Chapter 9

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Flashback Continued

It was in the evening around 7:00 pm, the resort was decorated beautifully with flowers and candles.

The sitting arrangement was beautiful, the dj was busy with the music system........ Food counters were arranged. Guest started coming one after another.

And the most beautiful part was the decorated mandap which was at the centre.

Since the wedding was to take place in a resort everyone was given there own room to get ready.

Juhi was sitting in her room wearing the bridal dress while two- three girls were doing her hair and makeup.

Juhi sat looking herself in the mirror and was lost, just when her phone rang.

She saw the caller id and it was Vidyut. She cut the phone. But he called her again and she again cut it again.

Then her phone received a message she opened the message and saw it was from vidyut.

Vidyut's message

Juhi i know u are angry with me but pls meet me once juhi. I cannot live this way pls meet me once. I will wait for you little far away from the resort. Pls come and meet me once.     

She saw the message and her eyes got teary.
She thought for sometime.

Juhi: I will go to the washroom. U two can leave

Juhi said to the girls and they left. Juhi slowly got up and went to the door and without anyone noticing her she quickly left and after searching for sometime found Vidyut.

Juhi: Vidyut

Vidyut turned and saw Juhi standing in front of him wearing bridal dress. Vidyut got teary eyes. Vidyut went to her and hugged her.

Vidyut: Juhi u came.......... i knew u will not leave me........ i am sorry.......... i am sorry......... what have i done

Vidyut broke the hug but still tears fell from his eyes. Juhi looked at him sadly.

Juhi: Look vidyut what u have done. U pushed me so far away from u

Vidyut: No........... juhi i cannot live without u........... i cannot............ this one week we had no contact n i was so restless........... juhi i love u

Juhi: Too late vidyut........... today is my marriage

Vidyut got down on his knees crying.

Vidyut: No............ no........... i love u juhi........... i love u............. pls don't leave me

Juhi: U only told me this vidyut

Vidyut: I was fool........... i was scared............ but not now............ juhi i am not scared of anyone............ i will tell everyone i love u

Juhi: Why u didn't say earlier vidyut

Vidyut: Pls don't leave me............ i will die

Juhi hugged vidyut tightly and cried while vidyut too was crying.

Juhi: I love u vidyut

Vidyut: I love u

Juhi: Vidyut why u did this

Vidyut: Juhi pls forgive me........... pls don't leave me........... i will tell everyone the truth

Juhi: Who will listen to us vidyut

Vidyut: Adi.......... aditya will........... he..........

Juhi: Vidyut he will not listen........... today is his marriage............ he will not listen............. no one will listen

They both looked at each other while tears fell from there eyes. Vidyut cupped juhi's cheeks.

Vidyut: Then what we will do.......... i cannot loose u

Vidyut hugged juhi and she hugged him back.

Juhi: Why u did not stop all this earlier (sobbing)

Vidyut: I am sorry juhi........... i am sorry........... i want to be with u............. i am not able to understand what i will do now

Juhi: Lets run away

Vidyut got shocked and looked at juhi who removed her tears with her palm.

Vidyut: What

Juhi: We don't have any other way vidyut.......... if we want to be together then we will have to run away........... no other way

Vidyut: But......... how

Juhi: I know aditya will be hurt but........... everthing will become ok

Vidyut thought for sometime then nodded ok.

Vidyut: Lets ok then. I have some cash with me right now n......... the jewellery which u r wearing we can sell them n......... first u will have to change ur dress.......... there is a mall nearby

Juhi nodded. And both ran away and Juhi changed her dress in the mall. And then both got on a taxi and reached the bus station and both got on a bus.

Other side Aditya got ready and Neil came to him.

Neil: U r looking handsome bhai

Aditya smiled and patted Neil's cheek. Neil smiled.

Just then Shewta entered and they had there mother son moment.

Shewta: Neil u come with me.......... i have some work

Neil went and Aditya sat on his bed and messaged Juhi.

The message

Today is the best birthday of my life.

Aditya sent the message but got no reply. He thought for sometime but then brushed it off.

It was around 8:30 when Neil came to Aditya's room.

Neil: Bhai lets go

Neil and Aditya went to the mandap and he sat.

Pandit: Call the bride

Shewta: Neil bring juhi

Neil went to juhi's room but found no one. He came back and informed shewta. They again went to search for her. But after searching for long, no one found her.

