Chapter 36

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Avni and Neil were back in Mumbai.

Avni, Neil, aditya, shewta and prakash were in the dinning table, having their dinner.

Though shewta, prakash and Neil were busy talking.

Avni was silently having her food while she looked at Aditya few times, who looked at her then had his food.


It was late in the evening Aditya was sitting in a bar.

He had ordered a glass of whiskey and was sitting on the stool in front of the bar counter.

He held the whiskey glass with his hand and was lost in his thoughts.

Yaadon ki qaid mein
Giraftaar ho gaya dil
Darbadar ishq mein
Taar taar ho gaya dil

As he looked at one fix direction. His eyes were moist and reddish.

Bewajah nahi milna tera mera
Rehnuma, rehnuma, rehnuma.............

Bewajah nahi milna tera mera
Rehnuma, rehnuma, rehnuma..............

Suddenly a girl came and sat beside him.

Myra: Hi............... i am myra

Myra said extending her hand, Aditya looked at her then looked at other direction.

Myra: Hey handsome.................. if i know, u r aditya khanna right.................

Aditya didn't say anything and this time didn't even look at her.

Myra: I like u very much............... what about a dance with me.............

Aditya looked at her while myra gave a very charming smile.

Aditya looked at her then turned his gaze and drank the glass of whiskey at once.

He put the glass down on the table with a thud sound.

Aditya: One more

The waiter served him another glass of whiskey.

Aditya was about to drink that glass too when myra held his wrist with her hand.

Myra: Pls handsome

Aditya looked at her then at her hand, suddenly he had a flash of Avni.


Avni: Aditya ji................... pls don't drink............

The requesting Avni with an worried face.

Flashback Ends

Aditya placed the glass on the table with a thud sound.

Kisi aur ko tu chaahe
Kisi aur ko tu soche
Iss dil ko nahi ya gawarah hain

Furqat ka sharara hai
Kaisa angara hai
Teri tishngi ne mujhe maara hai

His eyes were red and moist as he gritted his teeth.

Bewajah nahi milna tera mera
Rehnuma, rehnuma, rehnuma..............

Bewajah nahi milna tera mera
Rehnuma, rehnuma, rehnuma...............

He then got up from his place, and left the bar.


It was at night Avni was standing in front of the window.

Suddenly her phone beep, she looked at the message and got little worried.

She then sighed, and kept the phone back on the table and again went near the window.

She looked outside and then the sky as cold wind blew.

She recalled her and Neil's moments in Goa.

A smile curved her lips as she closed her eyes feeling the cold air, as her hair blew.

Avni's POV

Tomorrow is a big day Neil.

Tomorrow i will tell you everything.

End of POV

Avni rested her head on the window side with her eyes closed.

That's when someone suddenly hugged her from behind.

Avni: Neil

Avni jerked and turned back and Neil was standing there. He smiled.

Neil: What happen wifey

Avni looked at Neil as he smiled. She smiled and then shook her head.

Neil tucked Avni's hair behind her ears as he spoke.

Neil: Lets sleep............. its late

Avni looked at him and nodded but as Neil turned she stopped him.

Avni: Neil

Neil turned back while Avni looked at him.

Avni quickly went to Neil and hugged him tightly.

He smiled and hugged her back. Avni rested her head and was lost in her thoughts.

Avni's POV

Tomorrow i will tell u everything Neil.

U will be shattered but.............. whatever your decision will be............... i will accept it.

End of POV

Neil: Avni

Avni slowly broke the hug and Neil smiled.

They both went to the bed and slept while Neil felt asleep.

Avni was awake and had moist eyes, she was lost in her thoughts and was recalling her moments with Neil.


The next morning Avni was in the bathroom, she was standing in front of the mirror, she splashed a lot of water on her face.

Her eyes were red and teary as tears kept falling down her eyes.

Avni: Neil today i will tell you everything............... i don't know how............. i will start................ what i will say but............. i will tell you everything today.................. after knowing maa and papa will hate me too...................

She paused as she puzzled for sometime while tears kept falling down her cheeks.

