chapter 1

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at khanna mansion around 6am

juhi woke up and looked at a 1 year old mishti sleeping peacefully on vidyut chest with his hand wrapped around her..she smiled seen how they were sleeping peacefully especially mishti who had woken up at night crying nonstop where they had no option left and took her out of her crib.. she slowly got of the bed and went to have a shower

30 mins later juhi was all ready and headed down to do the preparation for morning aarti along with breakfast.

She was busy preparing breakfast for everyone and also got Neil juice ready when shweta came in

Juhi:morning maa

Shweta:morning beta... what happened y do u seem tired?

Juhi: woh mishti was crying nonstop at night so it took a while to calm her down

Shweta:pagal u could have called out to one of us. Do one thing go and rest I'll finish the rest of the work

Juhi:maa I'm wide awake right now.. I'll take a nap with mishti later on.. .

Shweta:but.. juhi interrupted

Juhi: honestly maa I'm ok. I'm not tired

Shweta :ok fine. What is left to do

Juhi:most is done now we just got to make the tea and all but that will be done once everyone is ready.. I will go and give this juice to Neil

Shweta:right now u r taking this juice but one day his wife will prepare this juice for him

Juhi: haan haan dont worry that day will come to she said chuckling seen shweta make a dramatic face

Shweta:chal go give your devar his juice ..juhi nodded and left

Meanwhile in a bedroom the white curtains were moving back and forth as the balcony window was open with a figure doing pushups with a vest and bottoms over there .. there was a bluetooth around his ears as he looked into space while talking

Voice: mr Roy money is not an issue for me.. I'm ready to pay any price for that land

Mr roy:but neil sir we tried and the people staying there r not ready

(Yup u all r right it was neil which u all was aware of)

Neil:well then try even more.. persuade them and try to convince them..

Mr roy:ok sir.. I'll try my best

Neil:good... next time I want a better news he said and pressed the button on his bluetooth to end the call

He got up and walked inside to his huge bedroom where there was a treadmill in the corner and got on it

Few secs later he got a call from dd.

Neil: yes dd

Dd:morning sir


Dd:sir I just called u to remind that today u will be taking Interview of few candidates for our company

Juhi was about to enter when she saw neil on a call while running on the treadmill.. she shook her head and entered inside

Neil: I remember that dd anything else

Dd:haan u have a meeting with the raichands at 12pm

Neil: ok I hope everything is ready for the meeting

Dd: jee sir everything is ready

Neil: ok and...before he couldn't continue juhi pressed the button on his bluetooth ending the call when he slowed down on the treadmill

Neil turned to look at her to see her smiling at him

Juhi: ye lo devar ji your juice she said handing him the glass

Neil took the glass from her

Neil: juhi bhabhi ( y does bhabhi sound so weird.. ok no chappals ) I was on the call to dd

Juhi:haan so? I have always told u do one thing at a time either exercise or be on the phone besides it was your juice time.. and u will be seen dd at the office.

Neil:haan but

Juhi:no ifs and buts finsh your juice and exercise and then come down after freshening up as morning aarti will start. Till then I'll go and see if the father and daughter has woken up or not.

Neil smiled a little bit as juhi left the room saying that and drank his juice..
After a bit more work on the treadmill he went to freshen up.

30 mins later neil came down and after a while vidyut came down with mishti in juhi arm who was wearing a nice cute frock... as mishti saw Neil she extended her hands as he took her from juhi and kissed her cheeks

Bebe: all r here now.

Shweta: Ji bebe she said coming from the kitchen straight away

bebe soon started the aarti while all folded their hands and prayed... mishti looked at neil as he bowed his head slightly with eyes closed and with her small hands she was trying to open his eyelids..neil opened his one eye looking at mishti and shook his head earning a giggle from mishti

Bebe then gave the aarti to prakash and shweta and after they gave it to vidyut and juhi and then neil and mishti did the aarti while mishti held Neil's shirt collar tightly with her face glued to his cheeks seen the diye on the plate

Once the aarti was done juhi gave the prasad to everyone neil ate some and then gave some to mishti

Vidyut: morning chote he said moving to neil

Neil:morning bhai.. all set for the day ?

Vidyut : yup its going to be a little hectic today

Neil:same here.. we have hired few new candidates so its interviews and then meeting he said shaking his head while juhi came and took mishti and placed her on her baby booster chair

Vidyut:wait u was going to have meeting with the raichands right

Neil:yup its today.

