Hallowed inside out

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A month was indeed a long time. The night when she clutched her stomach as if to shield herself, he understood that she is not ready to face him as of yet.

The doctors came and changed the dressing with a clear warning of no movement in the wound area.

Just as the doctor left...

Neil-(grabbing her hands in a stern yet with care) you have the guts to still try and run even in this condition? Let's first sort this out for once and all.

Not only me but the entire family now knows that you are not Ananya and Avni.

She looked at him as if she heard him wrong.

Avni- y..yo...you are ...l..lying right??

Just the thought of facing them broke her into several pieces.

Neil- ( still with no change) it's better to even video call them? Shall I?

Avni-( grabs him irrespective of her wounds ) you will not do that. They should not know i am alive. The Avni you all know is dead several years ago. She is not alive. You understand that?

Neil knew that she was not ready to face his family but the only way to keep her away from running was to get her on a guilt  trip. He could see the tears and the meaning behind it. How he itched that moment to just console her to stop crying but that has to wait unfortunately.

Neil-( in a stern tone) why do you think that I should understand? Did you think about it once when I spoke about yo..Avni?

Never did it ever cross you that everyone loved you so much that you should first come to us and discuss your issues?

And who are you? A freedom fighter? A soldier? A .. whatever? Who gave you the right to jump off the cliff?

She knew she was wrong in his eyes and he deserves an explanation but does she have any?  She was just wondering what would shweta come and ask as she knows she would be most hurt  knowing she's alive and was with her.

No....that can't happen. This is not how it was supposed to be happening. She has to stop this before it's too late.

Neil- the great ananya is quiet with nothing to say today? Strange!!

Avni-( carelessly with anger and mostly fear) Neil!! Listen to me very carefully, i know that I owe you an explanation which you will get eventually but you are not allowed to add any family member into this. No one should know that Avni is alive. Avni is dead for all.

They have finally accepted that and now no one needs to know that I was.... Alive.

Neil knew that she is on the verge of getting the panic attack and so before she could continue any further he grabbed her carefully in a hug.

Neil-( still with a stern tone) you can try to test me once girl!! This time you hide in any corner of the universe and you will still see me there along with those you do not want to face at the moment.

Although the words were very rude but he was trying to pat her back and make her relax. She was sobbing, although the voice was not heard but he could feel his clothes getting wet and she was shivering out of fear. She was there hugging him for a long time until she slept crying.

He wanted to just throw away all her anxiety and stress but that was not possible with just a hug but with this he saw how weak she was and that might be one of the reasons why she did not want Avni back.

He could relate when he was dependent on many people but none felt right to him.

He made her sleep on the bed and went to complete the formalities and apply for the leaves. He wanted to leave for months this time and even though they were reluctant but agreed at the end.

Prakash came in after completing all the work and the first thing he did was meet his angel. Yes , for him she was already his daughter and now that she is found after years , he wanted to speak with her, share all her worries, understand how she was and what her life was. Has she met anyone or is she in love.

But the moment he entered he saw her looking at the window with the complete face swollen and eyes no longer able to bear the burden of tears.

He went to her and shook her out of her trance. She looked at him and immediately tried to stop her tears but the heart could not bear anymore and so the eyes sold her out.

After what seemed the silent tears and ages prakash could finally put her to sleep. She had a lot to share, he knows. He too has many things left unsaid which is piled over years but what matters currently is her recovery.

He went out to speak with his fellow son. He knows Neil is worried for her but this will not help her if it continues.

Prakash -( softly) Neil...!

Neil turned to him with a small smile and went back to look at the sky with a blank face.

Prakash -( smiles softly) when you can't bare to see her in such state then why are you pushing her? Can you handle it?

Neil-( a single tear escapes his eyes) What else can I do dad? She doesn't care that she is wounded, can't move. Have you seen her so lost and such low esteem. Is that because she is infront of me as Avni? Or she is running away because she does not want to face me?

She was wounded dad!! If I was a minute late she would have collapsed again. Her stitches doesn't matter to her. She keeps on bleeding from all over yet she finds the opportunity to go away from me again.

Prakash could understand how he might be feeling at the moment.

Prakash- if you know that she will run away then give her what she wants. This way she will no longer want to run. Son always remember a bird has endless journey in the lifetime but at the end when things start to settle and worn out, the only place he would prefer to be at is home.

You have to become her home. She is scared at the moment not because of you but she knows that she has caused a lot of effect on us. She was Ananya and yet she did not reveal. She was able to hear about Avni all the time but she could not embrace us like she used to.

