Chapter 21

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                    Playlist for AvNeil
       ● Khamoshiyan| Khamoshiyan

One week passed since Avni forgave Aditya. And Aditya and Avni started speaking to each other more often now. Aditya always greeted Avni whenever he saw her. They developed a great friendship in this one week.

Meanwhile Avni and Neil too spoke over the phone where this two had some talk.


Aditya sat in his office cabin and typed in his laptop but after typing for sometime he stopped.

He rested his head on the chair and let out a deep sigh.

He took out his phone and went to the contact list section, he typed Avni's name and her name came on the screen.

He got up from his chair and walked towards the glass window. He leaned on the window and recalled his moments with Avni. A smile came to his lips.

Aditya: What is happening. I can't live without talking to her these days

Aditya massaged his forehead and shut his eyes, that's when there was a knock at the door.

Aditya: Come in

DD entered with some files, aditya kept his phone on the table and got back to work.


Avni was in her room she was walking back and front when shewta entered.

Avni: Maa. Ur here

Shewta: Avni i came to remind u that tomorrow is saisha's wedding and so tonight we all will go to pune. Pack your things fast

Avni: Ok. Maa, will neil come

Shewta: He said he will try to come

Shewta: I will leave now, i have a lot of work

Avni nodded and shewta left from her room.


It was in the evening. Avni was in her bathroom, she was washing her face, but when she closed her eyes to splash the water on her face aditya's face came in her mind. She opened her eyes with a jerk.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she was very confused.

Avni: What was that.............. aditya.............ji........... no........... i am over thinking

Avni took the towel and soaked the water from her face and came out from the bathroom, she closed the door and as soon as she turned she saw Neil sitting on the sofa busy staring at his phone screen.

Avni gasped and she shook her head in negative.

Avni: He can't be here

Avni closed her eyes and then opened them, she saw Neil sitting there on the sofa.

A bright smile came to her face and she kept smiling.

Avni: Neil

Neil looked up and saw Avni standing there smiling widely. He smiled.

Neil: Avni........... how r u

Avni: Neil u r back

Neil: Yes

Avni: Neil

Avni got very happy while he too smiled.

Neil: I came for saisha's wedding. Took leave for a few days

Avni smiled while he too smiled and she kept staring at him.

Neil: Avni

Neil snapped his fingers in front of her face and she came back to sense.

Neil: Avni did u pack ur things.

Avni: I did

Neil: Pls pack my things also, i have to make one important call

Avni nodded ok and he smiled. Avni turned to go but suddenly she slipped as her foot was wet. Neil caught her in the right time.

Neil's hands were around her waist while she held his shoulders. Both shared an eyelock.

After sometime Neil left Avni and she quietly moved from there towards the cupboard she quickly opened the cupboard.

Avni did not turn back while Neil looked at her and smiled, then left the room. While after Neil left the room, Avni turned back and smiled shyly.


It was around 8:00 pm. Prakash and Shewta were in the hall when Neil and Avni came down with their bag.

Shewta: R u two ready. Avni when will neela ji come

Avni: She is coming

That's when the doorbell rang, shewta opened the door and aditya entered. He saw Avni then his eyes felt on Neil.

Aditya: Neil

Aditya went to Neil with a smile and Neil too hugged him.

Neil: Bhai, how r u

Aditya: Good, how r u

Neil: Good

Aditya smiled while Neil too smiled, but he was little surprised looking at his brother's changed behaviour.

Shewta: Aditya, u go n quickly freshen up

Aditya: 20 mins

Aditya went to his room while going he turned and looked at avni then left to his room.

Neil: Mom, bhai will come with us

Neil was surprised and shocked as after the incident Aditya had never attended any marriage or functions be it of anyone. He had even skipped Neil's wedding functions. But now he was going to go with them. Shewta and Prakash smiled.

Shewta: Yes, he will come with us, he agreed by himself

Neil was shocked while shewta was smiling.

