Chapter 26

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While Aditya stood there he looked at the direction where Avni went, he closed his eyes then opened them, he sighed and looked on with a sad face.

Aditya: Avni this is the reason i was ignoring u

Aditya took a glass of juice from the tray which the waiter brought he sat down on a chair sadly.


Other side Avni walked towards the bar counter and stood in front of the counter.

Avni: One glass of water

Waiter: Ok ma'am

Avni was moving her eyes right and left bitting her lower lips, with a shocked and confused face.

Avni: What was i doing, what was happening

Avni said frustrated, she closed her eyes then opened them, and then after sometime took out her phone from her clutch.

She took the phone and dialled Neil's number but it was switched off and Avni got busy with that.

Meanwhile a man came to the counter and stood beside Avni.

Person: One glass of vodka

The waiter quickly served it but soon that man got a call and he went away to receive it as in that area loud music was playing.

The waiter kept the glass on the table and got busy with his work.

Meanwhile Avni turned and saw the glass kept on the table, she thought it was her glass of water, which she had ordered and quickly consumed it and soon left from there.

While the waiter turned with the glass of water but after not finding her there he kept the glass on the table and got busy with his work.


It was late in the evening Aditya was searching for Avni, while now people started leaving as the party was over.

Aditya: Where is she

Aditya got scared and kept searching for her, while then he took out his phone and then searched Avni's name in the contact list and as her name flashed on the screen.

He stood there looking at the screen thinking if he should dial the call option or not.


Avni on the other side entered the resort and was walking here and there, she was not able to walk straight. She was making faces. And smiling weirdly without any reason.

While entering as she was walking going here and there her hand touched a vase and it fell down breaking into pieces. Avni stopped looking down and gasped.

Avni: Oh no, u felt, now aditya jiiiiiiiiiii............. will againnnnnnn.................. say that................. i................ am.................

Just then her phone rang she again made a face and took her phone. She looked at the screen and Aditya's name flashed on the screen.

She looked at the phone screen very carefully bringing the phone very close to her face. She gasped.

Avni: Oh no................ i told u............... look he again he will............... scold me.................

Avni said looking at the vase pieces on the ground and then turned back to the screen. She swiped green blinking her eyes.

Avni: Adi.................

Aditya: Avni were are u............ i have been searching u from such a long time.............. where r u

Aditya had both anger and concern in his voice. Avni again made a face.

Avni: Why r u scolding me.............. Chill..........

Aditya: Avni............... avni your voice................ what happened to your voice................

Avni: Nothing............... no........... no......... no............ nothing

Avni said and laughed while Aditya was completely confused.

Aditya: Avni where r u

Avni: Reeeeeeeee.............. sorttttttttt.............. see i reached before u..................

Aditya sighed hearing this and Avni cut the call.

Avni: Mad

Avni said and laughed and then kept walking while stumbling here and there.

Avni: My room............. my room............. why do i feel dizzy

Avni said holding her head and closing her eyes, then she reached her room.

She carefully looked at the door, and after scanning the door she entered inside.

After closing the door she walked to the bed stumbling and threw the clutch away.

She laid on the bed and looked at the phone which she was holding in her hand, she kept scanning the phone.


Meanwhile Aditya reached the resort he got down from his car and saw Aman outside. Aditya quickly went to him.

Aditya: Where is avni

Aman: Did ma'am return

Aman asked confused. Aditya glared at him and went inside.

Aditya walked towards her room but then stopped in front of her door. Aditya was confused wether to call her or not.

Aditya then heard Avni singing songs loudly with all wrong lyrics. He got completely confused and then sighed.

He stood there for sometime then left from there with a confused smile.

Avni was sitting on her bed singing loudly and swinging the pillow in the air. Then she stopped and again made a face.

Then she threw the pillow on the side and held her head tightly with her hands.

Avni: Why does my head pain so much

Avni screamed and then laid back on the bed. She then saw the phone which was lying on the side. She took it and again scanned it carefully.

Avni: Let me call Neillllllllllll.............

Avni said and as his number came on screen she looked at it carefully. She then dialled his number. While Neil received the call.

Neil: Hi Avni

Avni: Neillllllllllll

Avni shouted and Neil looked at the phone confused.

Neil: Avni..............

