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Avni Ayesha, 22 year old living with her stepmother, Neela and brother Amol.  She runs an orphanage in her birth mothers' name, Ayesha's Joy.   She doesn't believe in love, has trust issues and doesn't believe in happy endings.     Her mother, Ayesha, commited suicide when Avni was 8 years old.  Her father had left Ayesha when Avni was born,  since she was illegitimate, her father was not part of her life, until her mother had passed away.    When her father left Ayesha, he had married Neela and had Amol.    After Ayesha had passed away, Avni was sent to her father to live, where he treated her as a second class citizen.    Finally, Neela had enough and divorced Ashish, and took both the children with her.    Though Avni hates her fathers family, she is close to her Aunt Hetal and cousin, Riya.  

Neil Khanna, a former police officer (ACP) who had joined his father's business.    Left the force after his adopted sister, Kareena, was raped by a police officer.   He got justice for his sister, but was disillisioned by the whole system.  His cousin, Karan, had joined him in the business.  

Harleen Khanna had seen Avni at her grandmother's home when she was visiting.   Avni was polite, yet firm with the family.  She had noticed that most of the family ignored her except Hetal (her aunt) and Riya.  Harleen had asked around about Avni, and she found out everything.  From Avni being illegitimate,  her mother's suicide, her father's betrayal and abandonment, being adopted by Neela, her treatment by the family.  She also, found out that she ran an orphanage though she helped out in Neela's business, she spent most of her time at the orphanage.  Harleen didn't care that Avni is illegitimate, what she cared about was what kind of person Avni was and what she seen and heard of Avni, she liked.    She had even spoken to Shweta and Prakash about Avni.   They decided to let Neil decide whether they should even proceed in the matter.  Once Neil was agreeable, Harleen decided to approach Neela in regards to the marriage of Neil and Avni.

Harleen along with Shweta and Prakash arrived at Neela Pariek's house.  Neela was expecting them though she didn't know the nature of the visit.   Once they sat down, Harleen explained everything, that she had seen Avni, at a visit with Hetal, that she had asked around about her, and that she wanted Avni to be her granddaughter in law, married to her grandson, Neil.

Neela was shocked but happy.  Then she realized that Avni would never agree to marriage, she hasn't experience the happy side of marriage, she has only distrust and hatred for the instution of marriage.  She started to explain to Harleen, that she is not oppose for marriage for her daughter, that she would be the happiest person alive, if her daughter was settled and happy but that is impossible.   Her ex-husband and his family has traumatized Avni into never getting married.  She would never agree to it.   Harleen explained that Neil will convince Avni, but she is sure that Avni will be her daughter in law, and she will get all the happiness that she deserves, our house will become a home.   Harleen explained to Neela that her family is broken, that the happiness has escaped her house for a couple of years.    They need someone who is strong and caring for their Neil, and Avni fits the bill.  She is perfect for him.  Now all we need to do is have them meet and start the ball rolling.

It was decided that they would meet at the Pakiek House the following day,  Neela would talk to Avni and explain the situation before Neil would arrive.  

Later that night, Neela was talking to Avni, asking her about her day.  Neela asked Avni for a promise, that she wanted to see Avni married, happily.   Avni was disagreeing for marriage but when Neela begged Avni, she tentatively agreed.  Neela telephoned Harleen, she told Harleen that Avni has tentatively agreed, but now it is up to Neil to make her agree.

The next day, Neil, his parents and Bebe (Harleen) had arrived at the Pariek House, Neela was expecting the Khanna family.  She had explained to Amol regarding Avni and the proposal.  Amol knew that Avni was very reluctant for marriage, and it all had to do with their father and his family.  Though his father and his family lived only minutes away, the vast difference was great.   Only his chachi, Hetal and cousin, Riya, kept in touch and was considered as family.  His grandmother treated Amol like a prince, but treated Avni and Riya as second classed citizens, actually, she treated Riya as a second class citizen while she treated Avni like she was an animal just because they were girls and Avni was also illegitimate and their family followed whatever their mother did.

