chapter 44

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Saisha : bhabhi what is it.

Avni: um...identify the ....kisses.


Samrath: wow fab ...let's begin then.

Avni: huh?

Saisha: Sam bhabhi is confused let me explain her.

Saisha went a sit beside avni.

Saisha: three person will kiss u on ur cheek or fore head wherever they like.both ur eyes and ears will be cover and u have guess the persons.

Avni looked at saisha.

Avni : no...I mean this is......

Maddy: chalo avni do it's simply.I have done it with this three monkeys.
Indicating Sam Kari and sai.

Avni nods.

Saisha covered avni's eyes and ears.

Saisha first tells Maddy to kiss.then to juhi.

They both kissed avni on her cheeks.

Samrath looks at neil with smirk and ask him to kiss.

Neil was super shocked.

Neil (in mind): what am I got myself I can't do it.I can't kiss her without her concern.

Samrath: bhai come kiss her.we didn't asked u have a proper kiss.

Kareena: yeah bhai do it.

Neil took a deep breathe.

Neil (in mind): come neil kiss her.May be God have given u a chance after knowing ur heart.

Neil too kissed her but on her forehead.

After that they freed avni.
Kareena: so tell me who kissed u first.

Avni looked all their faces and said.

Avni:I think it's maddy aunty.

Kareena : wow....then second.

Maddy : wait a second what did u called me now.

Avni looked at her in confusion.

Maddy gave her a stern look.

Maddy: u should stop calling me that when did I become ur aunt Ha...

Avni : woh mein I just.....

Samrath: mom dont make it a big deal.

Maddy: its a big deal.

Maddy smiled.

Maddy: call me bua. .

Avni: bua?.

It came out like a question .

Bebe: haa deko beta.ur our family now.

Avni's seems all like she don't know how describe. They are making it difficult for her.

Avni (in mind ): avni just call as she want just by mouth don't take any in ur heart.u don't belong here.u don't belong to this family. Don't let them in ur heart.

Saisha: second ...Say bhabhi.

Avni smiles.

Avni: its my bestie my jaan.

Juhi smiles and gave her a side hug.

Samrath: third.

Avni looks at him.he had smirk on his face.

Avni: um I think it's bebe.

Saisha: NO...

Samrath: its not's someone else.

Avni : then I don't know.

Neil felt so disappoint.

Neil (in mind): she didn't identify u.Neil.

Vidyut: avni it was Neil.

They played for some more time...with lot of crazy things.most of came upon vidyut and neil.

At evening

Avneil room

Neil is packing his stuffs at that time avni came in.

Hearing the sound of foot step

Neil looked up .he saw avni.avni smiled at him.but averted his gaze and focused on his work.

Avni: um...Neil why r packing now.i mean u have a whole day tomorrow.

Neil: I have a lot of things to pack. So thought to do some now.

Avni :oh.won't u come back .here again.

Neil; May be for vacations.and I love mumbai more than Delhi.

Avni : but I hate that place.

Avni whispered under her breathe...

Neil: did u say something.

Avni : yeah I was asking u went there I mean mumbai.

Neil: haa I spend my whole childhood there.

Neil said it with a smile.

Avni watched it.

Avni : I think ur childhood is memorable to u.

Neil : yeah not only for everyone it is. And I am sure everyone wants it back .

Avni was lost in her thoughts for a moment. She thought about her childhood. The worst memory of her life.she hoped not to even think of it.

Neil kept his bag a side .

Avni : u just told now that u were in Mumbai then why did u shifted here.

Neil looked at her.

Neil: because of ur father.

Avni: huh?

Neil: ashish Mehta he ruined our business. So dad shifted our grandfather had a property over here .he sold and started all again.

Avni looked at he had sad expression.
Avni : he is not my father and I don't have nothing to do with him.

Neil : I don't know what is ur problem withur father.but I know for a father their child is everything. Their happiness is important more than anything.

' ur my biggest problem. Ur a mistake.ur a burden'.

Avni remembered ashish 's words.

Neil : u know on our marriage day.I mean in the court.I saw guilt and pain in his eyes.his eyes never left u .he so badly wanted to stop the marriage.May be he thought that we are planning a revenge on him using u.

Avni jaw clenched .and made fist .

Avni : guilt...pain...seriously. no Neil ur wrong .he don't have any feelings. He don't care for anyone. That's all just a drama.what he only cares is his business money and his mother.he is coward.he only knows to back stab.he is unworthy.

Avni took a deep breathe. Tears were falling without control.

Neil felt his heart clench .

Neil took a step forward and kept his hand on her shoulder.

Neil: avni relax....

He don't why but he wanted hug.he wanted take away all her pain.

Avni couldn't control herself.and started to cry..

Neil : avni...

Neil made avni sit on couch and settled beside her.

Neil: avni stop plss....I am sorry its all because of me.I..

Avni let him complete. She hugged him resting her head on his chest.and arms around his waist.
Neil was surprised by this.but soon he wrapped his arms around her and caressed her hair.

After few avni became normal.

Reality struck in her mind .she is hugging him. She pulled herself out of the hug.there was a shock written on her face Neil saw it.

He stood up .

Neil : um...u should take some rest.I will go down.

Avni nods.

On his way all his thoughts is about avni their hug .moments.

Neil (in mind): stop thinking about it neil.she just treats u as a friend. All ur feelings is just one side .she will never love u back.she wanted divorce.

'But u can at least try.' Don't give up soon.she is now ur wife.make her fall for u.'

He heard the voice of his heart.

Neil thought for a moment.

Back to avneil room.

She also thinking about Neil.

Flash back

Samrath asks Neil to kiss her.

Neil came near her.his breathe fainted on her face.

Avni's heart started to beat faster.she felt whole her body wanting something.

Neil's lips touched her forehead. At few second she felt loved.

Avni forgot to breathe.she know it was Neil who kissed her.

That kiss.she felt it like something that she is searching for years .a sort of comfort.

When they removed the cover from her eyes and ears.

She lied she don't who it is.

She noticed him.Neil he looked sad.she know he is a good person he is not ashish Mehta.but still she fears.

She doesn't want any sort attachment with anyone.she understand their friendship.but she fears to break her let others.khanna to enter in her small world.

She noticed expression of everyone. They looked sad .they have accepted her .but she couldn't.

Flashback ends

Avni rested her back own headboard.
Avni: I know u r hurt.I am sorry.Neil pls forgive me I don't deserve u .it care ur friendship.


Mumbai and past memories.

Sorry for being late.

I had a lot of classes to caught up.

But still I find time to write it.

Pls do vote and comment.

And planning avni and dayawanthi meeting in upcoming chapter.

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Do u want it or not.

Some spicy chapters are coming up

Do wait for me.

I will try to update soon.

Stay safe
Stay happy.

Take care


With love


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