Avni: I............... always end up hurting people.................. first aashish papa............... maa............... aditya.............. now............ neil.............. why................... why............... i try to make someone happy but end up hurting that person.............. maa suffered so much because of me............... she will have to suffer again.................. sorry aashish papa..............

Avni cried as she splashed more water on her face.

As she rubbed her face with her hands, her eyes felt on the ring finger.

She had a beautiful ring on her finger which Neil had given her.

Avni: Neil

Avni muttered as she looked at the ring, suddenly she had a flash of Neil.


Back in Goa.

As Neil and Avni were riding the bike through the vacant street.

Neil stopped the bike and both Neil and Avni got down.

It was a beautiful beach, though the beach was vacant at that time.

Avni and Neil walked towards the beach as she smiled.

Avni closed her eyes opening her arms feeling the cold breeze.

Neil looked at her as Avni finally opened her eyes and turned to Neil.

Avni: What happen

Neil: I think this is the right time

Avni looked at Neil confused while then Neil bend down and sat on one knee.

He then took out a beautiful ring from his pocket.

Avni looked at him confused but then realised it was the same ring which he gave her during the night he confessed his feelings to her.

Avni: Neil this ring

Neil: Avni first time when i asked u, you were confused. Avni i told u i and this ring will wait............... and avni i think now it is the right time....................

Neil said while Avni kept looking at him.

Neil: I love u avni................ this ring is yours.....................

Avni looked at him as her eyes got moist.

Neil: May i

Avni looked at Neil as he forwarded his hand.

Avni extended her hand and Neil slipped the ring on her finger.

Tears rolled down Avni's eyes as she looked at Neil.

Neil got up and smiled while Avni looked at him with tearful eyes.

Before Neil could react Avni hugged him tightly. 

Avni: I love u neil................ i love u

Neil smiled and hugged her back, while Avni tighten the hug.

Neil: I love u too

Neil happily lifted Avni spinning her with joy.

Flashback Ends

Avni looked at the ring as tears kept falling down her cheeks.

Avni: Neil................

Avni fell on her knees while she held her ring finger with her other hand crying.

She hugged her hand which had the ring as she kept crying muttering Neil's name.


Neil woke up and slowly opened his eyes.

He got up and sat on the bed, he turned and saw Avni standing in front of the dressing table.

She was brushing her hair lost in her thoughts.

Neil looked at her and smiled, he slowly got up and walked up to her, and hugged her from behind.

Avni jerked and turned back while Neil looked at her.

Neil: Hey love.............. R u going somewhere

Avni nodded her head as she looked at him.

Neil: Where

Avni: Mall

Neil: Let me drop u

Avni looked at him and got little tensed.

Avni: But

Neil: What happen

Avni looked at him and then shook her head.

Neil: I will freshen up

Avni nodded and Neil left to the bathroom while Avni only looked on sad and worried.


Neil was driving the car while Avni sat beside him lost in her thoughts, clenching her phone tightly with her hands.

Neil looked at her confused as she was completely lost.

Neil: Avni.............. avni...............

As Avni did not respond, he shook her slightly.

She looked at him while he looked on confused.

Neil: What happen avni.............. all the way u were so quite

Avni looked at Neil as he pointed outside.

Avni looked outside and they were in front of the mall.

Avni looked at the mall then back at Neil.

Avni: No.................. nothing...............

Neil: Avni

Avni was about to go out when Neil stopped her.

Neil: Avni................ wait............ i am coming with u.............

Avni looked at him and then shook her head.

Avni: No i............... i will manage

Neil: But avni.............

Avni turned and opened the car door but before going she turned back and looked at Neil.

Avni quickly hugged Neil as she closed her eyes while Neil got confused.

Neil: Avni

Avni: I love u neil................ i love u..................

Neil got surprised at her sudden behaviour and Avni slowly broke the hug, her eyes were moist.

Before Neil could say anything, Avni quickly got out and ran towards the mall.

Neil: Avni

Neil looked on completely confused while then his eyes fell down.

It was a phone which was lying down under Avni's seat.

Neil looked at it and then picked it up, it was Avni's phone which fell down and she forgot.

Neil: Avni's phone................

Neil looked up but Avni was out of sight, she already went inside.