She has phobia with staying in family because she feels she has abandoned us and no longer has the chance of reconciliation.

She has seen her mother die in front of her eyes and her brother being snatched. Her father being married to another women.

The damage is too deep Neil. Your armed attitude can work on Ananya but not on Avni. You are just pushing her on the edge. The stitches will not sting her that much like your words. She has many things to say but words are betraying her son.

Be the gentle Neil from childhood who made the aloof Avni his friend. When everyone said she is died and yet you did not believe that, make this love of yours as her medicine for curing her.

Neil looked at him with ease and could understand that he was just making things worst but thanks to him who brought the calmness in him again. This anger and frustration was getting the best out of him.

He asked his dad to rest for a while and he went towards the ward to check on her.

While he was there looking at her he got lost in his thoughts.

Neil- you are in pain !! I know that you are struggling to look at me but what is so difficult and important for you rather than yourself? You know that it hurts. Till the point where I can't breathe with ease looking at this casts and blood all over?

I am scared Avni. Till now you were not with me but I was at peace knowing you are there somewhere safe but look at this now that you are infront of me , i can't even make you look at me with that trust where you could just embrace me . I wanted to be your frenemy where you could come to me where you could settle with me and confide in me.

Slowly taking her hand in his hand . You have to stay safe. I know you are unable to make yourself at ease but I will still request you to leave everything aside and let me take care of you.

He kept looking at her with some pain which could not settle.

After a while as if Avni was getting the nightmare again. He could see the wrinkled the face and sensing that she is having pain again.

He called in for the doctor and took her hands towards the side. She had pain in her whole body. Yet she did not hissed. Tears rolled from his eyes looking at her. The doctors came and had a check applying the gauze , ointment to stop the bleeding which started to come as she had grabbed her stomach while in pain. Luckily Neil held her hand to avoid further damage if any.

She was given the painkillers and the same time came Karan to check on her. Looking at her he could say that something happened as the doctors just left. Neil nodded at him and gestures to be with her and look at her.

He went with the doctors and the doctors clearly warned him against her mental health.

Doctor - Neil she is in some trauma. She is not able to come out of it. You need to stop this cause this can't go on for long. Her body is not going to last for long with such pain. She is really brave that she was still quiet but you need to take care of her.

Neil left and went towards the ward and sat looking at her.

Karan-( calmly) why did she have this again.

Neil- nightmare maybe.....!

Karan-(  admiring her and slowly trying to remove all the hairs from her face) she is brave Neil. Let her adjust and definitely she will be back to her normal self.

Neil-( laughs at his words) which normal self are you referring to? Ananya ya Avni? I am now wondering whether I made it hard for her. All she did today was either looking to run away or kept crying until tired to sleep.

Did I do right by coming infront of her? Barging her life like this making her complete clueless without any shine in her eyes?

Karan- yes you did. This is not for you Neil. The way she is now is just because of her. She has kept everything to herself. After knowing her for this long, it's the first time she has reacted on her own. Although we might not be able to see her like that but trust me she is just cooling herself from the things that she has bottled up.

Thanks Neil! For waiting till now. Although this lady is currently unable to accept you but please get herself back. I really want to know the Avni that you love, the one whom the entire family is still keeping etched to heart, the one for which Aladdin was ready to risk his life, the one that made dwm shiver.

Neil just was looking at the poor soul lying under the white sheet completely unaware of her situation and those near her .

Next morning

The effect of the medicines started to ward off and Avni slowly adjusted the eyes according to light in the room. As soon as she woke up , she was greeted by the most precious person for her.

Prakash - Good Morning Beta!! How's everything now? All good?

Avni looked at him with no words..

He held her hand in his and smiled gently.

Prakash - puttar! It's okay. Don't say anything yet. I know you have many things to sort out. Don't worry , now that you are here we have the lifetime to take the things according to our way. For now all you need to do is get healthy, look at all this how can you like this all?

Although he was uncomfortable looking at the syringe and blood on the bandages but he knew he can't make it that obvious for her.

Avni was shocked listening to him. Composing herself she said in slow voice.

Avni- don't you want to know why I did not revealed myself back then?

Prakash -( smiles) I want to... Infact more than me who needs to know all of this the most is Neil. Although he is currently angry at you but please don't be mad at him , he's acting like that cause of you are all what he has apart from us. He's waited for all these years with the desire to meet you. He had many plans all this year's about what would be like to meet you again, what he has to speak with you. It's just that he is taken a back with the way you met him at the cliff.

