chapter 2

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(Avni and the khanna family r in Mumbai while neela kabir dayawanti and aman live in Delhi )

Neil: so miss ANANYA VERMA y do u want to work at NK company? ".

Avni in her mind:because I need money to pay my bills stupid.

Neil: what happened trying to search for an answer on Google" she was able to notice the sarcasm in his tone

Avni:I believe NK company actually gives chances to non experience workers and trains them bit by bit so that they start understanding how things work so I didnt want to miss a chance

Neil: well that answer really didnt interest me but since your grades r good u will be hired"he said finally turning around in his chair as he closed her file and looked at her seriously while for a sec she was surprised as she expected it to be some old man despite his voice sounding young and also that beard on his face just added to his look.. she came out of her feature checking mode and spoke

Avni:thank u

Neil: last question. Y isnt your parents name mentioned in your CV "

Avni gulped.. if only he knew that the only truth in the cv was her grades..if only she could tell how despite having a family she is pretending to not have one.

Neil: Do u have a habit of not answering straight away" he said throwing her file on the desk

Avni:no it's just that I dont think who my parents r will have anything to do with my job

Neil: I see he said raising his eyebrows "

He made a call on the intercom and another employee came in .

neil: dd show her the desk and make her fill in the training form"

Dd:ok NEIl sir he said witn a smile and gestured avni to leave the cabin

Neil watched as avni left his cabin and after few sec he got back to doing his work

Avni was been shown her office along with few other  people

Dd then showed each one of their desk where laptop was provided along with a printer on each desk

After few mins

Dd: alright then that was the tour for the office you all will start from tomorrow sharp 8:30am

All nodded and left

As avni was about to leave the building she saw one girl running up to her mum and hugged her while her mum was telling her how proud she was

Avni smiled sadly as she recalled her time with neela


Avni: mumaaaaa mumaaaa where r u she said running into the mansion shouted an 18 year old avni

Neela: kitchen mai bacha

Avni ran into the kitchen

Avni: mumma look I got a volunteer job at a school...and they will also pay me said avni

Neela: I'm proud of u bacha...u r working really hard and one day u will be working in one of the most successful company or even have your own matter what u choose we will always be proud of u

Kabir: I agree with neela ...Make us proud but just dont become my rival...we will do some setting if u plan to open your own business otherwise u r more than welcome to join my company when u finish your studies

Avni: u guys r too much...I have so much time... u both have decided as if I will finsh in few month

Kabir: chalo then we dont have to worry for some time then

Avni:exactly pa...acha I'm going to tell dadi this news she said running out of the kitchen to tell dayawanti

End of flashback

Avni gulped as she stopped her tears from flowing...if only she could enjoy those happy days again without any worry which she knew was not possible

Taking a deep breath she started to head out of the building and decided to go to the market to buy some vegetables

30 mins later avni had reached to the market and was looking at things around when she heard someone shout

Voice: my purse ...theif ...theif

Avni turned to look around when she saw a women and a small toddler in the
persons arm...

avni saw the theif running in her direction while the lady was trying to run behind him but was slow due to the little infact she was carrying while few other people started to run behind the theif too

Suddenly she noticed chilli powder on one of the stall that she was standing near and grabbed a bottle and opened it quickly

As the theif was near her she threw it on his face making him drop the purse instantly as he started to rub his eyes

People started to gather up and beat him up while avni picked up the woman purse and went to her who reached there

Avni: your purse

Lady: thank u so much for helping me get my purse back it means a lot

Avni: it's fine if we dont help each other who will she said smiling

The lady was touched by her words.

Lady: I dont know how to repay u

Avni:u dont need to...I'm happy that I was able to help she said

Lady: u r actually sweet...what's your name

Avni: av...ananya ...ananya verma

Lady: ananya nice name my name is juhi

Avni: juhi...and what is this cuties name she said tempted to touch little misthi  cheeks

Juhi: mishti... my daughter she said and gave a peck on misthi head

Avni: she is cute she said adoring juhi

Juhi:she is and also the princess of everyone in the family

Avni: she is lucky she said smiling

Mishti made a cute laughing sound while looking at avni

Juhi:she likes u

Avni: and I feel I will kidnap her... she is just cute she said pulling mishti cheeks slightly who stared at avni with her big eyes

Juhi:ananya...thank u once again..u know what please come home with me and have some tea or something or how about I get u something

Avni: it's ok please...I didn't help u to get something out of u please.

Juhi: still I dont know how to thank u

avni: then dont...I'll leave now need to buy stuff

Avni was about to leave when juhi stopped her

Juhi: ananya

Avni: yeah she said turning around

Avni saw juhi fetch something from her phone

juhi: this is my card please do keep it if I can help u in any way I'll be glad to.

Avni: how comes u trusted me to give me your number in the first place?

Juhi:because I know u r not any sort of girl...u r genuinely nice and as they say u can sense it...the way u helped shows what sort of person u r

avni:, what if I was faking to help

Juhi chukled

Juhi:then u would have said big big things and would have accepted each and every offer that I made and as I said i can sense it

Avni: I'll keep this she said showing her the card that juhi gave and started to walk away while juhi smiled and left with mishti.

The next day

Avni was all ready and headed to go to the office

She managed to get a taxi and reach 10 mins early

As she was outside the building she saw some arrogant lady shouting at a poor person...not liking the things she was seen she walked over to them

Avni:u shouldn't be talking to this lady like this she is older

The arrogant lady turned around and looked at avni

Arrogant lady: who the hell do u think u r

Poor person: please help me my kid is starving and I havent got anything to give him please she said folding her hand

Arrogant lady: you people just love doing this...enjoy like this and then come to ask money from us.

Avni looked at her angrily

Avni:if u cant help then stop saying things to her to demotovate her

Arrogant lady: who the hell r u

Avni :someone much better than you she said while the arrogant lady scoffed at her

Arrogant lady:nobody has dared to speak to me like this

Avni:dont expect that everyone will listen to u

Arrogant lady looked at avni and left from there angrily while avni handed the lady some money and gave her tiffin

Avni:u can have this she said and left while the person thanked her

Avni started to head towards the main entrance

As she was walking into the bulding  she was looking for her Id in her bag and within a sec she bumped into someone so hard...her hand automatically went onto the person shoulder while a pair of hand was holding her from her arm

Avni moved her face back a little to find herself drowning into a pair of eyes that was looking at her seriously

Voice: u should watch where u going he said seriously

Avni came back to reality and realised the person she was staring at was none other than neil

Moving her away from him neil walked away while avni bit her tounge and headed to where she was meant to meet dd


Hey guys thank u so so much for all the birthday messages that I had received it really means a lot

Hope u all like this chap

Will be waiting for comments and votes

And also sorry for taking time to update

Lots of love

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