Chapter 7

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Shewta looked at Avni shocked as she was packing her bags.

Shewta: Avni

Avni turned and found Shewta standing at the door.

Shewta: What r u doing

Avni: Packing my things

Shewta: Why (shocked)

Avni: Maa there r a lot of bugs in my cupboard. Pls replace this cupboard. N till i get a new cupboard i will keep my stuff in my bag

Avni said packing her bags and shewta sigh.

Avni: Ur here

Shewta: Avni........ i thought u.......... avni whatever happened down

Avni: Leave it maa. Mistake was mine......... i should have

Avni stopped and fresh tears made way through her eyes.

Avni: But maa.............. aditya ji's......... behaviour.......... I......

Shewta: Avni

Suddenly Avni hugged shewta and started sobbing.

Avni: Maa i only wanted to surprise him with a small birthday party. I never knew he will get so angry. I don't even know why he got so angry......... did i commit any mistake

Shewta looks at Avni who was looking at her like a innocent baby.

Shewta: No avni u did not commit any mistake. Aditya too did not commit any mistake, but he became like this because without committing any mistake........ he......... got punishment  

Avni did not understand and looked at her.

Shewta: Avni, i thought i will hide this thing from you and never let u know anything........ but......... i will have to tell u everything about that incident

Avni: What do u mean.......... punishment.......... incident (confused)

Shewta held Avni's hands and took her to the bed. They both sat and shewta started telling her the story.

Shewta: Avni, my adi was never like this, he was also like his brother Neil, happy, lively. Yes he was little rude but was never the person he is now........... this all happened because of the incident which happened five years ago............. which shook him........ which made him the person he is today

Avni: Which incident (confused)


5 Years Ago

Aditya was new at working and handling the work at Khanna Group of Companies. He was busy in his work but he was friendly with his employees and specially with his PA who was Vidyut.

Vidyut: May i come in sir

Aditya: Vidyut

Vidyut: Sir here is the file and........ today u have an important meeting so u can go through the presentation once

Aditya: Sure. Its good, this deal has to get locked

Vidyut: Sir

Aditya: Vidyut, yes u r my PA but we r also friends. Call me by my name

Vidyut: Sir........ i mean....... adi...... aditya

Aditya: Good

Vidyut: Sir its little awkward

Aditya: Vidyut. Shall we have some coffee

Vidyut: Ok sir........ Aditya

They both went out to a cafe nearby for having coffee.

Aditya: Which one

Vidyut: Just coffee for me

Aditya: Ok

Aditya was about to go to place the order when vidyut stopped him.

Vidyut: U wait i will go

Aditya: Its ok vidyut

And Aditya went to place the order and vidyut sat down. But then a girl came and sat infront of him. Vidyut got surprised.

Vidyut: U here

Juhi: What to do...... u don't even come to meet me

Vidyut: I have a lot of work these days

Juhi: I know...... it has been only one month since u joined this company but u should take out time to meet me......... hey, what r u doing here

Just then Aditya came and sat, and he saw Juhi who was sitting beside him facing Vidyut. He looked at her for a few seconds.

Aditya: I did not know u invited a guest

Aditya said looking towards Juhi with a casual smile.

Vidyut: She......... she is...... Juhi...... my....... my friend

Juhi looked at Vidyut shocked and he looked at her with a worried face.

Aditya: Nice to meet u........ Aditya Khanna

Aditya said extending his hand and Juhi forwarded her hand with a nervous face.

Juhi: Juhi........ juhi gandhi

Aditya: Hey vidyut's surname is also gandhi

Vidyut: Yes, actually........... we both r from the same orphanage and all kids there has got this surname

Aditya: Ur orphan

Aditya said looking at Juhi and she nodded yes.

Aditya: Hey, will u have something

Aditya asked Juhi and she nodded No.

Juhi: I have some work....... i will meet u later on

Juhi says looking at Vidyut and she leaves.

Aditya: U have got a beautiful friend

Aditya says smiling to Vidyut and he only nods Yes.


Few Days Later

Aditya was working in his laptop when Vidyut entered.

Vidyut: Sir here are the documents

Aditya took the documents and went through them. He smiled.

Aditya: Vidyut........ i wanted to ask u something

Vidyut: Yes aditya

Aditya: The girl whom we met yesterday.......... ur friend Juhi.......... can u give me her number

As soon as vidyut heard this the smile from his face dropped. But he gave the number.


At the Orphanage

At night Juhi was sitting on her bed in her room.

Vidyut had shifted to some other area after getting the job.

Suddendly her phone rang. She picked up the phone.

Juhi: Hello

Aditya: Hey........ this is me........ Aditya........ Hope u remember, sorry i called u now

Juhi recalled the meeting and she was confused.

Juhi: Yes...... but my number

Aditya: I got it from vidyut

Juhi: Vidyut

And they went on with the conversation. While most of the time Juhi was confused while Aditya was smiling.


Next day Juhi came to the office to meet vidyut. While vidyut was working on a file.

Juhi: Vidyut

Vidyut: Juhi ur here

Juhi: Yes because i had to meet u personally. Why did u give ur boss my number

Vidyut: Juhi............... i know u r angry but............. i........... when he asked i ........... i gave it but............ what happen

Juhi: Vidyut don't u think he........... did u tell him that i am not your friend.......... but fiance

Vidyut: No

Juhi: Why

Vidyut: I don't know........... i could not say.......... juhi we r orphans n u know with how much difficulty we both studied and how after running from company to company i got this job. Aditya is not bad but juhi he is very rich n.........

Juhi: What r u saying

Vidyut: Juhi u know very well that we both had decided that till i become financially stable, we both will not declare our relationship to anyone

Juhi: Vidyut i know........ but

Just then Aditya entered n saw Juhi there.

Aditya: Hey....... ur here

Juhi: I.......... i

Vidyut:  She......... came to....... meet me

Aditya: O....... how r u

Juhi nodded fine n left from there while Aditya smiled.


Three months passed that way. Aditya started liking Juhi very much and Vidyut with the fear of losing his job kept quite and also made Juhi promise that she too will not say anything to anyone.

Aditya started taking Juhi out on dates and she though didn't want to go but went helplessly and pretended that she is Ok around him.

Both usually went on coffee dates and had conversations. N she never let him know she is not happy. She always use to put a fake smile. Vidyut always got sad seeing them together but kept quite.

Aditya was driving the car while Juhi sat near him.

Aditya: What happen juhi

Juhi did not respond and he stopped the car.

Aditya: Juhi

Juhi came to sense and looked at Aditya who was looking at her confused.

Aditya: What happen. U look so lost

Juhi: I........ i........ no........ nothing

Aditya: Juhi is there something

Juhi: No

Aditya: Juhi pls tell me if there is something. We r together for three months now......... Tell me

Juhi: No aditya, i am good.......... its just that......... i am tired........

Aditya: Ok........ i will drop u then......... u take rest

Aditya dropped Juhi in front of her orphanage and as she was about to get down he stopped her.

Aditya: Juhi i want to tell u something. Juhi i hope u know that i........... juhi do u like someone

Juhi just looked at him confused and when she understood his question she thought about Vidyut and got sad. But she nodded her head in No thinking about his promise. And Aditya smiled.

Aditya: Juhi.......... meet me tomorrow around 11, i have something important to tell u

Juhi: Why

Aditya: U will know tomorrow

Juhi got confused and Aditya smiled. And juhi got down from the car. And he left.


This was the seventh chapter.

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