Chapter 24

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Avni was sleeping peacefully on her bed when the sunrays entered through the window and fell directly on her face, waking her up from her sleep.

She lazily opened her eyes and sat on the bed yawning, when her eyes fell on Neil. He was sleeping peacefully, she looked at him for sometime, and a bright smile curved up her lips. She recalled about their mall visit and moments last night and smiled.

Avni: Neil (dreamily)

Then suddenly her eyes fell on the small clock kept on the side table, and she got up with a jerk.

Avni: Today he has to join again, he has a morning flight, he will get late

Avni walked up to Neil and tried waking him up, but he was still sleeping. She kept calling him but of no use.

As Avni was calling him, he suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, because of which she fell on top of him. He hugged her and was still sleeping while Avni got shocked. She tried to free herself but then she stopped as her eyes fell on him.

He was sleeping peacefully and she smiled looking at him. She got lost looking at him when slowly he opened his eyes. He got shocked seeing her so close and got up with a jerk freeing her from his grip.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Neil i......... i was trying to wake u up. U will get late, u have a morning flight

Neil looked at her who passed him a small nervous smile, he then got up.

Neil: I will come out soon, pls keep my things ready

Avni nodded and went towards the cupboard while Neil went to the bathroom.


Neil and Avni came down and shewta, prakash and Aditya were present on the dinning table while kamla served them. They both sat on their chair.

Shewta: Neil u r joining again from today

Neil nodded while Avni served him, she then turned to her plate, when she noticed aditya was lost in his thoughts.

She looked at him then turned back to her plate.

Prakash: Puttar for how long r u leaving

Neil: One month or more

They had their conversation but the entire time Aditya did not say anything and quietly had his food. Avni only looked at him now and then.


Aditya came out and was about to get in his car when Prakash stopped him.

Prakash: Adi today i will go with u, we have to discuss the project today

Aditya nodded and waited near the car while prakash turned back and Neil came out followed by Avni.

Prakash and Neil shared a hug and had some conversation. While Avni stood beside Neil.

Aditya and Avni were standing, while then Aditya and Avni's eyes met.

Aditya looked at Avni with a straight face without breaking the eyelock. But then Avni looked down and Aditya turned his face.

Neil and Aditya hugged while then Aditya got in his car followed by prakash and they drove off.

Avni looked on confused while Neil walked up to her.

Neil: Avni drop me till airport

Avni nodded and both got in the car. While Avni drove and Neil sat beside her.


As they both were in the car there was complete silence as none of them spoke. Then Avni broke the silence.

Avni: Neil, u know, i enjoyed very much yesterday, thanks for going with me

Neil turned to her while she passed him a bright smile then looked front. He looked at her then turned front and smiled.

Avni: Neil, i wanted to ask u when will u return

Neil looked at Avni surprised while Avni looked straight front trying to hide her shy smile. Neil then turned front smiling.

Neil: U look very happy (smiling)

Avni: I am ( shy smile)

Neil looked at her and smiled while she kept looking straight on the road.

Neil: N what is the reason of being so happy

Avni: Because Neil i think that finally somehow u and i can (excited)............

Avni paused in between and bit her tongue while Neil looked at her surprised.

Neil: Why did u stop

Avni: No......... no......... nothing

Neil looked at her then turned front smiling softly. While Avni tried to hide her blushing face.    


They reached airport, both got down and Neil took his bag and both walked a few steps.

But then Avni's smile dropped as she saw Riya waiting there for Neil.

Neil smiled and walked up to Riya and both hugged. Breaking the hug Riya turned to Avni and smiled. Avni with great difficulty managed to smile back.

Avni then looked at Neil who was standing beside Riya.

Avni: Riya........... u.......... r.......... here

Riya: Yes, Neil and I are in the same flight

Neil: Good that i got her in the same flight

Riya turned to Neil and smiled while Neil too returned her a smile.

Neil: Ok avni, we will leave now

Avni only stood there but then she smiled and then waved bye to both Neil and Riya.

They passed her a smile and both went inside. While Avni stood there looking at them till both of them vanished from her eyesight.

Her face was sad and she slowly turned and walked towards the car taking baby steps.

She reached near the car and and got inside.
She sat there for sometime then smiled weakly.

She then started the engine and drove off.


Other side Aditya, Prakash, dd and a few more people were sitting inside the conference room.

Aditya: I hope everything is clear

Person1: Yes mr khanna everything is clear

Person2: Then we will go on floor from next month

Prakash: Yes, sounds good

They all got up and shook hands. Then they all left the room.


Other side Avni reached khanna mansion, she got down from the car and walked straight inside to her room.

And as she reached her room, she fell on her knees and slowly tears started falling from her eyes.