Vidyut: they r really good to work with plus ...but he couldn't continue when he heard shweta speak

Shweta : bebe we should go and live at the office jab dekho toh it's only office discussion. ...The day has just started and these two have started the business talk which can continue the whole day.

Bebe:u r right... and u two ..can't u come and spend time with family instead of discussing about office work.. now chalo come and sit for breakfast.

Vidyut and neil looked at bebe and shweta and then at each other and shook their head walking over to the dining table for breakfast

Neil: it's funny how when they talk about shopping and all we have to listen quietly but here we r talking about decent work and we r the one who gets told of he said in a low voice so that only vidyut can hear

Vidyut: agreed plus they show they r not really interested in tv shows and knows it's all acting but once they start talking about that show they can't stop discussing about the characters.. mom even ended up cursing one of the
Actress who plays a negative role

Neil:that's y women r impossible to understand.

Vidyut:and the khanna ladies r the loving example of that he said as they neared

Juhi:y u both talking so quietly

Vidyut: nothing we were talking just like that

Juhi narrowed her eyes looking at both the brothers

Neil:bhabhi paratha please he said juhi moved towards them and placed the paratha on his plate while vidyut said a quick thanks to him

Meanwhile in a flat a girl was running from one room to another mumbling to herself as she was in a rush

Voice:gosh how can I be so careless that I lost my appointment letter.. I should really stop doing these last min things otherwise it will get me into trouble some day....come on AVNI search for it.. wait let me check in my bag and see if it's there

Avni took her bag and took out few of the junks she had in that and finally she found her letter which was folded and was on the bottom of her bag

Avni: phew.. now I should eat something quickly before I get late...

She rushed into the kitchen and toasted a bread while making a quick coffee and then spread nutella on her bread and took big bites while sipping her coffee

Once done she looked at the time and decided to leave as she can't afford to be late on her interview day

40 mins later avni reached outside the office and adjusted her clothes and walked in while clutching her file tightly

Avni: calm down avni all is good just take a chill pill.. and I really need to stop calling my self avni .. ananya..ananya is your name.... it's been two years yet u keep forgetting that

Avni reached to the reception and showed her letter and few secs later she was directed where to go.. as avni reached there she saw few more people sitting there.. every 10 to 15 mins she saw them been called

Dd: miss ananya verma ?

Avni looked around when she realised dd was calling her.

Avni (in her head) : I need to get use to hearing ananya verma otherwise I will look like a fool if i dont respond to that after all that is my name "ananya verma*

Avni got up

Avni: hi sir ananya verma.

Dd smiled and allowed her to go in

Avni entered into the cabin knocking on the door

Avni: May I come in

Neil: Come in ...avni heard the other person say ...avni for a sec felt nervous hearing that voice as that small come in sounded as if a young person some with a strict /serious voice ( whatever u want to call it )

As she walked in she saw the person who was sitting on the chair was facing the other way

Neil: so miss ANANYA VERMA y do u want to work at NK company? ".

Avni in her mind:because I need money to pay my bills stupid.

Neil: what happened trying to search for an answer on Google" she was able to notice the sarcasm in his tone

Avni:I believe NK company actually gives chances to non experience workers and trains them bit by bit so that they start understanding how things work so I didnt want to miss a chance

Neil: well that answer really didnt interest me but since your grades r good u will be hired"he said finally turning around in his chair as he closed her file and looked at her seriously while for a sec she was surprised as she expected it to be some old man despite his voice sounding young and also that beard on his face just added to his look.. she came out of her feature checking mode and spoke

Avni:thank u

Neil: last question. Y isnt your parents name mentioned in your CV "

Avni gulped.. if only he knew that the only truth in the cv was her grades..if only she could tell how despite having a family she is pretending to not have one.

Neil: Do u have a habit of not answering straight away" he said throwing her file on the desk

Avni:no it's just that I dont think who my parents r will have anything to do with my job

Neil: I see he said raising his eyebrows "

He made a call on the intercom and another employee came in .

neil: dd show her desk and make her fill in the training form"

Dd:ok NEIl sir he said witn a smile and gestured avni to leave the cabin

Precrap: kuch bhi nahi

Phew.. I dont know how this has turned our but yh sometimes it can be difficult of what to write and how to write

Will be waiting for comments and votes so keep them coming

Also... Fariha_Ahamed has started a writing contest where u can write os.. do check out her book called writer's contest to know more details about the contest

Lots of love

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