Shewta: Where is she

Shewta found the girls who got juhi ready and asked them who informed her that they left her room very early.

Just as shewta turned she found Aditya standing.

Aditya: What happen

Shewta: Adi......... adi......... juhi........ she is no where

Aditya: What

Aditya went to his room and tried calling juhi but her number was not reachable. Just then he noticed a message from juhi which she left for him 30 minutes ago.

Juhi's message

I am sorry Aditya i cannot marry u. I love vidyut n we two r leaving from here. I am sorry.

Aditya dropped his phone and then Neil entered his room, Neil took the phone and then looked at him shocked.

Aditya: No........ she cannot do this......... she.......

Just then they heard police siren and they got shocked. Aditya ran outside followed by Neil.

They reached and saw a police car followed by an ambulance.

Then the police officer entered and then the people in ambulance bought out two dead bodies covered in white sheet.

Aditya and all other got hell shocked and few people there started gossiping.

The bodies were put down and one officer came to them with confused face.

Prakash: Officer what is all this

Officer: I am sorry sir but......... i found about this person vidyut through his id, he works in your company and we could not gather any other detail about him........... but this girl........ she.......... if i am not wrong she is the fiance of mr adi

The officer stopped as he was hell confused like everyone present there.

Aditya: What do u mean......... this

Before he could continue the sheet flew revealing the face of Vidyut and Juhi who lay there dead. Aditya got shocked and stumbled while tears fell from his eyes. 

Aditya: Juhi

He went near her body and fell on his knees while everyone got shocked.

Prakash: Officer what is all this

Officer: Sir there was a accident in the main highway tonight evening, around 8:00 the bus driver was drunk he lost control hit a big tree and the bus fell on a pond. We reached there, there were few passengers and out of them only three survived. We r searching for the identities and............. this two were also on the same bus

The officer said shocking everyone while Aditya sat in front of Juhi's body holding her hand while tears came out from his eyes uncontrollably.

Aditya: No no............ juhi (screams)

Aditya cried while all looked at him with moist eyes.

Shwta: But.......... but........ why juhi was on d bus.......... n why was this vidyut with her........... aditya isn't he ur pa

Shewta asked confused while tears came out from her eyes.

Neil: Juhi was escaping with vidyut
(neil said in a low tone with tears in his eyes)

All got shocked listening this and Aditya looked at Neil.
Aditya then recalled the message and saw that Vidyut and Juhi's fingers were interlocked now also. Aditya got shocked.

Prakash: What.........

Just then a car stopped outside the gate and a woman entered. She got shocked looking at the bodies.

Woman: Vidyut, juhi

All turned to her shocked.

Shewta: Do....... u........ do u know them

Woman: Yes they both r from the orphanage which i run........... how all this happened. They were such a lovely couple

Shewta: Couple.......... today was juhi's marriage with my son

Woman: What......... but vidyut is orphan

Shewta: I am not talking about vidyut

Woman: What. But vidyut n juhi were engaged

All got shocked listening this specially Aditya.

Prakash: What

Woman: Yes. They did not reveal it. They got engaged in a temple n only i was present. They were soon going to get married once they became financially stable

All got shocked listening this and Aditya stumbled. He fell down on his knees. His eyes got red with tears.  

Aditya: No.......... no........ something is wrong.......... no.......... juhi

Aditya recalled their meeting his moments with Juhi, vidyut.......... The officer's words and the woman's words. All echoed in his head......... Tears kept falling from his eyes.

He looked to juhi's body and saw there fingers are interlocked.

The woman talked with the officer to shift the bodies for last rite.

Slowly everyone left and Aditya sat in the mandap alone like a lifeless human, eyes red with tears.

Aditya: (In mind)  Juhi u and vidyut........... why u never told me............ n vidyut u........ i thought u were my frie.......... juhi u cannot........ u......... then why did u say yes.......... juhi u loved vidyut...........

Neil and Prakash stood there silently while Shewta scolded Aditya for choosing to marry Juhi. Saying there reputation, Aditya, she destroyed everthing. But then broke down.
He stopped as all the things flashed in his head continuously.......... Juhi, vidyut, she saying yes, her message, officer's words, the woman's words, shewta's words, there fingers interlocked.


One month later

Aditya stood far away from the graveyard where Vidyut and Juhi's body were buried.

He looked at that direction and as tears fell from his eyes he wore his sunglasses and left.

Flashback Ends


This was the ninth chapter.

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