Neil got down from the car and looked around when the phone beep.

Neil looked at the screen but as soon as he looked at the screen he got confused.

It was a message from Aditya. Neil tapped on it.

Neil: Bhai's message

Neil opened the message folder and saw the message.

Come to the first floor

Neil looked at the message confused but then he scrolled up, and then he got completely shocked.

There were a lot of messages from Aditya and Avni too had replied him.

As Neil kept scrolling up and reading the messages.

Those were the old messages of them which Neil was reading.

Neil read the messages and stopped at the messages where Aditya had send Avni, I love you.

Tears formed in Neil's eyes as he read the messages. He was completely shocked.

Aditya had send many loving messages, and romantic poems, where as Avni had replied him with heart emojis.

Neil read the message where Aditya had asked her to speak to him.

He then scrolled down and read the new message.

Avni i too want to tell everything to Neil.

Meet me at the mall

He stumbled and stood with the support of the car. He looked towards the mall.

He recalled Avni's words that she is visiting the mall.

Neil looked on with the phone on his hand and tears in his eyes.


Avni entered the mall she was worried and lost.

Avni looked around then her eyes fell on Aditya.

He was standing on the first floor clenching the railing with his hands.

Avni looked at him who was looking at her with a straight face, he then left.

Avni looked on at the direction then followed.


At home prakash and shewta were in the hall.

While prakash was sitting on the couch and reading newspaper shewta was decorating a few things.

Shewta then went to the center table and placed a glass vase on the table with some plastic flowers.

Prakash: Shewta ji what r u doing

Shewta: Prakash ji i am thinking of calling an interior designer and changing a few things

Prakash: Change

Shewta: Yes............. now after sometime we will have grandchildren, so

Prakash: Grandchildren

Shewta: Yes prakash ji............. i am waiting for this news............... i want a grandchild  very soon

Prakash giggled while shewta and prakash got busy talking.

Suddenly their landline rang. Prakash went and picked it up.

Prakash: Hello

Girl: Hello, is this mr aditya khanna's house

Prakash: Yes

Girl: Hello sir, i am speaking from pune mall, sir i called to inform that mr aditya khanna has won the contest which our mall had organised, six days seven nights trip to bangkok, and he can come by tomorrow to receive the tickets

Prakash got little confused hearing this while shewta was standing at a little distance.

Shewta: What happen

Shewta asked prakash shouting as she came from the dinning table holding a jug of water.

Prakash: Contest.............. aditya did not go to pune in recent time and, contest.............. why will he participate in any contest................

Girl: No sir, sir we have the forms with us............. mr aditya khanna had filled up this contest form, with his wife avni khanna

As soon as Prakash heard this he got completely shocked.

Prakash: What

Shewta looked at prakash worried seeing his reaction, she placed the jug on the centre table and came up to him.

Prakash: Aditya khanna's wife avni

As soon as shewta heard this she got completely shocked, she looked at Prakash.

Girl: Yes sir, as this contest is only for couples................ mr aditya khanna had entered this contest with his wife avni khanna................. they are a couple as this contest is only for couples................. so sir pls tell aditya sir to come by tomorrow to collect the tickets

Prakash did not say anything as he was completely shocked.

Shewta too was shock and also confused.

Shewta: Prakash ji what happen............ what were u saying............... prakash ji

Prakash: Avni is aditya's wife

Prakash said shocked while shewta got shocked listening this.

Shewta: What r u saying prakash ji............... avni is neil's wife

Shewta said shouting while shocked, prakash looked at shewta.

He narrated everything which the girl told him on the phone.

Shewta: What................ how can this be................ avni is neil's wife............... then aditya and avni in pune...................

But then shewta and prakash froze and looked at each other.

Prakash: Avni went to pune because of the construction work

Shewta: She stayed at our hotel right

Prakash: Yes

Shewta: Prakash ji.............. call the manager

Prakash: What

Shewta: Prakash ji call the manager and ask him................. if aditya was in pune................

Prakash looked at shewta and then took his phone and dialled Soham (manager's) number.