Avni: Neillllllllllllll..................... Neil (dreamy)

Neil: Avni............ what happened (smiles)

Avni: Neil i want to talk to u

Neil: Fine. But avni what happened to your voice

Neil asked confused while Avni too got confused.

Avni: What r u talking about

Neil: Avni............ avni............ r.............. u..........

Avni: Neil.............. i want to talk

Neil: Avni your voice................ avni did u.............

Avni: Neil.............. i want to talk

Neil was very confused while Avni played with her hair.

Avni: Neil where are you

Neil: Avni i landed sometime ago, i am in the hotel now, going towards my room

Neil said as he was walking towards his room, while Avni smiled.

Neil: But avni you..........

Avni: Neil............ i want to say that.............. i am missing u neil

Avni said with a sad face while Neil stopped hearing this. Then he smiled.

Neil: Avni.............. even i miss u............. i will meet u very soon (smiles)

Avni: Really........... Neil i...............

But as Neil was standing a person suddenly came running very fast and collided with Neil because of which his phone fell down on the ground.

The person stopped, both got shocked and Neil looked at him.

Person: I am very sorry

The person said and then ran way, like he was in a hurry. That person ran colliding  with other people as well.

While Neil stood there, he quickly picked up his phone and saw the screen went blank. He tried to start it but it did not start. He rolled his eyes and then looked at the blank screen.


While other side Avni laid on the bed, she did not realise that he was no more on the phone, she kept saying.

Avni: Neil............ i............. sometimes feel very sad................ u know.............. sometimes i feel that............... neil i................ like u............... no no............. i know u love riya alot................ i know u love her very much............... n neil i am very happy for u................ but..............

Avni's eyes were half close as she was lying on the bed. She got sad.

Avni: Neil u don't think anything.............. i know u had told me before about your condition................. i am ok neil............... i am completely ok................. i know i agreed to it with my own wish................. i know............. i know this is my punishment for my crime............. i know this very well...............

Avni fumbled while speaking as she was drunk.

Avni: But............... neil............ u know what i think.................. one day.............. u will get married to the person you love.............. i know riya and you love each other very much................. the way you are happy when around her............

Avni smiles sadly as now tears started to form in her eyes.

Avni: I know u two will be very happy together.............. but neil............ will u.............. will u divorce me................. u will............ u will divorce me neil................ because after.............. divorcing me only you will be able to get married again................ so........... u will............... neil i............... don't think i am trying to................. actually the thing is............... when i heard your condition.............. i never thought this part................. once riya agrees................. i will have to...............leave.............. i know mistake is mine................... i should have thought...............

Tears kept falling from Avni's eyes as she tried hard to speak without fumbling.

Avni: My head hurts................. neil........... i know that u love riya but............... after divorce i will have to leave................ that time.............. what will i say to................... maa............. what will i say her................ why i got divorce................. she will be broken to see that i................... neil i know i should have thought this before saying yes to u................. but neil............... u don't worry............. i will handle everything................... riya and you look good together.............. u two love each other............. neil i................... i am so sorry............ i don't know.................... what i started saying................. i am so sorry............... leave all this................. u must be tired............. take rest.................... neil............ i will handle everything............... i...............

The pillow got completely wet with Avni's tears as tears kept falling from her eyes.

She smiled sadly then closed her eyes as her grip on the phone loosened. The phone fell on the side as she felt asleep.


Next morning Avni was sleeping peacefully when sun rays entered the room through the window and felt directly on her face, disturbing her, as she then slowly opened her eyes.

She woke up and sat on the bed, yawning, while after that she held her head tightly with her hands.

Avni: Aaahhhh! My head, why does it pain so much

Avni sat there for sometime then looked around and saw the phone. She took it and gasped.

Avni: 9:50, oh no

Avni got up and quickly went to the bathroom. She came out after freshening up. She wore a beautiful knee lenght frock.

Avni walked outside she was still feeling little low, and was yawning, she saw no one and then came out in the front yard and saw Aditya and Aman sitting on the chairs discussing something with files kept on the table.

Avni stood there for sometime looking at Aditya then slowly walked towards them.

Aditya: Aman got what i said, see to it

Aman: Ok sir

Aman got up with the files, he saw Avni and greeted her, and then went away.

Avni then turned to Aditya who looked at her then got up and was about to leave when Avni stopped him.

