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Every one gathers in front of the college for their trip.
Juhi: this Neil is still missing
Mitali: it's ok he will come.. see avni hasn't came yet.
Vidyut: exactly if Neil is late that means avni is late too.
Rahul arrives there.
Rahul: hey everyone.
Vidyut: hey bro. So ready for the trip.
Neil and avni have already told everyone about him.
Rahul: where is avni
DD; not yet arrived..
Avni and Neil arrive there with their jeep.
Neil: sorry guys.
Avni: u should be .
Neil: what.
Avni: sorry.
Neil; it was not my fault.
Avni: ofcourse it was clock's fault that it did not ring after u removed the alarm.. it should have rang after all it is its duty to do.. then it is your shower's mistake that it did not close when u took 2 hrs to take bath.. it should have stopped after 20 mins so that Mr. Neil khanna would not get late...
(She said with sarcasm and everyone laughed)
Neil: come on yaar Avu.. he said pulling her into a hug.
Avni: leave me..
Neil: ok ok.. guys get in ..
Neil and vidyut sat in front while others at back..
Neil was driving whereas vidyut was busy talking with DD.
Avni was talking to Rahul.
Rahul: avni it's gonna be fun right.
Avni: for sure. Neil's farmhouse is the best place to enjoy
Rahul: looks like u have been there
Avni; many a times...
Neil: avni neela ma called to inform u that she is leaving for Pune and would be back after a week. If our trip gets over before that she asked me to take u home..
Avni: Ur home.. would be fun..
Neil: fun?? U will drive me crazy..
Avni: u won't be forgiven this time..
Neil laughed ...
Suddenly they saw a girl standing on the road asking for lift..
Girl: hey kift.??
Juhi; Neil lets help her.
Neil; as u say.
Neil stopped the jeep .
Girl: hey.. I do not know this place.. came here with my group for party and then they left me here.
Mitali: hey this voice seems familiar
Mitali turned to see.
Mitali: ru..
Mitali got off the jeep and hugged her tightly..
Riya: what's going on?? Who is she.
Mitali: my best friend ruhi..ruhi meet everyone..
Mitali introduces her to everyone
Ali: why don't you join us..
Ruhi; would u people be okay.
DD: ofcourse
Avni: come sit
They reached the farmhouse.

Riya; wow this is so good.
Ali; bro I am in love with this.
Every one loved the place.
Neil: since it's night I think everyone should rest .. we will start our fun from tomorrow.
Avni: I will take that room.
Neil: it's always yours..
DD: what about us??
Neil: shyaam uncle will show u all Ur rooms.
Everyone went in their rooms...
Neil was sitting at the terrace of his house..
Someone came.
Neil: avni ..
Voice: no it's not avni .. it's me ruhi..
Neil turned to see ruhi there in short pants and crop top

you can imagine this as the dress.
Neil was for a while stunned with this.
Ruhi; hey Neil.
Neil: hi.
Ruhi: may I??
She asked before sitting next to him.
Neil shifted a bit..
Neil: sure.
Ruhi sat next to him.
Ruhi; u know what Neil. Although it's quiet early to say this u may even feel strange but.. but you look very handsome.
Neil was actually shocked when he realised that ruhi was trying to flirt with him..Neil thought to enjoy this .
Neil: ruhi u to look beautiful..
Ruhi: beautiful??
Neil: or should I say hot.
Ruhi gave a huge smile.
There was complete silence for few seconds.
Ruhi: Neil can I ask u for a favour.
Neil: ya pls
Ruhi: can u dance with me..
Neil: here??
Ruhi: ya pls.. don't say no.
Neil was kind of confused with all that happening.
Neil: ok but music.
Ruhi : I don't need it. 
Neil asked for her hand..
She stood and moved towards him..
Neil did slow moments with her. She moved closer to him. Neil tried to move her away with dance but she rather moved closer.
Neil: I think that's it.
Ruhi: ya thanks..
Neil: I think u should sleep.
Ruhi: ya..
Ruhi was leaving but she turned and came back and hugged Neil and kissed him on his cheek.
Neil: ruhi..
Ruhi; just few minutes Neil.
Neil: but..
Ruhi put her finger on his lips and asked hhim to be quiet.
She held his hand and kept it on her waist and got closer . Neil could not understand what was happening. He thought ruhi was actually attracted to him. Little did he understood he felt like he too liked her.
Ruhi held Neil tightly and kept her hands on his which were on her waist and pulled them indicating him to hold her tighter.
Ruhi; Neil I like u
Neil: ruhi i think I like u too.
Ruhi smiled and left him.
Ruhi kissed him on his cheek and pulled him to a corner.
Neil: ruhi I think we should leave. Anyone might wake up.
Ruhi; it's ok Neil. I just want u to take me in Ur arms..
Neil: ruhi r u sure??
Ruhi; pls.
Neil took her in his arms and kept her on sofa.
He left ..
Ruhi just smiled.
Ruhi: u don't know Neil khanna who I am.. and what I want??? U will be destroyed.. we are here to take revenge
She laughed...
Precap- ruhi and Neil &Rahul and avni...

Who is ruhi??
What is her plan???
Who was she referring as we???
Stay tuned to read more

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