chapter 38

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Parikh  mansion.

Ali neela and nanno  is sitting at dinning table.

Yesterday  itself Ali told everyone about whatever happened at the beach.

Nanno looks neela and found her immersed in her thoughts.

Nanno:neela kya hua?

Neela:I don't under stand .we tried our best  last ten years to erase all her memories. But I think it will never leave's still haunting her.last night she had nightmare and panick attack too.I felt so miserable.I couldn't protect her.

Ali:no maa don't say like that.if u wasn't there we both could ended up .u made our life.I know her past is still haunting. Mehtas are haunting her.I think it's a good sign that she is trying her best to ignore them.and we should make sure that mehtas is no more in her life.

Nanno : but how ali?

Neela and nanno looks at ali.



Ali:yes maa .u told us how ashish  Mehta cheated prakask uncle.

Nanno:haa but.

Ali:nanno listen to me.last DAY too ashish mehta asked avni to not get along with khannas .and avni and Neil is married. And for first time in her entire life avni support a man other than me.until she met  khannas she saw all the men in his whole as  world as ashish mehta.but look she accepted vidyut as her brother neil as's something really new.

Neela : I think ali is right. When neil came here last time he promised me he will never hurt avni.

Ali:what did they talk.

Neela :I don't know ali .avni didn't say anything.

Nanno :should we ask her.

Neela:no .


Neela:we should wait .

They agreed to neela.

Neela:madhavi pls call avni for breakfast.

Madhavi went to call avni.

Door bell rings.

Ali:I will go and check.

Ali opened the door and saw mehtas .his eyes widened.

Ali:what do u want?

Riya:ali ...we are here to meet di...

Ali:riya pls leave...

Ashish:we won't leave let us meet her.I am here to talk to my daughter.

Ali was about to replay it .nanno came there.

Ashish  saw her and went towards her and touched her feet.

Nanno  stepped back.

Ashish :aunty.

Neela came.

Neela:ashish u here.

Ashish :aman look this is ur nanno.

Aman came forward.

Nanno :aman?

It came out as question.

Nanno  was in Mumbai but dayawanthi never allowed her to see aman.she saw him last when he was 6 months old .

Aman:nanno. ..

He came forward and hugged her .

Tears appeared on both of their eyes.

Nanno:aman...meri bacha...u r grown up now...neela dekho. ...Ali ur brother.....

She stopped in the middle of her sentence.she remembered what they have done.

She stepped back.


Madhavi came there.

Madhavi:avni beta is not in her room.


Ali:what u mean by not in her room she must be in wash room or something.

Madhavi:she is not there I almost look everywhere upstairs.

Neela:may be she went out.I think its good.

She looked at ashish.

Neela:ashish pls I request u pls leave before she come back.

Ashish:neela I know I have done a mistake....

Neela didn't let him complete.

Neela :its not mistake but a sin.because of I lost my best friend. sister. ...


Neela:no more discussions ashish pls..u have already given a lot hurdles to her .pls let her live peacefully.

Ashish :n..

Aman:pls we will leave I just want apologize to my sister.

Neela sighed.


"Why r u here in my house?"

Every one looks on and found avni standing at entrance.

Ashish:avni beta...

Avni:didn't I told u before that I am not ur daughter....

Ashish:avni listen we r here to take back to our home.

Avni :our home?really?

She realised her eyebrows.

"Oh my god my dearest father is here to take me home we celebrate a party.."
Said avni in dramatic way.

Ashish felt really sad.

Ashish :avni look...

Avni:relax man let me complete. .as much as I know ur my rival to be more precise my enemy.Mr Mehta.

Ashish :enemy? Avni  I am ur father.

Avni chuckles.

Avni:yeah because u r a mehta I am a soon to be khanna. .

Everyone is shocked to here.

Neela:avni what r u saying?

Avni :come on maa whole world know that I am married to acp Neil I am supposed to Mrs khanna.

Ashish looks at her.

Avni:well we r not married official but we r going to have court marriage tomorrow. ...

Ashish:what ?

Avni:yes mr mehta.and u know what I just came back from a romantic break fast with my husband.I think u know the meaning of an husband.because u r no where a husband.