Soham: Hello sir

Prakash: Soham.............. i.............. i need some information

Soham: Yes sir

Prakash: Soham on 5, 6, 7 avni khanna was in the hotel right

Soham: Let me check

Soham typed on the computer and answered prakash.

Soham: Yes sir

Prakash: Soham.............. did adi............... aditya khanna check in at the hotel

Soham: Let me check.................. yes sir aditya sir was in this hotel

As soon as prakash heard this he got shocked.

Prakash: When

Soham: On 5, 6, 7

As soon as Prakash heard this he was completely shocked while shewta was looking at him.


Prakash turned to shewta who was looking at him.

Prakash: Aditya was in pune on 5,6,7 in the same hotel as avni.....................

Prakash said shocked while shewta got shocked listening this.

Shewta recalled Aditya had told him he is going to Chandigarh for a friend's wedding.

Shewta: That means................ avni and aditya are................. having.............. affair...............

Shewta said shocked while prakash looked at her.

Prakash then recalled the time when he entered Avni's cabin and found Aditya present there.

At the mall Avni and Aditya were in the first floor, in the food court.

Avni and Aditya were sitting face to face.

While Avni was worried and looking down, Aditya was looking at her with a straight face.

Avni then looked up at him while he was looking at her with a straight face.

Avni: Aditya................. i................ never thought u will agree

Aditya: I never thought................. u will meet me again

Avni looked at him while he was looking at her with a straight face.

Avni: I would have never.............. but after i got your message that you................ want to tell everything to neil................ i agreed


In Goa Avni got Aditya's message saying he too wants to reveal Neil everything.

Seeing this message Avni was shocked and confused, she answered his call where they both decided, once she is back in Mumbai, she and Aditya will tell everything to Neil.

Flashback Ends

Aditya: Do u love neil

Avni looked at Aditya as he asked her with a straight face.

Avni: More then myself

Aditya: What will u do if he says no

Avni: I will accept his decision. I feel guilty aditya.............. i have hurt everyone............... now whatever neil will say i will accept that.............. i cannot take it anymore

Aditya only looked at her with a straight face while Avni's eyes got moist.

Avni: Aditya all this that happened............... i want to start again................. aditya when i picked up your call, u said u want to reveal neil everything, that's when i realised u have forgotten me, and like me, u too want to start everything again..............

Aditya looked at Avni and she passed him a small smile.

Avni: But aditya why did u agree............... why do u want to tell him everything

Aditya: Lets go now...................

Aditya said and got up from his place while Avni looked on confused then smiled.

Avni's POV

Now everything will become fine............... aditya too has forgotten everything..............  aditya too wants to start again like me...............

Now i will tell neil everything, with aditya.................. u will be shattered neil, but............. i will tell u............... everything...........

Then whatever you will decide.............

End of POV

Avni got in the car along with Aditya and they drove off.


At home shewta and prakash were sitting on the couch. They both were very angry.

After sometime Aditya entered while Avni was walking behind him, scared.

Avni and Aditya looked at each other, then Aditya called them.

Aditya: Mom, dad...............

Prakash and shewta looked up and saw them, standing together.

They were very angry, and shewta angrily got up.

She walked up to Avni and stood in front of her, while Aditya and Avni got confused seeing them so angry.

Avni looked at Aditya then shewta, then spoke with broken voice.

Avni: Maa................. i want to tell u.............. something

Shewta: Where were u

Avni got confused as shewta asked her angrily.

Shewta: Where were u

Avni: In mall

Shewta: With adi............

Shewta asked her while both Avni and Aditya got confused.

Avni then nodded her head confused, and after that Shewta gave Avni a tight slap across her cheek.

Avni got shocked and held her cheek with her hand, while Aditya too got shocked.

Prakash looked on from a distance while, shewta looked at Avni completely angry.

Avni: Maa..............

Avni said shocked and confused as she looked at shewta, who was looking at her gritting her teeth.

Shewta: U r so characterless avni.............. neil is your husband and u r having affair with his brother................

Shewta shouted while both Avni and Aditya got completely shocked.

Aditya: What

Shewta: Adi i know everything.............. u and avni were in pune together....................

Shewta shouted as her eyes got red due to anger.

