chapter 51

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Avni woke up in the evening with a severe head ache. ...head...

Avni opened her eyes a saw Neil coming towards her.

Neil: finally...

Avni looks at him.

Then held her head in both hands.

Neil took a glass from the side table and forward it to Avni.

Avni looks at him raising an eyebrow.

Neil: lemonade...for Hangover.


Avni was about ask something to him.but Neil stopped her by placing his finger on her lips.

Avni shiver under the touch.neil noticed it and beautiful smile appeared on his lips

He looked at his finger and then to her eyes..which is already looking at her.

Neil moved his head forward.their face is inches apart.

Neil: no more questions.drink it first.

Neil sighs.

Avni took the glass from him.

Then he realised his finger is still on her lips..
With in fraction of second he took it back.

Neil(in mind):man..get a grip......but her lips was so soft........?Neil.....have a control man.

Avni finished her drink.and looked at Neil who seems to be lost in deep thoughts.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: haa...

Avni: any problem..?

Neil: no..nothing why did u asked.

Avni: I saw u in deep thoughts.

Neil shrugged it off.

Avni: what happened ? This lemonade..

Neil: u just got drank.


Neil closed his ears with his hand.
Neil: stop shouting woman.

Avni: Neil stop lying okay. I never drinks.

Neil:it happened accidentally.

Avni: huh?

Neil: down everyone is waiting for u.

Avni nods ..and went into washroom to get fresh.

When she came back she found the room empty.

She changed her dress. and wore and knee lenght full sleeve top with a legging .

She went down.she saw a lot people.suddenly she saw her mother and nanno.

Neela's back was visible to her.avni runs to her and hugged her from back keeping her head onher shoulder.

Neela frightened when she felt a sudden hug but soon relaxed when she realised it's her daughter.

Neela smiled and kept her hand on avni's cheeks.

Every one looks at them .Neil felt so happy.
Neela felt something wet inner hands.

She released her self from the hug and looked at Avni.

She cupped avni's face.

Neela: bacha...

Before neela could complete her sentence Avni again hugged her her life depends on her.

It's true Avni missed her mother very much.since childhood neela is her constant companion along with Ali...she was always their for her..when ever she needed it.neela was the one who always made sure that Avni never misses her father.neela always tried to give her doesn't she didn't birth to Avni .but when Avni was give birth to the mother in neela.

Neela: what happened to my girl.

Avni took a deep breath.

Avni: nothing maa I completely fine.its just I missed u so much.

Avni broke the hug.

Avni: I was calling u all since yesterday but none of attended it.u don't know what all negative thoughts came in my mind.

Neela smiles

Neela: sorry baba.. actually we planned to give u a surprise.

Avni smiles.

Neil(in mind):oh god...after so many days finaly..she smiled...but still it's not complete smile...don't worry Mrs Khanna I will make u smile whole heartedly.

Avni then hugged nanno and kissed her on her cheeks inreturn nanno kissed her forehead.

Avni noticed that ali' is standing little far away from her.

Avni: Ali...

Ali: promise u won't hit me.

Avni: why wil I hit u..?

Juhi signed Ali to shut up.

Ali went to her.

Avni without wasting a second she hugged him.ali to reciprocate it.

Ali: damn it. Guys...I missed u a lot.after u all left our home become so silent.

They broke the hug.

Avni :I miised u too..

Juhi came to Avni and stood near her.

Juhi: seriously...before somebody was saying that..we don't let him in peace..

Ali sighed..

Ali: I was just joking..but I never thought that u all leave me .

His voice held a little sadness

Juhi:Ali...even I was just joking.

Avni:'s life...nobody will be their with us. Every one leaves us at certain point.

Ali: I know ..I know...

Later at night.

Everyone got seated to have lunch.

Neil is sitting beside Avni.
Maid served them their dinner.

Bebe: Neil ..Avni..we have booked tickets for ur trip

Neil: trip...what trip..

Saisha: honeymoon trip.

Hearing the word Avni started coughing..Neil who was beside her gaveherwater and rubbed her to ease her.

After some second Avni was back to normal.

Neil: u okay..

Avni nods..

She could a kind panic or in his eyes.

Neil looked back at Bebe.

Neil: honeymoon ...what r u saying's not possible I have to join back.and.....

He cut by Prakash.

Prakash: u don't have to I have already talked to ur superior .he said there no serious issue at present. According to ur holiday we have arranged the trip.

Neil: but dad...

Prakash: u don't have to take any tension everything is set.

Shwetha: Prakash ji if he don't want to go why r u forcing him...and u know it's not any normal marriage.

Bebe: Normal ya abnormal...Avni is his wife...and our daughter in law their isn't any change for that..

Shwetha kept quite as she thought it's waste to talk with bebe at present.

Vidyut: it's not fair dad...I am also ur son.

Juhi gave him a glare

Prakash smiles.

Prakash: Don't worry my son.. actually if I send u also it wil affect mishti's education..we have already changed her from her previous school....u can go for trio on her vacation.

Vidyut nodded.

Mishti:neela maa..

Neela : haaa.

Mishti: r u going to stay her.

Neela : no beta.. neela maa have a house her.

Mishti: how many home do u have.

Neela smiles at her

Neela: actually the one I am going to stay is my real home.where I grow up.

Mishti nodded her head.

Neela Ali and nanno left bidding .

After dinner Neil went to bebe's room.

Neil: Bebe...what's the need for it.

Bebe: I have bp.

Neil looked at her saw that she is holding a tablet in her hand.

Neil: not the tablet it's about the trip.

Bebe: oh honeymoon...why ....u r not excited.

Neil: Bebe....

Neil released a sigh.

Bebe indicates him to come closer.

Neil went to her .she made him sit on the bed and she sit near him.

Bebe: go Neil...spend some time with her.....take her to date....make it romantic..

Neil: Avni and's impossible.

Bebe: deep inside she is a girl Neil...behind that arrogance there is still a sweet cute Avni find her... I am sure she is waiting for her prince charming.

Neil smiles at her and wished a good night.

At the same time.

Shwetha entered in Neil's room and saw Avni.. searching something in the cupboard.

Shwetha: what do u want?

Avni: ji...

Shwetha: what do u want ....that u came into my son's life.

Avni stood their silent

Shwetha:I am not one who will fall for ur innocent drama.

Avni: I am not doing any drama.

Shweta: I will kick u out of my son's life soon.

Shwetha was about leave the room at the same time Neil reached near the room.

Avni: just a minute.

Shwetha and Neil stopped moving.

Avni: I know u r angry with me.i understand..but pls don't show it to Neil. He is expressing it but he is really hurt aunty.u r angry with him for marrying me right. He married so that the people won't point their finger on me. Aunty u r the one who brought him up with this quality. Ur upbringings. Pls aunty atleast talk to one can replace a mother

Saying Avni went into washroom.

Shwetha looked at the closed door of the washroom and left the room.

Neil who was standing outside hide behind the pillar.

He felt so happy that Avni is able understand his feelings

Neil : Avni...I love u...

Sorry for being late

Got stuck in some problems.

Pls ignore mistakes....I didn't got much time to edit this part

I would like to dedicate this chapter to


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I really happy to know that u guys really like my story..

A thanks everyone who reads .. comments and votes to my story..

Thank u so much

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I will try to update soon.

I hope u all safe

Take care

With love

Underground 22

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