Avneil Wedding: Nok Jhok Part 2

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Avni and Neil had arrived at the Khanna house,  throughout the car ride, Avni was giving Neil dirty looks, which he was laughing off.  

"You think this is funny!  You are gonna regret messing with me and my family.   How could Neela Ma agree to this.   She is thinking that you are some kind of sweet, innocence person!   You are not!  You are the Devil!  How could you deceive her!"

"Enough!  I didn't deceive anyone.   Neela Ma knows that we love each other. "  Neil said

"I don't love you!" yelled Avni

"So you don't cry looking at my picture.   You can lie to the world, to yourself, but you can't lie to me.  I am your other half.  We belong together.  You get convince yourself that you don't,  but the truth is that we love each other, we belong together, now and forever."  said Neil

Avni gave him a dirty look. "Stupid man, stupid police officer. "

"Hey!"  yelled Neil

They had arrived at the Khanna House, along with everyone else.   Prakash asked Neela and Aman to come as they were family but Neela declined stating that it's Avni's first night there, and she needed to get ready for Avni's pag phera.   Everyone was already inside waiting for the bridal couple to cross the threshold.   

Shweta welcomed Avni as per customs, and brought her inside the house.  Bebe noticed that Avni was not looking at Neil, so she decided that any other functions, could be done later.    Everyone was tired, so dinner was planned.  Before dinner could be served, Shweta decided to have a heart to heart with Avni. 

"Avni Beta,"  said Shweta

"Yes, Auntie" said Avni

"Beta, please forgive me.  I treated you horribly.  I have no excuse.  I wanted to tell you earlier, but the situation wasn't ideal.   I was a horrible mother to you.  Even before you got married to Tillu the first time.   I am ashamed at how I had treated you.    Humiliated you, tried to hurt you, but you never treated me any less.  I was afraid of losing my family.  I forgot that I wouldn't be losing my family but gaining a daughter, my daughter."

"Auntie, it's forgotten.  You should forget it also."  said Avni

"It hasn't been forgotten.  You still call me Auntie"  said Shweta

"I can't call you Auntie?  I am sorry.  I won't call you Auntie?   Mrs.  Khanna." stammered Avni

"Oye, my tubelight wifey,  Ma wants to call her Ma" interrupted Neil.

"Stop calling me wifey.   I am sorry.   I didn't mean to hurt you" said Avni

"Beta, I would love for you to call me Ma but I won't force you.  I will wait.  I know that the day you call me Ma is the day you have forgiven me."  said Shweta tearfully.

"Ma, there is nothing to forgive.  The situation was not the best, we didn't know each other.  It's okay."  stated Avni

"Well said, my sherni"  said Neil.

Avni looked at Neil, then decided to ignore him.

"Papaji, how have you been?  I missed you and your talks."  stated Avni

"And I missed my daughter.  This house had become silent.  Even your mother was silent, and you know that is impossible" joked Prakash bring a smile to Avni's face.

"Khanna saab!"  yelled Shweta  

"Was he wrong" stated Bebe laughing with everyone else.

"Let's have dinner."  stated Shweta 

It was late and dinner was done, everyone was getting ready for bed.  Avni was trying to figure out how to escape while making hot milk for Bebe, when Neil walked into the kitchen and said, "Delay tactics.  Very good.    But won't work.   We need to talk.  Clear out our misunderstanding, so we can begin our new life together."  stated Neil.

"I don't know what you are talking about.  I have no misunderstanding.  I have no need to talk.  There is no misunderstanding.    And no new life.    There is no need.    You have your life and I have mine."  said Avni as she grab the cup for Bebe and left the room.

"Wifey, you are stubborn, so am I.  Watch and see"  stated Neil as he watched her leave the room.

Neil pretended to sleep when Avni came into the room.  She noticed that Neil had fallen asleep, when she went to grab the extra pillow.  As she grabbed the pillow she felt herself being grabbed.  Next thing she knew was that her wrist was shackled to the bed with Neil's handcuffs.

"Neil, release me!   Bloody hell, let me go!   I am not kidding!  Neil let me go!"  yelled Avni

"Sssh.    You don't want everyone to come in here, do you?  What will they think?"  said Neil

"What they think is that their son"  starting to say when Neil put his hand over her mouth and her words were muffled.

Now I am gonna talk and you are gonna listen.  And we will stay like this until you listen to me" stated Neil as he was lying over Avni, with her mouth covered by his hand, though she was trying to kick where she could.  Finally, Neil had enough, and grabbed his tie and covered her mouth with it.  Neil moved away to his side of the bed, while Avni struggled, thrashing around the bed.

"Avni stop stuggling.  You are just making yourself tired.   I don't want to do this, but we need to talk.  It's way overdue.    I am sorry.  So sorry for bringing Juhi into our lives.   I felt guilty.   I couldn't protect her, yet I couldn't protect you from her manipulations.    I love you not her,  I have always loved you.    I was trying to balance my past with my present and future.   I lost you because I was trying to be perfect son, husband, friend and father.  I couldn't.  I am a son, husband and a friend.    But I am not perfect.  I make mistakes.  Some bigger than others.  I made a mistake of believing my friend.   I brought Juhi into our lives.  I am sorry.  I didn't realize that I would bring your past, your scars infront of you.   I wanted to protect you from all of that, instead I brought it back into your life in the form of Juhi and Mishty.  Please forgive me. "  asked a crying Neil as he undid the tie around her mouth and released the handcuffs.

 As soon as the handcuffs were released, Avni sat up and rubbed her wrist.  

"Stupid!  Idiot!  Who gave you a job as an ACP!  Dumb dumb!  I can't believe I love you!  You check and double check my background.  Yet Juhi told you once and you believed her.  She said I was threatening her life and you believed her.  Yet if I said that you would want proof!   I don't forgive you!  I am not going to forgive you! Dumbass!  You stay on your side, and I don't want to hear a peep from you."  Avni cried, as she grabbed the blanket and turned around with her backing facing him.

"Avni" said

"I said not a peep.  I am not leaving.  Everyone is happy with this farce.   I don't hurt my family members.  Now let me sleep!"  

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