🎁chapter- 17🎁

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"Avi, get up"

"Are you ok babe?" Ria peeped in.

Avni slowly opened her eyes and shutted it tightly feeling pain on her right shoulder.

"Ouch, it hurts!" She screamed when Ali and myself tried make her sit.

"Where is Tara?" She questioned me being concerned.

"I'm lying next to you! Can't you see me?! Am I disappearing or shrinking? And I feel like invisible now!" Tara dramatically complains about ignoring her and I mentally laughed. She made serious environment to a chill environment.

"Oh hoo babe! I couldn't able to see you at all! Are you planning to turn into an elf or some other creepy creature?!" Avni tried to find her out eventhough Tara was beside her. Everyone are enjoying Tara's cute expression.

She is such a cute, innocent and immature though. After entering into college also she doesn't change her nature.

"Shut up, all of you!" Zara dashed in and shouted at all of us."Can't you all be silent for sometimes?! Tara already lost most of her energy and you're draining her out!" She yelled at us. And all got silenced.

"What happened princess? Everything got alright see Tara also got normal and what now?"

"Bhaiya, please let me speak to her first!" She said and glared at Avni.

"You said you know everything right?!" She questioned Avni.


"Why are you angry Zara?" Avni said in a calm tone.

"First answer my questions! You said you know Kabil in and out and he is not a dangerous man. Then how did he kidnapped Tara?"

"See Zara, I.. I should have been a little careful and I...." She was cut off by Neil.

"Zara! Why are you questioning her? She's the one who saved Tara without even a scratch and we should thank her but you're literally shouting at her" Neil raised his voice.

"Yeah, what happened to you?"Tara inquired.

"Neil let it be. She have the right to ask. Zara I'm really sor... Sorry" Avni's voice faded away.

"Avni!" Neil got teared up seeing the situation. He couldn't see their argument and Avni surrendering.

"I dont need sorry Avni. I want peace. So thats why I asked you to not to do any planning as it may back fire." Zara complained.

"Zara!" Neil raised his voice.

"See Zara, your anger is justified. I just want to keep him away from all of us. So the planning was important. I thought he wouldn't target you both. But he kidnapped Tara and I accept my defeat. But I still did my best and nothing happened to her."Avni spoke in a calm tone.

"'Nothing happened?' See her! Nothing can be changed,Avni. She suffered and I can't see her suffer anymore. So..."

" This wont happen again. Now everyone knows his truth. He cant attack us anymore. Trust me!" Avni said in promising tone..

"I trust you but I have decided. Tara and myself are going to study in London and we are leaving tomorrow itself."Zara said sternly.

"Whaat?!" Everyone in unison.

"What are you saying Zara? I'm not going anywhere. I want to be with family and Avni di. I cant come. What about our project? Its very important. We cant leave in middle. Nothing happened to me! See I'm totally fine" she said jumping up from the bed. "Avi di is suffering for me by taking knife on her right shoulder and we must thank her" She said seriously.

"Exactly! My lil princess too got mature. Why cant you understand Zara?!" Neil said in a caring way.

"Why cant you all understand me?! I know Avni di saved her and all. She is strong and bold. But we are not like her. And about the so called project, we are not in the project anymore!. I cant tolerate anything happens to my dear ones. I cant see anymore suffering and want some peace. So we are leaving tomorrow and I spoke to Dad and Mom. They also said yes." Zara said sternly.

Avni was totally blank as like others. She didn't know what to answer her.

"Ok then you go. I'm not coming. I want to be with them." Tara said holding Neil's and Avni's hand.

"You're coming with me! No other go. We were together! We will be together. You got it!" Zara said strictly.

"Bhai!" Tara held Neil's hand and looked at him.

"Tara, Zara is right! You need a break so go and visit there and have a good time. We'll be in contact and we can visit each other in vacations."Avni said blankly yet supported Zara.


"Avi di, why are you all pushing me?! I really feel like disappearing. Not again please!" Tara almost teared up.

Avni couldn't hold back her tears and hugged Tara and cried out.

"Zara, dont you trust your bhai? I'll take care of you both. You need not worry!" Neil tried to convince her.

"Bhai, I trust you a lot. You can also take care of us in London too. As Avni di said, you can come and meet us or we can have face time and all. We aren't running away from you all. We are just staying away from this type of society and want some peace." Zara replied.

