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Neil was sitting in his garden ...
Neil: I love ruhi.. but I do not feel that bond ... Oh Neil u r just overthinking man..
U love her.. she loves u.. what else do u need..
Yes I love her.. wait I love her??? M I sure it's love.. and not attraction.. no Neil do not overthink.. u love her..

Next day college..
Ruhi : so Neil khanna.. the phase 2 of our love story starts today...
Neil was walking alone in the corridor.
Neil; avni.  Why didn't u come today...let me check where is this ruhi...
Ruhi sees Neil coming and starts talking with a boy..
Neil: hi ruhi
Ruhi; hey Neil.. meet Rishabh..
Rishabh: hi.
Neil; hi.
Neil; ruhi r u free..
Ruhi; ya ..
Rishabh ; meet u afterwards
He winks and leaves..
Neil did not felt good seeing ruhi with Rishabh but that feeling of jealousy never hit him..
Ruhi; Neil how come u r here..
Neil; I can't come to my gf..
Ruhi; but u should be with avni..
Neil; she did not come today.
Ruhi smiled

After class .
Ruhi rushed somewhere.. Neil was trying to find her. .
He heard some noise from the storeroom he peeped in to find ruhi with someone in intimate position.
Ruhi; that Neil is such a dumb.. I was using him for my revenge.. and soon it will get complete
Rishabh: but I love u truly..
Ruhi kisses him ..
Neil closes the door and went to his car.
Neil: ruhi.. ruhii... I loved u .. damn it. 
But u betrayed me for a revenge. Wait what revenge was she talking about..
I need to have my answers..
Neil again goes there.. he sees only ruhi standing there.
Neil; ruhi.
Ruhi; baby.
She goes near him and kisses him on his cheek. I missed u so much .. I was missing Ur touch .. come on give it to me..
Ruhi holds his hand and keeps it on her waist...
Ruhi: this touch gives me pleasure..
Neil; what we're u doing here..
Ruhi; nothing actually yesterday my earring  fell here.. I was finding it..
Neil ; oh..
Neil left the place..
Neil: I cannot tell her I know everything.. I need to make her confess her fault...Avu.. Avu will help me..
Neil leaves for avni's house.
Neil and avni sit outside her house in the garden.
Avni; Neil I knew this..
Neil; what.. how.
Avni told him everything she heard..
Neil; what should do now..
Avni; u haven't told her what you have seen right.
Neil nods in no.
Avni; u need to act for some more day and everything will be over..
Neil: but how can I??
Avni: Neil.. trust me..
Neil; ofcourse I do..
Avni; then wait and watch.. wait.. u went to her house yesterday...
Neil: ya she told me her parents our out for a week.
Avni: great.  We will go there.
Neil; there..
Avni: yes and I will call Riya as well.
Neil; but what do u want to do
Avni; I will search for evidence in her house..
Neil : Haan.. and she will welcome u there.
Avni: idiot that I Ur work.
Neil; mine??
Avni; yes.. u need keep her distracted for some time..
Neil; how will I ??
Avni : don't tell me I need to tell u that as well.
Neil; ya u need to.
Avni: what she does .. u need to do as well.
Neil; matlab??
Avni : romance..
Neil; no .
Avni: Neil shut up.. do as I say..
Neil; u r very bad.
Avni; I know.
Avni hugs him..

Next day...
Ruhi's house bell's Neil.
Ruhi; hi baby..
Neil; hey hottie..
Ruhi : come in.. u did not tell me u will come here..
Avni was standing out listening this..
Riya; avni u know which room is hers.
Avni; no.
Riya: then ..
Avni messages Neil..
Message: Neil u need to do something by which ruhi investment visits her room..and then comes back..
Neil: what would I do.
Avni; ask her to get changed .
Neil; why.
Avni: do as I say.
Neil; ok..

Neil; ruhi u look so stunning always but this dress does not suits Ur personality..
Ruhi: is it so.. I will just get changed..
Neil; ya pls..
Ruhi goes in her room and changes to this.

Neil; now u look sexy..

Avni; Riya let's go in through this window..
Riya and avni goes in..

Ruhi; what should we do..
Neil; what we left incomplete yesterday...
Saying this Neil pulls ruhi in his laps..
Neil holds her waist tightly..
Ruhi holds his hand and keeps it on her thighs...
She then bites his ears..
Neil stands up..
Neil; can I get a glass of water..
Ruhi goes to get water..

Neil messages avni..
Neil: r u done..
Avni: we r finding.. 5 more mins..
Neil; it's becoming quite difficult..
Avni; make sure she doesn't another moves from there..
Neil; she went to kitchen..
Avni; keep her in kitchen only.. till I search in drawing room.

Neil goes in kitchen.. ruhi was pouring water in glass... Neil holds her from her back... He lifts her and keeps her on slab..
Ruhi pulls him on her ..
Neil tries not to get closer...
Ruhi kisses his hand.. Neil gives a fake smile...
Ruhi stands up and leaves for drawing room..
Neil pulls her back.. he lifts her in his arms and rotates her.. he keeps her back down touching her back..

Avni messages Neil; done..

Neil; I will leave ruhi..
Ruhi holds his hand..
Ruhi; u r again leaving it here..
Neil; I have to go.
He leaves..
Precap-; who is ruhi???

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