Avni: Why avni............ why.......... why did you forget that Neil is Riya's love........... they both love each other so much............ what did u think avni.............. how could u think............. neil had told me about his condition before marriage and i agreed to it by myself, with my own wish............ then why r u behaving this way.............

Avni weeped her tears with her palm but she was sobbing. She smiled sadly.

Avni: Neil is so happy when he is around riya............ he always searches for reasons to be with her (smiles).............. what ever is happening is good............. i should get punished for the crime i committed............... wish i had not committed that mistake then today papa would have been here with me, with maa............. i am responsible for all this............ because of me now Neil is stuck........... i have become a thorn in Neil and Riya's life........... i.............

Avni could not speak further as tears kept falling from her eyes.  


It was at night Avni was sitting in front of her window, cold wind blew, her face got hit with the fresh cool air. But Avni was sitting lost in her thoughts, her eyes fixed in one direction. 

But then she came back to sense as she heard, shewta calling her from down, from a long time for dinner.

She quickly went down and saw shewta was about to come up.

Shewta: Avni, i am calling u from so long, what happen

Avni: No.............. nothing

Shewta: Avni, is everything ok......... ur voice is so broken

Avni: No........... nothing maa........ just due to the weather

Shewta: Ok, then come fast

Shewta went and Avni followed her. They both sat, while aditya and prakash were already present on the table.

Avni quietly served herself and begun to eat while prakash and shewta were busy with their conversation.

Meanwhile Avni looked up and saw aditya looking at her but then he suddendly looked down and started eating.
Avni also looked down. Avni found Aditya stealing glances at her several times but she did not look at him as she was very sad.


Avni went to her room and stood in front of the window, feeling the cold air.

She then turned and went to her bed, she sat on her bed and stared at the sofa. She smiled.

Avni then covered herself with the blanket and soon felt asleep.


Two days had passed. Avni composed herself from thinking about Neil and Riya. But she could not stop herself from getting sad. While Aditya kept ignoring her.

Meanwhile Avni was in the kitchen cutting vegetables.

Kamla: Madam, pls ask adi sir what he wants to eat for lunch

Avni: Didn't he say

Kamla: No madam, he did not even take breakfast today. N shewta madam is also not at home

Avni looked at Kamla confused while then Avni went to Aditya's room. Avni knocked at his door.

Aditya: Come in

Avni walked in and saw Aditya was very busy typing in his laptop.

Aditya: Kamla, i told u i don't want anything

Avni: Why

Aditya stopped typing listening the voice and looked up, and saw Avni standing.

Aditya: U

Avni: Yes. Aditya ji, i came to ask what will u have for lunch

Aditya: I don't want anything

Aditya did not look at her and kept typing in his laptop. Avni looked at him confused.

Avni: Aditya ji, u r not even looking at me

Aditya: I don't want to

Avni: Aditya ji, why r u behaving like before

Aditya: Shut up n leave. I can't waste my time with u

Avni: What. Aditya ji what happened, why r u ignoring me from the past weeks, earlier we two were so good friends

Aditya: Will u leave

Aditya shouts looking at her shocking Avni.

Avni: Aditya ji

Aditya: Avni i said leave

Aditya shouts standing up, while Avni gets scared, her eyes becomes teary and she runs out from the room.  

Aditya watches her leave and shuts his eyes with a frustrated face.


Avni sat in her room, holding her knees with her hands, as tears fell from her eyes.

Avni: Why.......... why.......... i know neil doesn't love me, he will never............ but i thought at least i found a friend here, i thought aditya ji and i will be good friends.......... i thought.............. i succeeded in making shewta maa happy and fulfilling her dream but............ no.............. aditya ji is like before............... i know he too will never forget his past............. but........... everything is messed up.............. sorry shewta maa

Avni buried her face on her knees and cried.


Aditya was in his office room, sitting on the chair, his eyes shut tightly and squeezing his forehead with his fingers. Then there was a knock at the door.

Aditya: Come in

Dd entered and aditya looked at him disinterested.

Dd: Sirji, Mr shinde from shinde group of companies, he wants to know when u r free to talk about the deal

Aditya: Didn't u give him the time which i told u to

Dd: Sirji but we had to change the plan because of yesterday's meeting

Aditya sighed while dd looked at him confused.

Aditya: Tomorrow 11 am. Tell him

Dd: Ok sirji

Dd left while Aditya rested his head on the chair looking at the ceiling. He took a deep breath.

Aditya then took his phone and searched Avni's name in contact list. As her name came on screen, he caressed her name through the screen. His face was sad.

Aditya: I am sorry Avni

Aditya then thought for sometime and finally dialled Avni's number.


While Avni was standing near the window, she went near the table and as she picked her phone and saw the caller id, she got angry. She swiped green.

Avni: How dare u call me

Aditya: Avni

Avni: Do not take my name. I hate u

Aditya: Avni

Avni: What do u think u can shout on me whenever u want

Aditya: Avni, i did not want to shout at u. I am sorry avni

Avni: Aditya ji ur sorry.............