Hetal :marriage? Suddenly.

Avni :we r already married.

Ali neela and nanno is really confused.

Avni:u people r not so welcome to the venue.because we planned it as a small function with our families. And sorry to say u r not a part of it.

Ashish:avni u r doing wrong .it's a plan against me.

Avni:against to the best of my knowledge I was a burden and unlucky to u.

Ashish:it was all past.

Avni:yes I was all past and I don't want my past in my present.and u what.? I am going to married and I am damn sure my in laws won't appreciate it of u r here....

Avni stopped and pointed her hand towards main door.


Ashish felt so bad.he taught he can change ever thing he will get her back his daughter but the damage he caused her is beyond repair.

Ashish have no words now.he left followed by the rest.

Avni closed the door and turned to look at her fam they r confused to hell.


Ali:tell me that its all a lie.

Avni:no its not me and Neil is getting married tomorrow.

Flash back

Last night

Avni is walking restless in room.

Avni:how dare he say things like that about Neil...

"Neil is not like him "

"Neil will not plan something like it."

"Mr Mehta u r cunning not him"

Avni  sit at the couch.

Avni:come on avni...u have to do something.

Avni :is Neil serious about marriage he right ?

"What hell its all so weird".

Avni  sighed

She took her phone.dialled it.
After to 2 rings.

Other person:hello..


Neil:yeah avni bolo.

Avni: can we meet.

Neil:ok where?

Avni:morning 7:00 in the cafe near the ^^^park.

Neil:yeah sure..



Call ended.

Avni:I will decide it tomorrow.

Next morning.

Both avni is up be honest they didn't sleep much they were much anxious.

Both reached the cafe at same time.

Neil smiled at avni.but she didn't.

They took a seat.

Neil:so why u called?


Neil:relax...I thing u called discuss about the marriage.

Avni took a deep breathe.

Avni :yes I am here to talk about be very honest Neil I don't believe in such crap  but u know we both r struck.

Neil:yeah struck for a life time...

Avni:did u say anything.

Neil:no I mean yes I agree with u.

Avni: Neil I know what mehta family had done with ur father.and let me confirm u one thing I am no where attached to them.

Neil:I know .and I will never force u say what happened between u people.

Avni felt her heart skip a beat .how can someone so understanding.

Neil: marriage? Thrust me avni there nothing concerned what is between our families. It's between us. And mostly about u.I know what happened in ur college the other day.avni its going to be though .marriage is the only option. Knowingly or unknowingly its my fault to I can't let u suffer.avni our society always blames woman not man.

Avni:I know but..I can't its...

Neil:avni we can't delay it..I know its difficult .listen to me let's get married its the only option.

Avni: ok....

Neil felt happy hearing .it's like is on the top of the world.

Neil smiled.

Neil: then let's talk to the family.

Avni  nods

Avni: I told u before I don't believe in it can we have court marriage. If its ok.

Neil:I am completely ok.

Avni: ur fam.

Neil: let me ask.

Neil had conference call with praksh and bebe they both agreed. He didn't called shwetha because she is still upset.and he taught to deal with her later.

Neil said avni about it.avni was about to leave Neil insisted her to have break fast with him.

Avni really felt good spending time with him .he no where like other men she met through her.he is so sweet and caring.

On the other side Neil is super happy. He like her .now he feels its more than that.

Flash back end

Neela: but avni we can have proper marriage.

Avni: no maa ..

Ali:finally my tomboy is getting married.

Avni gave punch on his stomach.

Ali:aah....u r wasting ur romantic breakfast energy on me.

Avni  gave him a glare and went inside.

Neela smiles.

Neela: she is going to have her perfect family. Her dream.


Mithali:no avni .Neil will never be urs. I will kick u out of his life.

How is it ?

Do remember Siddhartha malhorthra.the guy who avni fought with .because whom they met?

I am planning for his entry
What's ur opinion.

A small Mithali  plan is coming soon?

And dayawanthi too?

The story is going to have a lot twists .....😉😉😉😉

Do vote and comment.

Happy eid to all

Eid Mubarak

Stay home stay safe.

With love


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