Avni and Aditya looked at her completely shocked.

Avni: Maa................

Shewta: I did a mistake by marrying you with my son, u r playing with both my sons....................... how characterless................ u thought both has money, let me play with both................

Tears rolled down Avni cheeks continuesly as she looked at shewta, she shook her head.

Shewta: U have destroyed our reputation...................

Shewta clenched Avni by her shoulders angrily while Avni felt pain, she did not say anything.

She kept crying as tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Avni: Maa............... no maa............... i did not................. wanted all this to happen.............. never.................

Shewta: U r a characterless woman................. ur parents taught u to play with men...............

Avni: No maa................ pls listen to me................ all this happened because of me.................. only me...............

Avni cried even more while shewta left her shoulders, pushing her, and she fell down on the floor.

While Aditya got shocked, shewta looked at her angrily, while prakash only stood at a distance.

Aditya: Avni

Shewta: Adi...................

Shewta shouted at Aditya to stop him. While Avni slowly got up and was sobbing a lot.

Shewta then walked up to Avni and gave her one tight slap across her cheek.

Avni held her cheek with her hand as she looked at shewta crying.

Shewta: What did u do to my son that he is behind u.................... what..............

Shewta shouted and Avni only looked at her crying while shaking her head in negative.

Shewta: U..................

Shewta stopped as she saw Neil entering.

Neil had Avni's phone in his hand and his eyes were red with anger and tears.

He walked in slowly and stood in one place.

Shewta: Neil................ u came............... neil see what ur wife is doing................

Shewta walked up to Neil who stood there angry with tearful eyes.

Shewta: Neil ur wife is having an.........

Neil: Affair.............

Shewta got shocked as she looked at Neil, who looked at her.

Avni and Aditya got shocked while prakash too.

Avni looked at Neil shocked and confused while then Neil showed Avni her phone which he was clenching with his hand.

His eyes were red with anger and teary.

Avni looked at the phone and got shocked as she realised she did not had her phone all this time, she looked at Neil as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Shewta: U know.................. neil then............. why r u with this characterless woman when u know that she is having an affair.............. with your brother................

Shewta shouted looking at Avni, while Avni looked on crying.

Aditya was completely shocked as he looked at Neil then turned to Avni.

Shewta: Neil leave this characterless girl................ despite being married she is with someone else.................

Shewta shouted looking at Avni, while Neil looked down with red eyes due to anger and also tearful.

Avni only bit her lower lips shaking her head in negative as tears kept falling her eyes. Her eyes were red with tears.

Avni: Neil.............. Neil............. i want to tell u................. neil i.....................

Avni said with broken voice but shewta interrupted.

Shewta: Avni.................. u will not speak to my son................ Neil............. u divorce this girl............... u divorce her .....................

Avni looked at shewta shocked as tears kept falling her eyes.

Avni: Neil............... neil pls.............. i want to tell u................. neil

Shewta: Avni i said u will not speak to my son.................. neil u divorce her................ this characterless woman is a sin to our family.................. i will call lawyer, u divorce her.................. neil................

Shewta said looking at Neil while he looked down.

He then looked up at Avni who was looking at him scared, crying continuously.

He looked at her then slowly walked up to her and stood in front of her.

Neil: Whatever i read in the messages.................. is it true...............

Avni looked at Neil as he showed her the phone, avni's eyes were red with tears as she looked at him.

Avni: Neil..................

Neil: Answer me

Neil shouted making Avni flinch, she looked at him.

Avni: Neil.............. i.............. i.............

Neil: Avni............... answer me...............are all this messages true...................

Neil shouted, Avni looked at him as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Avni bit her lower lips as she looked down, she nodded her head.

Neil: Avni

Neil raised his hand and was about to slap her, but stopped himself.

Avni looked at him scared and shocked while tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Neil then fist his hand as he looked at her with fierce eyes.

Neil looked at her and angrily threw away the phone on the floor, the phone broke into pieces.

All got shocked as they looked on, while Avni flinched, Neil looked at her gritting his teeth.

Avni: Neil............... neil............ i..............