Avni: Aditya ji, i am hungry

Aditya: Breakfast is in kitchen

Aditya said without looking at her and left from there while Avni yawned again.


Avni washed her hands after finishing her breakfast. She walked to her room.

Avni: Finally the headache is gone, but why did i get a headache, also i............ don't remember anything from yesterday.............. what happened.............. i............. went to the farmhouse then............. i............. i came to my room and slept.............. (she said confused)

Avni got blurred visions of the previous night and finding it very difficult to recall, she let it go.

She then got a call from Neela and got busy with that.


Meanwhile Aditya was sitting the the office cabin chair. He recalled about there dance and eyelock. He was lost in his thoughts.

Aditya: Avni was so normal, did she forget or................. leave it

Aditya said and saw Avni coming towards the cabin, while she entered he got up and left passing her, without looking at her.

While she turned and saw him leave, she got confused but let it go.


Avni was going through the files while chewing the tip of the pen.

Avni: How is this possible, i checked it two times but..............

Avni got up from the chair and when she saw Aditya passing through there.

Avni: Aditya ji

Aditya stopped and turned to her with a straight face.

Avni: Aditya ji, there is some problem, pls see this files

Aditya: Keep them i will see later

Avni: But

Aditya looked at her and she stopped aditya then left.


Avni was sitting in her room, on the bed.

Avni: I feel so bored, and all this work, he is doing everything, he doesn't even help me, then why am i here. I can do one thing, i can go for a drive

Avni said happily and got up from bed and walked to the office, Aditya was going through all the files. She went and cleared her throat. He looked at her.

Avni: Aditya ji, since u r doing all the work, i thought, i will go for a drive

Aditya looked at her while she said happily.

Aditya then turned back towards the files and got busy. Avni gasped.

Avni: Aditya ji

Aditya: Avni no need to inform me

Avni: Aditya ji, i told you because............. i cannot walk and go................

Aditya looked at her while she was looking at him with a pout. Aditya then rolled his eyes, then took his car keys and kept on the table.

Avni: Aditya ji, i wanted to say that............... i.............. want to go for a drive but i have never been to lonavala before, i don't know the roads here

Aditya: Yesterday u came alone

Avni: Yes but.................. i.............

Aditya looked at her, Avni got confused, then she hit her foot on the floor and then left taking the car keys.


Avni was driving the car, but she was only little far from the resort. She stopped the car.

Avni: Aditya ji is right, i don't remember but, i remember this that i did not come with him............... i think that was a cab

Avni tried to think but then she let it go and sighed.

Avni was only sitting inside when she saw a couple on bike passing by her. She looked at them and then smiled. She then took her phone and dialled Neil's number.

Neil: Hey avni, good u called, i was going to call u

Avni: Neil

Neil: Avni, u were saying something yesterday night, what was it

Avni: Me

Neil: Yes, my phone broke so i could not call u, i got it repaired just now

Avni: Oh, but was i saying something

Neil: Yes. U were saying something

Avni: Me

Avni got confused and got busy thinking but she could not recall.

Avni: Neil, i............... i don't remember

Neil: Avni................

Just then there was a voice from behind calling Neil and it was Riya. Avni got confused.

Avni: Neil who is that

Neil: Riya

Avni: Oh, i will call later

Neil: Ok

Avni cut the call and smiled sadly. She then drove back to the resort.


Avni stopped the car and got down. Meanwhile Aditya was in his cabin, on the phone.

Aditya: Dad, how is everything going, was the meeting good

Prakash: Everything is ok here adi, and the meeting also went well. How is everything there

Aditya: Good

Prakash: So we will be able to open the resort by the scheduled time right

Aditya: Yes dad

Prakash: How is avni doing her work

Aditya: Good, she works a lot (said rolling his eyes)

Prakash: Good. Shewta ji keeps telling me about avni and her work. I think she calls her a lot. Ok i will keep, have to go for the conference

Aditya cut the call when Avni entered his cabin.

Avni: The keys

Avni kept the keys on the table while both did not look at each other and looked here and there.

Aditya: Avni

Avni was about to go when she turned to him. She waited for him to speak.

Aditya: Avni i went through the files, you sign on them. N also look over the finance section

Avni nodded ok and walked towards the table when Aditya left. She turned and saw him leaving, she then turned front.