Aditya: Avni i truely did not want to shout at u, i am very sorry. Pls forgive me

Avni did not say anything while Aditya was sad, after sometime he cut the call and sat back on his chair sad and tired.

Avni on the other side only stared at her phone. A drop of tear escaped her eye.

Avni then dialled Neil's number but it was not reachable. She kept the phone down on table.


Aditya was sitting on his chair with a sad face, he then got up from the chair and went near the glass huge window and stood in front on it, placing his hand on the glass window. He looked outside.

Aditya: I am sorry avni, i did not want to shout at u........... but what can i do........... whenever u r around me.......... i........... i don't know what to do............ i don't know how i am going to manage this............ how i am going to stop my feelings............. but i will............ i will..............

Aditya closed his eyes then opened them.


One week had passed Aditya and Avni did not speak to each other. Though both stole glimpses at each other whenever they came face to face.

Avni did call Neil many times, most of the time he did not pick up, and when he did, he cut the call after 2-3 minutes. Avni too stopped feeling bad about it, she dialled his number only to hear his voice and ask how he is doing.

Avni stood in front of the window of her room, she looked outside and finally dialled Neil's number.

Neil: Avni

Avni: How r u doing Neil

Neil: I am good, how r u

Avni: Fine

Neil: Avni.......... i.......... u know i am happy u called

Avni: Really

Neil: Yes

Avni smiles listening this while Neil too smiles.

Neil: Avni i wanted to ask u, which color do u like

Avni: Orange

Neil: Ok

Avni: Why

Neil: Actually........... actually i want to gift something to riya and both of your choices are similar, so

Avni: Oh, ok............ neil can i tell u something

Neil: What

Avni: Riya n u look beautiful together

Neil: Ok, i will call u later

Avni smiled and Neil cut the call. Avni kept the phone on the side table and looked outside feeling the cold air.

Avni's POV

I know Neil loves Riya and she also loves him. They too are happy together. I am happy as well. I am happy for them.

End of POV

Avni smiles and closes her eyes feeling the cold air.

It was at night Avni, shewta, and prakash were sitting on their chairs, in dinning, having their dinner when Aditya came and sat. Avni looked at him and immediately looked back to her plate.

Prakash: Adi, how is your work going in office

Aditya: Everything is good, this new deal will be very profitable

Prakash: Good. Adi, i wanted to ask, u that, u r looking after 85% of work in our business, doesn't that get hectic

Aditya: It does but i am good

Prakash: Yes but still, it is hectic to look after everything alone

Aditya stops and looks at Prakash and his very sweet tone.

Aditya: Dad

Shewta: Adi, so we were thinking something. How about avni joins u in your work

Aditya: What

Avni and Aditya both look at shewta and prakash confused.

Shewta: Adi, actually i thought something, that, adi i am noticing that from the last five years u have been working continuously and also u have taken khanna industries to a greater height............ but adi............ don't u think u r doing everything alone............ i mean............. yes prakash ji is there........... he looks after the work as well........... but............. i was thinking how about avni joins our business

Avni looks at both of them shocked and gets confused what to say.

Avni: I............ how........... no........... no........... i cannot do this

Shewta: Avni u can............ tell me your qualification

Avni: I have done MBA

Shewta: Then, and also neela ji had told me that u had topped your college. It will be good if you will join our business avni

Prakash: Yes avni puttar, we two were thinking this from a long time. See i know adi is perfect in his work and he looks after everything in our business. But avni i would love if u will join our business

Avni: But how can i............

Shewta: Avni u can. N see i cannot join because i am not aware of anything. But u can............ n avni, neil will be so happy to know that his wife has joined our family business

Avni looked at shewta who was very excited and so was prakash. While Aditya only looked on.

Avni: But.............

Shewta: Avni this will be very good............... it will be good for our company and also avni.............. u know that because of neil's profession he has to stay out for months................ i know u feel lonely.............. and this way u will make good use of your time

Avni looked at shewta who was trying her best to convince Avni.

Avni: But maa

Shewta: Avni pls agree to it

Avni: (thinks) Maybe maa is right this way, i will stop feeling sad and also............ i will lessen the burden from prakash papa's shoulders............. i can surely keep this words of shewta maa........... she looks so happy............. i cannot disappoint her................ n also i think neil will also feel happy about it.................. he will be so happy when he will know that i have joined his family business

Avni's chain of thoughts gets broken by Shewta.

Shewta: Avni what happen

Avni: Maa i

Shewta thinks that she will say no and gets sad.

Avni: I will join

Shewta looks at Avni shocked she gets very happy and hugs Avni. Prakash also gets very happy. But Aditya was not happy, he only looked on.