Neil: But mom, how

Shewta: One angel changed everything

Shewta said looking at Avni smiling, Neil looked towards her, who was busy with the bags. He looked at her surprisingly then turned to shewta.

Neil: Mom, avni

Shewta: Yes, even i am surprised but, avni changed aditya, he doesn't drink like before now, he has food with us, he is smiling again. My son............. my adi............. do u remember about the surprise i said.............. this is that............. ur brother is smiling again............. he has become like before

Shewta smiled happily while Neil listened to her then looked at avni surprisingly who was not aware that he is watching her.

That's when Neela entered and Avni saw her and ran to her happily and hugged her.

Avni: Maa

Neela: Baacha how r u

Avni: Good

Neela greeted Prakash and shewta, she then hugged Neil.

After sometime they got ready to leave. Neil, Avni and Neela were in one car, while Prakash and Shewta sat in Aditya's car.


Neil was driving while Avni sat beside him, he looked at her who was looking straight in front. She turned to him and he looked front.

Avni: Were u looking at me

Neil: No

Avni: Neil

Neil: Yes

Avni shook her head and looked front with a small smile.

Neil: Avni, whatever mom said, is it true

Avni: What do u mean

Neil: Avni i am surprised to see bhai smiling again. He has become like before. Mom said it is because of u, is it true

Neil looked at Avni then turned front who stared at him for sometime.

Avni: No. I did not do anything. I only said him that, he should try to............. live once more............. to move........... on

Neil looked at Avni who gave a small smile then looked front. Neil too looked front. Neela who was sitting behind looked at both of them, specially Avni.

She kept looking at Avni for sometime observing the conversation. Then she brushed it off.

The journey continued and they soon reached pune. Both the cars entered a beautiful house which was decorated. Many decoration things were lying on a corner. All of them got down from the car and rang the doorbell.

One old woman opened the door and smiled seeing them.

Shewta: Harleen ji

Harleen: Shewta, finally u all came

They smiled and Harleen greeted them. They all entered and harleen showed them the guest rooms.

As they all were tired they went to their rooms to freshen up.


Neil and Avni went to their room. Neil sat on the bed and let out a sigh. Avni opened the bag to take some clothes. Neil looked at her.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Yes

Neil: The surprise which u were talking about, was that about bhai

Avni looked at Neil and she nodded yes.

Neil: U know avni, i am very surprised. Bhai is back again, like before............. i am very happy............. i don't know what magic u did............. but............ thanks............. i always thought when he will smile

Neil gave her a smile while she too smiled seeing him happy.

Avni quickly went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. She recalled Neil's smile, and she smiled.

Avni: Neil for this day only, i worked so hard. To see u smile, because of ur brother (happily)


Neil was in the area where all the functions were going to take place, everything was decorated while a few items were left and were lying on the ground. He was talking to someone on the phone.

That's when Avni walked to him and she stood near him. He cut the call and turned to her.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Yes

Avni: U remember, u said that u have something to tell me

Neil: I said

Avni: Yes. U said u will say when u will return

Neil looked at her for sometime, while she was waiting for him to say.

Neil: Avni............... actually.............. i was missing u.............. that time.............. don't know why................... n i said i have to tell u something but............. i don't have anything to say

Avni gave him a small smile. While they were standing Aditya was walking from here to there when he saw Avni and Neil standing together at a distance. He looked at them and a small smile came to his lips.

But then saisha came from behind shouting and all three of them turned.

Saisha: Bhaiya

Saisha hugged aditya and he too hugged her back. Neil and Avni came to her. Saisha then hugged Neil then Avni.

Saisha: Bhaiya, finally u two came. I thought u two will skip my wedding

Neil: How we would have skipped our lovely sister's wedding

Saisha smiled while Neil, Avni, Aditya also smiled.

Saisha: Aditya bhaiya, i am meeting u after so long. Last time i met u, u did not speak to me properly

Aditya: Did that happen

Saisha: Bhaiya

Aditya chuckled and pulled saisha's cheek.

Saisha: Avni bhabhi, u will have to help me tomorrow

Avni smiled and all of them went inside.