Avni was sitting in her room on the bed lost in her thoughts, when her phone rang, she picked up the phone. And Neil's name flashed on the screen. Avni got surprised.

Avni: Neil (smiles)

Neil: Hi avni

Avni: Neil, u called me

Neil smiles at Avni's reaction. While she also smiles but was surprised as well.

Avni: What r u doing

Neil: Getting ready to take off

Avni: Oh

Neil: I thought i haven't called u so i did

Neil smiles while Avni too smiles hearing this.

Neil: Ok avni, i will keep now

Avni: Ok

Neil cuts the call. Avni smiles looking at the screen.

Avni: Neil (smiles). Happy flying Neil


Next day Avni was in the office when Aditya entered. He saw her but ignored her.

Avni: Aditya ji, i have completed all the work

Aditya nodded with looking at her while Avni looked on.

Avni: Aditya ji, why r u ignoring me

Aditya does not say anything while Avni looks on.

Avni: Aditya ji, why r u behaving like old aditya ji, we two were such good friends but again u are

Aditya: Avni leave, i don't have time to waste

Avni: Aditya ji.............. why r u saying this way

Aditya: Avni leave

Aditya shouts shocking Avni and she leaves from there shocked and confused.


Avni was sitting on the chair in the open yard.

Avni: What happened to him, why is he behaving like before. I thought we two are good friends now but............. he is again behaving like before, what is the reason............. he was so cheerful in between............... but again..............  he is like before.............. but why...............

Avni sat there with a confused face. She sighed.


Avni was in her room she took her phone and dialled Neil's number. But his phone was switched off.

Avni: Maybe he is in flight

Avni kept the phone down and pouted but then recalled about his call last night and smiled. She looked out from the window feeling the cold blowing air.


It was late evening, Avni was in her room she was sitting on the bed, she tried calling Neil. Finally the phone was received.

Avni: Neil, i was calling u

Riya: Actually avni, its me

As soon as Avni heard the voice the smile from her face dropped.

Avni: Oh riya, how r u

Riya: I am fine, how r u

Avni: Good. Riya............... where is neil

Riya: Avni actually, he went to the washroom, neil and i came to a restaurant for dinner, he left his phone on the table

As soon as Avni heard this she got very sad.

Riya: Avni, r u there

Avni: Yes, o............. ok, i will keep now

Riya: Ok

Avni cut the call and sat there for sometimes, then slowly tears dropped from her eyes.

Avni: Avni, why, why do u forget that neil............... loves riya.............. its neil and riya............. i.............. i do and i will remember this...................

Avni weeped her tears and smiled sadly and sat for sometime, then she laid on the bed and closed her eyes.


The days passed this way Aditya was avoiding Avni while she tried to speak to him. He kept ignoring her. She did feel bad now. While along with feeling bad she was also surprised and confused at his behaviour.


Avni was sitting in the open yard speaking to Aman, some files were kept on the table.

Avni: Aman, see to it

Aman: Ok ma'am

Avni smiles and Aman leaves while Aditya came out, he was speaking on the phone.

Aman left after greeting Aditya why Avni and Aditya looked at each other then Aditya got busy with the call.


Avni was standing in front of the window, the weather was a cloudy one. Fast wind blew. Avni looked outside, she then took her phone and dialled Neil's number.

Neil: Hi Avni

Neil had a different tone in his voice, he was very happy.

Avni: Neil, how r u

Neil: I am good, how r u

Avni: Fine, where r u

Neil: Avni i am in the market right now

Avni: You sound very happy

Neil: I am

Neil smiles while Avni too smiles hearing this.

Suddenly she hears a voice behind and it was of Riya.

Riya: Neil come, i found something

Avni stops hearing her voice, her smiles drops.

Avni: Neil, is............. riya............. with you

Neil: Yes, we two came together to buy something, a special gift for a special person in my life Avni

Neil smiles while Avni too smiles hearing his excitement in his voice.

Avni: Right Neil. Ok i will call u later

Neil: Ok

Avni cuts the call and stares at the screen.

Meanwhile the weather started becoming even more bad, and it started pouring lightly.

Avni: I know neil, that riya is the special person in your life. I am happy for you, you and riya look great together

Avni said looking at the phone screen, she smiled sadly.