Avni looked at him with tears as she could imagine the precious smile on his face while he would be thinking for her and planning things.

Avni - ( all she could say was) sorry ... I know things are already bad and I am making him more mad. It's really painful to see him so hurt. It hurts more knowing that the reason for all his agony is me. I had never thought that i would be one who can ever make him so hurt.

I know he loves Avni , the one innocent and mischievous girl which is completely lost. I am not the old Avni anymore.

Prakash -(understanding her concern) I understand your concern but at the same time you too would need to try and make things easy for him as well. All he is wanting for you to rely on him and give him all the answers. We are already waiting for you since years but he ... He is different as he not only waited but followed you like an obedient kid. He knew that you will be alive, he also knows how much you wanted to get into the this job and so to accompany you he joined the forces.

She looked at him understanding his words and nodded. Just as he finished in came Neil and giving them the space , prakash left.

Neil came in with a small smile on the face. Since she had been sitting for a while without any words exchanged , he made her ly down.

While he did not know what should he speak least he wanted her to take his words otherwise so he simply tried to sort the medicines and started peeling the fruits.

Avni-( could see his struggle) you don't have to hold yourself back! Don't worry your words doesn't hurt at all like your eyes and the pain in them.

He was looking at her shocked as if someone caught him cheating in the exam. Immediately calming himself.

Neil-( smiles and makes an eye contact with her) when you know that your situation or things related to you matter the most to me then why are you treating yourself like trash? You know since when have you been here?

How many wires, medicines, bandages are currently on your body?

As if she now realised why was he so upset and suddenly saw herself trapped under those.

He again sighed mentally that she was till now not even aware about her wounds and all she was thinking was of facing him? Why has she become like this? Thankfully he went Delhi and got to know her else she would have been still the same.

A slight tear escaped his eyes unknowingly which she wiped quickly.

Avni -( sad tone) please don't waste your tears on me ,Neil. This pain in your heart , i can't lessen that and I know you are looking and loving the old Avni and that's the reason I can't come back. This is the new me. Whether we love it or not this is how my life is.

I am very sorry that I had hurt you again and again during the Mumbai mission but had I knew that it's you trust me I would have never came along the mission in the first place.

Neil looking at her with unreadable expression.

Neil-( calmly) for once can you stop thinking about others and focus on self? I know you are thinking for me and my family but what good does it make when all we want for was you and you never dared to smile with us, chat with us , demand with us or even slightly show the right on us like you had in our childhood.

They still want you to be same demanding kid and not the one looking from far, crying inside, stopping self, hurting self for all the issues.

She knew he was trying to be reasonable but from she had been can she ever be back to them or rather face anyone. Prakash was considerate and has left space for her but what about when Shweta would know about her as she really meant a lot for Shweta. Now that she was there all along and she did not even hugged her once , though she regrets but will this guilt be ever escaping that she has betrayed the purest soul in the earth?

Her eyes again watered just at the thought of that and looking at her lost Neil just went and asked Karan to calm her as she will not speak so openly with him

Looking at Karan, she just hugged him tightly like she was sheilding herself. Kept on crying which made Neil cry as well cause he could feel her pain which she had carried in her heart.

She kept on crying and finally what seemed like hours she was quiet.

Karan-( himself emotional) carefull your wounds are still raw.

Avni-( looking at him with love) Sorry! I know no one would have known you but I have hurt you as well. I will be carefull next time.

Karan-( cries at her words) who says that there would be a next time. With the way you have handled the situation you better be ready and get a transfer. I can't allow you to be here like this.

Avni-( in ananya tone) who says you can do that. I still want to work here.

Karan- just have a close look at self and analyse will your little friend out there even allow you for the next time?

Avni looked at him sadly and just nodded understanding his words.

Karan-(brotherly hug) first calm down and get yourself healed, other things can wait.

She just rested her head on his shoulder and slept thinking about many things.

Karan made her ly down and came out to look at Neil sitting there.

Patting his shoulder- she's asleep and much better than any other days.

Neil-( laughs) much better? She's again doing the same thing. She's avoiding herself for me .

All she could do was smile and try to look good but the guilt is weighing her down completely. Again she smiled for me but that smile has many broken pieces behind the smile.

Karan-( smiles gently ) i now can understand her and also be relieved that it's you for her. Else don't know when could that rock would have been a human once. Don't worry things will work out she's brave .

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