Avni and Neil were in their room as they had to sleep.

Avni: Neil, will u sleep on bed

Neil: No, i will take sofa. U take bed

Avni nodded and Avni slept on bed while Neil on sofa.

Next morning Neil woke up and lazily opened his eyes, he woke up yawning and saw Avni who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. A smile curved his lips.

But then there was a knock at the door, it was shewta.

Neil looked at the door then at Avni. He got up from the sofa. He got tensed. He quickly placed his pillow and blanket on bed. Avni was still sleeping.

He then went and opened the door. Shewta came inside.

Shewta: She is still sleeping. I came to tell u two that the functions will start early, so come down fast

Neil nodded and Shewta went away. Neil sighed and he slowly laid on the bed as he was tired after shewta suddenly came. He laid beside Avni and sighed again.

Neil: Today i would have got caught

Avni who was still sleeping turned to Neil's side and placed her hand on his chest. He looked at her who was still sleeping peacefully.

He took her hand and was about to place it on the bed when suddenly he saw her, she was still sleeping, he looked at her and went near her face, slowly. He got lost looking at her when suddenly she opened her eyes.

She saw him staring ar her, she looked at him and then realised he was holding her hand. She got up followed by Neil. She looked at him and he too looked at her.

Neil: Avni............ don't think anything wrong............. i............

Avni: Did u sleep on bed

Avni asked Neil looking at him while he shook his head.

Neil: No. Actually mom came suddenly, so i came to bed

Avni: Alright. I thought u slept on bed (smiles)

Neil: No. I did not. I won't betray Riya

Avni looked at him and then smiled, he too smiled.

Neil: Mom told to go down soon

Avni nodded and Neil went to the bathroom.


After sometime Avni and Neil came down and everyone were already present there. Many people had gathered and people were coming and going. Avni saw Neela and went to her.

Avni: Maa

Neela: Baacha, how r u

Avni: Good

That's when Aditya came and passed Avni a smile and greeted Neela. But then harleen came and took Neela away for some help.

Aditya looked at Avni and smiled, she too smiled.

Aditya: Avni, thanks, for helping me. U know............ i did not even attend neil's wedding functions............. i feel bad. But now, i will enjoy to the fullest........ i am glad i came

Avni smiled and he too smiled, while he got lost looking at her.

Then a girl came to call them for haldi ceremony. Avni left followed by Aditya.


Everybody were applying haldi to saisha when Avni came. She applied haldi while after her Aditya came. He smiled and applied haldi on her cheek.

That's when Neil too came and applied haldi but as the place was little crowded, after applying haldi when Neil turned to leave he collided with Avni. They both shared an eye lock.

Aditya turned back after applying haldi but his smile vanished after his eyes fell on Avni and Neil. He looked at them and then a small smile curved his lips, he left.

They both stepped back. That's when shewta came to Avni.

Shewta: Avni, there is one bowl of haldi in the room, bring it

Avni nodded ok and left to bring the bowl. She entered the room and saw the bowl kept on the table she took it and walked outside.


Neil was coming at that time from the other side, and as Avni was walking a few kids came running and they passed near Avni but unknowingly one of them pushed her and she was about to fall when Neil held her in right time and prevented her from falling.

His hands were wrapped around her waist.
They both shared an eyelock. Their faces were very close. They could feel each other breath.

Meanwhile Neela was coming searching for Avni. Then her eyes fell on them. She gasped.

Neela: These two

Neela was standing at a distance she smiled and was about to go when she saw Aditya coming.

The same time Aditya was walking from there talking on his phone when his eyes felt on them, who were on the other side. He looked at them for sometime, then he gave a weak smile and left from there.

Suddenly Neil's phone rang breaking the eye contact. He took the call and Avni looked at him and went from there.

But there was someone who was watching them, Neela. She looked at the direction where Neil and Avni were, then at the direction where Aditya was standing. She just looked on.

Neela: Why was aditya sad

Neela was confused but she brushed it off and left.


This was chapter twenty one.

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