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Mitali had investigated everything that had happened to Avni 5 years earlier.    Avni had supposedly died in a fire caused by Vidyut R. Pandit.    She had found out everything from Vidyut's stalking to Neela Ma's murder.    What was shocking to her was that Vidyut had framed Prakash Uncle for Neela Ma's murder.    Vidyut had blackmailed Avni to coming to him.  

She was amazed that one person was able to do all this without being caught.     Avni had faked her death in order to save her family, her father, her love.  She realized that Avni was truly a strong person, who had sacrificed herself in order to keep her family safe.  

So Mitali thought to bring back Avni to her family by bringing out the truth.   She realized that Avni would never willing go back, Avni was terrified of only two people:  Dayawanti Mehta and Vidyut R. Pandit.

Vidyut R. Pandit was in jail, suffering from complications of his diabetes, which he truly deserved.   When he was sent to jail, many people came forward with his crimes.  He was in jail for the rest of his life.    She went and visited him in jail, and asked him about Avni and how, why she had died.  He told her everything.   He did everything for her love, and all she did was reject it.   She loved Neil.  She died loving Neil.  She would go thru hell to protect him and his family.  He asked Mitali, "Why couldn't she love me"  

As she was leaving the jail, he mentioned that the doctors had given him a couple of months to live, "Do you think Avni will be waiting for me?" 

"No, Vidyut.  She would never wait for you.  She has always loved Neil, and she always will.  Love isn't something you take.    Love is sacifice.  Love is friendship.  Trust.  Safety.  Protection.  You never did that.  You took.  YOU took her family away from her.  Her Love.  Her Life.  Her mother.  You don't deserve her love, her forgiveness nor her compassion.   She gave your daughter a family, and you took that away.  You couldn't be a good son, husband/boyfriend nor a father.  You killed Juhi and blamed it on Avni, thinking she will turn to you.  Then blamed your own mother.   You killed her mother, then blackmailed her with her father.  You disgust me.  You tell me you have a couple of months to live.  So?  How many lives did you take.  How many families did you destroy?"

Vidyut looked down ashamed.  

"Avni will always wait for Neil, her family and her friends.  YOU will never belong in those categories."  said Mitali as she walked out.

Mitali figured that the only way she could get Avni to go back to Neil was to bring Dayawanti Mehta back to life.    

She decided to tell Neil everything.  She called Neil over, she explained that she had met Avni, and she was now Neilajana.   She was Jaan Didi.   Neil was angry.  He was furious that Avni would do something like this.   Mitali explained Avni's helplessness.   She asked him to be patient.   She was trying to get Avni to reveal herself.  She was gonna bring Dayawanti Mehta back to life.

Neil was shocked but agreed to the Plan. 

She needed to scare Avni into revealing the truth.   They decided get help from DD.  

DD was shocked at first, but decided to help Mitali and Neil.   Once the plan was in place, things started to come along.   Mitali wasn't expecting for Sayesha to run away, but that also help in her plans.

Avni was meeting Mitali, but what she didn't know was that Neil and his mother were there too.  They had heard her and saw her.  Avni had told Mitali that she was going after Sayesha.  She also thanked Mitali for keeping Neil and their family safe.    Avni had left, with DD following her as per Mitali's orders.  

After Avni had left, Mitali stated to an angry Shweta that Avni has her reasons of leaving, we need her to confess everything.  I know that Vidyut had blackmailed her, but she was scared and had lost her mother.   She is still scared of Vidyut and Dayawanti.

A couple of days later, Avni and Sayesha had returned to Sakoon House.    Everything was coming back to normal.  Avni didn't know that she was being followed by DD as per Neil and Mitali's instructions. 

Avni and Mitali decided to meet at Mitali's hotel room, where Neil and Shweta would be hiding listening to their talks.

"Avni, I think you should talk to Neil.  He would be angry but he needs you!" stated Mitali.