After tea and samosas were served, the topic was brought up in regarding Neil and Avni's marriage.  After everything was discussed, Avni and Neil went into another room, to discuss everything.

"Neil, I am sorry, but can you please say 'NO' to this marriage." asked Avni.

"What?  What do you mean?"  asked Neil.

"I am sorry but I can't say No but you can" said Avni.

"Why can't you say no?  Do you have someone else in mind?  Are you involved with someone else?"

"I can't because I promised Neela Ma.  I don't have anyone in mind nor am I involved with someone!" stated Avni

"Then why?" asked Neil.

"I don't ever want to get married, but Neela Ma wants me to get married, have my happily ever after, and then after a few years, a couple of munchkins.  Though I did tell Ma, that I don't need to get married to have a couple of munchkins, because I was planning to adopt a child from the orphanage."

Neil and Avni went back to the living room where everyone else was still having tea and talking.

Bebe looked towards, Neil and Avni, and asked, "So what is the verdict?"

"It is yes from me, Bebe" said Neil, making Avni look at him in shock.   She was  sure that Neil was gonna reject her.  Why did he say yes.  "Avni?" asked Bebe

Avni looked at Neela, and then Neela said, "We agree"

"Wait!" said Avni

"Before we go ahead, I want to say something.  I want to talk about my past."

"There is no need." said Bebe

"There is every need" said Avni

"Fine!" said Neil

"My name is Avni Ayesha.  I am Ayesha Haider and Ashish Mehta's daughter.  I am illegimate,  my parents were not married.  My father promised many things, but never followed through.   He promised that he would marry her but never did.   She was disowned by her parents.   The society never accepted her since she had a child that she did not abort nor did she give it up for adoption.   But after many years, she had enough of the taunts, she also had found out that my father had married soon after leaving her.  My mother committed suicide.  I found her.  My mother's family had taken my mothers body for its last rites, but they did not want me.   Child services had taken me to my fathers home where Neela Ma was.  Neela Ma was my father's wife and Amol was their child.   Neela Ma accepted me, and tried to get the family to accept me.  She was unsuccessful but I found a family:  Neela Ma, Aman, Hetal Chachi and Riya.   The rest of the family doesn't belong to me nor do I want them.   Neela Ma left Ashish Mehta, with Amol and Me.  She didn't have to take me, but she did.   She is my father, mother and mentor all in one.   I would sacrifice my life for Neela Ma.   As I got older, I decided that I wanted to help people like Neela Ma helped me.  So we have an orphanage which also connected to a NGO.  We try to help everyone and anyone.     All I need is them and my children at the orphanage.  I never thought I could get married.   The choice is yours, I would never go against Neela Ma, cause I know that whatever she would decide for me, it would be the best decision."

"Well, Avni, we knew your background.   We believe in a persons' actions, not who their parents are or whether their parents were married or not.    I was a police officer, and I saw many things that decent people had done that would shame this so called society.   Since you have told the truth, I will say something."  said Neil.

"Neil" said Shweta.

"It's ok, Ma"

Shweta look worried.

"I was an ACP, a couple of years ago.   I was very happy.  I had my grandmother, my parents, my cousin/best friend was Karan, who lived with us, after his parents had moved to the USA, and lastly my baby sister, who my parents had adopted when she was three years old.  My sister was the sweetest person alive, she was the apple of everyone's eyes.   Everything was perfect,  but somewhere along the lines,  things were destroyed.   One of my colleague had set his eyes on my sister.  My sister had no idea.   My sweet little sister was raped by my colleague and left for dead.   My sister was saved, but destroyed.  I got justice for my sister, but I left the force and joined my father's company where my cousin, Karan, was already working.   So I was saying that we all have a cross to bear.   I like you.  You are the kind of person, I can see myself living with.    Now the choice is yours, not my family nor your family but yours and only you will make the decision.  Do you want to marry me?  Do  you want Neil Khanna as your husband?   

Avni closed her eyes with her hand on her chest and whispered "Yes"

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