..

Neill :avni we need to talk.

Hearing his soft tone.avni sighed in relief.

Neill : avni listen what ever happened. I know its non of our fault but still......

Avni:I know and there nothingto talk about it.let's forget it.

Neill :forget?

Avni:yes like a nightmare.

Neil:avni pls stop this.and its not a nightmare. And the whole city came to know about it.I can't just leave it like that it about our life.I upon that I am a police officer. ...

Avni didn't let him .don't why something aroused inside her.

Avni:so u r trying to say that I ruined ur reputation.

Neil shakes his head disbelief.

Neil :when I say that?why r u over imaging things.

Avni:I am over imaging ..then tell what bring u here.just accept it neil.

Neill :no I didn't came for it.I came for my wife.

Avni's heart skipped a beat. She felt a kind new sensation when said 'my wife'.

Avni (in mind):no no avni.don't be stupid. U can't.

Avni :I am not ur wife .and that marriage is mistake.

Neil:avni listen.

Avni:I don't want to listen anything neil just leave.

Neil:u have to .u accept it or not but we r married and u r my wife.

Avni :neil stop.don't start it again I don't believe in marriage and its not a marriage its just a mistake.

Neill :avni pls .I can't let people question on ur character. I can't let it go like dignity matters to me.

Avni :neil I said leave.

Neill :I not going to leave until u r ready for a official marriage.

Avni:no I won't. U know ur pity upon me.ur trying to help me by marrying so that people won't talk shits right.

Neill : think whatever u want we r going to get this marriage registered. And I won't mind even forcing u.

Avni :neil .....I am not a toy. I am human too.marriage is not silly thing its a life long commitment. And made people who love each other.

Neil :I know it .and u and ur respect is my first priority now.avni think about it.pls try to understand.

Neill came towards and helps her hand in his.

Neill :avni....I know its difficult but pls understand I can't let u suffer along.u r my wife.I will by ur side always.

Saying this he left.leaving an avni with many conflicting thoughts.

A tear appeared from her eyes.avni took her phone and looked at her ayesha.

Avni:he is not like him.did u hear what he said.




At hospital.

Dayawanthi opened her eyes and asked for aman. The doctor called aman and put it on speaker .

On call.

Doc:aman Mehta.u r Dadi want to meet u .her condition is not good.

Aman:really ask her to die and pls record it and send to me.I want to see how she struggles for her breathe.

Daya heard this..she was shocked she knew that her grand son love her the most.

Doc :what r u saying.

Daya signalled doctor to give the phone to her.

Daya:beta Dadi here.I know u must be angry with some one right.

Aman:yes I am angry with a women who killed my mother.separated me from by sister.

Daya's eyes widened in shock.

Daya:aman u r manipulated. ..

Aman:just shut up I know who manipulated me.

Saying this he cuts the call.

Aman:I won't leave u I want my sister.I will make u pay.

Aman opened his shelf and took a bottle of alcohol.

He was about to drink it.

Then the incident of that night when he misbehave with his own sister came in front of his eyes .

Aman :no I won't sister saying this he started to cry.



Next day.

Avni and Ali reached college. Some of the guys who doesn't like avni pasted her photos with Neil in the wall .

Avni was shocked to see it.she never thought about it.

While she and Ali was walking towards class.

They heard many comments.

"What a guts she still came to college."

"Wasn't Ali enough she married acp"

"Come on woman like her won't stick to one person. "

Ali was trying to control him self.

"I am sure she leave and find other soon."

Ali about to say something. But avni stopped him by holding his hand.

They reached inside the class.

Everyone is looking at avni weirdly.

Sunehri Tara sitara and prima felt really bad for her.

Professor came.even he gave a dirty look to avni.

Avni looked down at her fingers.

Ali is getting frustrated with everything its getting hard for him to control.

Soon it marked the end of first hour.

Avni couldn't take it any more she decided leave the class.

She stood up and took few steps ahead.but stopped in her tracks when she heard it.not only her the whole class was surprised.

"Avu di"

Riya stood behind her.

Rita went and stood in front of her.

"Pls forgive me I know I don't deserve it after what I have done."

Riya's eyes started to tear up.

"Pls.u should have told that it my Abu di.but u didn't. I insulted u "

Whole class is looking at them.Ali some what happy to see the old riya.

"I am sorry pls"

Riya fell on her knees.

Avni don't know how react.she is still hurts to see her sister like this but...

Avni :u avu di is dead.

Riya's eyes widened in shock.

Ali:avni what ....

Avni :let me complete Ali..avni Mehta died years ago.the standing inform of u is avni ayesha.daughter of ayesha haider. I don't have any relation with Mehta.


Avni walked out the class.

Riya is rooted on her place.she doesn't have the strength to get up.
She starts to cry badly.

Ali kneeled down and touched her shoulder .

Ali:riya don't cry.

Riya hugged him. di....she...she...always...protected.....and...I....

Ali:ahhh relax.

Precap:aman and avni meeting.

So how is it.

Will avni agree foe marriage? vote and comment.

Stay home stay safe

With love


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