"No, Mitali.  I am his bad omen.  Ever since I came into his life, he has not gotten any peace.  I have to protect him and our family.   I finally got my perfect family and Dayawanti and Vidyut destroyed it.  They will never let me live in peace.   All I wanted since I was a child was a family to call my own.  I had it.  For a couple of years I had everything I ever wanted since I was a child.    Those times that I spent with Neil and our family were the best ones in my life along with Neela Ma.   Did you know that Vidyut murdered my mother but he had drugged Papa into shooting her.   Vidyut was gonna send Papa to jail if I didn't go to him.    I would kill myself rather than break my family apart.   Do you know that Papa is the first man I trusted,  I trusted him before I trusted Neil.  He treated me as his daughter, not a daughter in law nor a stain on society.   Do you know how hard it is to grow up in a society where you are not considered as a human being because you are illegitimate.   My own grandmother has tried many times to kill me.   My own father disowned me, my brother tried to sell me.    I know the value of family, and I refuse to destroy it.   If Vidyut finds out I am alive, Papa will be sent to jail, and I refuse to let that happen.  I would rather have my family believe I am dead."

"But your not dead are you Avni?" asked Neil as he came out of the washroom along with Shweta.

"No, no, no" chanted Avni

"You can't be here.  Oh no,  he's gonna find out!  What am I gonna do?  Mowgli, Sayesha, the kids nobody is gonna be safe" cried Avni

"Avni!" yelled Neil, as he grabbed her and shook her.  "Look at me!  Why didn't you trust me!"  

"I do trust you!  But you would have sent Papa to jail, I rather have you hate me than have Papa in jail." yelled Avni

"Avni beta, why?  Why did you sacrifice yourself for our family?"  cried Shweta

"Mummyji, do you know how many nights my Ayesha ma cried waiting for my father.  How many nights Neela Ma cried for the same man.    He wasn't worth those tears.  Do you think I will let my Shweta Ma feel the same pain, waiting for my Papa, when he is not able to come home at night."

"But you made your Neil feel the same pain that both Ayesha Ma and Neela Ma did" retorted Neil

"I thought Mummyji would have gotten your married again.  And then your life would have been filled with happiness and peace." whispered Avni.

"Everything is going wrong."  said Avni

"Avni, just tell us everything.   We will find a solution.  We will fix it"  said Mitali.

"Fine!  I will tell you everything.   You know basically everything is regards to Vidyut.   You know, I curse the day Dayawanti Mehta brought them into our lives."

"Avni, stop stalling" yelled Neil

"Fine!  Sayesha is Mishty!  Mowgli is our son!  Sayesha doesn't remember anything from from her time with Vidyut!  She is a normal 10 year old.   She gets angry, frustrated but otherwise she is a sweet girl.  Mowgli is almost 5 years old.  He doesn't know that I am his mother.  I didn't want him in danger.  He is safer if he doesn't know who his mother is."

"What about me, Avni" yelled Neil as he punch the wall.

"Who gave you the right on how we live?" cried Neil

"Nobody" whispered Avni as she slid down on the floor.

"What in the world?"  whispered Shweta as she noticed that Avni had fainted.

"Mitali, get some water!"  yelled Neil as he picked Avni off the floor and put her on the bed.

Shweta sprinkled water on her face, letting Avni wake up from her unconcious state.  

"What" stammered Avni

"Mummy ji, Neil..oh no!" and ran out the door before anyone could stop her.

Neil grabbed his phone "DD, follow Avni.  Do not let her out of your sight.  I will be at Sakoon house shortly!"

"Mitali, find out everything you can about Vidyut.  Try to get Ballu's statement.   See if you can find out exactly what had happened.  Ballu would know.   We need to get this fear out of Avni otherwise she will not stop running away.   She has been doing this since she was a child.   Ma, come on, it is time to meet your grandson and my son!  And reunite with Mishty."

"Tillu, I don't know whether I should be mad at Avni for putting you thru this or proud of her for keeping our family safe."

"Ma, let's figure that out later.  First we need to catch up to Avni.   She's scared and ready to run.  I'm not gonna let her do that!   I know that DD is following her, but she's smart.  Let's go" said Neil as he walked out the door with Shweta.

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