"But Zara, the society is same. There also you may get problem. If you are here we all can take care of you both. Sorry for coming into your family problem. But wanted to say this as I consider you as my lil sister." Ria said in concern.

" Societies are same but we wont create issue and spoil our peace. We will do our works and be in peace." She said sternly. "And I also consider you as my sister so no need sorry. You can say anything to me." Zara smiled at Ria which she reciprocated.

" Tara come lets go! Bhai, I'm sorry but we are leaving" Zara said in a broken tone. Neil couldn't do anything so he just hugged back Tara and Zara. Avni face turned pale seeing siblings in a breaking ways out of each other.

Zara and Tara left to their house.

"Dont worry Neil, everything will be alright" Ali said and side hugged.

Avni and Ria hugged each other then all the four had a group hug.

" I think you both go to Sha as he is handling the project single handedly" Avni said to Ria and Ali.

They both gone to meet Sha.

Avni and Neil sat silently on bed and they dont know what to do.

Avni looked at Neil in tears and hugged him tightly. Neil started to cry as his princesses were never with him and studied in hostel. Now also they are moving away from him.

" Avni, I'm a bad brother right?! I couldn't take care of my sisters properly. I couldn't spend time with them properly. After many days, They came to stay with me but again they are leaving me and going away." Neil cried out his heart feeling.

" Nothing like that Tillu. You are the best brother. You took care of them and now too you are doing your duties perfectly. They aren't leaving you and going but just staying away. As I said you can go and meet them anytime and spend time with them. No worries okay!" Avni said in a calm and soothing tone.

Neil stopped crying after sometimes and slept on Avni's right shoulder where she got hurt.

Still she didn't adjust him as for her, his sleep is important and compared to his heart pain, her shoulder hurt was small to her.

She too slept keeping her head on his head slightly without disturbing him and held his other shoulder for support.

Neil's phone vibrated and startled him from the sleep. He looked at the position and saw Avni and her wound where blood was oozing out. He immediately cursed himself and got up due to which Avni too woke up startled.

"What happened, Tillu?"

"Ouch" She kept hands on her right shoulder.

"I'm sorry, wait lemme do dressing for your wound."

"Its ok Neil. No worries, its a small wound."

" Dont utter a word! Lemme."

He took first aid kit and sat next to Avni and slightly moved her cloth from the shoulder. He almost closed his eyes and did the dressing. Both were very conscious as whenever Neil's finger comes in contact with her. She felt kinda electric passes through her.

Finally after finishing the dressing, he gave tablets to her and due to which she slept again.

Neil was sitting beside and staring at her.

After two hours, Avni woke up and found Neil was still sitting in the same position and lost somewhere else. So she called him multiple times to make him come out of the lala land.


"Ah, what Avi? Do you need anything? Are you feeling pain?"


"Then why did you called me?!"

" I was shouting your name for around 100 times and you were in your lala land."

" Nothing Avi, I need some rest that's it." He didn't have eye contact with her.

"What Happened Neil?!"

"I said right! I want some peaceful sleep." Saying so he got up, before that Avni pulled his arms due to which he lost balance and fell on her.

"Be with me for sometimes Tillu, I want somebody to be with me."

"I'll ask Neela to be with you. I'm lil tired."

"Why cant you be with me? Stay here and take rest, I wont disturb your peace." She said with a breaking voice and tears were threatening to come out and she was holding it forcefully. From morning all asked her to let them be in peace.


Finally updated the next chapter!!!!
Hope you all like it!!!
Sorry for the late update again!!! I dont want to push it and want to give a good chapter... And I tried my level best...

Hope you guys like it and if you liked it then press "vote🌟"... If not , you can comment and say where I have gone wrong... It was really tough for me to write a emotional episode...

Guess what would be the next chapter be?!!

Guys votes are getting lesser day by days, Are you all reading my story? If you didn't like the story or the chapter, you can say it too me!! I'll end the story as soon as possible!!! I dont wanna drag story and waste your precious time!!!

Silent readers you can click a vote button to show you are with me in the story! You can do this much for a writer to support them!!! Its my kind request to all!!!

Thank you all!!!

If I get proper response and votes I'll continue my story orelse I'll soon try to end it!!! I'm sorry for disappointing you all but I got disappointed by the reader's response! I'm sorry again!!!

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