Aditya: But mom, i don't need help.............. i can manage

Shewta: I know adi but.......... it will be good if she joins

Aditya: Mom i don't need help............ u know i can handle everything then why.......... i can manage everything..............

Prakash: Adi we know. N avni will not interfere in your work........... she will have her own branch...........

Aditya: But............

Shewta: What is wrong adi (confused)

Aditya: (thinks) U won't understand what is wrong

Prakash: Adi. Pls. It is for our own good. Avni puttar do u know, neil was never interested in business, he always wanted to become a pilot. When he was small he used to make paper plane and keep running in the entire house. He will be so happy when he will know this

Prakash smiles and hearing him Avni too gets a bright smile on her face.

While shewta too was very happy, it was Aditya who was not happy at all, he rather got lost in his thoughts.

Prakash: Ok so adi, the new resort which is in Lonavala, when r u planning to open it officially

Aditya: Next week

Prakash: Perfect. Avni puttar, u will be the one who will look after the lonavala resort and keep the records, and also from now on u are the one who will be looking after all our resorts. In short the resorts department is yours from now

Shewta: Yes and adi, u r leaving for lonavala day after tomorrow right

Aditya nodded yes confused and disinterested.

Shewta: Avni u will go with aditya

Both Avni and Aditya gets shocked hearing this and looks at shewta.

Avni: What

Aditya: What

Shewta: Yes

Prakash: Avni puttar from now on u will be looking after our resorts business so, u should go and know everything about it............ start from the lonavala one

Avni: But.......... papa.........

Prakash: Don't worry avni, adi will teach u everything.............. everything will be ok

Avni: But...........

Prakash: Actually avni i would have gone there with adi but............ i have to go to delhi to attend one important meeting and also after that i have to meet few more people........... so........... i will be able to go only on the official opening day............ but before that some paperwork are to be done..............

Avni: But...........

Shewta: Yes and it will be good............ u both brother and sister in law will get to know each other as well.............. since u two will be working together from now...............

Prakash: And avni no need to be nervous because adi will help u, and also, aman will be there, to help u

Avni looks at them then at Aditya who looks away.

Avni: But how can i.............

Aditya: Mom i don't think this is needed

Shewta: Adi............. if avni will be looking after the lonavala resort then its good if she goes there. She will also learn........... isn't it avni

Avni: I..............

Aditya: Mom

Prakash: Avni puttar, i will also join u, so no need to be nervous. I will go in the opening day.............. i am sure u will handle everything.............

Shewta: N avni its good also. Since, all day u sit at home, i know u feel lonely, avni it will be very good, that u will join our business and also u will not feel lonely now, u will stay busy

Avni only looks on not knowing what to say.

Shewta: So avni, u start packing ur things............... u will have to leave day after tomorrow. N then your new journey will begin

Shewta and Prakash were happy and excited. While Aditya was looking the other side, Avni only sat there looking at prakash and shewta then at Aditya.


Avni was in her room sitting on her bed recalling everything that happened downstairs.

Avni: I cannot go............ i cannot go with aditya ji.............. he doesn't even talk to me............ how

Avni then takes her phone and dials Neela's number.

Neela: Hello, avni, how r u

Avni: Maa......... i wanted to speak to u about something

Neela: What happen bacha

Avni tells her about everything that happened downstairs.

Neela: Avni, this is such a good news. They want u to join their family business...........

Avni: Yes maa but..........

Neela: Avni, i am very happy.......... u know what this means............ it means that they have accepted u completely............ i am so happy for u bacha............... u always wanted to do something like this right.............

Avni: Maa yes but...........

Neela: Avni what happen.............. u sound tense.............. is everything ok.............

Avni: Maa

Avni tells Neela about the Lonavala thing.

Neela: Avni if u don't want to go then say no............. i mean........... with aditya............

Avni: Maa.............. aditya ji isn't bad............. he is a nice person.............. but

Neela: I know bacha. But............. still.............

Avni: Maa, neil will be so happy to know this right

Neela: He will

Avni: N also everyone is so happy maa, especially shewta maa is so happy 

Neela: I know bacha............ but.......... do u think............ going with aditya............

Avni: Maa............ aditya ji isn't bad........... he is caring............ n also i am going there to start my work............. i will do my best to help khanna industries grow even more

Neela: I know u will........... today wherever aashish is, he is proud of u

Neela gets emotional while Avni smiles hearing this.

Avni: I will do this for ashish papa............ goodnight maa

Neela: Ok bacha, take care

Neela smiles and Avni cuts the call. She too smiles.

She then dials Neil's number but it was switched off.


Other side Aditya was in his room. He was standing near his window, looking outside, but he had anger in his eyes and was gritting his teeth.

Aditya: Why............. why............ the more i try to stay away from her.............. the more i get pulled towards her............ why............

Aditya shuts his eyes frustrated and then opens them.


This was chapter twenty four.

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