Neil gritted his teeth and angrily threw away the jug with water, kept on the centre table, on the floor, smashing it into pieces as the water fell on the floor.

Neil then turned the centre table upside down and threw it on the floor, causing a loud thud, and the glass broke into pieces.

Aditya, shewta, prakash got completely shocked and looked at Neil while he was very angry with red eyes.

Avni was horrified as she looked at Neil, tears kept rolling down her eyes.

Avni ran up to Neil and held his shoulder with her hands.

Avni: Neil pls don't do this.................... i am sorry neil................ all this happened because of me................. i am sorry............... pls don't do this................. neil i and aditya wanted to tell u................ neil all this that happened................ neil............... i.............. i am sorry neil.................. i was never able to tell u anything .................... neil.............. i..............

Avni did not know what to say, she held Neil's shoulder trying to calm him down.

Tears kept falling down her eyes continuously. She pleaded Neil to stop.

Before Avni could say anything, shewta walked up to her and dragged her away from Neil.

Shewta slapped Avni across her cheek very hard, causing her to fall on the floor.

Avni held her cheek crying, and noticed blood came out from her lips.

Neil only stood there with red eyes frozen with his back towards Avni.

He closed his eyes tightly as he heard shewta slapping Avni. Tears rolled down his eyes. He clenched his hand into a fist.

Prakash looked on with moist eyes while Aditya was shocked.

Shewta gritted her teeth looking at Avni while avni was sobbing.

Avni: Shewta maa.................

Shewta: Don't take my name................ because of u my Neil is suffering................. u r so characterless............... playing with men............ this is what u do when u get a rich family.................... u destroyed our reputation avni................... my neil is suffering so much because of u............ what did u do to my adi that he is behind u................ didn't u feel shame having affair with your brother in law................... u r a sin to my family.................... this is what aashish and neela taught u

Avni looked at her, she got up and shook her head.

Avni: Shewta maa................. maa and papa did not................ don't blame them.............. all this happened because of me............... because of me

Avni said as tears continuously fell her eyes.

Shewta: What did u do to my adi.............. i feel ashamed that i got my neil married to u................... didn't u feel ashamed being with someone else despite being married................. didn't ur parents teach u anything................... u destroyed our reputation, u destroyed the reputation of both my sons.................

Avni shook her head as tears kept falling down her eyes.

Shewta: U will not stay in my house............. take your bags and leave

Avni looked at shewta, who left glaring her to bring her bags from her room.

Avni looked at Neil who was standing frozen with red eyes.

Avni: Neil

Avni ran up to Neil and held his shoulder crying.

Avni: Neil pls................ neil i want to explain u................. pls listen to me.............. neil................ pls................ neil

Avni pleaded to Neil but he stood frozen without looking at her while tears kept falling down his cheeks.

Prakash: Avni.................. i was happy getting u as daughter in law

Avni turned to Prakash and looked at him.

Prakash: But now i feel ashamed............. u r a sin to my family.................. u leave from here...................

Prakash said in low tone looking at Avni then turned away.

Avni: Papa...............

Warm tears rolled down Avni's cheeks as she looked at prakash.

Avni then turned to Neil trying hard to speak to him.

While Aditya stood there looking all this, Shewta came down with Avni's bags and threw on the floor in front of her.

Avni looked at shewta who came downstairs  and grabbed her by her shoulder and dragged her outside.

Shewta: Do not go near my son................ take your bags and leave

Avni: Maa.......... maa pls listen............. maa..............

Avni cried but shewta ignored her and was about to push her out the door, that's when Aditya spoke.

Aditya: Mom

Suddenly there was a firing and all got shocked.

Avni, Neil, Shewta, Prakash all got completely shocked and turned back and looked at the direction.

They noticed Aditya was holding a gun up in the air and had fired a bullet up in the air.

They all were completely shocked and looked at him.

He was scanning all of them with his eyes and then stopped his gaze at Avni and Shewta.

Neil, Avni, shewta, prakash all were looking at him completely shocked, mostly Neil and Avni.

Aditya looked at Avni who was looking at him completely shocked.

Aditya: Avni will not go anywhere, she will come with me

All got shocked listening this mostly Neil and Avni.


