chapter 48

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Neil stared at her beautiful face.
She looks relaxed.

He kneeled down to her level.

Neil : I know something I s really bothering u.but ur not ready to say it.or share it with any one.everytime when I look at ur face.i sense it.ur in pain.i just want keep u away from it.i feel like sacrificing everything just to see u smile .

Neil sighed.

Neil: I want to say all this when u r awake but I know u r Avni u will never hear me out .

Neil caressed her face.

Neil: I promise u tomorrow will be one of the best day of ur life.its our first holi.i know u won't care.but still .I want to celebrate it with u. May be it will a sweet memory for both of us.

Neil stood up .covered her properly.

And went towards couch and slept.

Next morning.

Avni woke hearing the noises coming from outside.

She got up from the bed and moved towards the balcony and looked out .

Workers are arranging everything for the Holi party

Avni; arrgh... Some one pls tell that I don't hve to go there .

"U definitely have to "

Avni turned around and saw bebe standing there with shopping bag in her hand.

Avni: um...I....

Bebe: it's fine beta.

Avni diverted her gaze .

Bebe put the bag on the bed and walked to Avni.

Bebe stood near her .

Bebe: u have to come.its ur first with us.

Avni just nods her head.

Bebe: get ready fast we all will be waiting for u.

Bebe was about to leave the room .but turned to face Avni.

Bebe: wear that dress.i have brought it for u.

Bebe smiles.

Bebe left from there.

Avni took her phone and tried to call Ali.

The number ur trying to reach is currently switched off.

Avni : damm where r u Ali..

Avni tried to call neela but the anwer was same.
She tried few more time and got ready.

After getting ready she felt hungry she could hear dangerous sounds from her stomach.

Avni went to kitchen to eat something.

As it is holi servents have already arranged snacks .

Avni took one of them from a tray and had a bit.

Luckily or unluckily she took something which is very spicy.

She felt her mouth burning.

She went into super hyper active mode and she took a glass of milk .she thought it is milk

And had it in one breathe...

It wasn't milk but she liked it's taste .

She looked for another glass .and saw a tray with 5 or 6 glass of the same drink .

She took each of them and drank all of it.

Avni: um..ohooo finished what will do now...

She pouted in a cute.

She felt her head spinning.


Outside of the house.

Juhi: where is Avni...

Vidyut : she will come.

At the same a car came.

All of them looked on

Neil came out of the driver seat.

Vidyut went towards him.

Vidyut: where were u? I was searching for u...

Vidyut couldn't complete his sentence as he saw neela Ali and nanno getting out of the car.

Mishti shout on the top of her lungs and runs towards Ali.

Ali picked her up.

Mishti: noddieee...I mishshed u...

Ali: me too babaa.

Juhi: Ali maa ....

Juhi also went towards them and hugged them.

Juhi: what a surprise?

Neela: how r u  beta?

Juhi: we all r fine.

Bebe and rest of the family members also came there.

Prakash: neelaji what a pleasant surprise.

Neela: woh sorry we should informed before .

Vidyut: there is no need of sorry.we all are really happy to have u guys here.

Neela: where is Avni.?

Juhi: she will be here any second.and I am sure she will super happy to see u all.

Bebe: come sit..

Some tables had setted there.

Neela: yeh sab?

Looking towards Maddy and her children.

Prakash: this is my sister Maddy and her children.kareena saisha and samrath.

Neela: namaste..

They introduced each other.ali started to talk  with Vidyut and Neil.

Neil: where is Avni?

Ali: ohoo u can't stay a few seconds away from her.

Neil: no not like that I think she is taking a lot of time.

Ali: yeah..its true. she always gets ready first.

Neil: let go and check

When Neil was about to go he saw Avni coming in there direction.

He felt something odd in her.

As Avni reached near Ali .

Ali was about to hug her.

All of them was shocked by her behaviour.
Avni started to pull Ali's hair.

Avni: u donkey stupid idiot.....u....

Avni started to punch and kick him.

All others came there.

Neela : Avni what r doing.

Avni: u didn't call me u forgot me..u don't love me..

Every one sensed something wrong In her behaviour.

By passing seconds she started to attack Ali more harshly.

Neil tried stop her but it is not helping at all .

Neil hold her from behind at the stomach region and juhi released Ali from her.

Neil lifted her in air.but still she throws punches in air.

Nanno: baccha what r u doing.

Avni looked at her .

And pouted.

Neil released her from his hold and hold her by her wrist

Neil; Avni what's wrong.
His voice was little high pitched.

Avni started to cry like a baby.

Avni: maa...he is scolding me....

And sat down on the floor.

Neela; Avni what the hell r u doing.

Avni: aaahh....maa.....

Neil bend to her level.

Neil: Avni...

Neil could smell something.

Neil: did u drink baangh.

Avni put her finger under her chin.

Like she was thinking deeply.

Avni: nahi toh..I just drink milk.i was feeling so hungry.

Juhi: shit...

Neela: oh god...

Ali: uff after drinking she became kunfu ninja.

Juhi: shut up Ali.. we should do some remedy for this.

Ali: yup after wise she will make me her punching bag.

Avni: I will not talk to u.mein naraaz hum.

Every one is looking at her.

Saisha (in mind): she is drank.oh my god it's going to be awesome.

Neil : Avni get up.

Avni: nahii.... I need many many glass of milk.

Neil: Avni u come with me I will give u.

Avni: sacchii.

Neil: haa now get up.

Avni got up .

Avni: haaay...colours...

Before any one could react Avni started to run .

Neil went behind her

Avni took two colors in her hand.

Neil: Avni u come with me first.

Avni: um..

She looks at both her hands.

Avni: which colors u want.

Juhi: first u come with us then we will play with colors.

Avni: no I want to play now.

Saying this she started to throw colors on them .she didn't leave any single person.

Avni: hay....

She started jumping while clapping her a kid

She againRuns from there and took water guns and started to play with it.
Neil juhi and Ali tried to catch her but

She is running so fast .

Elders are looking at them

Bebe looked at neela.

Neela's eyes are filled.

Bebe: neela why r u just she got drank.

Neela rubbed her tears.

Neela: nahi bebe.u don't know.i am not crying.i always wanted my Avni to live her life fullest.happily .but some where it wasn't never looking at her I could see my Avni .my Avni old avni.who always smiles and makes others smile.meri jaan.

Avni: I want to say some thing

Neil: what.

Avni circled her hand around his neck.

And tiptoed

And looked straight into his eyes.

Neil: Avni....

Avni: shh...

Hey lovely people

How r u all?

How is the chapter.

I think I am little near to ur expectations.

So happy to give update.
If nay mistake kindly forgive.

I don't know I just typed it down

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Stay safe

Stay happy.

With love

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