Meanwhile Aditya was in the office when Avni entered, he saw her and ignored her.

She came quietly and sat on the chair and began working in the laptop.

Aditya was about to go when Avni stopped him.

Avni: Aditya ji, i was thinking to make something, how about i make thai curry for you

Aditya looked at her with a straight face and was about to leave when Avni got up and stopped him.

Avni: Aditya ji, why r u ignoring me.............. you are behaving like before

Aditya looked at her while she was looking at him with a confused face.

Avni: Aditya ji, you don't even speak to me.............. aditya ji i am here to work but............. i need help............. u don't even tell me anything.............. whenever i enter the cabin u exit............... why...........

Aditya looked at her and was about to leave when Avni came and stood in front of him blocking his way.

Avni: Aditya ji, pls............. i cannot tolerate this anymore.............. what do you and your brother think................ u two cannot do this to me everytime................ i know i made a very big mistake because of which i am getting punished.................. but aditya ji you.................. why r u behaving this way................. from the time i told u about me and neil............. you r ignoring me more then before

Aditya: What do u want me to do

Aditya says with a straight face, while tears formed in Avni's eyes.

Avni: Nothing. I only want that u don't ignore me this way. Talk to me. Like before we two were friends the same way

Aditya looks at her while Avni smiles with great difficulty, as tears fall from her eyes.  

Avni: Aditya ji, now that i am here, i will need help to understand, all this are very new to me, aman helps me but............. you were looking after this resort u know very well................ and not only this resort, about the business, profit, work plan.............. everything, u know.............. pls help me with that

Aditya looks at her while tears kept fallimg from her eyes.

Avni: Maa and papa have great hopes from me, i don't want to put them down

Aditya looks at her while she forces a smile.

Aditya: Avni............. u always think about others happiness.............. do u ever think for yourself

Aditya says looking at her while she remains quite looking at him. He shook his head.

Avni: They r my life

Aditya: What about your life

Avni: Aditya ji pls stop all this............

Aditya: Really avni. Avni you got married to neil despite his condition only thinking that you are responsible for your...............

Avni: I am responsible

Aditya: You are not

Avni: I am

Avni shouts looking at Aditya while he looks at her.

Avni: I am aditya ji, i am. He died while saving me.............. wish i had never argued with him

Aditya: Avni (softly)

Aditya looks at her while she cries even more now.

Aditya: Avni

Avni: Aditya ji don't blame neil, i agreed with my own wish, maa had never asked me for anything this is the only thing she ever asked, how i would have said no.............. aditya ji i saw my mother crying alone

Aditya: But avni what about neil's condition,  he needs time so that riya can commit, avni did you ever thought what will happen when riya will say yes to neil for marriage (softly)

Avni started sobbing while Aditya looked at her, then turned his face.

Aditya: Do u like neil

Avni stops and looks at him while he turns his face towards her.

Aditya: Do u like neil

Avni looks at him then gulps and remains quite avoiding eye contact, while Aditya only looked at her.

Avni: This is not the time to discuss all this.................i am very sorry............... that i disturbed you aditya ji................ very sorry

Saying this Avni was about to leave when Aditya held her wrist to stop her but she got pulled towards him.

The weather got even more cloudy and thunderstorms occurred. The wind blew very fast, it started raining heavily.

She rested her hands on his chest, while he looked at her, she blinked her eyes due to the tears.

Aditya looked at her with mixed emotions, he was sad, he was angry.

Avni gulped and freed her wrist from his grip and slowly turned to leave.

Aditya stood there silently he closed his eyes tightly then opened them. He looked at Avni.

Aditya: Avni (softly)

Avni stopped and slowly turned to him while tears formed in his eyes too.

He pulled Avni by her wrist and pushed her against the table.

He then crashed his lips on hers, while Avni got shocked.

His both hands were holding tightly onto Avni's both the hands.

He deepened the kiss as tears fell from his eyes, while Avni did not respond to the kiss.

While finally after sometime he broke the kiss and Avni looked at him shocked. Tears kept falling from his eyes as he looked at Avni, then down.

Aditya: Avni i............

Avni shook her head looking at him and then ran away from there, while Aditya was not getting what to do, and then he ran after her to stop her.

This was chapter twenty six.

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