Aditya looked at Avni and Shewta and walked up to them.

Aditya held Avni by her shoulder and pulled her roughly towards him and then placed her on gunpoint.

Avni was completely shocked and looked at him while shewta too got shocked.

Aditya held Avni by her shoulders and put her on gunpoint.

Aditya: Avni will be with me

Shewta: Adi...................

Aditya: I love her mom

Aditya said looking at her while shewta looked at him shocked.

Neil was completely shocked as he looked at them.

Prakash: Adi what r u doing

Prakash said completely shocked as he looked at him.

Aditya: Dad i love avni................ n i cannot live without her................... she is mine..............

Aditya said shocking all while Avni looked at Aditya completely shocked and confused.

Avni: Aditya.................

Avni muttered as she was completely shocked, he looked at her then turned front.

While all were shocked shewta gritted her teeth and tried to come near Aditya and Avni.

Shewta: Are u looking................ avni............ what did u do to my son............... avni what did u do....................

Shewta shouted and tried to come near them angrily but Aditya stopped her and pointed the gun at her.

Aditya: Stop right there mom

Shewta looked at him shocked while all other too were shocked.

Shewta: Adi

Aditya: Mom i love her and i want only her...............

Aditya shouted and then looked at Avni who was looking at him shocked as tears fell down her eyes.

Aditya: I have lost juhi.................. but then i was able to forget her................. because i never loved her the way i............... love avni.................. avni is my world................

Aditya said looking at shewta while everyone else looked on shocked.

Avni: Aditya................... we were going to reveal the truth to everyone.................. when i was in goa u told me u want to tell everything to neil.................... we were going to tell everything today...................

Avni said to Aditya shocked, he looked at her then looked front.

Avni was completely shocked and confused.

Aditya: Avni and i will leave................ i will marry her

Neil: Bhai..................

Neil shouted as he looked at him with red eyes, he clenched his hand into a fist.

He tried to come near but Aditya stopped him as he pointed gun at him.

Shewta: Avni what did u do to my son................ what did u do

Shewta shouted at Avni and tried to go near but Aditya stopped her.

Aditya: I lost juhi but not avni..............

Aditya said while everyone else looked on.

Shewta: Avni what did u do to my son................... avni answer me

Shewta shouted at Avni while Avni looked on confused and scared.

Shewta: Adi................. she is a characterless woman...................... he had affair with u despite being married to your brother...............

Shewta shouted while tears rolled down Avni's eyes.

Aditya: Yes.................. but.................... why............

Aditya said looking at shewta then turned to Neil.

Neil looked at Aditya with red eyes as tears flowed down his eyes.

Avni closed her eyes and looked down as tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

Shewta: What r u saying.................

Aditya turned to shewta and was about to speak but Avni stopped him.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya looked at her who pleaded him to stop with her eyes.

Shewta gritted her teeth and tried to come near and take away the gun.

Shewta: Avni what did u do................. what did u do to my son.................... what did u do........................ adi give me the gun...................

Shewta pushed Avni away and tried to snatch the gun from him, while he tried to stop her.

Shewta: Adi give me the gun

Aditya: Mom

Aditya tried to stop her while Shewta tried snatching the gun.

Avni, Neil and prakash only looked on shocked.

Shewta: Adi, give me the gun............... what did u do to my son avni.................

Shewta shouted while angrily tried snatching the gun her eyes were red, while Aditya tried to stop her.

Aditya: Mom stop

Shewta: Adi give me the gun

Aditya: Mom

Shewta: Adi give me.............. adi give it to me.................

Aditya: Mom stop............... mom the trigger will get pressed............

Aditya said trying to stop her but she kept trying to snatch it.

Neil, Avni and prakash only looked on, they wanted to stop them but coudn't.

Shewta: Adi............. adi give me the gun

Aditya: Mom stop

Shewta: Adi...............

Aditya: Mom pls stop

Shewta: Adi................

And suddenly there was a loud sound of firing.

Neil, Avni and Prakash got shocked and looked at them.

While Aditya and Shewta too got shocked and looked at each other.


This was chapter thirty six.

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