A End of an Era and A New Start

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Dayawanti Mehta was shocked to see Ananya Verma, Riya's friend as the bride instead of Riya.     Riya who was to be married to Neil Khanna was not the bride.    Everyone was shocked.   Dayawanti went to slap Ananya, when Ananya, herself, grabbed Dayawanti's hand before it landed on her cheek. 

"I am not that weak eleven year old that you had tortured." said Ananya,  throwing Dayawanti's arm away.

"What?" asked a confused Dayawanti.

Neil had a thoughtful look in his eyes,  signaled to DD.   DD quitely left the hall, only to return a few minutes later.

 "Well, Dayawanti Mehta, this Mehta family has come to its knees.   And I am the one that has brought this disgusting family to it.  You married your son, Ashish, to Neela Pariek, just so you could steal her fortune, the same you would have stolen the Khanna fortune, if Riya had married Neil.  Luckily for the Khanna family, you have failed both times.   Let's see we have:  Amol and Riya Mehta, think of only materialistic things.   Expect the family name to open doors for them, whether a get out of jail free card or thinking that they can do anything just cause they are Dayawanti Mehta's granddaughter.   Disksha Mehta, divorced, and a murderer. "

"I didn't murder anyone"  stated Disksha

"So Hemant Pariek wasn't murdered by you." replied Ananya

"No, why would I murder him.  He was my Bhabi's father. "  stated Disksha

"But, Neela, has stated that he was murdered by you.  In actual, you put poison in his tea."   said Ananya

"No, no, no.  I didn't put poison in his tea, it was water that I put poison in." said Disksha

"Well, there you have it.  Did you think that you got away with murder, that we didn't know "  said Ananya

DD went and stood by Disksha before she could even think of the leaving the venue.   DD had posted his men at all the exits, he had thought to use this precaution for Ananya Verma, but it seemed that he would be using them for the Mehta family.

"Next we have the Mehta boys, both cowards and spineless.  Ketan Mehta, can not do anything without his mother's guidance or approval.   Ketan covered up his mother's crime.  And Ashish Mehta, can fall in love but doesn't have the guts to marry his love.    His mother murders his love, yet his daughter is the one that suffers.   He sent her to jail.   Both sons are incapable."

"Listen, Ms.  Ananya, my daughter did kill her mother in a fit of jealous."  said Ashish Mehta

"Ali, can you get the box."  Ali left to go grab a box in which Ananya had collected evidences against the Mehta Family.

"Listen, Mr. Ashish, you know nothing.  It is better for you to stay in your bubble.  Ali, thank you.  Can you put this pen drive into that TV screen.    Everything will be out in the open."

For the next ten minutes, everyone was quiet.  The TV screen had shown everything.   The murder of Ayesha Haider, the bribe given to the police officer and Ketan covering for his mother.

"Ma,"  Ashish Mehta was shocked that his mother could do this.   "My Superstar, my baby, she died alone in that jail.  I was the one who put her there, and she was innocent."  cried Ashish Mehta.

Neil quietly watched the proceedings along with his family.

"Now, Dayawanti Mehta, do you want to know who am I" asked Ananya

"Yes!  I want to know!  Why are you doing this?  What have I ever done to you?"  asked Dayawanti

"Actually, Dayawanti Mehta, you have done everything to me.  You destroyed my whole world.  You want to know who I am.  Well, look:   I am Avni Ayesha.   Ashish Mehta's illegitimate daughter.  Ayesha Haider's daughter.   Your illegitimate granddaughter.  The same granddaughter that you had shot in the chest, twelve years ago."

"I did not!!" yelled Dayawanti

"Superstar!"  said Ashish Mehta

"You can't be her.  She is dead. "

"Yes, you did.  I survived but I have the scars that you have given me.  You shot me in the chest, yet I have survived.  You killed my mother, kidnapped my brother and tortured me.  Yet I have survived.  That is what you have done to me.   You sent an eleven year old to jail to cover up your crimes, you turned your whole family into criminals, and you called me a sin.  Before pointing fingers at me, take a good look at yourself.  You are the picture of sin!" yelled Avni.

"DD, take the Dayawanti, Disksha and Ketan Mehta to the station.  Read them their rights.  Take the box of evidence that Ananya/Avni has collected." said Neil.

Avni turned towards the Khanna family.  "Uncle, Auntie,  I am sorry.  My intentions were not to cause you any pain or hurt you nor Neil.   But to stop Dayawanti Mehta, and to expose her, I had to take this step.   I did not want another Neela nor Ananya to be born.  I just wanted my brother back, my innocent little brother.   But I was too late.   Dayawanti has turned Aman into Amol Mehta.

Avni glanced at Neil, who was quietly talking to DD who had returned back into the hall, moments ago.  Neil looked very angry.

"Superstar" called out Ashish Mehta

"Listen, Mr. Mehta.  Please do not call me.   I have no father.  I have two mothers.  Ayesha and Neela.  We are finally happy.  You are not needed in our life.  Please take care of your family." said Avni.

"Ma, let's go.  My flight will leave in the morning."  said Avni.

"Flight?" questioned Neela.

"Oh, no you don't" stated Neil

"Neil?" questioned Avni

"You are not leaving."

"I don't think you understand." stated Avni

"Oh, I understand alright.  You are not leaving.  You married me.  So suck it up" stated Neil

"But, Neil, it's a fake marriage." said Avni

"Actually, you don't understand.  You are Avni Neil Khanna."

"Neil, It's a fake.."

"Actually, Avni, what Neil is saying is true.  It is a true wedding.  All the pheras and vows were true"  said Neela

"How Ma?" asked Avni

"I rather have you married than in jail.  I had to protect you.  I will do anything to protect you."  stated Neela.

"Ma, you know I don't believe in any of that. "  cried Avni

"That doesn't matter.  What matter is that you are my wife now.  End of story.  Time to go home"  said Neil

"No!" yelled Avni

"Neil, if she doesn't want to go with you, she won't.  She will stay here with me" said Ashish.

"I rather be dead than stay with you.  I told you stay away from me." stated Avni.

"Mr. Mehta, Avni is now my daughter.  She may be Neil's wife, but she will be the Khanna daughter.   I will love her as my daughter not a daughter in law.  She will stay with us.  We will protect her."  stated Prakash Khanna.

"She does not want to go with you" stated Ashish.

"I am going with them.  I rather be treating badly by them than stay with you." stated Avni.

"Listen, you Mehtas, we are taking our daughter home with us.  And Ms. Neela ji,  you and Avni's grandmother come over tomorrow to take Avni for Pag Phera.  Tradition states that Avni's brother pick her up, but as she has broken.." stated Shweta.

Everyone looked at Shweta in shocked.

"I will be Avni's brother now.  She is my best friend." stated Ali.

"Ok, its settled.  Ali, you picked Avni for Pag Pheras tomorrow morning and Neil will pick Avni up in the evening.   Avni, you are now part of the Khanna family.  And in our family, we don't give up on each other.  We are one big family.  Welcome to the family"  stated Shweta.

Neil walked to Avni and whispered in her ear  "Now you are mine.  Legally.  Don't try to run.    You are my Wifey!  I will protect you!" 


"Avni, just accept it.  You are married.  The family that you have  been wishing for is right in front you.  And we will never let anyone hurt you"  stated Neil as he grabbed Avni hand to take her to his parents to get their blessings.


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