marriage alliance

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here in hospital avni is taking care of bebe and neil was admiring her

neil pov : oh neil what r u doing? r u out of ur mind? y r u staring her as if u did not see any girl in ur life time , thank gos she did not catch me staring her , but what if she catches me , that would be most embarrassing situation and y am i staring at her? do i like her? no no she is my friend and i just like the way she is taking care of my bebe

avni was unaware of neils staring but there were two more eyes who noticed neil staring avni with love for her in his eyes and it is none other than our bebe

bebe pov : hmm beta neil what do u think that no one r watching u staring avni , i am here only beta and i am very sure that u r in love with avni but the point is that u urself did not recognize that u r in love with her

avni just goes out to other ward and just then mithali comes in

mithali : bebe , neil , bebe what happened r u fine ?

bebe: mithali i am fine puttar dont worry

mithali : neil y didnt u tell me that bebe is admitted here, thank god that i saw u and i came to know but u should have told me

neil : mithali relax nothing serious and i was in tension that i even did not tell to my parents till now

mithali : its ok neil and i am sry bebe i would have taken care of u but my father called me to come to london ass soon as possible so i am leaving to london today and i will be back in 2 months

neil : oh so sad(but inside he is very happy)

mithali : yeah , but dont be sad neil i will come in 2 months

neil : yeah ok

avni comes in

mithali : hey what r u doing here?

avni : what do u mean by what am i doing here? i am a doctor and she is my patient

mithali : oh so u r the one who r going to take care of bebe

bebe: ha mithali puttar and she is really taking care of me

mithali feels jealous but just smiles and she rushes out from the room not before saying bye to bebe and neil

after sometime avni smiles while talking to nurse and neil heart skips a beat

neil pov : oh my god what is happening to me y did i say like that? and he came out of his trance when he gets a call from his father

prakash : neil where are u ? and where is bebe?

neil explains him everything and they rush to hospital

meanwhile in hospital one intern comes to her

intern: avni u should have break u were working since mrng

avni : no no its ok i am fine u go on

and the intern leaves

neil : avni i think she is right u should have some break and yes u dont worry about bebe i will ake care of her and if i need help i will call u

avni : but neil

bebe: yes avni puttar u go and take some rest i am fine

avni : ok bebe i will back in few minutes and yes neil plse if u need any help dont hesitate to call me

neil : yes

and avni leaves out and then prakash and swetha enters the room

few days passes neil and avni get comfortable with each other as friends and mithali used to feel jealous and one fine day bebe gets discharged and bebe gets emotional to leave avni

bebe: avni plse meet me when ever u get free time

avni : sure bebe i would love to meet u

bebe: neil plse bring her to our home

neil : yes bebe

and they leave to khanna mansion

and it is almost a week avni and neil meet now and then along with ali and riya

one fine day at khanna mansion

prakash : bebe , neil i and swetha fund u a girl who is perfect for u

neil who is drinking water chokes out the water out of shock

swetha: tillu r u fine

neil : yes mom

bebe: what ? i mean u people selected a girl for tillu so early!

swetha: yes bebe and u know u will love the girl and the girl is perfect for our tillu

swetha smiles looking at neil but neil just fakes the smile as he is unsure about getting married to a unknown girl now

neil pov : i dont know y but i dont want to get married to a unknown girl , but y ? i only asked my paretns and now for their happiness i have to see the girl who my parents chose and it is not neccessary that i should say ok even if i dont like her , i will say the truth

neil : mom ok i will come to see the girl tomorrow and what if i dont like her?

swetha: i am 100% sure u r going to love her and its ok even if u dont want to marry her , but we all will miss a really good girl

neil : thanku mom

and then swetha and prakash leaves from there for arrangements

bebe: neil , r u sure about this alliance, i mean dont u really love someone else?

neil : bebe? what do u mean by loving someone else? if i really love someone else then y would i agree?

bebe: but neil i wanted u to marry avni

neil gets shocked

neil : what?

bebe: yes i liked the girl so much and i thought u too liked her but u made me sad today by accepting the alliance

neil : oh my lovely bebe(he goes to bebe and cups her cheeks)avni is really a very good girl and any guy would love to get married to her , but the thing is i dont love her and even if i like to get married to her what if she rejects ?

bebe: y do u think like that neil , i know she will not reject , afterall who can reject my handsome tillu

neil smiles

neil : bebe i am handsome to u but it is not necessary that i look handsome to each and everyone and yes i am just going to see her thats it , i am not going to marry her directly tommorow itself , noe plse smile

bebe just smiles and neil leaves to his room

bebe pov : i know neil somewhere in ur heart u have feelings for avni , but the thing is u only dont know that u r in love with avni , may god give u ur perfect partner who becomes ur lifeline

next day neil , bebe , prakash and swetha goes to the girls home and they are welcomed by brides parents in a honorable way

and bride is brought by her sister

swetha: neil look at her sheis the girl whom i selected

neil looks at the girl and gets shocked and same goes with bride and brides sister

(and yes the bride is none other than our very own avni)

bebe gets very happy where all others get suprised by their reactions

neil : avni ?? riya??

riya and avni : neil ??

swetha: u people know each other?

neil : yes mom they r my friends

swetha: oh wow then i am very glad

neil and avni gets shocked

bebe pov : thanku lord for listening my prayers

all the elders asked them to talk personally and then come to a decision and they were hoping for good news

neela: avni take neil to ur room

avni : yes mom

neil gets confused when avni calls neela as mom and he has many questions to ask her

avni takes neil to her room

avni : neil i know u have many questions in ur mind but trust me i will answer ur each and every question

neil : yes u should avni ? avni y did u hide that u r riyas sister and u r avni mehta and if i am not wrong AM means avni mehta hospitals right?

avni : yes(while bending her head downwards)

neil : y avni ? y did u hide ur truth? y did u not tell me? didnt u trust me?

avni : neil i am sry , its not that i didnt trust , i was about to tell u , but everytime someone or the other would come at exact time and i didnt want to tell the truth in hospital because i dont want anyone else to hear that , i just want to be independent and so i did this and even when u asked me about me staying in riyas home i lied u because there along with u mithali was also there i dont want anyone to know the truth

neil : its ok avni and i am proud of u that u r my friend and next time dont hide anything from me

avni gets happy and they both get embarrassed sfter realizin y they were in her room and both became silent , but neil starts the conversation

neil : so avni what is ur decision?

avni : (still not looking into neils eyes)about ?

neil : hmm hmm about our alliance

avni : neil , i just want to know ur opinion

neil : avni i am ok with marrying u , i mean we can just give a chance

avni gets shocked by his way of answering directly

neil : avni i just need ur answer , and if u r ok with it i we would carry on and our families will be the happiest

avni : neil its a yes from my side too

neil ges shocked , suprised and yes he is very very happy even tough he did not show it but deep inside his heart was dancing

and they both go downstairs and all the family members were very happy that they both said yes

both the families had done their marriage silently only inviting their relatives because avni doesnt want to reveal her identity

finally i uploded and i am sry for the delay and hope u will like this story and yes i made it fast paced because i seriously dont have proper knowledge of marriage rituals and i hope u people will like it and  thank u guys for all ur love and support

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